package io.ebean.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

Add an Literal to add to the where clause when a many property (List, Set or Map) is loaded or refreshed.

// on a OneToMany property...
@Where(clause= "deleted='y'") List topics; }

Note that you can include "${ta}" as a place holder for the table alias if you need to include the table alias in the clause.

// ... including the ${ta} table alias placeholder...
@Where(clause= "${ta}.deleted='y'") List topics; }

This will be added to the where clause when lazy loading the OneToMany property or when there is a join to that OneToMany property.

/** * Add an Literal to add to the where clause when a many property (List, Set or * Map) is loaded or refreshed. * <pre>{@code * * // on a OneToMany property... * * @OneToMany * @Where(clause = "deleted='y'") * List<Topic> topics; * * }</pre> * <p> * Note that you can include "${ta}" as a place holder for the table alias if * you need to include the table alias in the clause. * </p> * <pre>{@code * // ... including the ${ta} table alias placeholder... * * @OneToMany * @Where(clause = "${ta}.deleted='y'") * List<Topic> topics; * * }</pre> * <p> * This will be added to the where clause when lazy loading the OneToMany * property or when there is a join to that OneToMany property. * </p> */
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Repeatable(Where.List.class) public @interface Where {
The clause added to the lazy load query.

Note that you can include "${ta}" as a place holder for the table alias if you need to include the table alias in the clause.

/** * The clause added to the lazy load query. * <p> * Note that you can include "${ta}" as a place holder for the table alias if * you need to include the table alias in the clause. * </p> */
String clause();
The platform where this annotation is active. Default: any platform
/** * The platform where this annotation is active. Default: any platform */
Platform[] platforms() default {};
Repeatable support for Where.
/** * Repeatable support for {@link Where}. */
@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface List { Where[] value() default {}; } }