
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

A map of shared, named health registries.
/** * A map of shared, named health registries. */
public class SharedHealthCheckRegistries { private static final ConcurrentMap<String, HealthCheckRegistry> REGISTRIES = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static AtomicReference<String> defaultRegistryName = new AtomicReference<>(); /* Visible for testing */ static void setDefaultRegistryName(AtomicReference<String> defaultRegistryName) { SharedHealthCheckRegistries.defaultRegistryName = defaultRegistryName; } private SharedHealthCheckRegistries() { /* singleton */ } public static void clear() { REGISTRIES.clear(); } public static Set<String> names() { return REGISTRIES.keySet(); } public static void remove(String key) { REGISTRIES.remove(key); } public static HealthCheckRegistry add(String name, HealthCheckRegistry registry) { return REGISTRIES.putIfAbsent(name, registry); } public static HealthCheckRegistry getOrCreate(String name) { final HealthCheckRegistry existing = REGISTRIES.get(name); if (existing == null) { final HealthCheckRegistry created = new HealthCheckRegistry(); final HealthCheckRegistry raced = add(name, created); if (raced == null) { return created; } return raced; } return existing; }
Creates a new registry and sets it as the default one under the provided name.
  • name – the registry name
Returns:the default registry
/** * Creates a new registry and sets it as the default one under the provided name. * * @param name the registry name * @return the default registry * @throws IllegalStateException if the name has already been set */
public synchronized static HealthCheckRegistry setDefault(String name) { final HealthCheckRegistry registry = getOrCreate(name); return setDefault(name, registry); }
Sets the provided registry as the default one under the provided name
  • name – the default registry name
  • healthCheckRegistry – the default registry
/** * Sets the provided registry as the default one under the provided name * * @param name the default registry name * @param healthCheckRegistry the default registry * @throws IllegalStateException if the default registry has already been set */
public static HealthCheckRegistry setDefault(String name, HealthCheckRegistry healthCheckRegistry) { if (defaultRegistryName.compareAndSet(null, name)) { add(name, healthCheckRegistry); return healthCheckRegistry; } throw new IllegalStateException("Default health check registry is already set."); }
Gets the name of the default registry, if it has been set
Returns:the default registry
/** * Gets the name of the default registry, if it has been set * * @return the default registry * @throws IllegalStateException if the default has not been set */
public static HealthCheckRegistry getDefault() { final HealthCheckRegistry healthCheckRegistry = tryGetDefault(); if (healthCheckRegistry != null) { return healthCheckRegistry; } throw new IllegalStateException("Default registry name has not been set."); }
Same as getDefault() except returns null when the default registry has not been set.
Returns:the default registry or null
/** * Same as {@link #getDefault()} except returns null when the default registry has not been set. * * @return the default registry or null */
public static HealthCheckRegistry tryGetDefault() { final String name = defaultRegistryName.get(); if (name != null) { return getOrCreate(name); } return null; } }