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package org.graalvm.component.installer.commands;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.ZipException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommandInput;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Commands;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommonConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentInstaller;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentParam;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.DependencyException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FailedOperationException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Feedback;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.InstallerStopException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.MetadataException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Version;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentInfo;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.Verifier;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.MetadataLoader;

Command to query component bundles.
/** * Command to query component bundles. */
public class InfoCommand extends QueryCommandBase { private static final Map<String, String> OPTIONS = new HashMap<>(); static { OPTIONS.putAll(BASE_OPTIONS); OPTIONS.putAll(ComponentInstaller.componentOptions); OPTIONS.put(Commands.OPTION_NO_VERIFY_JARS, ""); OPTIONS.put(Commands.OPTION_FULL_PATHS, ""); OPTIONS.put(Commands.OPTION_IGNORE_OPEN_ERRORS, ""); OPTIONS.put(Commands.OPTION_SUPPRESS_TABLE, ""); OPTIONS.put(Commands.OPTION_NO_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, ""); OPTIONS.put(Commands.LONG_OPTION_NO_VERIFY_JARS, Commands.OPTION_NO_VERIFY_JARS); OPTIONS.put(Commands.LONG_OPTION_FULL_PATHS, Commands.OPTION_FULL_PATHS); OPTIONS.put(Commands.LONG_OPTION_IGNORE_OPEN_ERRORS, Commands.OPTION_IGNORE_OPEN_ERRORS); OPTIONS.put(Commands.LONG_OPTION_SUPPRESS_TABLE, Commands.OPTION_SUPPRESS_TABLE); OPTIONS.put(Commands.LONG_OPTION_NO_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, Commands.OPTION_NO_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS); OPTIONS.put(Commands.OPTION_VERSION, "s"); OPTIONS.put(Commands.LONG_OPTION_VERSION, Commands.OPTION_VERSION); } private boolean ignoreOpenErrors; private boolean verifyJar; private boolean fullPath; private boolean suppressTable; private Version.Match versionFilter; private boolean noComponentPath; private final List<ComponentParam> components = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<ComponentInfo, MetadataLoader> map = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<ComponentInfo, ComponentParam> files = new HashMap<>(); @Override public Map<String, String> supportedOptions() { return OPTIONS; } public boolean isSuppressTable() { return suppressTable; } public void setSuppressTable(boolean suppressTable) { this.suppressTable = suppressTable; } public boolean isIgnoreOpenErrors() { return ignoreOpenErrors; } public void setIgnoreOpenErrors(boolean ignoreOpenErrors) { this.ignoreOpenErrors = ignoreOpenErrors; } public boolean isVerifyJar() { return verifyJar; } public void setVerifyJar(boolean verifyJar) { this.verifyJar = verifyJar; } public boolean isFullPath() { return fullPath; } public void setFullPath(boolean fullPath) { this.fullPath = fullPath; } @Override public void init(CommandInput commandInput, Feedback feedBack) { super.init(commandInput, feedBack); ignoreOpenErrors = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_IGNORE_OPEN_ERRORS) != null; verifyJar = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_NO_VERIFY_JARS) == null; suppressTable = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_SUPPRESS_TABLE) != null; fullPath = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_FULL_PATHS) != null; String vf = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_VERSION); if (vf != null) { versionFilter = Version.versionFilter(vf); } noComponentPath = !(input.hasOption(Commands.OPTION_FILES) || input.hasOption(Commands.OPTION_URLS)); } void collectComponents() throws IOException { for (Iterator<ComponentParam> it = input.existingFiles().matchVersion(versionFilter).allowIncompatible().