package io.ebeaninternal.server.changelog;

import io.ebean.annotation.ChangeLog;
import io.ebean.annotation.ChangeLogInsertMode;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPersistRequest;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogFilter;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogRegister;
import io.ebean.util.AnnotationUtil;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

Default implementation of ChangeLogRegister.
/** * Default implementation of ChangeLogRegister. */
public class DefaultChangeLogRegister implements ChangeLogRegister { private static final BasicFilter INCLUDE_INSERTS = new BasicFilter(true); private static final BasicFilter EXCLUDE_INSERTS = new BasicFilter(false); private final boolean defaultInsertsInclude;
Create with the default insertsIncluded from DatabaseConfig.
/** * Create with the default insertsIncluded from DatabaseConfig. */
public DefaultChangeLogRegister(boolean defaultInsertsInclude) { this.defaultInsertsInclude = defaultInsertsInclude; } @Override public ChangeLogFilter getChangeFilter(Class<?> beanType) { ChangeLog changeLog = getChangeLog(beanType); if (changeLog == null) { return null; } String[] updatesThatInclude = changeLog.updatesThatInclude(); if (updatesThatInclude.length == 0) { return insertModeInclude(changeLog.inserts()) ? INCLUDE_INSERTS : EXCLUDE_INSERTS; } Set<String> updateProps = new HashSet<>(); Collections.addAll(updateProps, updatesThatInclude); return new UpdateFilter(insertModeInclude(changeLog.inserts()), updateProps); }
Find and return the ChangeLog annotation in the inheritance hierarchy.
/** * Find and return the ChangeLog annotation in the inheritance hierarchy. */
private ChangeLog getChangeLog(Class<?> beanType) { return AnnotationUtil.typeGet(beanType, ChangeLog.class); }
Return true if inserts should be included in the change log.
/** * Return true if inserts should be included in the change log. */
private boolean insertModeInclude(ChangeLogInsertMode inserts) { if (inserts == ChangeLogInsertMode.DEFAULT) { return defaultInsertsInclude; } return ChangeLogInsertMode.INCLUDE == inserts; }
Basic filter that only handles include inserts flag.
/** * Basic filter that only handles include inserts flag. */
protected static class BasicFilter implements ChangeLogFilter { final boolean includeInserts; BasicFilter(boolean includeInserts) { this.includeInserts = includeInserts; } @Override public boolean includeInsert(BeanPersistRequest<?> insertRequest) { return includeInserts; } @Override public boolean includeUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> updateRequest) { return true; } @Override public boolean includeDelete(BeanPersistRequest<?> deleteRequest) { return true; } }
Filter that takes into account a set of properties to check for updates as well as the include inserts flag.
/** * Filter that takes into account a set of properties to check for updates * as well as the include inserts flag. */
protected static class UpdateFilter extends BasicFilter { final Set<String> updateProperties; UpdateFilter(boolean includeInserts, Set<String> updateProperties) { super(includeInserts); this.updateProperties = updateProperties; } @Override public boolean includeUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> updateRequest) { return updateRequest.hasDirtyProperty(updateProperties); } } }