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package org.graalvm.component.installer.remote;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentCatalog;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FailedOperationException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Feedback;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.IncompatibleException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.InstallerStopException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.SoftwareChannel;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.SoftwareChannelSource;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentInfo;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentRegistry;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.AbstractCatalogStorage;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.MetadataLoader;

The Storage merges storages of individual providers.
/** * The Storage merges storages of individual providers. * * @author sdedic */
public class MergeStorage extends AbstractCatalogStorage implements ComponentCatalog.DownloadInterceptor { private final Map<ComponentInfo, SoftwareChannel> channelMap = new HashMap<>(); private final List<SoftwareChannel> channels = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<SoftwareChannel, SoftwareChannelSource> channelInfos = new HashMap<>(); private boolean ignoreCatalogErrors; private boolean acceptAllSources; public MergeStorage(ComponentRegistry localRegistry, Feedback feedback) { super(localRegistry, feedback, null); } public boolean isAcceptAllSources() { return acceptAllSources; } public void setAcceptAllSources(boolean acceptAllSources) { this.acceptAllSources = acceptAllSources; } public void addChannel(SoftwareChannelSource info, SoftwareChannel delegate) { channels.add(delegate); channelInfos.put(delegate, info); } public boolean isIgnoreCatalogErrors() { return ignoreCatalogErrors; } public void setIgnoreCatalogErrors(boolean ignoreCatalogErrors) { this.ignoreCatalogErrors = ignoreCatalogErrors; } private void reportError(Exception exc, SoftwareChannel errChannel) { if (exc == null) { return; } // the previous error is overwritten, so at least report it before it is // forgot: SoftwareChannelSource info = channelInfos.get(errChannel); String l = info.getLabel(); if (l == null) { l = info.getLocationURL(); } feedback.error("REMOTE_CannotLoadChannel", exc, l, exc.getLocalizedMessage()); } private boolean idsLoaded; @Override public Set<String> listComponentIDs() throws IOException { Set<String> ids = new HashSet<>(); List<Exception> savedEx = new ArrayList<>(); List<SoftwareChannel> errChannels = new ArrayList<>(); boolean oneSucceeded = false; Exception toThrow = null; for (SoftwareChannel del : new ArrayList<>(channels)) { try { ids.addAll(del.getStorage().listComponentIDs()); oneSucceeded = true; } catch (IncompatibleException ex) { savedEx.add(ex); errChannels.add(del); channels.remove(del); } catch (IOException | FailedOperationException ex) { if (!isIgnoreCatalogErrors()) { throw ex; } if (!idsLoaded) { reportError(ex, del); } toThrow = ex; channels.remove(del); } } if (!oneSucceeded || ids.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < savedEx.size(); i++) { reportError(toThrow = savedEx.get(i), errChannels.get(i)); } if (toThrow instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) toThrow; } else if (toThrow != null) { throw (InstallerStopException) toThrow; } } idsLoaded = true; return ids; } List<SoftwareChannel> getChannels() { return channels; } private int getChannelPriority(SoftwareChannel ch) { SoftwareChannelSource src = this.channelInfos.get(ch); if (src != null) { return src.getPriority(); } else { int index = channels.indexOf(ch); return index == -1 ? 0 : index; } } @Override public Set<ComponentInfo> loadComponentMetadata(String id) throws IOException { Set<ComponentInfo> cis = new HashSet<>(); for (SoftwareChannel swch : channels) { Set<ComponentInfo> newInfos = swch.getStorage().loadComponentMetadata(id); if (newInfos == null || newInfos.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (!acceptAllSources) { newInfos.removeAll(cis); } for (ComponentInfo ci : newInfos) { ci.setPriority(getChannelPriority(swch)); channelMap.put(ci, swch); } cis.addAll(newInfos); if (!acceptAllSources) { break; } } return cis; } public SoftwareChannel getOrigin(ComponentInfo ci) { return channelMap.get(ci); } @Override public FileDownloader processDownloader(ComponentInfo info, FileDownloader dn) { SoftwareChannel orig = getOrigin(info); return orig != null ? orig.configureDownloader(info, dn) : dn; } @Override public MetadataLoader interceptMetadataLoader(ComponentInfo info, MetadataLoader delegate) { SoftwareChannel orig = getOrigin(info); if (orig instanceof ComponentCatalog.DownloadInterceptor) { return ((ComponentCatalog.DownloadInterceptor) orig).interceptMetadataLoader(info, delegate); } else { return delegate; } } }