
import com.codahale.metrics.Clock;

import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;

A health check decorator to manage asynchronous executions.
/** * A health check decorator to manage asynchronous executions. */
public class AsyncHealthCheckDecorator extends HealthCheck implements Runnable { private static final String NO_RESULT_YET_MESSAGE = "Waiting for first asynchronous check result."; private final HealthCheck healthCheck; private final ScheduledFuture<?> future; private final long healthyTtl; private final Clock clock; private volatile Result result; AsyncHealthCheckDecorator(HealthCheck healthCheck, ScheduledExecutorService executorService, Clock clock) { check(healthCheck != null, "healthCheck cannot be null"); check(executorService != null, "executorService cannot be null"); Async async = healthCheck.getClass().getAnnotation(Async.class); check(async != null, "healthCheck must contain Async annotation"); check(async.period() > 0, "period cannot be less than or equal to zero"); check(async.initialDelay() >= 0, "initialDelay cannot be less than zero"); this.clock = clock; this.healthCheck = healthCheck; this.healthyTtl = async.unit().toMillis(async.healthyTtl() <= 0 ? 2 * async.period() : async.healthyTtl()); result = Async.InitialState.HEALTHY.equals(async.initialState()) ? Result.healthy(NO_RESULT_YET_MESSAGE) : Result.unhealthy(NO_RESULT_YET_MESSAGE); if (Async.ScheduleType.FIXED_RATE.equals(async.scheduleType())) { future = executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, async.initialDelay(), async.period(), async.unit()); } else { future = executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this, async.initialDelay(), async.period(), async.unit()); } } AsyncHealthCheckDecorator(HealthCheck healthCheck, ScheduledExecutorService executorService) { this(healthCheck, executorService, Clock.defaultClock()); } @Override public void run() { result = healthCheck.execute(); } @Override protected Result check() throws Exception { long expiration = clock.getTime() - result.getTime() - healthyTtl; if (expiration > 0) { return Result.builder() .unhealthy() .usingClock(clock) .withMessage("Result was %s but it expired %d milliseconds ago", result.isHealthy() ? "healthy" : "unhealthy", expiration) .build(); } return result; } boolean tearDown() { return future.cancel(true); } public HealthCheck getHealthCheck() { return healthCheck; } private static void check(boolean expression, String message) { if (!expression) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } } }