import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionCategory;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionDescriptor;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionDescriptors;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionStability;
public final class SulongEngineOption {
public static final String OPTION_ARRAY_SEPARATOR = ":";
@Option(name = "llvm.stackSize",
category = OptionCategory.USER,
stability = OptionStability.STABLE,
help = "The stack size, please end the input with one of: k, m, g, or t. " +
"Note that the stack size will be in bytes if no appropriate suffix is given.")
public static final OptionKey<String> STACK_SIZE = new OptionKey<>("81920k");
public static final String LIBRARY_PATH_NAME = "llvm.libraryPath";
@Option(name = LIBRARY_PATH_NAME,
category = OptionCategory.USER,
stability = OptionStability.STABLE,
help = "A list of paths where Sulong will search for relative libraries. " +
"Paths are delimited by a colon \'" + OPTION_ARRAY_SEPARATOR + "\'.")
public static final OptionKey<String> LIBRARY_PATH = new OptionKey<>("");
public static final String LOAD_CXX_LIBRARIES_NAME = "llvm.loadC++Libraries";
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Specifies whether the standard C++ libraries (libc++ and libc++abi) " +
"should be loaded by default. This should only be needed for running " +
"plain bitcode files, since executables (ELF, Mach-O) usually have a " +
"dependency on both of them. Thus, the option is off by default.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> LOAD_CXX_LIBRARIES = new OptionKey<>(false);
public static final String CXX_INTEROP_NAME = "llvm.C++Interop";
@Option(name = CXX_INTEROP_NAME,
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Enables using C++ code and features via interop.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> CXX_INTEROP = new OptionKey<>(false);
@Option(name = "llvm.enableExternalNativeAccess",
category = OptionCategory.INTERNAL,
help = "Enable Sulongs native interface.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> ENABLE_NFI = new OptionKey<>(true);
@Option(name = "llvm.debugSysCalls",
category = OptionCategory.INTERNAL,
help = "Turns syscall debugging on/off. " +
"Set value to \'stdout\', \'stderr\' or \'file://<path to writable file>\' to enable.")
public static final OptionKey<String> DEBUG_SYSCALLS = new OptionKey<>(String.valueOf(false));
@Option(name = "llvm.printNativeCallStats",
category = OptionCategory.INTERNAL,
help = "Outputs stats about native call site frequencies." +
"Set value to \'stdout\', \'stderr\' or \'file://<path to writable file>\' to enable.")
public static final OptionKey<String> NATIVE_CALL_STATS = new OptionKey<>(String.valueOf(false));
@Option(name = "llvm.printLifetimeAnalysisStats",
category = OptionCategory.INTERNAL,
help = "Prints the results of the lifetime analysis." +
"Set value to \'stdout\', \'stderr\' or \'file://<path to writable file>\' to enable.")
public static final OptionKey<String> PRINT_LIFE_TIME_ANALYSIS_STATS = new OptionKey<>(String.valueOf(false));
@Option(name = "llvm.debugLoader",
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Turns dynamic loader debugging on/off. " +
"Set value to \'stdout\', \'stderr\' or \'file://<path to writable file>\' to enable.")
public static final OptionKey<String> LD_DEBUG = new OptionKey<>(String.valueOf(false));
@Option(name = "llvm.optimizeFrameSlots",
category = OptionCategory.INTERNAL,
help = "Enable fusing of instructions producing values with instructions consuming values.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> OPTIMIZE_FRAME_SLOTS = new OptionKey<>(true);
@Option(name = "llvm.printAST",
category = OptionCategory.INTERNAL,
help = "Prints the Truffle AST of functions when it is created. " +
"A comma-separated list of regular expressions that will be matched against function names.")
public static final OptionKey<String> PRINT_AST = new OptionKey<>("");
@Option(name = "llvm.parseOnly",
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Only parses a bc file; execution is not possible.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> PARSE_ONLY = new OptionKey<>(false);
@Option(name = "llvm.enableLVI",
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "This option is deprecated, local variable inspection is always enabled.",
deprecated = true)
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> ENABLE_LVI = new OptionKey<>(false);
@Option(name = "llvm.OSR",
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Enable on-stack-replacement of loops.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> ENABLE_OSR = new OptionKey<>(true);
public static final String LAZY_PARSING_NAME = "llvm.lazyParsing";
@Option(name = LAZY_PARSING_NAME,
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Enable lazy parsing of LLVM bitcode files.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> LAZY_PARSING = new OptionKey<>(true);
@Option(name = "llvm.llDebug",
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Enable IR-level debugging of LLVM bitcode files.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> LL_DEBUG = new OptionKey<>(false);
public static final String LL_DEBUG_VERBOSE_NAME = "llvm.llDebug.verbose";
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Enables diagnostics for IR-level debugging (e.g., report missing .ll files). Requires \'--llvm.llDebug=true\'. " +
"Set value to \'stdout\', \'stderr\' or \'file://<path to writable file>\' to enable.")
public static final OptionKey<String> LL_DEBUG_VERBOSE = new OptionKey<>("stderr");
@Option(name = "llvm.llDebug.sources",
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Provide the locations of *.ll files for debugging. " +
"The expected format is <bc-path>=<ll-path>{:<bc-path>=<ll-path>}.")
public static final OptionKey<String> LL_DEBUG_SOURCES = new OptionKey<>("");
@Option(name = "llvm.printStackTraceOnAbort",
category = OptionCategory.INTERNAL,
help = "Prints a C stack trace when abort() is called.")
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> STACKTRACE_ON_ABORT = new OptionKey<>(false);
@Option(name = "llvm.traceIR",
category = OptionCategory.EXPERT,
help = "Prints a trace of the executed bitcode. Requires \'--llvm.llDebug=true\'. " +
"Set value to \'stdout\', \'stderr\' or \'file://<path to writable file>\' to enable.")
public static final OptionKey<String> TRACE_IR = new OptionKey<>("");
@Option(name = "llvm.libraries",
category = OptionCategory.USER,
stability = OptionStability.STABLE,
help = "List of libraries (precompiled libraries *.dylib/*.so as well as bitcode libraries *.bc). " +
"Files with a relative path will be looked up relative to llvm.libraryPath. " +
"Libraries are delimited by a colon \'" + OPTION_ARRAY_SEPARATOR + "\'.")
public static final OptionKey<String> LIBRARIES = new OptionKey<>("");
public static List<OptionDescriptor> describeOptions() {
ArrayList<OptionDescriptor> options = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<OptionDescriptor> iterator = SulongEngineOption.createDescriptors().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return options;
public static OptionDescriptors createDescriptors() {
return new SulongEngineOptionOptionDescriptors();
public static boolean optionEnabled(String option) {
return !"".equalsIgnoreCase(option) && !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(option);
public static List<String> getPolyglotOptionSearchPaths(TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
String libraryPathOption = env.getOptions().get(LIBRARY_PATH);
String[] libraryPath = "".equals(libraryPathOption) ? new String[0] : libraryPathOption.split(OPTION_ARRAY_SEPARATOR);
return Arrays.asList(libraryPath);
public static List<String> getPolyglotOptionExternalLibraries(TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
String librariesOption = env.getOptions().get(LIBRARIES);
String[] userLibraries = "".equals(librariesOption) ? new String[0] : librariesOption.split(OPTION_ARRAY_SEPARATOR);
return Arrays.asList(userLibraries);
public static boolean shouldVerifyCompileUnitChecksums(TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
return env.getOptions().get(LL_DEBUG) && optionEnabled(env.getOptions().get(LL_DEBUG_VERBOSE));