package io.dropwizard.jersey.validation;

import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine;
import io.dropwizard.util.Lists;
import io.dropwizard.util.Strings;
import io.dropwizard.validation.ValidationMethod;
import io.dropwizard.validation.selfvalidating.SelfValidating;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Parameter;

import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import javax.validation.ElementKind;
import javax.validation.Path;
import javax.validation.metadata.ConstraintDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

public class ConstraintMessage {

    private static final Cache<Pair<Path, ? extends ConstraintDescriptor<?>>, String> PREFIX_CACHE =

    private ConstraintMessage() {

Gets the human friendly location of where the violation was raised.
/** * Gets the human friendly location of where the violation was raised. */
public static String getMessage(ConstraintViolation<?> v, Invocable invocable) { final Pair<Path, ? extends ConstraintDescriptor<?>> of = Pair.of(v.getPropertyPath(), v.getConstraintDescriptor()); final String cachePrefix = PREFIX_CACHE.getIfPresent(of); if (cachePrefix == null) { final String prefix = calculatePrefix(v, invocable); PREFIX_CACHE.put(of, prefix); return prefix + v.getMessage(); } return cachePrefix + v.getMessage(); } private static String calculatePrefix(ConstraintViolation<?> v, Invocable invocable) { final Optional<String> returnValueName = getMethodReturnValueName(v); if (returnValueName.isPresent()) { final String name = isValidationMethod(v) ? StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(returnValueName.get(), ".") : returnValueName.get(); return name + " "; } // Take the message specified in a ValidationMethod or SelfValidation // annotation if it is what caused the violation. if (isValidationMethod(v) || isSelfValidating(v)) { return ""; } final Optional<String> entity = isRequestEntity(v, invocable); if (entity.isPresent()) { // A present entity means that the request body failed validation but // if the request entity is simple (eg. byte[], String, etc), the entity // string will be empty, so prepend a message about the request body final String prefix = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(entity.get()) ? "The request body" : entity.get(); return prefix + " " ; } // Check if the violation occurred on a *Param annotation and if so, // return a human friendly error (eg. "Query param xxx may not be null") final Optional<String> memberName = getMemberName(v, invocable); return -> s + " ").orElseGet(() -> v.getPropertyPath() + " "); }
Determines if constraint violation occurred in the request entity. If it did, return a client friendly string representation of where the error occurred (eg. "")
/** * Determines if constraint violation occurred in the request entity. If it did, return a client * friendly string representation of where the error occurred (eg. "") */
public static Optional<String> isRequestEntity(ConstraintViolation<?> violation, Invocable invocable) { final Collection<Path.Node> propertyPath = Lists.of(violation.getPropertyPath()); final Path.Node parent = .skip(1L) .findFirst() .orElse(null); if (parent == null) { return Optional.empty(); } final List<Parameter> parameters = invocable.getParameters(); if (parent.getKind() == ElementKind.PARAMETER) { final Parameter param = parameters.get(; if (param.getSource().equals(Parameter.Source.UNKNOWN)) { final String path = .skip(2L) .map(Path.Node::toString) .collect(Collectors.joining(".")); return Optional.of(path); } } return Optional.empty(); }
Gets a method parameter (or a parameter field) name, if the violation raised in it.
/** * Gets a method parameter (or a parameter field) name, if the violation raised in it. */
private static Optional<String> getMemberName(ConstraintViolation<?> violation, Invocable invocable) { final List<Path.Node> propertyPath = Lists.of(violation.getPropertyPath()); final int size = propertyPath.size(); if (size < 2) { return Optional.empty(); } final Path.Node parent = propertyPath.get(size - 2); final Path.Node member = propertyPath.get(size - 1); switch (parent.getKind()) { case PARAMETER: // Constraint violation most likely failed with a BeanParam final List<Parameter> parameters = invocable.getParameters(); final Parameter param = parameters.get(; // Extract the failing *Param annotation inside the Bean Param if (param.getSource().equals(Parameter.Source.BEAN_PARAM)) { final Field field = FieldUtils.getField(param.getRawType(), member.getName(), true); return JerseyParameterNameProvider.getParameterNameFromAnnotations(field.getDeclaredAnnotations()); } break; case METHOD: return Optional.of(member.getName()); default: break; } return Optional.empty(); }
Gets the method return value name, if the violation is raised in it
/** * Gets the method return value name, if the violation is raised in it */
private static Optional<String> getMethodReturnValueName(ConstraintViolation<?> violation) { int returnValueNames = -1; final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("server response"); for (Path.Node node : violation.getPropertyPath()) { if (node.getKind().equals(ElementKind.RETURN_VALUE)) { returnValueNames = 0; } else if (returnValueNames >= 0) { result.append(returnValueNames++ == 0 ? " " : ".").append(node); } } return returnValueNames >= 0 ? Optional.of(result.toString()) : Optional.empty(); } private static boolean isValidationMethod(ConstraintViolation<?> v) { return v.getConstraintDescriptor().getAnnotation() instanceof ValidationMethod; } private static boolean isSelfValidating(ConstraintViolation<?> v) { return v.getConstraintDescriptor().getAnnotation() instanceof SelfValidating; }
Given a set of constraint violations and a Jersey Invocable where the constraint occurred, determine the HTTP Status code for the response. A return value violation is an internal server error, an invalid request body is unprocessable entity, and any params that are invalid means a bad request
/** * Given a set of constraint violations and a Jersey {@link Invocable} where the constraint * occurred, determine the HTTP Status code for the response. A return value violation is an * internal server error, an invalid request body is unprocessable entity, and any params that * are invalid means a bad request */
public static <T extends ConstraintViolation<?>> int determineStatus(Set<T> violations, Invocable invocable) { if (violations.size() > 0) { final ConstraintViolation<?> violation = violations.iterator().next(); for (Path.Node node : violation.getPropertyPath()) { switch (node.getKind()) { case RETURN_VALUE: return 500; case PARAMETER: // Now determine if the parameter is the request entity final int index =; final Parameter parameter = invocable.getParameters().get(index); return parameter.getSource().equals(Parameter.Source.UNKNOWN) ? 422 : 400; default: continue; } } } // This shouldn't hit, but if it does, we'll return a unprocessable entity return 422; } }