package io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.service;

import io.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphOrigin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.model.Autotune;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.model.Origin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.model.ProfileDiff;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.model.ProfileNew;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryDetail;

Event where profiling information is collected and processed for differences relative to the current query tuning.
/** * Event where profiling information is collected and processed for differences * relative to the current query tuning. */
public class AutoTuneDiffCollection { final Autotune document = new Autotune(); final AutoTuneCollection profiling; final BaseQueryTuner queryTuner; final boolean updateTuning; int newCount; int diffCount;
Construct to collect/report the new/diff query tuning entries.
/** * Construct to collect/report the new/diff query tuning entries. */
public AutoTuneDiffCollection(AutoTuneCollection profiling, BaseQueryTuner queryTuner, boolean updateTuning) { this.profiling = profiling; this.queryTuner = queryTuner; this.updateTuning = updateTuning; }
Return true if there are no new or diff entries.
/** * Return true if there are no new or diff entries. */
public boolean isEmpty() { return newCount == 0 && diffCount == 0; }
Return the underlying Autotune document object.
/** * Return the underlying Autotune document object. */
public Autotune getDocument() { return document; }
Return the number of diff entries.
/** * Return the number of diff entries. */
public int getDiffCount() { return diffCount; }
Return the number of new entries.
/** * Return the number of new entries. */
public int getNewCount() { return newCount; }
Return the total new and diff entries.
/** * Return the total new and diff entries. */
public int getChangeCount() { return newCount + diffCount; }
Write the underlying document as an xml file.
/** * Write the underlying document as an xml file. */
public void writeFile(String filePrefix) { AutoTuneXmlWriter writer = new AutoTuneXmlWriter(); writer.write(document, filePrefix, true); }
Process checking profiling entries against existing query tuning.
/** * Process checking profiling entries against existing query tuning. */
public void process() { for (AutoTuneCollection.Entry entry : profiling.getEntries()) { addToDocument(entry); } }
Check if the entry is new or diff and add as necessary.
/** * Check if the entry is new or diff and add as necessary. */
private void addToDocument(AutoTuneCollection.Entry entry) { ObjectGraphOrigin point = entry.getOrigin(); OrmQueryDetail profileDetail = entry.getDetail(); // compare with the existing query tuning entry OrmQueryDetail tuneDetail = queryTuner.get(point.getKey()); if (tuneDetail == null) { addToDocumentNewEntry(entry, point); } else if (!tuneDetail.isAutoTuneEqual(profileDetail)) { addToDocumentDiffEntry(entry, point, tuneDetail); } }
Add as a diff entry.
/** * Add as a diff entry. */
private void addToDocumentDiffEntry(AutoTuneCollection.Entry entry, ObjectGraphOrigin point, OrmQueryDetail tuneDetail) { diffCount++; Origin origin = createOrigin(entry, point, tuneDetail.toString()); ProfileDiff diff = document.getProfileDiff(); if (diff == null) { diff = new ProfileDiff(); document.setProfileDiff(diff); } diff.getOrigin().add(origin); }
Add as a "new" entry.
/** * Add as a "new" entry. */
private void addToDocumentNewEntry(AutoTuneCollection.Entry entry, ObjectGraphOrigin point) { newCount++; ProfileNew profileNew = document.getProfileNew(); if (profileNew == null) { profileNew = new ProfileNew(); document.setProfileNew(profileNew); } Origin origin = createOrigin(entry, point, entry.getOriginalQuery()); profileNew.getOrigin().add(origin); }
Create the XML Origin bean for the given entry and ObjectGraphOrigin.
/** * Create the XML Origin bean for the given entry and ObjectGraphOrigin. */
private Origin createOrigin(AutoTuneCollection.Entry entry, ObjectGraphOrigin point, String query) { Origin origin = new Origin(); origin.setKey(point.getKey()); origin.setBeanType(point.getBeanType()); origin.setDetail(entry.getDetail().toString()); origin.setCallStack(point.getCallOrigin().getFullDescription()); origin.setOriginal(query); if (updateTuning) { queryTuner.put(origin); } return origin; } }