package com.codahale.metrics.graphite;

import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel;
import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection;
import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory;
import com.rabbitmq.client.DefaultSocketConfigurator;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

A rabbit-mq client to a Carbon server.
/** * A rabbit-mq client to a Carbon server. */
public class GraphiteRabbitMQ implements GraphiteSender { private static final Integer DEFAULT_RABBIT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; private static final Integer DEFAULT_RABBIT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; private static final Integer DEFAULT_RABBIT_REQUESTED_HEARTBEAT_SEC = 10; private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; private Connection connection; private Channel channel; private String exchange; private int failures;
Creates a new client with a given a ConnectionFactory and an amqp exchange
  • connectionFactory – the ConnectionFactory used to establish connection and publish to graphite server
  • exchange – the amqp exchange
/** * Creates a new client with a given a {@link com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory} and an amqp exchange * * @param connectionFactory the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory} used to establish connection and publish to graphite server * @param exchange the amqp exchange */
public GraphiteRabbitMQ(final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, final String exchange) { this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; = exchange; }
Creates a new client given connection details
  • rabbitHost – the rabbitmq server host
  • rabbitPort – the rabbitmq server port
  • rabbitUsername – the rabbitmq server username
  • rabbitPassword – the rabbitmq server password
  • exchange – the amqp exchange
/** * Creates a new client given connection details * * @param rabbitHost the rabbitmq server host * @param rabbitPort the rabbitmq server port * @param rabbitUsername the rabbitmq server username * @param rabbitPassword the rabbitmq server password * @param exchange the amqp exchange */
public GraphiteRabbitMQ( final String rabbitHost, final Integer rabbitPort, final String rabbitUsername, final String rabbitPassword, final String exchange) { this(rabbitHost, rabbitPort, rabbitUsername, rabbitPassword, exchange, DEFAULT_RABBIT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS, DEFAULT_RABBIT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS, DEFAULT_RABBIT_REQUESTED_HEARTBEAT_SEC); }
Creates a new client given connection details
  • rabbitHost – the rabbitmq server host
  • rabbitPort – the rabbitmq server port
  • rabbitUsername – the rabbitmq server username
  • rabbitPassword – the rabbitmq server password
  • exchange – the amqp exchange
  • rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS – the connection timeout in milliseconds
  • rabbitSocketTimeoutMS – the socket timeout in milliseconds
  • rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds – the hearthbeat in seconds
/** * Creates a new client given connection details * * @param rabbitHost the rabbitmq server host * @param rabbitPort the rabbitmq server port * @param rabbitUsername the rabbitmq server username * @param rabbitPassword the rabbitmq server password * @param exchange the amqp exchange * @param rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS the connection timeout in milliseconds * @param rabbitSocketTimeoutMS the socket timeout in milliseconds * @param rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds the hearthbeat in seconds */
public GraphiteRabbitMQ( final String rabbitHost, final Integer rabbitPort, final String rabbitUsername, final String rabbitPassword, final String exchange, final Integer rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS, final Integer rabbitSocketTimeoutMS, final Integer rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds) { = exchange; this.connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(); connectionFactory.setSocketConfigurator(new DefaultSocketConfigurator() { @Override public void configure(Socket socket) throws IOException { super.configure(socket); socket.setSoTimeout(rabbitSocketTimeoutMS); } }); connectionFactory.setConnectionTimeout(rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS); connectionFactory.setRequestedHeartbeat(rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds); connectionFactory.setHost(rabbitHost); connectionFactory.setPort(rabbitPort); connectionFactory.setUsername(rabbitUsername); connectionFactory.setPassword(rabbitPassword); } @Override public void connect() throws IllegalStateException, IOException { if (isConnected()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected"); } try { connection = connectionFactory.newConnection(); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } channel = connection.createChannel(); } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return connection != null && connection.isOpen(); } @Override public void send(String name, String value, long timestamp) throws IOException { try { final String sanitizedName = sanitize(name); final String sanitizedValue = sanitize(value); final String message = sanitizedName + ' ' + sanitizedValue + ' ' + Long.toString(timestamp) + '\n'; channel.basicPublish(exchange, sanitizedName, null, message.getBytes(UTF_8)); } catch (IOException e) { failures++; throw e; } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { // Nothing to do } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } @Override public int getFailures() { return failures; } public String sanitize(String s) { return GraphiteSanitize.sanitize(s); } }