 * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package org.graalvm.component.installer.persist;

import java.util.Collections;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.MetadataException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.DependencyException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.BundleConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Feedback;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Version;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.StabilityLevel;

Parses OSGI-like metadata in JAR component bundles.
/** * Parses OSGI-like metadata in JAR component bundles. */
public class HeaderParser { private static final String DIRECTIVE_FILTER = "filter"; // NOI18N private final String headerName; private final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, String> directives = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, String> filterValue = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Object> capabilities = new HashMap<>(); private final Set<String> dependencies = new HashSet<>(); private final Feedback feedback; private String header; private int pos; private String directiveOrParameterName; private int contentStart; private String versionFilter; // static final ResourceBundle BUNDLE = // ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.Bundle"); public HeaderParser(String headerName, String header, Feedback feedback) { this.headerName = headerName; this.feedback = feedback.withBundle(HeaderParser.class); if (header != null) { // trim whitespaces; this.header = header.trim(); } else { this.header = ""; } } private MetadataException metaEx(String key, Object... args) { return new MetadataException(headerName, feedback.l10n(key, args)); } public HeaderParser mustExist() throws MetadataException { if (header == null || header.isEmpty()) { throw metaEx("ERROR_HeaderMissing", headerName); } return this; } private static boolean isAlphaNum(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || // NOI18N (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || // NOI18N (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'); // NOI18N } private static boolean isToken(char c) { return isAlphaNum(c) || c == '_' || c == '-'; // NOI18N } private static boolean isExtended(char c) { return isToken(c) || c == '.'; } public boolean getBoolean(Boolean defValue) { if (pos >= header.length()) { if (defValue == null) { throw metaEx("ERROR_HeaderMissing", headerName); // NOI18N } return defValue; } else { String s = header.substring(pos).trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); switch (s) { case "true": // NOI18N return true; case "false": // NOI18N return false; } throw metaEx("ERROR_HeaderInvalid", headerName, s); // NOI18N } } public String getContents(String defValue) { if (pos >= header.length()) { return defValue; } else { return header.substring(pos).trim(); } } private void addFilterAttribute(String attrName, String value) { if (filterValue.put(attrName, value) != null) { throw metaErr("ERROR_DuplicateFilterAttribute"); } } private boolean isEmpty() { return pos >= header.length(); } public String parseSymbolicName() throws MetadataException { return parseNameOrNamespace(HeaderParser::isToken, "ERROR_MissingSymbolicName", "ERROR_InvalidSymbolicName", '.'); } private char next() { return pos < header.length() ? header.charAt(pos++) : 0; } private void advance() { pos++; } private char ch() { return isEmpty() ? 0 : header.charAt(pos); } private String returnCut() { String s = cut(); skipWhitespaces(); return s; } private void skipWhitespaces() { while (!isEmpty()) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch())) { contentStart = pos; return; } advance(); } contentStart = -1; } private void skipWithSemicolon() { skipWhitespaces(); if (ch() == ';') { advance(); } contentStart = -1; } private String cut() { return cut(0); } private String cut(int delim) { int e = pos - delim; return contentStart == -1 || contentStart >= e ? "" : header.substring(contentStart, e); // NOI18N } private void markContent() { contentStart = pos; } private String readExtendedParameter() throws MetadataException { skipWhitespaces(); while (!isEmpty()) { char c = next(); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { break; } if (c == ';') { pos--; break; } if (!isExtended(c)) { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidParameterSyntax", directiveOrParameterName); } } String s = cut(); skipWithSemicolon(); return s; } private String readQuotedParameter() throws MetadataException { markContent(); while (!isEmpty()) { char c = next(); switch (c) { case '"': String s = cut(1); skipWithSemicolon(); return s; case '\n': case '\r': case 0: throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidQuotedString"); case '\\': next(); break; } } throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidQuotedString"); } private String parseArgument() throws MetadataException { skipWhitespaces(); char c = ch(); if (c == ';') { throw metaEx("ERROR_MissingArgument", directiveOrParameterName); } if (c == '"') { // NOI18N advance(); return readQuotedParameter(); } else { return readExtendedParameter(); } } private String parseNameOrNamespace(Predicate<Character> charAcceptor, String missingKeyName, String invalidKeyName, char compDelimiter) throws MetadataException { if (header == null || isEmpty()) { throw metaEx(missingKeyName); } skipWhitespaces(); boolean componentEmpty = true; while (!isEmpty()) { char c = ch(); if (c == ';' || c == ',') { String s = cut(); return s; } advance(); if (c == compDelimiter) { if (componentEmpty) { throw metaEx(invalidKeyName); } componentEmpty = true; continue; } if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { break; } if (!charAcceptor.test(c)) { throw metaEx(invalidKeyName); } componentEmpty = false; } return returnCut(); } private String parseNamespace() throws MetadataException { return parseNameOrNamespace(HeaderParser::isExtended, "ERROR_MissingCapabilityName", "ERROR_InvalidCapabilityName", (char) 0); }
Parses version at the current position.
