 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
 * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
 * conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
 * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
 * with the distribution.
 * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to
 * endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written
 * permission.
// Checkstyle: stop
package com.oracle.truffle.llvm.asm.amd64;

// DO NOT MODIFY - generated from InlineAssembly.g4 using "mx create-asm-parser"

import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.runtime.nodes.func.LLVMInlineAssemblyRootNode;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class InlineAssemblyParser extends Parser {
	static { RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("4.7.2", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION); }

	protected static final DFA[] _decisionToDFA;
	protected static final PredictionContextCache _sharedContextCache =
		new PredictionContextCache();
	public static final int
		T__0=1, T__1=2, T__2=3, T__3=4, T__4=5, T__5=6, T__6=7, T__7=8, T__8=9, 
		T__9=10, T__10=11, T__11=12, T__12=13, T__13=14, T__14=15, T__15=16, T__16=17, 
		T__17=18, T__18=19, T__19=20, T__20=21, T__21=22, T__22=23, T__23=24, 
		T__24=25, T__25=26, T__26=27, T__27=28, T__28=29, T__29=30, T__30=31, 
		T__31=32, T__32=33, T__33=34, T__34=35, T__35=36, T__36=37, T__37=38, 
		T__38=39, T__39=40, T__40=41, T__41=42, T__42=43, T__43=44, T__44=45, 
		T__45=46, T__46=47, T__47=48, T__48=49, T__49=50, T__50=51, T__51=52, 
		T__52=53, T__53=54, T__54=55, T__55=56, T__56=57, T__57=58, T__58=59, 
		T__59=60, T__60=61, T__61=62, T__62=63, T__63=64, T__64=65, T__65=66, 
		T__66=67, T__67=68, T__68=69, T__69=70, T__70=71, T__71=72, T__72=73, 
		T__73=74, T__74=75, T__75=76, T__76=77, T__77=78, T__78=79, T__79=80, 
		T__80=81, T__81=82, T__82=83, T__83=84, T__84=85, T__85=86, T__86=87, 
		T__87=88, T__88=89, T__89=90, T__90=91, T__91=92, T__92=93, T__93=94, 
		T__94=95, T__95=96, T__96=97, T__97=98, T__98=99, T__99=100, T__100=101, 
		T__101=102, T__102=103, T__103=104, T__104=105, T__105=106, T__106=107, 
		T__107=108, T__108=109, T__109=110, T__110=111, T__111=112, T__112=113, 
		T__113=114, T__114=115, T__115=116, T__116=117, T__117=118, T__118=119, 
		T__119=120, T__120=121, T__121=122, T__122=123, T__123=124, T__124=125, 
		T__125=126, T__126=127, T__127=128, T__128=129, T__129=130, T__130=131, 
		T__131=132, T__132=133, T__133=134, T__134=135, T__135=136, T__136=137, 
		T__137=138, T__138=139, T__139=140, T__140=141, T__141=142, T__142=143, 
		T__143=144, T__144=145, T__145=146, T__146=147, T__147=148, T__148=149, 
		T__149=150, T__150=151, T__151=152, T__152=153, T__153=154, T__154=155, 
		T__155=156, T__156=157, T__157=158, T__158=159, T__159=160, T__160=161, 
		T__161=162, T__162=163, T__163=164, T__164=165, T__165=166, T__166=167, 
		T__167=168, T__168=169, T__169=170, T__170=171, T__171=172, T__172=173, 
		T__173=174, T__174=175, T__175=176, T__176=177, T__177=178, T__178=179, 
		T__179=180, T__180=181, T__181=182, T__182=183, T__183=184, T__184=185, 
		T__185=186, T__186=187, T__187=188, T__188=189, T__189=190, T__190=191, 
		T__191=192, T__192=193, T__193=194, T__194=195, T__195=196, T__196=197, 
		T__197=198, T__198=199, T__199=200, T__200=201, T__201=202, T__202=203, 
		T__203=204, T__204=205, T__205=206, T__206=207, T__207=208, T__208=209, 
		T__209=210, T__210=211, T__211=212, T__212=213, T__213=214, T__214=215, 
		T__215=216, T__216=217, T__217=218, T__218=219, T__219=220, T__220=221, 
		T__221=222, T__222=223, T__223=224, T__224=225, T__225=226, T__226=227, 
		T__227=228, T__228=229, T__229=230, T__230=231, T__231=232, T__232=233, 
		T__233=234, T__234=235, T__235=236, T__236=237, T__237=238, T__238=239, 
		T__239=240, T__240=241, T__241=242, T__242=243, T__243=244, T__244=245, 
		T__245=246, T__246=247, T__247=248, T__248=249, T__249=250, T__250=251, 
		T__251=252, T__252=253, T__253=254, T__254=255, T__255=256, T__256=257, 
		T__257=258, T__258=259, T__259=260, T__260=261, T__261=262, T__262=263, 
		T__263=264, T__264=265, T__265=266, T__266=267, T__267=268, T__268=269, 
		T__269=270, T__270=271, T__271=272, T__272=273, T__273=274, T__274=275, 
		T__275=276, T__276=277, T__277=278, T__278=279, T__279=280, T__280=281, 
		T__281=282, T__282=283, T__283=284, T__284=285, T__285=286, T__286=287, 
		T__287=288, T__288=289, T__289=290, T__290=291, T__291=292, T__292=293, 
		T__293=294, T__294=295, T__295=296, T__296=297, T__297=298, T__298=299, 
		T__299=300, T__300=301, T__301=302, T__302=303, T__303=304, T__304=305, 
		T__305=306, T__306=307, T__307=308, T__308=309, T__309=310, T__310=311, 
		T__311=312, T__312=313, T__313=314, T__314=315, T__315=316, T__316=317, 
		T__317=318, T__318=319, T__319=320, T__320=321, T__321=322, T__322=323, 
		T__323=324, T__324=325, T__325=326, T__326=327, T__327=328, T__328=329, 
		T__329=330, T__330=331, T__331=332, T__332=333, T__333=334, T__334=335, 
		T__335=336, T__336=337, T__337=338, T__338=339, T__339=340, T__340=341, 
		T__341=342, T__342=343, T__343=344, T__344=345, T__345=346, T__346=347, 
		T__347=348, T__348=349, T__349=350, T__350=351, T__351=352, T__352=353, 
		T__353=354, T__354=355, T__355=356, T__356=357, T__357=358, T__358=359, 
		T__359=360, T__360=361, T__361=362, T__362=363, T__363=364, T__364=365, 
		T__365=366, T__366=367, T__367=368, T__368=369, T__369=370, T__370=371, 
		T__371=372, T__372=373, T__373=374, T__374=375, T__375=376, T__376=377, 
		T__377=378, T__378=379, T__379=380, T__380=381, T__381=382, T__382=383, 
		T__383=384, T__384=385, T__385=386, T__386=387, T__387=388, T__388=389, 
		T__389=390, T__390=391, T__391=392, T__392=393, T__393=394, T__394=395, 
		T__395=396, T__396=397, T__397=398, T__398=399, T__399=400, T__400=401, 
		T__401=402, T__402=403, T__403=404, T__404=405, T__405=406, T__406=407, 
		T__407=408, T__408=409, T__409=410, T__410=411, T__411=412, T__412=413, 
		T__413=414, T__414=415, T__415=416, T__416=417, T__417=418, T__418=419, 
		T__419=420, T__420=421, T__421=422, T__422=423, T__423=424, T__424=425, 
		T__425=426, T__426=427, T__427=428, T__428=429, T__429=430, T__430=431, 
		T__431=432, T__432=433, T__433=434, T__434=435, T__435=436, T__436=437, 
		T__437=438, T__438=439, T__439=440, T__440=441, T__441=442, T__442=443, 
		T__443=444, T__444=445, T__445=446, T__446=447, T__447=448, T__448=449, 
		T__449=450, T__450=451, T__451=452, T__452=453, T__453=454, T__454=455, 
		T__455=456, T__456=457, T__457=458, T__458=459, T__459=460, T__460=461, 
		T__461=462, T__462=463, T__463=464, T__464=465, T__465=466, T__466=467, 
		T__467=468, T__468=469, T__469=470, T__470=471, T__471=472, T__472=473, 
		T__473=474, T__474=475, T__475=476, T__476=477, T__477=478, T__478=479, 
		T__479=480, T__480=481, T__481=482, T__482=483, T__483=484, T__484=485, 
		T__485=486, T__486=487, T__487=488, T__488=489, T__489=490, T__490=491, 
		T__491=492, T__492=493, T__493=494, T__494=495, T__495=496, T__496=497, 
		T__497=498, T__498=499, T__499=500, T__500=501, T__501=502, T__502=503, 
		T__503=504, T__504=505, T__505=506, T__506=507, T__507=508, T__508=509, 
		T__509=510, T__510=511, T__511=512, T__512=513, T__513=514, T__514=515, 
		T__515=516, T__516=517, T__517=518, T__518=519, T__519=520, T__520=521, 
		T__521=522, T__522=523, T__523=524, T__524=525, T__525=526, T__526=527, 
		T__527=528, T__528=529, T__529=530, T__530=531, T__531=532, T__532=533, 
		T__533=534, T__534=535, T__535=536, T__536=537, T__537=538, T__538=539, 
		T__539=540, T__540=541, T__541=542, T__542=543, T__543=544, T__544=545, 
		T__545=546, T__546=547, T__547=548, T__548=549, T__549=550, T__550=551, 
		IDENT=552, BIN_NUMBER=553, HEX_NUMBER=554, NUMBER=555, WS=556, COMMENT=557, 
	public static final int
		RULE_inline_assembly = 0, RULE_prefix = 1, RULE_assembly_instruction = 2, 
		RULE_int_value = 3, RULE_jump = 4, RULE_directive = 5, RULE_zero_op = 6, 
		RULE_imul_div = 7, RULE_unary_op8 = 8, RULE_unary_op16 = 9, RULE_unary_op32 = 10, 
		RULE_unary_op64 = 11, RULE_unary_op = 12, RULE_binary_op8 = 13, RULE_binary_op16 = 14, 
		RULE_binary_op32 = 15, RULE_binary_op64 = 16, RULE_binary_op = 17, RULE_operand8 = 18, 
		RULE_operand16 = 19, RULE_operand32 = 20, RULE_operand64 = 21, RULE_operand = 22, 
		RULE_memory_reference = 23, RULE_register8 = 24, RULE_register16 = 25, 
		RULE_register32 = 26, RULE_register64 = 27, RULE_registerXmm = 28, RULE_segment_register = 29, 
		RULE_number = 30, RULE_immediate = 31, RULE_argument = 32;
	private static String[] makeRuleNames() {
		return new String[] {
			"inline_assembly", "prefix", "assembly_instruction", "int_value", "jump", 
			"directive", "zero_op", "imul_div", "unary_op8", "unary_op16", "unary_op32", 
			"unary_op64", "unary_op", "binary_op8", "binary_op16", "binary_op32", 
			"binary_op64", "binary_op", "operand8", "operand16", "operand32", "operand64", 
			"operand", "memory_reference", "register8", "register16", "register32", 
			"register64", "registerXmm", "segment_register", "number", "immediate", 
	public static final String[] ruleNames = makeRuleNames();

	private static String[] makeLiteralNames() {
		return new String[] {
			null, "'\"'", "';'", "'\n'", "'rep'", "'repz'", "'repe'", "'repne'", 
			"'repnz'", "'lock'", "'int'", "'call'", "'ja'", "'jae'", "'jb'", "'jbe'", 
			"'jc'", "'jcxz'", "'je'", "'jecxz'", "'jg'", "'jge'", "'jl'", "'jle'", 
			"'jmp'", "'jnae'", "'jnb'", "'jnbe'", "'jnc'", "'jne'", "'jng'", "'jnge'", 
			"'jnl'", "'jnle'", "'jno'", "'jnp'", "'jns'", "'jnz'", "'jo'", "'jp'", 
			"'jpe'", "'jpo'", "'js'", "'jz'", "'lcall'", "'loop'", "'loope'", "'loopne'", 
			"'loopnz'", "'loopz'", "'.p2align'", "','", "'clc'", "'cld'", "'cli'", 
			"'cmc'", "'lahf'", "'popf'", "'popfw'", "'pushf'", "'pushfw'", "'sahf'", 
			"'stc'", "'std'", "'sti'", "'nop'", "'rdtsc'", "'cpuid'", "'xgetbv'", 
			"'ud2'", "'mfence'", "'lfence'", "'sfence'", "'hlt'", "'syscall'", "'stosb'", 
			"'stosw'", "'stosd'", "'stosq'", "'pause'", "'idivb'", "'imulb'", "'idivw'", 
			"'imulw'", "'idivl'", "'imull'", "'idivq'", "'imulq'", "'idiv'", "'imul'", 
			"'incb'", "'decb'", "'negb'", "'notb'", "'divb'", "'mulb'", "'incw'", 
			"'decw'", "'negw'", "'notw'", "'divw'", "'mulw'", "'pushw'", "'popw'", 
			"'incl'", "'decl'", "'negl'", "'notl'", "'divl'", "'mull'", "'bswapl'", 
			"'pushl'", "'popl'", "'incq'", "'decq'", "'negq'", "'notq'", "'divq'", 
			"'mulq'", "'bswapq'", "'pushq'", "'popq'", "'inc'", "'dec'", "'neg'", 
			"'not'", "'bswap'", "'rdrand'", "'rdseed'", "'seta'", "'setae'", "'setb'", 
			"'setbe'", "'setc'", "'sete'", "'setg'", "'setge'", "'setl'", "'setle'", 
			"'setna'", "'setnae'", "'setnb'", "'setnbe'", "'setnc'", "'setne'", "'setng'", 
			"'setnge'", "'setnl'", "'setnle'", "'setno'", "'setnp'", "'setns'", "'setnz'", 
			"'seto'", "'setp'", "'setpe'", "'setpo'", "'sets'", "'setz'", "'push'", 
			"'pop'", "'cmpxchg8b'", "'cmpxchg16b'", "'movb'", "'xaddb'", "'xchgb'", 
			"'adcb'", "'addb'", "'cmpb'", "'sbbb'", "'subb'", "'andb'", "'orb'", 
