package com.codahale.metrics.ehcache;

import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheException;
import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.EhcacheDecoratorAdapter;
import net.sf.ehcache.statistics.StatisticsGateway;


import static;

An instrumented Ehcache instance.
/** * An instrumented {@link Ehcache} instance. */
public class InstrumentedEhcache extends EhcacheDecoratorAdapter {
Instruments the given Ehcache instance with get and put timers and a set of gauges for Ehcache's built-in statistics:

Ehcache timered metrics
hits The number of times a requested item was found in the cache.
in-memory-hits Number of times a requested item was found in the memory store.
off-heap-hits Number of times a requested item was found in the off-heap store.
on-disk-hits Number of times a requested item was found in the disk store.
misses Number of times a requested item was not found in the cache.
in-memory-misses Number of times a requested item was not found in the memory store.
off-heap-misses Number of times a requested item was not found in the off-heap store.
on-disk-misses Number of times a requested item was not found in the disk store.
objects Number of elements stored in the cache.
in-memory-objects Number of objects in the memory store.
off-heap-objects Number of objects in the off-heap store.
on-disk-objects Number of objects in the disk store.
mean-get-time The average get time. Because ehcache support JDK1.4.2, each get time uses System.currentTimeMillis(), rather than nanoseconds. The accuracy is thus limited.
mean-search-time The average execution time (in milliseconds) within the last sample period.
eviction-count The number of cache evictions, since the cache was created, or statistics were cleared.
searches-per-second The number of search executions that have completed in the last second.
accuracy A human readable description of the accuracy setting. One of "None", "Best Effort" or "Guaranteed".

N.B.: This enables Ehcache's sampling statistics with an accuracy level of "none."

See Also:
Returns:an instrumented decorator for cache
/** * Instruments the given {@link Ehcache} instance with get and put timers * and a set of gauges for Ehcache's built-in statistics: * <p> * <table> * <caption>Ehcache timered metrics</caption> * <tr> * <td>{@code hits}</td> * <td>The number of times a requested item was found in the * cache.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code in-memory-hits}</td> * <td>Number of times a requested item was found in the memory * store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code off-heap-hits}</td> * <td>Number of times a requested item was found in the off-heap * store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code on-disk-hits}</td> * <td>Number of times a requested item was found in the disk * store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code misses}</td> * <td>Number of times a requested item was not found in the * cache.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code in-memory-misses}</td> * <td>Number of times a requested item was not found in the memory * store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code off-heap-misses}</td> * <td>Number of times a requested item was not found in the * off-heap store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code on-disk-misses}</td> * <td>Number of times a requested item was not found in the disk * store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code objects}</td> * <td>Number of elements stored in the cache.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code in-memory-objects}</td> * <td>Number of objects in the memory store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code off-heap-objects}</td> * <td>Number of objects in the off-heap store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code on-disk-objects}</td> * <td>Number of objects in the disk store.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code mean-get-time}</td> * <td>The average get time. Because ehcache support JDK1.4.2, each * get time uses {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}, rather than * nanoseconds. The accuracy is thus limited.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code mean-search-time}</td> * <td>The average execution time (in milliseconds) within the last * sample period.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code eviction-count}</td> * <td>The number of cache evictions, since the cache was created, * or statistics were cleared.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code searches-per-second}</td> * <td>The number of search executions that have completed in the * last second.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code accuracy}</td> * <td>A human readable description of the accuracy setting. One of * "None", "Best Effort" or "Guaranteed".</td> * </tr> * </table> * <p> * <b>N.B.: This enables Ehcache's sampling statistics with an accuracy * level of "none."</b> * * @param cache an {@link Ehcache} instance * @param registry a {@link MetricRegistry} * @return an instrumented decorator for {@code cache} * @see StatisticsGateway */
public static Ehcache instrument(MetricRegistry registry, final Ehcache cache) { final String prefix = name(cache.getClass(), cache.getName()); registry.register(name(prefix, "hits"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().cacheHitCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "in-memory-hits"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().localHeapHitCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "off-heap-hits"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().localOffHeapHitCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "on-disk-hits"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().localDiskHitCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "misses"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().cacheMissCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "in-memory-misses"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().localHeapMissCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "off-heap-misses"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().localOffHeapMissCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "on-disk-misses"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().localDiskMissCount()); registry.register(name(prefix, "objects"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().getSize()); registry.register(name(prefix, "in-memory-objects"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().getLocalHeapSize()); registry.register(name(prefix, "off-heap-objects"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().getLocalOffHeapSize()); registry.register(name(prefix, "on-disk-objects"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().getLocalDiskSize()); registry.register(name(prefix, "mean-get-time"), (Gauge<Double>) () -> cache.getStatistics().cacheGetOperation().latency().average().value()); registry.register(name(prefix, "mean-search-time"), (Gauge<Double>) () -> cache.getStatistics().cacheSearchOperation().latency().average().value()); registry.register(name(prefix, "eviction-count"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().cacheEvictionOperation().count().value()); registry.register(name(prefix, "searches-per-second"), (Gauge<Double>) () -> cache.getStatistics().cacheSearchOperation().rate().value()); registry.register(name(prefix, "writer-queue-size"), (Gauge<Long>) () -> cache.getStatistics().getWriterQueueLength()); return new InstrumentedEhcache(registry, cache); } private final Timer getTimer, putTimer; private InstrumentedEhcache(MetricRegistry registry, Ehcache cache) { super(cache); this.getTimer = registry.timer(name(cache.getClass(), cache.getName(), "gets")); this.putTimer = registry.timer(name(cache.getClass(), cache.getName(), "puts")); } @Override public Element get(Object key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException { final Timer.Context ctx = getTimer.time(); try { return underlyingCache.get(key); } finally { ctx.stop(); } } @Override public Element get(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException { final Timer.Context ctx = getTimer.time(); try { return underlyingCache.get(key); } finally { ctx.stop(); } } @Override public void put(Element element) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, CacheException { final Timer.Context ctx = putTimer.time(); try { underlyingCache.put(element); } finally { ctx.stop(); } } @Override public void put(Element element, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, CacheException { final Timer.Context ctx = putTimer.time(); try { underlyingCache.put(element, doNotNotifyCacheReplicators); } finally { ctx.stop(); } } @Override public Element putIfAbsent(Element element) throws NullPointerException { final Timer.Context ctx = putTimer.time(); try { return underlyingCache.putIfAbsent(element); } finally { ctx.stop(); } } }