/** * Parses version at the current position. */
public String version() throws MetadataException { int versionStart = -1; int partCount = 0; boolean partContents = false; if (isEmpty()) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidVersion"); } boolean dash = false; while (!isEmpty()) { char c = ch(); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (versionStart != -1) { break; } advance(); continue; } if (c == ';') { break; } advance(); if (c == '.') { ++partCount; if (!partContents) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidVersion"); } partContents = false; dash = false; continue; } if (partCount > 0 && partContents && c == '-') { dash = true; continue; } if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if (versionStart == -1) { versionStart = pos - 1; } } else { if (partCount < 1) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidVersion"); } boolean err = false; if (partCount >= 3 || dash) { err = !isToken(c); } else { err = true; } if (err) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidVersion"); } } partContents = true; } String v = cut(); skipWhitespaces(); if (!isEmpty() || !partContents) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidVersion"); } return v; } private String readExtendedName() { skipWhitespaces(); while (!isEmpty()) { char c = ch(); if (isExtended(c)) { advance(); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == ':' || c == '=' || c == ';') { break; } else { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidParameterName"); } } return returnCut(); } private void parseParameters() { while (!isEmpty()) { String paramOrDirectiveName = readExtendedName(); if (paramOrDirectiveName.isEmpty()) { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidParameterName"); } directiveOrParameterName = paramOrDirectiveName; char c = ch(); boolean dcolon = c == ':'; // NOI18N if (dcolon) { advance(); } c = next(); if (c != '=') { // NOI18N throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidParameterSyntax", paramOrDirectiveName); } (dcolon ? directives : parameters).put(paramOrDirectiveName, parseArgument()); } } private void replaceInputText(String text) { this.header = text; this.pos = 0; } private MetadataException metaErr(String key, Object... args) throws MetadataException { throw metaEx(key, args); } private MetadataException filterError() throws MetadataException { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidFilterSpecification"); } private void parseFilterConjunction() { skipWhitespaces(); char c = next(); while (c == '(') { parseFilterContent(); c = next(); } if (c != ')') { throw filterError(); } } private void parseFilterClause() { skipWhitespaces(); int lastPos = -1; W: while (!isEmpty()) { char c = ch(); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (lastPos == -1) { lastPos = pos; } continue; } switch (c) { case '=': case '<': case '>': case '~': case '(': case ')': break W; } lastPos = -1; advance(); } String attributeName = returnCut(); char c = next(); if (c != '=') { throw metaErr("ERROR_UnsupportedFilterOperation"); } c = ch(); if (c == '*') { throw metaErr("ERROR_UnsupportedFilterOperation"); } markContent(); while (!isEmpty()) { c = next(); if (c == ')') { addFilterAttribute(attributeName, cut(1)); skipWhitespaces(); return; } switch (c) { case '\\': c = next(); if (c == 0) { throw filterError(); } break; case '*': throw metaErr("ERROR_UnsupportedFilterOperation"); case '(': case '<': case '>': case '~': case '=': throw filterError(); } } throw filterError(); } private void parseFilterContent() { skipWhitespaces(); char o = ch(); if (o == '&') { advance(); parseFilterConjunction(); } else if (isExtended(o)) { parseFilterClause(); } else { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidFilterSpecification"); } } private void parseFilterSpecification() { skipWhitespaces(); if (isEmpty()) { throw filterError(); } char c = next(); if (c == '(') { parseFilterContent(); skipWhitespaces(); if (!isEmpty()) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidFilterSpecification"); } } else { throw filterError(); } }