			"'xorb'", "'rclb'", "'rcrb'", "'rolb'", "'rorb'", "'salb'", "'sarb'", 
			"'shlb'", "'shrb'", "'testb'", "'cmpxchgb'", "'cmovaw'", "'cmovaew'", 
			"'cmovbw'", "'cmovbew'", "'cmovcw'", "'cmovew'", "'cmovgw'", "'cmovgew'", 
			"'cmovlw'", "'cmovlew'", "'cmovnaw'", "'cmovnaew'", "'cmovnbw'", "'cmovnbew'", 
			"'cmovncw'", "'cmovnew'", "'cmovngw'", "'cmovngew'", "'cmovnlw'", "'cmovnlew'", 
			"'cmovnow'", "'cmovnpw'", "'cmovnsw'", "'cmovnzw'", "'cmovow'", "'cmovpw'", 
			"'cmovpew'", "'cmovpow'", "'cmovsw'", "'cmovzw'", "'cmpxchgw'", "'movw'", 
			"'xaddw'", "'xchgw'", "'adcw'", "'addw'", "'cmpw'", "'sbbw'", "'subw'", 
			"'andw'", "'orw'", "'xorw'", "'testw'", "'bsfw'", "'bsrw'", "'btw'", 
			"'btcw'", "'btrw'", "'btsw'", "'rclw'", "'rcrw'", "'rolw'", "'rorw'", 
			"'salw'", "'sarw'", "'shlw'", "'shrw'", "'movsbw'", "'movzbw'", "'cmoval'", 
			"'cmovael'", "'cmovbl'", "'cmovbel'", "'cmovcl'", "'cmovel'", "'cmovgl'", 
			"'cmovgel'", "'cmovll'", "'cmovlel'", "'cmovnal'", "'cmovnael'", "'cmovnbl'", 
			"'cmovnbel'", "'cmovncl'", "'cmovnel'", "'cmovngl'", "'cmovngel'", "'cmovnll'", 
			"'cmovnlel'", "'cmovnol'", "'cmovnpl'", "'cmovnsl'", "'cmovnzl'", "'cmovol'", 
			"'cmovpl'", "'cmovpel'", "'cmovpol'", "'cmovsl'", "'cmovzl'", "'cmpxchgl'", 
			"'movl'", "'xaddl'", "'xchgl'", "'adcl'", "'addl'", "'cmpl'", "'sbbl'", 
			"'subl'", "'andl'", "'orl'", "'xorl'", "'testl'", "'bsfl'", "'bsrl'", 
			"'btl'", "'btcl'", "'btrl'", "'btsl'", "'rcll'", "'rcrl'", "'roll'", 
			"'rorl'", "'sall'", "'sarl'", "'shll'", "'shrl'", "'movsbl'", "'movswl'", 
			"'movzbl'", "'movzwl'", "'cmovaq'", "'cmovaeq'", "'cmovbq'", "'cmovbeq'", 
			"'cmovcq'", "'cmoveq'", "'cmovgq'", "'cmovgeq'", "'cmovlq'", "'cmovleq'", 
			"'cmovnaq'", "'cmovnaeq'", "'cmovnbq'", "'cmovnbeq'", "'cmovncq'", "'cmovneq'", 
			"'cmovngq'", "'cmovngeq'", "'cmovnlq'", "'cmovnleq'", "'cmovnoq'", "'cmovnpq'", 
			"'cmovnsq'", "'cmovnzq'", "'cmovoq'", "'cmovpq'", "'cmovpeq'", "'cmovpoq'", 
			"'cmovsq'", "'cmovzq'", "'cmpxchgq'", "'movq'", "'xaddq'", "'xchgq'", 
			"'adcq'", "'addq'", "'cmpq'", "'sbbq'", "'subq'", "'andq'", "'orq'", 
			"'xorq'", "'testq'", "'bsfq'", "'bsrq'", "'btq'", "'btcq'", "'btrq'", 
			"'btsq'", "'rclq'", "'rcrq'", "'rolq'", "'rorq'", "'salq'", "'sarq'", 
			"'shlq'", "'shrq'", "'movsbq'", "'movzbq'", "'movswq'", "'movzwq'", "'movslq'", 
			"'cmova'", "'cmovae'", "'cmovb'", "'cmovbe'", "'cmovc'", "'cmove'", "'cmovg'", 
			"'cmovge'", "'cmovl'", "'cmovle'", "'cmovna'", "'cmovnae'", "'cmovnb'", 
			"'cmovnbe'", "'cmovnc'", "'cmovne'", "'cmovng'", "'cmovnge'", "'cmovnl'", 
			"'cmovnle'", "'cmovno'", "'cmovnp'", "'cmovns'", "'cmovnz'", "'cmovo'", 
			"'cmovp'", "'cmovpe'", "'cmovpo'", "'cmovs'", "'cmovz'", "'cmpxchg'", 
			"'pmovmskb'", "'mov'", "'xadd'", "'xchg'", "'adc'", "'add'", "'cmp'", 
			"'div'", "'mul'", "'sbb'", "'sub'", "'and'", "'or'", "'xor'", "'rcl'", 
			"'rcr'", "'rol'", "'ror'", "'sal'", "'sar'", "'shl'", "'shr'", "'lea'", 
			"'bsf'", "'bsr'", "':'", "'('", "')'", "'%ah'", "'%al'", "'%bh'", "'%bl'", 
			"'%ch'", "'%cl'", "'%dh'", "'%dl'", "'%r0l'", "'%r1l'", "'%r2l'", "'%r3l'", 
			"'%r4l'", "'%r5l'", "'%r6l'", "'%r7l'", "'%r8l'", "'%r9l'", "'%r10l'", 
			"'%r11l'", "'%r12l'", "'%r13l'", "'%r14l'", "'%r15l'", "'%ax'", "'%bx'", 
			"'%cx'", "'%dx'", "'%si'", "'%di'", "'%bp'", "'%sp'", "'%r0w'", "'%r1w'", 
			"'%r2w'", "'%r3w'", "'%r4w'", "'%r5w'", "'%r6w'", "'%r7w'", "'%r8w'", 
			"'%r9w'", "'%r10w'", "'%r11w'", "'%r12w'", "'%r13w'", "'%r14w'", "'%r15w'", 
			"'%eax'", "'%ebx'", "'%ecx'", "'%edx'", "'%esi'", "'%edi'", "'%ebp'", 
			"'%esp'", "'%r0d'", "'%r1d'", "'%r2d'", "'%r3d'", "'%r4d'", "'%r5d'", 
			"'%r6d'", "'%r7d'", "'%r8d'", "'%r9d'", "'%r10d'", "'%r11d'", "'%r12d'", 
			"'%r13d'", "'%r14d'", "'%r15d'", "'%rax'", "'%rbx'", "'%rcx'", "'%rdx'", 
			"'%rsp'", "'%rbp'", "'%rsi'", "'%rdi'", "'%r0'", "'%r1'", "'%r2'", "'%r3'", 
			"'%r4'", "'%r5'", "'%r6'", "'%r7'", "'%r8'", "'%r9'", "'%r10'", "'%r11'", 
			"'%r12'", "'%r13'", "'%r14'", "'%r15'", "'%xmm0'", "'%xmm1'", "'%xmm2'", 
			"'%xmm3'", "'%xmm4'", "'%xmm5'", "'%xmm6'", "'%xmm7'", "'%xmm8'", "'%xmm9'", 
			"'%xmm10'", "'%xmm11'", "'%xmm12'", "'%xmm13'", "'%xmm14'", "'%xmm15'", 
			"'%cs'", "'%ds'", "'%es'", "'%fs'", "'%gs'", "'%ss'", "'$$'", "'$'", 
			"'{'", "'b'", "'h'", "'w'", "'k'", "'q'", "'}'"
	private static final String[] _LITERAL_NAMES = makeLiteralNames();
	private static String[] makeSymbolicNames() {
		return new String[] {
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
			null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
	private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = makeSymbolicNames();
	public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES);

Deprecated:Use VOCABULARY instead.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. */
@Deprecated public static final String[] tokenNames; static { tokenNames = new String[_SYMBOLIC_NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; i++) { tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(i); if (tokenNames[i] == null) { tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(i); } if (tokenNames[i] == null) { tokenNames[i] = "<INVALID>"; } } } @Override @Deprecated public String[] getTokenNames() { return tokenNames; } @Override public Vocabulary getVocabulary() { return VOCABULARY; } @Override public String getGrammarFileName() { return "InlineAssembly.g4"; } @Override public String[] getRuleNames() { return ruleNames; } @Override public String getSerializedATN() { return _serializedATN; } @Override public ATN getATN() { return _ATN; } private AsmFactory factory; private LLVMInlineAssemblyRootNode root; private String snippet; private static final class BailoutErrorListener extends BaseErrorListener { private final String snippet; BailoutErrorListener(String snippet) { this.snippet = snippet; } @Override public void syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) { String location = "-- line " + line + " col " + (charPositionInLine + 1) + ": "; throw new AsmParseException(String.format("ASM error in %s:\n%s%s", snippet, location, msg)); } } public static LLVMInlineAssemblyRootNode parseInlineAssembly(String asmSnippet, AsmFactory factory) { InlineAssemblyLexer lexer = new InlineAssemblyLexer(CharStreams.fromString(asmSnippet)); InlineAssemblyParser parser = new InlineAssemblyParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer)); lexer.removeErrorListeners(); parser.removeErrorListeners(); BailoutErrorListener listener = new BailoutErrorListener(asmSnippet); lexer.addErrorListener(listener); parser.addErrorListener(listener); parser.snippet = asmSnippet; parser.factory = factory; parser.inline_assembly(); if (parser.root == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("no roots produced by inline assembly snippet"); } return parser.root; } public InlineAssemblyParser(TokenStream input) { super(input); _interp = new ParserATNSimulator(this,_ATN,_decisionToDFA,_sharedContextCache); } public static class Inline_assemblyContext extends ParserRuleContext { public List<Assembly_instructionContext> assembly_instruction() { return getRuleContexts(Assembly_instructionContext.class); } public Assembly_instructionContext assembly_instruction(int i) { return getRuleContext(Assembly_instructionContext.class,i); } public List<PrefixContext> prefix() { return getRuleContexts(PrefixContext.class); } public PrefixContext prefix(int i) { return getRuleContext(PrefixContext.class,i); } public Inline_assemblyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_inline_assembly; } } public final Inline_assemblyContext inline_assembly() throws RecognitionException { Inline_assemblyContext _localctx = new Inline_assemblyContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 0, RULE_inline_assembly); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(66); match(T__0); setState(88); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__3) | (1L << T__4) | (1L << T__5) | (1L << T__6) | (1L << T__7) | (1L << T__8) | (1L << T__9) | (1L << T__10) | (1L << T__11) | (1L << T__12) | (1L << T__13) | (1L << T__14) | (1L << T__15) | (1L << T__16) | (1L << T__17) | (1L << T__18) | (1L << T__19) | (1L << T__20) | (1L << T__21) | (1L << T__22) | (1L << T__23) | (1L << T__24) | (1L << T__25) | (1L << T__26) | (1L << T__27) | (1L << T__28) | (1L << T__29) | (1L << T__30) | (1L << T__31) | (1L << T__32) | (1L << T__33) | (1L << T__34) | (1L << T__35) | (1L << T__36) | (1L << T__37) | (1L << T__38) | (1L << T__39) | (1L << T__40) | (1L << T__41) | (1L << T__42) | (1L << T__43) | (1L << T__44) | (1L << T__45) | (1L << T__46) | (1L << T__47) | (1L << T__48) | (1L << T__49) | (1L << T__51) | (1L << T__52) | (1L << T__53) | (1L << T__54) | (1L << T__55) | (1L << T__56) | (1L << T__57) | (1L << T__58) | (1L << T__59) | (1L << T__60) | (1L << T__61) | (1L << T__62))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (T__63 - 64)) | (1L << (T__64 - 64)) | (1L << (T__65 - 64)) | (1L << (T__66 - 64)) | (1L << (T__67 - 64)) | (1L << (T__68 - 64)) | (1L << (T__69 - 64)) | (1L << (T__70 - 64)) | (1L << (T__71 - 64)) | (1L << (T__72 - 64)) | (1L << (T__73 - 64)) | (1L << (T__74 - 64)) | (1L << (T__75 - 64)) | (1L << (T__76 - 64)) | (1L << (T__77 - 64)) | (1L << (T__78 - 64)) | (1L << (T__79 - 64)) | (1L << (T__80 - 64)) | (1L << (T__81 - 64)) | (1L << (T__82 - 64)) | (1L << (T__83 - 64)) | (1L << (T__84 - 64)) | (1L << (T__85 - 64)) | (1L << (T__86 - 64)) | (1L << (T__87 - 64)) | (1L << (T__88 - 64)) | (1L << (T__89 - 64)) | (1L << (T__90 - 64)) | (1L << (T__91 - 64)) | (1L << (T__92 - 64)) | (1L << (T__93 - 64)) | (1L << (T__94 - 64)) | (1L << (T__95 - 64)) | (1L << (T__96 - 64)) | (1L << (T__97 - 64)) | (1L << (T__98 - 64)) | (1L << (T__99 - 64)) | (1L << (T__100 - 64)) | (1L << (T__101 - 64)) | (1L << (T__102 - 64)) | (1L << (T__103 - 64)) | (1L << (T__104 - 64)) | (1L << (T__105 - 64)) | (1L << (T__106 - 64)) | (1L << (T__107 - 64)) | (1L << (T__108 - 64)) | (1L << (T__109 - 64)) | (1L << (T__110 - 64)) | (1L << (T__111 - 64)) | (1L << (T__112 - 64)) | (1L << (T__113 - 64)) | (1L << (T__114 - 64)) | (1L << (T__115 - 64)) | (1L << (T__116 - 64)) | (1L << (T__117 - 64)) | (1L << (T__118 - 64)) | (1L << (T__119 - 64)) | (1L << (T__120 - 64)) | (1L << (T__121 - 64)) | (1L << (T__122 - 64)) | (1L << (T__123 - 64)) | (1L << (T__124 - 64)) | (1L << (T__125 - 64)) | (1L << (T__126 - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 128)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 128)) & ((1L << (T__127 - 128)) | (1L << (T__128 - 128)) | (1L << (T__129 - 128)) | (1L << (T__130 - 128)) | (1L << (T__131 - 128)) | (1L << (T__132 - 128)) | (1L << (T__133 - 128)) | (1L << (T__134 - 128)) | (1L << (T__135 - 128)) | (1L << (T__136 - 128)) | (1L << (T__137 - 128)) | (1L << (T__138 - 128)) | (1L << (T__139 - 128)) | (1L << (T__140 - 128)) | (1L << (T__141 - 128)) | (1L << (T__142 - 128)) | (1L << (T__143 - 128)) | (1L << (T__144 - 128)) | (1L << (T__145 - 128)) | (1L << (T__146 - 128)) | (1L << (T__147 - 128)) | (1L << (T__148 - 128)) | (1L << (T__149 - 128)) | (1L << (T__150 - 128)) | (1L << (T__151 - 128)) | (1L << (T__152 - 128)) | (1L << (T__153 - 128)) | (1L << (T__154 - 128)) | (1L << (T__155 - 128)) | (1L << (T__156 - 128)) | (1L << (T__157 - 128)) | (1L << (T__158 - 128)) | (1L << (T__159 - 128)) | (1L << (T__160 - 128)) | (1L << (T__161 - 128)) | (1L << (T__162 - 128)) | (1L << (T__163 - 128)) | (1L << (T__164 - 128)) | (1L << (T__165 - 128)) | (1L << (T__166 - 128)) | (1L << (T__167 - 128)) | (1L << (T__168 - 128)) | (1L << (T__169 - 128)) | (1L << (T__170 - 128)) | (1L << (T__171 - 128)) | (1L << (T__172 - 128)) | (1L << (T__173 - 128)) | (1L << (T__174 - 128)) | (1L << (T__175 - 128)) | (1L << (T__176 - 128)) | (1L << (T__177 - 128)) | (1L << (T__178 - 128)) | (1L << (T__179 - 128)) | (1L << (T__180 - 128)) | (1L << (T__181 - 128)) | (1L << (T__182 - 128)) | (1L << (T__183 - 128)) | (1L << (T__184 - 128)) | (1L << (T__185 - 128)) | (1L << (T__186 - 128)) | (1L << (T__187 - 128)) | (1L << (T__188 - 128)) | (1L << (T__189 - 128)) | (1L << (T__190 - 128)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 192)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 192)) & ((1L << (T__191 - 192)) | (1L << (T__192 - 192)) | (1L << (T__193 - 192)) | (1L << (T__194 - 192)) | (1L << (T__195 - 192)) | (1L << (T__196 - 192)) | (1L << (T__197 - 192)) | (1L << (T__198 - 192)) | (1L << (T__199 - 192)) | (1L << (T__200 - 192)) | (1L << (T__201 - 192)) | (1L << (T__202 - 192)) | (1L << (T__203 - 192)) | (1L << (T__204 - 192)) | (1L << (T__205 - 192)) | (1L << (T__206 - 192)) | (1L << (T__207 - 192)) | (1L << (T__208 - 192)) | (1L << (T__209 - 192)) | (1L << (T__210 - 192)) | (1L << (T__211 - 192)) | (1L << (T__212 - 192)) | (1L << (T__213 - 192)) | (1L << (T__214 - 192)) | (1L << (T__215 - 192)) | (1L << (T__216 - 192)) | (1L << (T__217 - 192)) | (1L << (T__218 - 192)) | (1L << (T__219 - 192)) | (1L << (T__220 - 192)) | (1L << (T__221 - 192)) | (1L << (T__222 - 192)) | (1L << (T__223 - 192)) | (1L << (T__224 - 192)) | (1L << (T__225 - 192)) | (1L << (T__226 - 192)) | (1L << (T__227 - 192)) | (1L << (T__228 - 192)) | (1L << (T__229 - 192)) | (1L << (T__230 - 192)) | (1L << (T__231 - 192)) | (1L << (T__232 - 192)) | (1L << (T__233 - 192)) | (1L << (T__234 - 192)) | (1L << (T__235 - 192)) | (1L << (T__236 - 192)) | (1L << (T__237 - 192)) | (1L << (T__238 - 192)) | (1L << (T__239 - 192)) | (1L << (T__240 - 192)) | (1L << (T__241 - 192)) | (1L << (T__242 - 192)) | (1L << (T__243 - 192)) | (1L << (T__244 - 192)) | (1L << (T__245 - 192)) | (1L << (T__246 - 192)) | (1L << (T__247 - 192)) | (1L << (T__248 - 192)) | (1L << (T__249 - 192)) | (1L << (T__250 - 192)) | (1L << (T__251 - 192)) | (1L << (T__252 - 192)) | (1L << (T__253 - 192)) | (1L << (T__254 - 192)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 256)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 256)) & ((1L << (T__255 - 256)) | (1L << (T__256 - 256)) | (1L << (T__257 - 256)) | (1L << (T__258 - 256)) | (1L << (T__259 - 256)) | (1L << (T__260 - 256)) | (1L << (T__261 - 256)) | (1L << (T__262 - 256)) | (1L << (T__263 - 256)) | (1L << (T__264 - 256)) | (1L << (T__265 - 256)) | (1L << (T__266 - 256)) | (1L << (T__267 - 256)) | (1L << (T__268 - 256)) | (1L << (T__269 - 256)) | (1L << (T__270 - 256)) | (1L << (T__271 - 256)) | (1L << (T__272 - 256)) | (1L << (T__273 - 256)) | (1L << (T__274 - 256)) | (1L << (T__275 - 256)) | (1L << (T__276 - 256)) | (1L << (T__277 - 256)) | (1L << (T__278 - 256)) | (1L << (T__279 - 256)) | (1L << (T__280 - 256)) | (1L << (T__281 - 256)) | (1L << (T__282 - 256)) | (1L << (T__283 - 256)) | (1L << (T__284 - 256)) | (1L << (T__285 - 256)) | (1L << (T__286 - 256)) | (1L << (T__287 - 256)) | (1L << (T__288 - 256)) | (1L << (T__289 - 256)) | (1L << (T__290 - 256)) | (1L << (T__291 - 256)) | (1L << (T__292 - 256)) | (1L << (T__293 - 256)) | (1L << (T__294 - 256)) | (1L << (T__295 - 256)) | (1L << (T__296 - 256)) | (1L << (T__297 - 256)) | (1L << (T__298 - 256)) | (1L << (T__299 - 256)) | (1L << (T__300 - 256)) | (1L << (T__301 - 256)) | (1L << (T__302 - 256)) | (1L << (T__303 - 256)) | (1L << (T__304 - 256)) | (1L << (T__305 - 256)) | (1L << (T__306 - 256)) | (1L << (T__307 - 256)) | (1L << (T__308 - 256)) | (1L << (T__309 - 256)) | (1L << (T__310 - 256)) | (1L << (T__311 - 256)) | (1L << (T__312 - 256)) | (1L << (T__313 - 256)) | (1L << (T__314 - 256)) | (1L << (T__315 - 256)) | (1L << (T__316 - 256)) | (1L << (T__317 - 256)) | (1L << (T__318 - 256)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 320)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 320)) & ((1L << (T__319 - 320)) | (1L << (T__320 - 320)) | (1L << (T__321 - 320)) | (1L << (T__322 - 320)) | (1L << (T__323 - 320)) | (1L << (T__324 - 320)) | (1L << (T__325 - 320)) | (1L << (T__326 - 320)) | (1L << (T__327 - 320)) | (1L << (T__328 - 320)) | (1L << (T__329 - 320)) | (1L << (T__330 - 320)) | (1L << (T__331 - 320)) | (1L << (T__332 - 320)) | (1L << (T__333 - 320)) | (1L << (T__334 - 320)) | (1L << (T__335 - 320)) | (1L << (T__336 - 320)) | (1L << (T__337 - 320)) | (1L << (T__338 - 320)) | (1L << (T__339 - 320)) | (1L << (T__340 - 320)) | (1L << (T__341 - 320)) | (1L << (T__342 - 320)) | (1L << (T__343 - 320)) | (1L << (T__344 - 320)) | (1L << (T__345 - 320)) | (1L << (T__346 - 320)) | (1L << (T__347 - 320)) | (1L << (T__348 - 320)) | (1L << (T__349 - 320)) | (1L << (T__350 - 320)) | (1L << (T__351 - 320)) | (1L << (T__352 - 320)) | (1L << (T__353 - 320)) | (1L << (T__354 - 320)) | (1L << (T__355 - 320)) | (1L << (T__356 - 320)) | (1L << (T__357 - 320)) | (1L << (T__358 - 320)) | (1L << (T__359 - 320)) | (1L << (T__360 - 320)) | (1L << (T__361 - 320)) | (1L << (T__362 - 320)) | (1L << (T__363 - 320)) | (1L << (T__364 - 320)) | (1L << (T__365 - 320)) | (1L << (T__366 - 320)) | (1L << (T__367 - 320)) | (1L << (T__368 - 320)) | (1L << (T__369 - 320)) | (1L << (T__370 - 320)) | (1L << (T__371 - 320)) | (1L << (T__372 - 320)) | (1L << (T__373 - 320)) | (1L << (T__374 - 320)) | (1L << (T__375 - 320)) | (1L << (T__376 - 320)) | (1L << (T__377 - 320)) | (1L << (T__378 - 320)) | (1L << (T__379 - 320)) | (1L << (T__380 - 320)) | (1L << (T__381 - 320)) | (1L << (T__382 - 320)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 384)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 384)) & ((1L << (T__383 - 384)) | (1L << (T__384 - 384)) | (1L << (T__385 - 384)) | (1L << (T__386 - 384)) | (1L << (T__387 - 384)) | (1L << (T__388 - 384)) | (1L << (T__389 - 384)) | (1L << (T__390 - 384)) | (1L << (T__391 - 384)) | (1L << (T__392 - 384)) | (1L << (T__393 - 384)) | (1L << (T__394 - 384)) | (1L << (T__395 - 384)) | (1L << (T__396 - 384)) | (1L << (T__397 - 384)) | (1L << (T__398 - 384)) | (1L << (T__399 - 384)) | (1L << (T__400 - 384)) | (1L << (T__401 - 384)) | (1L << (T__402 - 384)) | (1L << (T__403 - 384)) | (1L << (T__404 - 384)) | (1L << (T__405 - 384)) | (1L << (T__406 - 384)) | (1L << (T__407 - 384)) | (1L << (T__408 - 384)) | (1L << (T__409 - 384)) | (1L << (T__410 - 384)) | (1L << (T__411 - 384)) | (1L << (T__412 - 384)) | (1L << (T__413 - 384)) | (1L << (T__414 - 384)) | (1L << (T__415 - 384)) | (1L << (T__416 - 384)) | (1L << (T__417 - 384)) | (1L << (T__418 - 384)) | (1L << (T__419 - 384)) | (1L << (T__420 - 384)))) != 0)) { { setState(72); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__3: case T__4: case T__5: case T__6: case T__7: case T__8: { setState(67); prefix(); setState(69); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__1) { { setState(68); match(T__1); } } } break; case T__9: case T__10: case T__11: case T__12: case T__13: case T__14: case T__15: case T__16: case T__17: case T__18: case T__19: case T__20: case T__21: case T__22: case T__23: case T__24: case T__25: case T__26: case T__27: case T__28: case T__29: case T__30: case T__31: case T__32: case T__33: case T__34: case T__35: case T__36: case T__37: case T__38: case T__39: case T__40: case T__41: case T__42: case T__43: case T__44: case T__45: case T__46: case T__47: case T__48: case T__49: case T__51: case T__52: case T__53: case T__54: case T__55: case T__56: case T__57: case T__58: case T__59: case T__60: case T__61: case T__62: case T__63: case T__64: case T__65: case T__66: case T__67: case T__68: case T__69: case T__70: case T__71: case T__72: case T__73: case T__74: case T__75: case T__76: case T__77: case T__78: case T__79: case T__80: case T__81: case T__82: case T__83: case T__84: case T__85: case T__86: case T__87: case T__88: case T__89: case T__90: case T__91: case T__92: case T__93: case T__94: case T__95: case T__96: case T__97: case T__98: case T__99: case T__100: case T__101: case T__102: case T__103: case T__104: case T__105: case T__106: case T__107: case T__108: case T__109: case T__110: case T__111: case T__112: case T__113: case T__114: case T__115: case T__116: case T__117: case T__118: case T__119: case T__120: case T__121: case T__122: case T__123: case T__124: case T__125: case T__126: case T__127: case T__128: case T__129: case T__130: case T__131: case T__132: case T__133: case T__134: case T__135: case T__136: case T__137: case T__138: case T__139: case T__140: case T__141: case T__142: case T__143: case T__144: case T__145: case T__146: case T__147: case T__148: case T__149: case T__150: case T__151: case T__152: case T__153: case T__154: case T__155: case T__156: case T__157: case T__158: case T__159: case T__160: case T__161: case T__162: case T__163: case T__164: case T__165: case T__166: case T__167: case T__168: case T__169: case T__170: case T__171: case T__172: case T__173: case T__174: case T__175: case T__176: case T__177: case T__178: case T__179: case T__180: case T__181: case T__182: case T__183: case T__184: case T__185: case T__186: case T__187: case T__188: case T__189: case T__190: case T__191: case T__192: case T__193: case T__194: case T__195: case T__196: case T__197: case T__198: case T__199: case T__200: case T__201: case T__202: case T__203: case T__204: case T__205: case T__206: case T__207: case T__208: case T__209: case T__210: case T__211: case T__212: case T__213: case T__214: case T__215: case T__216: case T__217: case T__218: case T__219: case T__220: case T__221: case T__222: case T__223: case T__224: case T__225: case T__226: case T__227: case T__228: case T__229: case T__230: case T__231: case T__232: case T__233: case T__234: case T__235: case T__236: case T__237: case T__238: case T__239: case T__240: case T__241: case T__242: case T__243: case T__244: case T__245: case T__246: case T__247: case T__248: case T__249: case T__250: case T__251: case T__252: case T__253: case T__254: case T__255: case T__256: case T__257: case T__258: case T__259: case T__260: case T__261: case T__262: case T__263: case T__264: case T__265: case T__266: case T__267: case T__268: case T__269: case T__270: case T__271: case T__272: case T__273: case T__274: case T__275: case T__276: case T__277: case T__278: case T__279: case T__280: case T__281: case T__282: case T__283: case T__284: case T__285: case T__286: case T__287: case T__288: case T__289: case T__290: case T__291: case T__292: case T__293: case T__294: case T__295: case T__296: case T__297: case T__298: case T__299: case T__300: case T__301: case T__302: case T__303: case T__304: case T__305: case T__306: case T__307: case T__308: case T__309: case T__310: case T__311: case T__312: case T__313: case T__314: case T__315: case T__316: case T__317: case T__318: case T__319: case T__320: case T__321: case T__322: case T__323: case T__324: case T__325: case T__326: case T__327: case T__328: case T__329: case T__330: case T__331: case T__332: case T__333: case T__334: case T__335: case T__336: case T__337: case T__338: case T__339: case T__340: case T__341: case T__342: case T__343: case T__344: case T__345: case T__346: case T__347: case T__348: case T__349: case T__350: case T__351: case T__352: case T__353: case T__354: case T__355: case T__356: case T__357: case T__358: case T__359: case T__360: case T__361: case T__362: case T__363: case T__364: case T__365: case T__366: case T__367: case T__368: case T__369: case T__370: case T__371: case T__372: case T__373: case T__374: case T__375: case T__376: case T__377: case T__378: case T__379: case T__380: case T__381: case T__382: case T__383: case T__384: case T__385: case T__386: case T__387: case T__388: case T__389: case T__390: case T__391: case T__392: case T__393: case T__394: case T__395: case T__396: case T__397: case T__398: case T__399: case T__400: case T__401: case T__402: case T__403: case T__404: case T__405: case T__406: case T__407: case T__408: case T__409: case T__410: case T__411: case T__412: case T__413: case T__414: case T__415: case T__416: case T__417: case T__418: case T__419: case T__420: { factory.setPrefix(null); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } setState(74); assembly_instruction(); setState(85); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); while (_la==T__1 || _la==T__2) { { { setState(75); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__1 || _la==T__2) ) { _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(78); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__3: case T__4: case T__5: case T__6: case T__7: case T__8: { setState(76); prefix(); } break; case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: case T__9: case T__10: case T__11: case T__12: case T__13: case T__14: case T__15: case T__16: case T__17: case T__18: case T__19: case T__20: case T__21: case T__22: case T__23: case T__24: case T__25: case T__26: case T__27: case T__28: case T__29: case T__30: case T__31: case T__32: case T__33: case T__34: case T__35: case T__36: case T__37: case T__38: case T__39: case T__40: case T__41: case T__42: case T__43: case T__44: case T__45: case T__46: case T__47: case T__48: case T__49: case T__51: case T__52: case T__53: case T__54: case T__55: case T__56: case T__57: case T__58: case T__59: case T__60: case T__61: case T__62: case T__63: case T__64: case T__65: case T__66: case T__67: case T__68: case T__69: case T__70: case T__71: case T__72: case T__73: case T__74: case T__75: case T__76: case T__77: case T__78: case T__79: case T__80: case T__81: case T__82: case T__83: case T__84: case T__85: case T__86: case T__87: case T__88: case T__89: case T__90: case T__91: case T__92: case T__93: case T__94: case T__95: case T__96: case T__97: case T__98: case T__99: case T__100: case T__101: case T__102: case T__103: case T__104: case T__105: case T__106: case T__107: case T__108: case T__109: case T__110: case T__111: case T__112: case T__113: case T__114: case T__115: case T__116: case T__117: case T__118: case T__119: case T__120: case T__121: case T__122: case T__123: case T__124: case T__125: case T__126: case T__127: case T__128: case T__129: case T__130: case T__131: case T__132: case T__133: case T__134: case T__135: case T__136: case T__137: case T__138: case T__139: case T__140: case T__141: case T__142: case T__143: case T__144: case T__145: case T__146: case T__147: case T__148: case T__149: case T__150: case T__151: case T__152: case T__153: case T__154: case T__155: case T__156: case T__157: case T__158: case T__159: case T__160: case T__161: case T__162: case T__163: case T__164: case T__165: case T__166: case T__167: case T__168: case T__169: case T__170: case T__171: case T__172: case T__173: case T__174: case T__175: case T__176: case T__177: case T__178: case T__179: case T__180: case T__181: case T__182: case T__183: case T__184: case T__185: case T__186: case T__187: case T__188: case T__189: case T__190: case T__191: case T__192: case T__193: case T__194: case T__195: case T__196: case T__197: case T__198: case T__199: case T__200: case T__201: case T__202: case T__203: case T__204: case T__205: case T__206: case T__207: case T__208: case T__209: case T__210: case T__211: case T__212: case T__213: case T__214: case T__215: case T__216: case T__217: case T__218: case T__219: case T__220: case T__221: case T__222: case T__223: case T__224: case T__225: case T__226: case T__227: case T__228: case T__229: case T__230: case T__231: case T__232: case T__233: case T__234: case T__235: case T__236: case T__237: case T__238: case T__239: case T__240: case T__241: case T__242: case T__243: case T__244: case T__245: case T__246: case T__247: case T__248: case T__249: case T__250: case T__251: case T__252: case T__253: case T__254: case T__255: case T__256: case T__257: case T__258: case T__259: case T__260: case T__261: case T__262: case T__263: case T__264: case T__265: case T__266: case T__267: case T__268: case T__269: case T__270: case T__271: case T__272: case T__273: case T__274: case T__275: case T__276: case T__277: case T__278: case T__279: case T__280: case T__281: case T__282: case T__283: case T__284: case T__285: case T__286: case T__287: case T__288: case T__289: case T__290: case T__291: case T__292: case T__293: case T__294: case T__295: case T__296: case T__297: case T__298: case T__299: case T__300: case T__301: case T__302: case T__303: case T__304: case T__305: case T__306: case T__307: case T__308: case T__309: case T__310: case T__311: case T__312: case T__313: case T__314: case T__315: case T__316: case T__317: case T__318: case T__319: case T__320: case T__321: case T__322: case T__323: case T__324: case T__325: case T__326: case T__327: case T__328: case T__329: case T__330: case T__331: case T__332: case T__333: case T__334: case T__335: case T__336: case T__337: case T__338: case T__339: case T__340: case T__341: case T__342: case T__343: case T__344: case T__345: case T__346: case T__347: case T__348: case T__349: case T__350: case T__351: case T__352: case T__353: case T__354: case T__355: case T__356: case T__357: case T__358: case T__359: case T__360: case T__361: case T__362: case T__363: case T__364: case T__365: case T__366: case T__367: case T__368: case T__369: case T__370: case T__371: case T__372: case T__373: case T__374: case T__375: case T__376: case T__377: case T__378: case T__379: case T__380: case T__381: case T__382: case T__383: case T__384: case T__385: case T__386: case T__387: case T__388: case T__389: case T__390: case T__391: case T__392: case T__393: case T__394: case T__395: case T__396: case T__397: case T__398: case T__399: case T__400: case T__401: case T__402: case T__403: case T__404: case T__405: case T__406: case T__407: case T__408: case T__409: case T__410: case T__411: case T__412: case T__413: case T__414: case T__415: case T__416: case T__417: case T__418: case T__419: case T__420: { factory.setPrefix(null); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } setState(81); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__9) | (1L << T__10) | (1L << T__11) | (1L << T__12) | (1L << T__13) | (1L << T__14) | (1L << T__15) | (1L << T__16) | (1L << T__17) | (1L << T__18) | (1L << T__19) | (1L << T__20) | (1L << T__21) | (1L << T__22) | (1L << T__23) | (1L << T__24) | (1L << T__25) | (1L << T__26) | (1L << T__27) | (1L << T__28) | (1L << T__29) | (1L << T__30) | (1L << T__31) | (1L << T__32) | (1L << T__33) | (1L << T__34) | (1L << T__35) | (1L << T__36) | (1L << T__37) | (1L << T__38) | (1L << T__39) | (1L << T__40) | (1L << T__41) | (1L << T__42) | (1L << T__43) | (1L << T__44) | (1L << T__45) | (1L << T__46) | (1L << T__47) | (1L << T__48) | (1L << T__49) | (1L << T__51) | (1L << T__52) | (1L << T__53) | (1L << T__54) | (1L << T__55) | (1L << T__56) | (1L << T__57) | (1L << T__58) | (1L << T__59) | (1L << T__60) | (1L << T__61) | (1L << T__62))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (T__63 - 64)) | (1L << (T__64 - 64)) | (1L << (T__65 - 64)) | (1L << (T__66 - 64)) | (1L << (T__67 - 64)) | (1L << (T__68 - 64)) | (1L << (T__69 - 64)) | (1L << (T__70 - 64)) | (1L << (T__71 - 64)) | (1L << (T__72 - 64)) | (1L << (T__73 - 64)) | (1L << (T__74 - 64)) | (1L << (T__75 - 64)) | (1L << (T__76 - 64)) | (1L << (T__77 - 64)) | (1L << (T__78 - 64)) | (1L << (T__79 - 64)) | (1L << (T__80 - 64)) | (1L << (T__81 - 64)) | (1L << (T__82 - 64)) | (1L << (T__83 - 64)) | (1L << (T__84 - 64)) | (1L << (T__85 - 64)) | (1L << (T__86 - 64)) | (1L << (T__87 - 64)) | (1L << (T__88 - 64)) | (1L << (T__89 - 64)) | (1L << (T__90 - 64)) | (1L << (T__91 - 64)) | (1L << (T__92 - 64)) | (1L << (T__93 - 64)) | (1L << (T__94 - 64)) | (1L << (T__95 - 64)) | (1L << (T__96 - 64)) | (1L << (T__97 - 64)) | (1L << (T__98 - 64)) | (1L << (T__99 - 64)) | (1L << (T__100 - 64)) | (1L << (T__101 - 64)) | (1L << (T__102 - 64)) | (1L << (T__103 - 64)) | (1L << (T__104 - 64)) | (1L << (T__105 - 64)) | (1L << (T__106 - 64)) | (1L << (T__107 - 64)) | (1L << (T__108 - 64)) | (1L << (T__109 - 64)) | (1L << (T__110 - 64)) | (1L << (T__111 - 64)) | (1L << (T__112 - 64)) | (1L << (T__113 - 64)) | (1L << (T__114 - 64)) | (1L << (T__115 - 64)) | (1L << (T__116 - 64)) | (1L << (T__117 - 64)) | (1L << (T__118 - 64)) | (1L << (T__119 - 64)) | (1L << (T__120 - 64)) | (1L << (T__121 - 64)) | (1L << (T__122 - 64)) | (1L << (T__123 - 64)) | (1L << (T__124 - 64)) | (1L << (T__125 - 64)) | (1L << (T__126 - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 128)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 128)) & ((1L << (T__127 - 128)) | (1L << (T__128 - 128)) | (1L << (T__129 - 128)) | (1L << (T__130 - 128)) | (1L << (T__131 - 128)) | (1L << (T__132 - 128)) | (1L << (T__133 - 128)) | (1L << (T__134 - 128)) | (1L << (T__135 - 128)) | (1L << (T__136 - 128)) | (1L << (T__137 - 128)) | (1L << (T__138 - 128)) | (1L << (T__139 - 128)) | (1L << (T__140 - 128)) | (1L << (T__141 - 128)) | (1L << (T__142 - 128)) | (1L << (T__143 - 128)) | (1L << (T__144 - 128)) | (1L << (T__145 - 128)) | (1L << (T__146 - 128)) | (1L << (T__147 - 128)) | (1L << (T__148 - 128)) | (1L << (T__149 - 128)) | (1L << (T__150 - 128)) | (1L << (T__151 - 128)) | (1L << (T__152 - 128)) | (1L << (T__153 - 128)) | (1L << (T__154 - 128)) | (1L << (T__155 - 128)) | (1L << (T__156 - 128)) | (1L << (T__157 - 128)) | (1L << (T__158 - 128)) | (1L << (T__159 - 128)) | (1L << (T__160 - 128)) | (1L << (T__161 - 128)) | (1L << (T__162 - 128)) | (1L << (T__163 - 128)) | (1L << (T__164 - 128)) | (1L << (T__165 - 128)) | (1L << (T__166 - 128)) | (1L << (T__167 - 128)) | (1L << (T__168 - 128)) | (1L << (T__169 - 128)) | (1L << (T__170 - 128)) | (1L << (T__171 - 128)) | (1L << (T__172 - 128)) | (1L << (T__173 - 128)) | (1L << (T__174 - 128)) | (1L << (T__175 - 128)) | (1L << (T__176 - 128)) | (1L << (T__177 - 128)) | (1L << (T__178 - 128)) | (1L << (T__179 - 128)) | (1L << (T__180 - 128)) | (1L << (T__181 - 128)) | (1L << (T__182 - 128)) | (1L << (T__183 - 128)) | (1L << (T__184 - 128)) | (1L << (T__185 - 128)) | (1L << (T__186 - 128)) | (1L << (T__187 - 128)) | (1L << (T__188 - 128)) | (1L << (T__189 - 128)) | (1L << (T__190 - 128)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 192)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 192)) & ((1L << (T__191 - 192)) | (1L << (T__192 - 192)) | (1L << (T__193 - 192)) | (1L << (T__194 - 192)) | (1L << (T__195 - 192)) | (1L << (T__196 - 192)) | (1L << (T__197 - 192)) | (1L << (T__198 - 192)) | (1L << (T__199 - 192)) | (1L << (T__200 - 192)) | (1L << (T__201 - 192)) | (1L << (T__202 - 192)) | (1L << (T__203 - 192)) | (1L << (T__204 - 192)) | (1L << (T__205 - 192)) | (1L << (T__206 - 192)) | (1L << (T__207 - 192)) | (1L << (T__208 - 192)) | (1L << (T__209 - 192)) | (1L << (T__210 - 192)) | (1L << (T__211 - 192)) | (1L << (T__212 - 192)) | (1L << (T__213 - 192)) | (1L << (T__214 - 192)) | (1L << (T__215 - 192)) | (1L << (T__216 - 192)) | (1L << (T__217 - 192)) | (1L << (T__218 - 192)) | (1L << (T__219 - 192)) | (1L << (T__220 - 192)) | (1L << (T__221 - 192)) | (1L << (T__222 - 192)) | (1L << (T__223 - 192)) | (1L << (T__224 - 192)) | (1L << (T__225 - 192)) | (1L << (T__226 - 192)) | (1L << (T__227 - 192)) | (1L << (T__228 - 192)) | (1L << (T__229 - 192)) | (1L << (T__230 - 192)) | (1L << (T__231 - 192)) | (1L << (T__232 - 192)) | (1L << (T__233 - 192)) | (1L << (T__234 - 192)) | (1L << (T__235 - 192)) | (1L << (T__236 - 192)) | (1L << (T__237 - 192)) | (1L << (T__238 - 192)) | (1L << (T__239 - 192)) | (1L << (T__240 - 192)) | (1L << (T__241 - 192)) | (1L << (T__242 - 192)) | (1L << (T__243 - 192)) | (1L << (T__244 - 192)) | (1L << (T__245 - 192)) | (1L << (T__246 - 192)) | (1L << (T__247 - 192)) | (1L << (T__248 - 192)) | (1L << (T__249 - 192)) | (1L << (T__250 - 192)) | (1L << (T__251 - 192)) | (1L << (T__252 - 192)) | (1L << (T__253 - 192)) | (1L << (T__254 - 192)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 256)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 256)) & ((1L << (T__255 - 256)) | (1L << (T__256 - 256)) | (1L << (T__257 - 256)) | (1L << (T__258 - 256)) | (1L << (T__259 - 256)) | (1L << (T__260 - 256)) | (1L << (T__261 - 256)) | (1L << (T__262 - 256)) | (1L << (T__263 - 256)) | (1L << (T__264 - 256)) | (1L << (T__265 - 256)) | (1L << (T__266 - 256)) | (1L << (T__267 - 256)) | (1L << (T__268 - 256)) | (1L << (T__269 - 256)) | (1L << (T__270 - 256)) | (1L << (T__271 - 256)) | (1L << (T__272 - 256)) | (1L << (T__273 - 256)) | (1L << (T__274 - 256)) | (1L << (T__275 - 256)) | (1L << (T__276 - 256)) | (1L << (T__277 - 256)) | (1L << (T__278 - 256)) | (1L << (T__279 - 256)) | (1L << (T__280 - 256)) | (1L << (T__281 - 256)) | (1L << (T__282 - 256)) | (1L << (T__283 - 256)) | (1L << (T__284 - 256)) | (1L << (T__285 - 256)) | (1L << (T__286 - 256)) | (1L << (T__287 - 256)) | (1L << (T__288 - 256)) | (1L << (T__289 - 256)) | (1L << (T__290 - 256)) | (1L << (T__291 - 256)) | (1L << (T__292 - 256)) | (1L << (T__293 - 256)) | (1L << (T__294 - 256)) | (1L << (T__295 - 256)) | (1L << (T__296 - 256)) | (1L << (T__297 - 256)) | (1L << (T__298 - 256)) | (1L << (T__299 - 256)) | (1L << (T__300 - 256)) | (1L << (T__301 - 256)) | (1L << (T__302 - 256)) | (1L << (T__303 - 256)) | (1L << (T__304 - 256)) | (1L << (T__305 - 256)) | (1L << (T__306 - 256)) | (1L << (T__307 - 256)) | (1L << (T__308 - 256)) | (1L << (T__309 - 256)) | (1L << (T__310 - 256)) | (1L << (T__311 - 256)) | (1L << (T__312 - 256)) | (1L << (T__313 - 256)) | (1L << (T__314 - 256)) | (1L << (T__315 - 256)) | (1L << (T__316 - 256)) | (1L << (T__317 - 256)) | (1L << (T__318 - 256)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 320)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 320)) & ((1L << (T__319 - 320)) | (1L << (T__320 - 320)) | (1L << (T__321 - 320)) | (1L << (T__322 - 320)) | (1L << (T__323 - 320)) | (1L << (T__324 - 320)) | (1L << (T__325 - 320)) | (1L << (T__326 - 320)) | (1L << (T__327 - 320)) | (1L << (T__328 - 320)) | (1L << (T__329 - 320)) | (1L << (T__330 - 320)) | (1L << (T__331 - 320)) | (1L << (T__332 - 320)) | (1L << (T__333 - 320)) | (1L << (T__334 - 320)) | (1L << (T__335 - 320)) | (1L << (T__336 - 320)) | (1L << (T__337 - 320)) | (1L << (T__338 - 320)) | (1L << (T__339 - 320)) | (1L << (T__340 - 320)) | (1L << (T__341 - 320)) | (1L << (T__342 - 320)) | (1L << (T__343 - 320)) | (1L << (T__344 - 320)) | (1L << (T__345 - 320)) | (1L << (T__346 - 320)) | (1L << (T__347 - 320)) | (1L << (T__348 - 320)) | (1L << (T__349 - 320)) | (1L << (T__350 - 320)) | (1L << (T__351 - 320)) | (1L << (T__352 - 320)) | (1L << (T__353 - 320)) | (1L << (T__354 - 320)) | (1L << (T__355 - 320)) | (1L << (T__356 - 320)) | (1L << (T__357 - 320)) | (1L << (T__358 - 320)) | (1L << (T__359 - 320)) | (1L << (T__360 - 320)) | (1L << (T__361 - 320)) | (1L << (T__362 - 320)) | (1L << (T__363 - 320)) | (1L << (T__364 - 320)) | (1L << (T__365 - 320)) | (1L << (T__366 - 320)) | (1L << (T__367 - 320)) | (1L << (T__368 - 320)) | (1L << (T__369 - 320)) | (1L << (T__370 - 320)) | (1L << (T__371 - 320)) | (1L << (T__372 - 320)) | (1L << (T__373 - 320)) | (1L << (T__374 - 320)) | (1L << (T__375 - 320)) | (1L << (T__376 - 320)) | (1L << (T__377 - 320)) | (1L << (T__378 - 320)) | (1L << (T__379 - 320)) | (1L << (T__380 - 320)) | (1L << (T__381 - 320)) | (1L << (T__382 - 320)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 384)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 384)) & ((1L << (T__383 - 384)) | (1L << (T__384 - 384)) | (1L << (T__385 - 384)) | (1L << (T__386 - 384)) | (1L << (T__387 - 384)) | (1L << (T__388 - 384)) | (1L << (T__389 - 384)) | (1L << (T__390 - 384)) | (1L << (T__391 - 384)) | (1L << (T__392 - 384)) | (1L << (T__393 - 384)) | (1L << (T__394 - 384)) | (1L << (T__395 - 384)) | (1L << (T__396 - 384)) | (1L << (T__397 - 384)) | (1L << (T__398 - 384)) | (1L << (T__399 - 384)) | (1L << (T__400 - 384)) | (1L << (T__401 - 384)) | (1L << (T__402 - 384)) | (1L << (T__403 - 384)) | (1L << (T__404 - 384)) | (1L << (T__405 - 384)) | (1L << (T__406 - 384)) | (1L << (T__407 - 384)) | (1L << (T__408 - 384)) | (1L << (T__409 - 384)) | (1L << (T__410 - 384)) | (1L << (T__411 - 384)) | (1L << (T__412 - 384)) | (1L << (T__413 - 384)) | (1L << (T__414 - 384)) | (1L << (T__415 - 384)) | (1L << (T__416 - 384)) | (1L << (T__417 - 384)) | (1L << (T__418 - 384)) | (1L << (T__419 - 384)) | (1L << (T__420 - 384)))) != 0)) { { setState(80); assembly_instruction(); } } } } setState(87); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); } } } setState(90); match(T__0); root = factory.finishInline(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class PrefixContext extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public PrefixContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_prefix; } } public final PrefixContext prefix() throws RecognitionException { PrefixContext _localctx = new PrefixContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_prefix); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(93); _localctx.op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__3) | (1L << T__4) | (1L << T__5) | (1L << T__6) | (1L << T__7) | (1L << T__8))) != 0)) ) { _localctx.op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } factory.setPrefix(_localctx.op.getText()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Assembly_instructionContext extends ParserRuleContext { public DirectiveContext directive() { return getRuleContext(DirectiveContext.class,0); } public Zero_opContext zero_op() { return getRuleContext(Zero_opContext.class,0); } public Unary_op8Context unary_op8() { return getRuleContext(Unary_op8Context.class,0); } public Unary_op16Context unary_op16() { return getRuleContext(Unary_op16Context.class,0); } public Unary_op32Context unary_op32() { return getRuleContext(Unary_op32Context.class,0); } public Unary_op64Context unary_op64() { return getRuleContext(Unary_op64Context.class,0); } public Unary_opContext unary_op() { return getRuleContext(Unary_opContext.class,0); } public Binary_op8Context binary_op8() { return getRuleContext(Binary_op8Context.class,0); } public Binary_op16Context binary_op16() { return getRuleContext(Binary_op16Context.class,0); } public Binary_op32Context binary_op32() { return getRuleContext(Binary_op32Context.class,0); } public Binary_op64Context binary_op64() { return getRuleContext(Binary_op64Context.class,0); } public Binary_opContext binary_op() { return getRuleContext(Binary_opContext.class,0); } public Imul_divContext imul_div() { return getRuleContext(Imul_divContext.class,0); } public JumpContext jump() { return getRuleContext(JumpContext.class,0); } public Int_valueContext int_value() { return getRuleContext(Int_valueContext.class,0); } public Assembly_instructionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_assembly_instruction; } } public final Assembly_instructionContext assembly_instruction() throws RecognitionException { Assembly_instructionContext _localctx = new Assembly_instructionContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 4, RULE_assembly_instruction); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(111); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__49: { setState(96); directive(); } break; case T__51: case T__52: case T__53: case T__54: case T__55: case T__56: case T__57: case T__58: case T__59: case T__60: case T__61: case T__62: case T__63: case T__64: case T__65: case T__66: case T__67: case T__68: case T__69: case T__70: case T__71: case T__72: case T__73: case T__74: case T__75: case T__76: case T__77: case T__78: { setState(97); zero_op(); } break; case T__89: case T__90: case T__91: case T__92: case T__93: case T__94: { setState(98); unary_op8(); } break; case T__95: case T__96: case T__97: case T__98: case T__99: case T__100: case T__101: case T__102: { setState(99); unary_op16(); } break; case T__103: case T__104: case T__105: case T__106: case T__107: case T__108: case T__109: case T__110: case T__111: { setState(100); unary_op32(); } break; case T__112: case T__113: case T__114: case T__115: case T__116: case T__117: case T__118: case T__119: case T__120: { setState(101); unary_op64(); } break; case T__121: case T__122: case T__123: case T__124: case T__125: case T__126: case T__127: case T__128: case T__129: case T__130: case T__131: case T__132: case T__133: case T__134: case T__135: case T__136: case T__137: case T__138: case T__139: case T__140: case T__141: case T__142: case T__143: case T__144: case T__145: case T__146: case T__147: case T__148: case T__149: case T__150: case T__151: case T__152: case T__153: case T__154: case T__155: case T__156: case T__157: case T__158: case T__159: case T__160: case T__161: { setState(102); unary_op(); } break; case T__162: case T__163: case T__164: case T__165: case T__166: case T__167: case T__168: case T__169: case T__170: case T__171: case T__172: case T__173: case T__174: case T__175: case T__176: case T__177: case T__178: case T__179: case T__180: case T__181: case T__182: { setState(103); binary_op8(); } break; case T__183: case T__184: case T__185: case T__186: case T__187: case T__188: case T__189: case T__190: case T__191: case T__192: case T__193: case T__194: case T__195: case T__196: case T__197: case T__198: case T__199: case T__200: case T__201: case T__202: case T__203: case T__204: case T__205: case T__206: case T__207: case T__208: case T__209: case T__210: case T__211: case T__212: case T__213: case T__214: case T__215: case T__216: case T__217: case T__218: case T__219: case T__220: case T__221: case T__222: case T__223: case T__224: case T__225: case T__226: case T__227: case T__228: case T__229: case T__230: case T__231: case T__232: case T__233: case T__234: case T__235: case T__236: case T__237: case T__238: case T__239: case T__240: case T__241: { setState(104); binary_op16(); } break; case T__242: case T__243: case T__244: case T__245: case T__246: case T__247: case T__248: case T__249: case T__250: case T__251: case T__252: case T__253: case T__254: case T__255: case T__256: case T__257: case T__258: case T__259: case T__260: case T__261: case T__262: case T__263: case T__264: case T__265: case T__266: case T__267: case T__268: case T__269: case T__270: case T__271: case T__272: case T__273: case T__274: case T__275: case T__276: case T__277: case T__278: case T__279: case T__280: case T__281: case T__282: case T__283: case T__284: case T__285: case T__286: case T__287: case T__288: case T__289: case T__290: case T__291: case T__292: case T__293: case T__294: case T__295: case T__296: case T__297: case T__298: case T__299: case T__300: case T__301: case T__302: { setState(105); binary_op32(); } break; case T__303: case T__304: case T__305: case T__306: case T__307: case T__308: case T__309: case T__310: case T__311: case T__312: case T__313: case T__314: case T__315: case T__316: case T__317: case T__318: case T__319: case T__320: case T__321: case T__322: case T__323: case T__324: case T__325: case T__326: case T__327: case T__328: case T__329: case T__330: case T__331: case T__332: case T__333: case T__334: case T__335: case T__336: case T__337: case T__338: case T__339: case T__340: case T__341: case T__342: case T__343: case T__344: case T__345: case T__346: case T__347: case T__348: case T__349: case T__350: case T__351: case T__352: case T__353: case T__354: case T__355: case T__356: case T__357: case T__358: case T__359: case T__360: case T__361: case T__362: case T__363: case T__364: { setState(106); binary_op64(); } break; case T__365: case T__366: case T__367: case T__368: case T__369: case T__370: case T__371: case T__372: case T__373: case T__374: case T__375: case T__376: case T__377: case T__378: case T__379: case T__380: case T__381: case T__382: case T__383: case T__384: case T__385: case T__386: case T__387: case T__388: case T__389: case T__390: case T__391: case T__392: case T__393: case T__394: case T__395: case T__396: case T__397: case T__398: case T__399: case T__400: case T__401: case T__402: case T__403: case T__404: case T__405: case T__406: case T__407: case T__408: case T__409: case T__410: case T__411: case T__412: case T__413: case T__414: case T__415: case T__416: case T__417: case T__418: case T__419: case T__420: { setState(107); binary_op(); } break; case T__79: case T__80: case T__81: case T__82: case T__83: case T__84: case T__85: case T__86: case T__87: case T__88: { setState(108); imul_div(); } break; case T__10: case T__11: case T__12: case T__13: case T__14: case T__15: case T__16: case T__17: case T__18: case T__19: case T__20: case T__21: case T__22: case T__23: case T__24: case T__25: case T__26: case T__27: case T__28: case T__29: case T__30: case T__31: case T__32: case T__33: case T__34: case T__35: case T__36: case T__37: case T__38: case T__39: case T__40: case T__41: case T__42: case T__43: case T__44: case T__45: case T__46: case T__47: case T__48: { setState(109); jump(); } break; case T__9: { setState(110); int_value(); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Int_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { public ImmediateContext immediate; public ImmediateContext immediate() { return getRuleContext(ImmediateContext.class,0); } public Int_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_int_value; } } public final Int_valueContext int_value() throws RecognitionException { Int_valueContext _localctx = new Int_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 6, RULE_int_value); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(113); match(T__9); setState(114); _localctx.immediate = immediate(); factory.createInt(_localctx.immediate.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class JumpContext extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public Operand64Context bta; public Operand64Context operand64() { return getRuleContext(Operand64Context.class,0); } public JumpContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_jump; } } public final JumpContext jump() throws RecognitionException { JumpContext _localctx = new JumpContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 8, RULE_jump); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(117); _localctx.op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__10) | (1L << T__11) | (1L << T__12) | (1L << T__13) | (1L << T__14) | (1L << T__15) | (1L << T__16) | (1L << T__17) | (1L << T__18) | (1L << T__19) | (1L << T__20) | (1L << T__21) | (1L << T__22) | (1L << T__23) | (1L << T__24) | (1L << T__25) | (1L << T__26) | (1L << T__27) | (1L << T__28) | (1L << T__29) | (1L << T__30) | (1L << T__31) | (1L << T__32) | (1L << T__33) | (1L << T__34) | (1L << T__35) | (1L << T__36) | (1L << T__37) | (1L << T__38) | (1L << T__39) | (1L << T__40) | (1L << T__41) | (1L << T__42) | (1L << T__43) | (1L << T__44) | (1L << T__45) | (1L << T__46) | (1L << T__47) | (1L << T__48))) != 0)) ) { _localctx.op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(118); _localctx.bta = operand64(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class DirectiveContext extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public NumberContext low_order_bits; public NumberContext padding_byte; public NumberContext max_bytes; public List<NumberContext> number() { return getRuleContexts(NumberContext.class); } public NumberContext number(int i) { return getRuleContext(NumberContext.class,i); } public DirectiveContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_directive; } } public final DirectiveContext directive() throws RecognitionException { DirectiveContext _localctx = new DirectiveContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 10, RULE_directive); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(120); _localctx.op = match(T__49); setState(121); _localctx.low_order_bits = number(); setState(128); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__50) { { setState(122); match(T__50); setState(123); _localctx.padding_byte = number(); setState(126); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__50) { { setState(124); match(T__50); setState(125); _localctx.max_bytes = number(); } } } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Zero_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public Zero_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zero_op; } } public final Zero_opContext zero_op() throws RecognitionException { Zero_opContext _localctx = new Zero_opContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 12, RULE_zero_op); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(130); _localctx.op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 52)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 52)) & ((1L << (T__51 - 52)) | (1L << (T__52 - 52)) | (1L << (T__53 - 52)) | (1L << (T__54 - 52)) | (1L << (T__55 - 52)) | (1L << (T__56 - 52)) | (1L << (T__57 - 52)) | (1L << (T__58 - 52)) | (1L << (T__59 - 52)) | (1L << (T__60 - 52)) | (1L << (T__61 - 52)) | (1L << (T__62 - 52)) | (1L << (T__63 - 52)) | (1L << (T__64 - 52)) | (1L << (T__65 - 52)) | (1L << (T__66 - 52)) | (1L << (T__67 - 52)) | (1L << (T__68 - 52)) | (1L << (T__69 - 52)) | (1L << (T__70 - 52)) | (1L << (T__71 - 52)) | (1L << (T__72 - 52)) | (1L << (T__73 - 52)) | (1L << (T__74 - 52)) | (1L << (T__75 - 52)) | (1L << (T__76 - 52)) | (1L << (T__77 - 52)) | (1L << (T__78 - 52)))) != 0)) ) { _localctx.op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } factory.createOperation(_localctx.op.getText()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Imul_divContext extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op1; public Operand8Context a1; public Operand8Context b1; public Operand8Context c1; public Token op2; public Operand16Context a2; public Operand16Context b2; public Operand16Context c2; public Token op3; public Operand32Context a3; public Operand32Context b3; public Operand32Context c3; public Token op4; public Operand64Context a4; public Operand64Context b4; public Operand64Context c4; public Token op5; public OperandContext a5; public OperandContext b5; public OperandContext c5; public List<Operand8Context> operand8() { return getRuleContexts(Operand8Context.class); } public Operand8Context operand8(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand8Context.class,i); } public List<Operand16Context> operand16() { return getRuleContexts(Operand16Context.class); } public Operand16Context operand16(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand16Context.class,i); } public List<Operand32Context> operand32() { return getRuleContexts(Operand32Context.class); } public Operand32Context operand32(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand32Context.class,i); } public List<Operand64Context> operand64() { return getRuleContexts(Operand64Context.class); } public Operand64Context operand64(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand64Context.class,i); } public List<OperandContext> operand() { return getRuleContexts(OperandContext.class); } public OperandContext operand(int i) { return getRuleContext(OperandContext.class,i); } public Imul_divContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_imul_div; } } public final Imul_divContext imul_div() throws RecognitionException { Imul_divContext _localctx = new Imul_divContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 14, RULE_imul_div); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(203); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__79: case T__80: { setState(133); _localctx.op1 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__79 || _la==T__80) ) { _localctx.op1 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(134); _localctx.a1 = operand8(); setState(145); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createUnaryOperation(_localctx.op1.getText(), _localctx.a1.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(136); match(T__50); setState(137); _localctx.b1 = operand8(); setState(143); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createBinaryOperation(_localctx.op1.getText(), _localctx.a1.op, _localctx.b1.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(139); match(T__50); setState(140); _localctx.c1 = operand8(); factory.createTernaryOperation(_localctx.op1.getText(), _localctx.a1.op, _localctx.b1.op, _localctx.c1.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; case T__81: case T__82: { setState(147); _localctx.op2 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__81 || _la==T__82) ) { _localctx.op2 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(148); _localctx.a2 = operand16(); setState(159); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createUnaryOperation(_localctx.op2.getText(), _localctx.a2.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(150); match(T__50); setState(151); _localctx.b2 = operand16(); setState(157); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createBinaryOperation(_localctx.op2.getText(), _localctx.a2.op, _localctx.b2.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(153); match(T__50); setState(154); _localctx.c2 = operand16(); factory.createTernaryOperation(_localctx.op2.getText(), _localctx.a2.op, _localctx.b2.op, _localctx.c2.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; case T__83: case T__84: { setState(161); _localctx.op3 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__83 || _la==T__84) ) { _localctx.op3 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(162); _localctx.a3 = operand32(); setState(173); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createUnaryOperation(_localctx.op3.getText(), _localctx.a3.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(164); match(T__50); setState(165); _localctx.b3 = operand32(); setState(171); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createBinaryOperation(_localctx.op3.getText(), _localctx.a3.op, _localctx.b3.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(167); match(T__50); setState(168); _localctx.c3 = operand32(); factory.createTernaryOperation(_localctx.op3.getText(), _localctx.a3.op, _localctx.b3.op, _localctx.c3.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; case T__85: case T__86: { setState(175); _localctx.op4 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__85 || _la==T__86) ) { _localctx.op4 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(176); _localctx.a4 = operand64(); setState(187); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createUnaryOperation(_localctx.op4.getText(), _localctx.a4.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(178); match(T__50); setState(179); _localctx.b4 = operand64(); setState(185); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createBinaryOperation(_localctx.op4.getText(), _localctx.a4.op, _localctx.b4.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(181); match(T__50); setState(182); _localctx.c4 = operand64(); factory.createTernaryOperation(_localctx.op4.getText(), _localctx.a4.op, _localctx.b4.op, _localctx.c4.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; case T__87: case T__88: { setState(189); _localctx.op5 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__87 || _la==T__88) ) { _localctx.op5 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(190); _localctx.a5 = operand(); setState(201); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createUnaryOperation(_localctx.op5.getText(), _localctx.a5.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(192); match(T__50); setState(193); _localctx.b5 = operand(); setState(199); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__0: case T__1: case T__2: { factory.createBinaryOperation(_localctx.op5.getText(), _localctx.a5.op, _localctx.b5.op); } break; case T__50: { setState(195); match(T__50); setState(196); _localctx.c5 = operand(); factory.createTernaryOperation(_localctx.op5.getText(), _localctx.a5.op, _localctx.b5.op, _localctx.c5.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Unary_op8Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public Operand8Context operand8; public Operand8Context operand8() { return getRuleContext(Operand8Context.class,0); } public Unary_op8Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unary_op8; } } public final Unary_op8Context unary_op8() throws RecognitionException { Unary_op8Context _localctx = new Unary_op8Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 16, RULE_unary_op8); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(205); ((Unary_op8Context)_localctx).op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 90)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 90)) & ((1L << (T__89 - 90)) | (1L << (T__90 - 90)) | (1L << (T__91 - 90)) | (1L << (T__92 - 90)) | (1L << (T__93 - 90)) | (1L << (T__94 - 90)))) != 0)) ) { ((Unary_op8Context)_localctx).op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(206); ((Unary_op8Context)_localctx).operand8 = operand8(); factory.createUnaryOperation(((Unary_op8Context)_localctx).op.getText(), ((Unary_op8Context)_localctx).operand8.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Unary_op16Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public Operand16Context operand16; public Operand16Context operand16() { return getRuleContext(Operand16Context.class,0); } public Unary_op16Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unary_op16; } } public final Unary_op16Context unary_op16() throws RecognitionException { Unary_op16Context _localctx = new Unary_op16Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 18, RULE_unary_op16); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(209); ((Unary_op16Context)_localctx).op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 96)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 96)) & ((1L << (T__95 - 96)) | (1L << (T__96 - 96)) | (1L << (T__97 - 96)) | (1L << (T__98 - 96)) | (1L << (T__99 - 96)) | (1L << (T__100 - 96)) | (1L << (T__101 - 96)) | (1L << (T__102 - 96)))) != 0)) ) { ((Unary_op16Context)_localctx).op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(210); ((Unary_op16Context)_localctx).operand16 = operand16(); factory.createUnaryOperation(((Unary_op16Context)_localctx).op.getText(), ((Unary_op16Context)_localctx).operand16.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Unary_op32Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public Operand32Context operand32; public Operand32Context operand32() { return getRuleContext(Operand32Context.class,0); } public Unary_op32Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unary_op32; } } public final Unary_op32Context unary_op32() throws RecognitionException { Unary_op32Context _localctx = new Unary_op32Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 20, RULE_unary_op32); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(213); ((Unary_op32Context)_localctx).op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 104)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 104)) & ((1L << (T__103 - 104)) | (1L << (T__104 - 104)) | (1L << (T__105 - 104)) | (1L << (T__106 - 104)) | (1L << (T__107 - 104)) | (1L << (T__108 - 104)) | (1L << (T__109 - 104)) | (1L << (T__110 - 104)) | (1L << (T__111 - 104)))) != 0)) ) { ((Unary_op32Context)_localctx).op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(214); ((Unary_op32Context)_localctx).operand32 = operand32(); factory.createUnaryOperation(((Unary_op32Context)_localctx).op.getText(), ((Unary_op32Context)_localctx).operand32.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Unary_op64Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public Operand64Context operand64; public Operand64Context operand64() { return getRuleContext(Operand64Context.class,0); } public Unary_op64Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unary_op64; } } public final Unary_op64Context unary_op64() throws RecognitionException { Unary_op64Context _localctx = new Unary_op64Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 22, RULE_unary_op64); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(217); ((Unary_op64Context)_localctx).op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 113)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 113)) & ((1L << (T__112 - 113)) | (1L << (T__113 - 113)) | (1L << (T__114 - 113)) | (1L << (T__115 - 113)) | (1L << (T__116 - 113)) | (1L << (T__117 - 113)) | (1L << (T__118 - 113)) | (1L << (T__119 - 113)) | (1L << (T__120 - 113)))) != 0)) ) { ((Unary_op64Context)_localctx).op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(218); ((Unary_op64Context)_localctx).operand64 = operand64(); factory.createUnaryOperation(((Unary_op64Context)_localctx).op.getText(), ((Unary_op64Context)_localctx).operand64.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Unary_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public OperandContext operand; public OperandContext operand() { return getRuleContext(OperandContext.class,0); } public Unary_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unary_op; } } public final Unary_opContext unary_op() throws RecognitionException { Unary_opContext _localctx = new Unary_opContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 24, RULE_unary_op); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(221); _localctx.op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (T__121 - 122)) | (1L << (T__122 - 122)) | (1L << (T__123 - 122)) | (1L << (T__124 - 122)) | (1L << (T__125 - 122)) | (1L << (T__126 - 122)) | (1L << (T__127 - 122)) | (1L << (T__128 - 122)) | (1L << (T__129 - 122)) | (1L << (T__130 - 122)) | (1L << (T__131 - 122)) | (1L << (T__132 - 122)) | (1L << (T__133 - 122)) | (1L << (T__134 - 122)) | (1L << (T__135 - 122)) | (1L << (T__136 - 122)) | (1L << (T__137 - 122)) | (1L << (T__138 - 122)) | (1L << (T__139 - 122)) | (1L << (T__140 - 122)) | (1L << (T__141 - 122)) | (1L << (T__142 - 122)) | (1L << (T__143 - 122)) | (1L << (T__144 - 122)) | (1L << (T__145 - 122)) | (1L << (T__146 - 122)) | (1L << (T__147 - 122)) | (1L << (T__148 - 122)) | (1L << (T__149 - 122)) | (1L << (T__150 - 122)) | (1L << (T__151 - 122)) | (1L << (T__152 - 122)) | (1L << (T__153 - 122)) | (1L << (T__154 - 122)) | (1L << (T__155 - 122)) | (1L << (T__156 - 122)) | (1L << (T__157 - 122)) | (1L << (T__158 - 122)) | (1L << (T__159 - 122)) | (1L << (T__160 - 122)) | (1L << (T__161 - 122)))) != 0)) ) { _localctx.op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(222); _localctx.operand = operand(); factory.createUnaryOperationImplicitSize(_localctx.op.getText(), _localctx.operand.