package io.dropwizard.auth;

import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;

import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

import static;

An Authenticator decorator which uses a Guava cache to temporarily cache credentials and their corresponding principals.
Type parameters:
  • <C> – the type of credentials the authenticator can authenticate
  • <P> – the type of principals the authenticator returns
/** * An {@link Authenticator} decorator which uses a Guava cache to temporarily cache credentials and * their corresponding principals. * * @param <C> the type of credentials the authenticator can authenticate * @param <P> the type of principals the authenticator returns */
public class CachingAuthenticator<C, P extends Principal> implements Authenticator<C, P> { private final LoadingCache<C, Optional<P>> cache; private final Meter cacheMisses; private final Timer gets;
Creates a new cached authenticator.
  • metricRegistry – the application's registry of metrics
  • authenticator – the underlying authenticator
  • cacheSpec – a CacheBuilderSpec
/** * Creates a new cached authenticator. * * @param metricRegistry the application's registry of metrics * @param authenticator the underlying authenticator * @param cacheSpec a {@link CacheBuilderSpec} */
public CachingAuthenticator(final MetricRegistry metricRegistry, final Authenticator<C, P> authenticator, final CacheBuilderSpec cacheSpec) { this(metricRegistry, authenticator, CacheBuilder.from(cacheSpec)); }
Creates a new cached authenticator.
  • metricRegistry – the application's registry of metrics
  • authenticator – the underlying authenticator
  • builder – a CacheBuilder
/** * Creates a new cached authenticator. * * @param metricRegistry the application's registry of metrics * @param authenticator the underlying authenticator * @param builder a {@link CacheBuilder} */
public CachingAuthenticator(final MetricRegistry metricRegistry, final Authenticator<C, P> authenticator, final CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder) { this.cacheMisses = metricRegistry.meter(name(authenticator.getClass(), "cache-misses")); this.gets = metricRegistry.timer(name(authenticator.getClass(), "gets")); this.cache = builder.recordStats().build(new CacheLoader<C, Optional<P>>() { @Override public Optional<P> load(C key) throws Exception { cacheMisses.mark(); final Optional<P> optPrincipal = authenticator.authenticate(key); if (!optPrincipal.isPresent()) { // Prevent caching of unknown credentials throw new InvalidCredentialsException(); } return optPrincipal; } }); } @Override public Optional<P> authenticate(C credentials) throws AuthenticationException { final Timer.Context context = gets.time(); try { return cache.get(credentials); } catch (ExecutionException e) { final Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof InvalidCredentialsException) { return Optional.empty(); } // Attempt to re-throw as-is Throwables.propagateIfPossible(cause, AuthenticationException.class); throw new AuthenticationException(cause); } catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) { Throwables.throwIfUnchecked(e.getCause()); throw e; } finally { context.stop(); } }
Discards any cached principal for the given credentials.
  • credentials – a set of credentials
/** * Discards any cached principal for the given credentials. * * @param credentials a set of credentials */
public void invalidate(C credentials) { cache.invalidate(credentials); }
Discards any cached principal for the given collection of credentials.
  • credentials – a collection of credentials
/** * Discards any cached principal for the given collection of credentials. * * @param credentials a collection of credentials */
public void invalidateAll(Iterable<C> credentials) { cache.invalidateAll(credentials); }
Discards any cached principal for the collection of credentials satisfying the given predicate.
  • predicate – a predicate to filter credentials
/** * Discards any cached principal for the collection of credentials satisfying the given predicate. * * @param predicate a predicate to filter credentials */
public void invalidateAll(Predicate<? super C> predicate) { cache.invalidateAll(Sets.filter(cache.asMap().keySet(), predicate)); }
Discards all cached principals.
/** * Discards all cached principals. */
public void invalidateAll() { cache.invalidateAll(); }
Returns the number of cached principals.
Returns:the number of cached principals
/** * Returns the number of cached principals. * * @return the number of cached principals */
public long size() { return cache.size(); }
Returns a set of statistics about the cache contents and usage.
Returns:a set of statistics about the cache contents and usage
/** * Returns a set of statistics about the cache contents and usage. * * @return a set of statistics about the cache contents and usage */
public CacheStats stats() { return cache.stats(); }
Exception thrown by CacheLoader.load(Object) when the authenticator returns Optional.empty(). This is used to prevent caching of invalid credentials.
/** * Exception thrown by {@link CacheLoader#load(Object)} when the authenticator returns {@link Optional#empty()}. * This is used to prevent caching of invalid credentials. */
private static class InvalidCredentialsException extends Exception { } }