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ComponentParam cp; try { cp = it.next(); } catch (FailedOperationException ex) { feedback.error("INFO_InvalidComponent", ex, ex.getLocalizedMessage()); continue; } try { // verifyjar set to false, as Verifier is not supported in SVM // components.add(ldr = new ComponentPackageLoader(new JarFile(f, false), // feedback)); processComponentParam(cp); } catch (ZipException ex) { if (ignoreOpenErrors) { feedback.error("INFO_ErrorOpeningBundle", ex, cp.getDisplayName(), ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } else { throw ex; } } catch (MetadataException ex) { if (ignoreOpenErrors) { feedback.error("INFO_CorruptedBundleMetadata", ex, cp.getDisplayName(), ex.getOffendingHeader(), ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } else { throw ex; } } catch (IOException ex) { if (ignoreOpenErrors) { feedback.error("INFO_ErrorReadingBundle", ex, cp.getDisplayName(), ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } else { throw ex; } } } } @Override public int execute() throws IOException { if (input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_HELP) != null) { feedback.output("INFO_Help"); return 0; } if (!input.hasParameter()) { feedback.error("INFO_MissingFilename", null); return 1; } try { collectComponents(); printTable = getComponents().size() > 1 && !isVerbose() && !suppressTable; super.printComponents(); } finally { for (ComponentParam c : components) { try { c.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ComponentInfo ci = c.createMetaLoader().getComponentInfo(); feedback.error("INFO_ClosingComponent", ex, ci == null ? c.getSpecification() : shortenComponentId(ci), ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } return 0; } void processComponentParam(ComponentParam cp) throws IOException { MetadataLoader ldr = cp.createMetaLoader(); components.add(cp); loadComponentDetails(cp, ldr); // registerFile(f, ldr.getComponentInfo(), ldr); addComponent(cp, ldr.getComponentInfo()); } void registerFile(ComponentParam param, ComponentInfo info, MetadataLoader ldr) { files.put(info, param); map.put(info, ldr); } void loadComponentDetails(ComponentParam param, MetadataLoader ldr) throws IOException { ldr.infoOnly(true); ComponentInfo info = ldr.getComponentInfo(); registerFile(param, info, ldr); if (isListFiles()) { ldr.loadPaths(); } } @Override void printHeader() { if (printTable) { if (fullPath) { feedback.output("INFO_ComponentLongListHeader"); } else if (noComponentPath) { feedback.output("INFO_ComponentNoFileHeader"); } else { feedback.output("INFO_ComponentShortListHeader"); } } } protected String filePath(ComponentInfo info) { ComponentParam p = files.get(info); if (fullPath) { return p.getFullPath(); } else { String s = p.getShortName(); int idx = s.lastIndexOf('.'); return idx == -1 ? s : s.substring(0, idx); } } @Override void printDetails(ComponentParam param, ComponentInfo info) { if (printTable) { String line; if (fullPath) { line = String.format(feedback.l10n("INFO_ComponentLongList"), shortenComponentId(info), val(info.getVersion().displayString()), val(info.getName()), filePath(info), info.getStability().displayName(feedback)); } else { line = String.format(feedback.l10n(noComponentPath ? "INFO_ComponentShortListNoFile" : "INFO_ComponentShortList"), shortenComponentId(info), val(info.getVersion().displayString()), val(info.getName()), filePath(info), info.getStability().displayName(feedback)); } feedback.verbatimOut(line, false); return; } else { feedback.output("INFO_ComponentBasicInfo", shortenComponentId(info), val(info.getVersion().displayString()), val(info.getName()), param.getFullPath(), findRequiredGraalVMVersion(info), info.getStability().displayName(feedback)); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(info.getRequiredGraalValues().keySet()); keys.remove(CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION); if (!keys.isEmpty() && feedback.verboseOutput("INFO_ComponentRequirementsHeader")) { Collections.sort(keys); for (String cap : keys) { feedback.verboseOutput("INFO_ComponentRequirement", getRegistry().localizeCapabilityName(cap), info.getRequiredGraalValues().get(cap)); } } MetadataLoader ldr = map.get(info); List<InstallerStopException> errs = ldr.getErrors(); if (!errs.isEmpty()) { feedback.message("INFO_ComponentBroken", files.get(info)); for (InstallerStopException ex : errs) { feedback.message("INFO_ComponentErrorIndent", ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } Verifier vfy = new Verifier(feedback, input.getLocalRegistry(), catalog).collect(true).validateRequirements(info); if (vfy.hasErrors()) { feedback.message("INFO_ComponentWillNotInstall", shortenComponentId(info)); for (DependencyException ex : vfy.getErrors()) { feedback.message("INFO_ComponentDependencyIndent", ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } }