package io.dropwizard.setup;

import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.jmx.JmxReporter;
import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.BufferPoolMetricSet;
import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.ClassLoadingGaugeSet;
import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.FileDescriptorRatioGauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.GarbageCollectorMetricSet;
import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.JvmAttributeGaugeSet;
import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.MemoryUsageGaugeSet;
import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.ThreadStatesGaugeSet;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import io.dropwizard.Application;
import io.dropwizard.Configuration;
import io.dropwizard.ConfiguredBundle;
import io.dropwizard.cli.Command;
import io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand;
import io.dropwizard.configuration.ConfigurationFactoryFactory;
import io.dropwizard.configuration.ConfigurationSourceProvider;
import io.dropwizard.configuration.DefaultConfigurationFactoryFactory;
import io.dropwizard.configuration.FileConfigurationSourceProvider;
import io.dropwizard.jackson.Jackson;
import io.dropwizard.jersey.validation.Validators;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

The pre-start application environment, containing everything required to bootstrap a Dropwizard command.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the configuration type
/** * The pre-start application environment, containing everything required to bootstrap a Dropwizard * command. * * @param <T> the configuration type */
public class Bootstrap<T extends Configuration> { private final Application<T> application; private final List<ConfiguredBundle<? super T>> configuredBundles; private final List<Command> commands; private ObjectMapper objectMapper; private MetricRegistry metricRegistry; @Nullable private JmxReporter jmxReporter; private ConfigurationSourceProvider configurationSourceProvider; private ClassLoader classLoader; private ConfigurationFactoryFactory<T> configurationFactoryFactory; private ValidatorFactory validatorFactory; private boolean metricsAreRegistered; private HealthCheckRegistry healthCheckRegistry;
Creates a new Bootstrap for the given application.
/** * Creates a new {@link Bootstrap} for the given application. * * @param application a Dropwizard {@link Application} */
public Bootstrap(Application<T> application) { this.application = application; this.objectMapper = Jackson.newObjectMapper(); this.configuredBundles = new ArrayList<>(); this.commands = new ArrayList<>(); this.validatorFactory = Validators.newValidatorFactory(); this.metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry(); this.configurationSourceProvider = new FileConfigurationSourceProvider(); this.classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); this.configurationFactoryFactory = new DefaultConfigurationFactoryFactory<>(); this.healthCheckRegistry = new HealthCheckRegistry(); }
Registers the JVM metrics to the metric registry and start to report the registry metrics via JMX.
/** * Registers the JVM metrics to the metric registry and start to report * the registry metrics via JMX. */
public void registerMetrics() { if (metricsAreRegistered) { return; } getMetricRegistry().register("jvm.attribute", new JvmAttributeGaugeSet()); getMetricRegistry().register("jvm.buffers", new BufferPoolMetricSet(ManagementFactory .getPlatformMBeanServer())); getMetricRegistry().register("jvm.classloader", new ClassLoadingGaugeSet()); getMetricRegistry().register("jvm.filedescriptor", new FileDescriptorRatioGauge()); getMetricRegistry().register("jvm.gc", new GarbageCollectorMetricSet()); getMetricRegistry().register("jvm.memory", new MemoryUsageGaugeSet()); getMetricRegistry().register("jvm.threads", new ThreadStatesGaugeSet()); jmxReporter = JmxReporter.forRegistry(metricRegistry).build(); jmxReporter.start(); metricsAreRegistered = true; }
Returns the JmxReporter registered with the bootstrap's MetricRegistry.
/** * Returns the {@link JmxReporter} registered with the bootstrap's {@link MetricRegistry}. * * @since 2.1 */
@Nullable public JmxReporter getJmxReporter() { return jmxReporter; }
Returns the bootstrap's Application.
/** * Returns the bootstrap's {@link Application}. */
public Application<T> getApplication() { return application; }
Returns the bootstrap's ConfigurationSourceProvider.
/** * Returns the bootstrap's {@link ConfigurationSourceProvider}. */
public ConfigurationSourceProvider getConfigurationSourceProvider() { return configurationSourceProvider; }
Sets the bootstrap's ConfigurationSourceProvider.
/** * Sets the bootstrap's {@link ConfigurationSourceProvider}. */
public void setConfigurationSourceProvider(ConfigurationSourceProvider provider) { this.configurationSourceProvider = requireNonNull(provider); }
Returns the bootstrap's class loader.
/** * Returns the bootstrap's class loader. */
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classLoader; }
Sets the bootstrap's class loader.
/** * Sets the bootstrap's class loader. */
public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.classLoader = classLoader; }
Adds the given bundle to the bootstrap.
/** * Adds the given bundle to the bootstrap. * * @param bundle a {@link ConfiguredBundle} */
public void addBundle(ConfiguredBundle<? super T> bundle) { bundle.initialize(this); configuredBundles.add(bundle); }
Adds the given command to the bootstrap.
/** * Adds the given command to the bootstrap. * * @param command a {@link Command} */
public void addCommand(Command command) { commands.add(command); }
Adds the given command to the bootstrap.
/** * Adds the given command to the bootstrap. * * @param command a {@link ConfiguredCommand} */
public void addCommand(ConfiguredCommand<T> command) { commands.add(command); }
Returns the bootstrap's ObjectMapper.
/** * Returns the bootstrap's {@link ObjectMapper}. */
public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() { return objectMapper; }
Sets the given ObjectMapper to the bootstrap.

WARNING: The mapper should be created by Jackson.newMinimalObjectMapper() or Jackson.newObjectMapper(), otherwise it will not work with Dropwizard.

/** * Sets the given {@link ObjectMapper} to the bootstrap. * <p<b>WARNING:</b> The mapper should be created by {@link Jackson#newMinimalObjectMapper()} * or {@link Jackson#newObjectMapper()}, otherwise it will not work with Dropwizard.</p> * * @param objectMapper an {@link ObjectMapper} */
public void setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) { this.objectMapper = objectMapper; }
Runs the bootstrap's bundles with the given configuration and environment.
  • configuration – the parsed configuration
  • environment – the application environment
  • Exception – if a bundle throws an exception
/** * Runs the bootstrap's bundles with the given configuration and environment. * * @param configuration the parsed configuration * @param environment the application environment * @throws Exception if a bundle throws an exception */
public void run(T configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception { for (ConfiguredBundle<? super T> bundle : configuredBundles) {, environment); } }
Returns the application's commands.
/** * Returns the application's commands. */
public List<Command> getCommands() { return new ArrayList<>(commands); }
Returns the application metrics.
/** * Returns the application metrics. */
public MetricRegistry getMetricRegistry() { return metricRegistry; }
Sets a custom registry for the application metrics.
  • metricRegistry – a custom metric registry
/** * Sets a custom registry for the application metrics. * * @param metricRegistry a custom metric registry */
public void setMetricRegistry(MetricRegistry metricRegistry) { this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry; }
Returns the application's validator factory.
/** * Returns the application's validator factory. */
public ValidatorFactory getValidatorFactory() { return validatorFactory; } public void setValidatorFactory(ValidatorFactory validatorFactory) { this.validatorFactory = validatorFactory; } public ConfigurationFactoryFactory<T> getConfigurationFactoryFactory() { return configurationFactoryFactory; } public void setConfigurationFactoryFactory(ConfigurationFactoryFactory<T> configurationFactoryFactory) { this.configurationFactoryFactory = configurationFactoryFactory; }
returns the health check registry
/** * returns the health check registry */
public HealthCheckRegistry getHealthCheckRegistry() { return healthCheckRegistry; } public void setHealthCheckRegistry(HealthCheckRegistry healthCheckRegistry) { this.healthCheckRegistry = healthCheckRegistry; } }