Parses required capabilities string. org.graalvm; filter:="(&(graalvm_version=0.32)(os_name=linux)(os_arch=amd64))"
Returns:graal capabilities
/** * Parses required capabilities string. * * org.graalvm; filter:="(&amp;(graalvm_version=0.32)(os_name=linux)(os_arch=amd64))" * * @return graal capabilities * @throws MetadataException */
public Map<String, String> parseRequiredCapabilities() { String namespace = parseNamespace(); char c = next(); if (c != ';' && c != 0) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidFilterSpecification"); } if (!BundleConstants.GRAALVM_CAPABILITY.equals(namespace)) { // unsupported capability throw new MetadataException(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_REQUIRED, feedback.l10n("ERROR_UnknownCapability")); } parseParameters(); if (!parameters.isEmpty()) { throw metaErr("ERROR_UnsupportedParameters"); } versionFilter = directives.remove(DIRECTIVE_FILTER); if (!directives.isEmpty()) { throw metaErr("ERROR_UnsupportedDirectives"); } if (versionFilter == null) { throw metaErr("ERROR_MissingVersionFilter"); } // replace the input text, the rest of header will be ignored replaceInputText(versionFilter); parseFilterSpecification(); return filterValue; } public Map<String, Object> parseProvidedCapabilities() { if (isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } String namespace = parseNamespace(); char c = next(); if (c != ';' && c != 0) { throw metaErr("ERROR_InvalidCapabilitySyntax"); } if (!BundleConstants.GRAALVM_CAPABILITY.equals(namespace)) { // unsupported capability throw new DependencyException(namespace, null, null, feedback.l10n("ERROR_UnknownCapability")); } while (!isEmpty()) { parseCapability(); } return capabilities; } public StabilityLevel parseStability() { if (isEmpty()) { return StabilityLevel.Undefined; } return StabilityLevel.valueOfMixedCase(getContents("")); } public Set<String> parseDependencies() { if (isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } while (!isEmpty()) { String sn = parseSymbolicName(); dependencies.add(sn); skipWhitespaces(); if (isEmpty()) { break; } char c = next(); switch (c) { case ',': // OK break; case ';': throw metaEx("ERROR_DependencyParametersNotSupported"); } } return dependencies; } private void parseCapability() { String capName = readExtendedName(); if (capName.isEmpty()) { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidCapabilityName"); } directiveOrParameterName = capName; char c = next(); boolean dcolon = c == ':'; // NOI18N boolean makeVersion = false; if (dcolon) { if (ch() == '=') { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidCapabilitySyntax", capName); } skipWhitespaces(); while (true) { if (isEmpty()) { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidCapabilitySyntax", capName); } c = next(); if (Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == '=' || c == ';') { if (isEmpty()) { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidCapabilitySyntax", capName); } break; } else if (!isAlphaNum(c)) { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidCapabilitySyntax", capName); } } String type = cut(1); switch (type.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) { case "version": makeVersion = true; break; case "string": break; case "long": case "double": case "": default: throw metaEx("ERROR_UnsupportedCapabilityType", capName, type); } skipWhitespaces(); } if (c != '=') { // NOI18N throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidCapabilitySyntax", capName); } String s = parseArgument(); Object o; if (makeVersion) { try { o = Version.fromString(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw metaEx("ERROR_InvalidCapabilityVersion", capName, s); } } else { o = s; } capabilities.put(capName, o); } }