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Binary_op8Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public Operand8Context a; public Operand8Context b; public List<Operand8Context> operand8() { return getRuleContexts(Operand8Context.class); } public Operand8Context operand8(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand8Context.class,i); } public Binary_op8Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_binary_op8; } } public final Binary_op8Context binary_op8() throws RecognitionException { Binary_op8Context _localctx = new Binary_op8Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 26, RULE_binary_op8); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(225); ((Binary_op8Context)_localctx).op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 163)) & ((1L << (T__162 - 163)) | (1L << (T__163 - 163)) | (1L << (T__164 - 163)) | (1L << (T__165 - 163)) | (1L << (T__166 - 163)) | (1L << (T__167 - 163)) | (1L << (T__168 - 163)) | (1L << (T__169 - 163)) | (1L << (T__170 - 163)) | (1L << (T__171 - 163)) | (1L << (T__172 - 163)) | (1L << (T__173 - 163)) | (1L << (T__174 - 163)) | (1L << (T__175 - 163)) | (1L << (T__176 - 163)) | (1L << (T__177 - 163)) | (1L << (T__178 - 163)) | (1L << (T__179 - 163)) | (1L << (T__180 - 163)) | (1L << (T__181 - 163)) | (1L << (T__182 - 163)))) != 0)) ) { ((Binary_op8Context)_localctx).op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(226); ((Binary_op8Context)_localctx).a = operand8(); setState(227); match(T__50); setState(228); ((Binary_op8Context)_localctx).b = operand8(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op8Context)_localctx).op.getText(), ((Binary_op8Context)_localctx).a.op, ((Binary_op8Context)_localctx).b.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Binary_op16Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op1; public Operand16Context a1; public Operand16Context b1; public Token op2; public Operand8Context a2; public Operand16Context b2; public Token op3; public Operand8Context a3; public Operand16Context b3; public List<Operand16Context> operand16() { return getRuleContexts(Operand16Context.class); } public Operand16Context operand16(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand16Context.class,i); } public Operand8Context operand8() { return getRuleContext(Operand8Context.class,0); } public Binary_op16Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_binary_op16; } } public final Binary_op16Context binary_op16() throws RecognitionException { Binary_op16Context _localctx = new Binary_op16Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 28, RULE_binary_op16); int _la; try { setState(249); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__183: case T__184: case T__185: case T__186: case T__187: case T__188: case T__189: case T__190: case T__191: case T__192: case T__193: case T__194: case T__195: case T__196: case T__197: case T__198: case T__199: case T__200: case T__201: case T__202: case T__203: case T__204: case T__205: case T__206: case T__207: case T__208: case T__209: case T__210: case T__211: case T__212: case T__213: case T__214: case T__215: case T__216: case T__217: case T__218: case T__219: case T__220: case T__221: case T__222: case T__223: case T__224: case T__225: case T__226: case T__227: case T__228: case T__229: case T__230: case T__231: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(231); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op1 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 184)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 184)) & ((1L << (T__183 - 184)) | (1L << (T__184 - 184)) | (1L << (T__185 - 184)) | (1L << (T__186 - 184)) | (1L << (T__187 - 184)) | (1L << (T__188 - 184)) | (1L << (T__189 - 184)) | (1L << (T__190 - 184)) | (1L << (T__191 - 184)) | (1L << (T__192 - 184)) | (1L << (T__193 - 184)) | (1L << (T__194 - 184)) | (1L << (T__195 - 184)) | (1L << (T__196 - 184)) | (1L << (T__197 - 184)) | (1L << (T__198 - 184)) | (1L << (T__199 - 184)) | (1L << (T__200 - 184)) | (1L << (T__201 - 184)) | (1L << (T__202 - 184)) | (1L << (T__203 - 184)) | (1L << (T__204 - 184)) | (1L << (T__205 - 184)) | (1L << (T__206 - 184)) | (1L << (T__207 - 184)) | (1L << (T__208 - 184)) | (1L << (T__209 - 184)) | (1L << (T__210 - 184)) | (1L << (T__211 - 184)) | (1L << (T__212 - 184)) | (1L << (T__213 - 184)) | (1L << (T__214 - 184)) | (1L << (T__215 - 184)) | (1L << (T__216 - 184)) | (1L << (T__217 - 184)) | (1L << (T__218 - 184)) | (1L << (T__219 - 184)) | (1L << (T__220 - 184)) | (1L << (T__221 - 184)) | (1L << (T__222 - 184)) | (1L << (T__223 - 184)) | (1L << (T__224 - 184)) | (1L << (T__225 - 184)) | (1L << (T__226 - 184)) | (1L << (T__227 - 184)) | (1L << (T__228 - 184)) | (1L << (T__229 - 184)) | (1L << (T__230 - 184)) | (1L << (T__231 - 184)))) != 0)) ) { ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op1 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(232); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).a1 = operand16(); setState(233); match(T__50); setState(234); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).b1 = operand16(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op1.getText(), ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).a1.op, ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).b1.op); } break; case T__232: case T__233: case T__234: case T__235: case T__236: case T__237: case T__238: case T__239: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); { setState(237); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op2 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 233)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 233)) & ((1L << (T__232 - 233)) | (1L << (T__233 - 233)) | (1L << (T__234 - 233)) | (1L << (T__235 - 233)) | (1L << (T__236 - 233)) | (1L << (T__237 - 233)) | (1L << (T__238 - 233)) | (1L << (T__239 - 233)))) != 0)) ) { ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op2 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(238); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).a2 = operand8(); setState(239); match(T__50); setState(240); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).b2 = operand16(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op2.getText(), ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).a2.op, ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).b2.op); } break; case T__240: case T__241: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); { setState(243); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op3 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__240 || _la==T__241) ) { ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op3 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(244); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).a3 = operand8(); setState(245); match(T__50); setState(246); ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).b3 = operand16(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).op3.getText(), ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).a3.op, ((Binary_op16Context)_localctx).b3.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Binary_op32Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op1; public Operand32Context a1; public Operand32Context b1; public Token op2; public Operand8Context a2; public Operand32Context b2; public Token op3; public Operand8Context a3; public Operand32Context b3; public Token op4; public Operand16Context a4; public Operand32Context b4; public List<Operand32Context> operand32() { return getRuleContexts(Operand32Context.class); } public Operand32Context operand32(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand32Context.class,i); } public Operand8Context operand8() { return getRuleContext(Operand8Context.class,0); } public Operand16Context operand16() { return getRuleContext(Operand16Context.class,0); } public Binary_op32Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_binary_op32; } } public final Binary_op32Context binary_op32() throws RecognitionException { Binary_op32Context _localctx = new Binary_op32Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 30, RULE_binary_op32); int _la; try { setState(275); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__242: case T__243: case T__244: case T__245: case T__246: case T__247: case T__248: case T__249: case T__250: case T__251: case T__252: case T__253: case T__254: case T__255: case T__256: case T__257: case T__258: case T__259: case T__260: case T__261: case T__262: case T__263: case T__264: case T__265: case T__266: case T__267: case T__268: case T__269: case T__270: case T__271: case T__272: case T__273: case T__274: case T__275: case T__276: case T__277: case T__278: case T__279: case T__280: case T__281: case T__282: case T__283: case T__284: case T__285: case T__286: case T__287: case T__288: case T__289: case T__290: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(251); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op1 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 243)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 243)) & ((1L << (T__242 - 243)) | (1L << (T__243 - 243)) | (1L << (T__244 - 243)) | (1L << (T__245 - 243)) | (1L << (T__246 - 243)) | (1L << (T__247 - 243)) | (1L << (T__248 - 243)) | (1L << (T__249 - 243)) | (1L << (T__250 - 243)) | (1L << (T__251 - 243)) | (1L << (T__252 - 243)) | (1L << (T__253 - 243)) | (1L << (T__254 - 243)) | (1L << (T__255 - 243)) | (1L << (T__256 - 243)) | (1L << (T__257 - 243)) | (1L << (T__258 - 243)) | (1L << (T__259 - 243)) | (1L << (T__260 - 243)) | (1L << (T__261 - 243)) | (1L << (T__262 - 243)) | (1L << (T__263 - 243)) | (1L << (T__264 - 243)) | (1L << (T__265 - 243)) | (1L << (T__266 - 243)) | (1L << (T__267 - 243)) | (1L << (T__268 - 243)) | (1L << (T__269 - 243)) | (1L << (T__270 - 243)) | (1L << (T__271 - 243)) | (1L << (T__272 - 243)) | (1L << (T__273 - 243)) | (1L << (T__274 - 243)) | (1L << (T__275 - 243)) | (1L << (T__276 - 243)) | (1L << (T__277 - 243)) | (1L << (T__278 - 243)) | (1L << (T__279 - 243)) | (1L << (T__280 - 243)) | (1L << (T__281 - 243)) | (1L << (T__282 - 243)) | (1L << (T__283 - 243)) | (1L << (T__284 - 243)) | (1L << (T__285 - 243)) | (1L << (T__286 - 243)) | (1L << (T__287 - 243)) | (1L << (T__288 - 243)) | (1L << (T__289 - 243)) | (1L << (T__290 - 243)))) != 0)) ) { ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op1 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(252); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a1 = operand32(); setState(253); match(T__50); setState(254); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b1 = operand32(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op1.getText(), ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a1.op, ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b1.op); } break; case T__291: case T__292: case T__293: case T__294: case T__295: case T__296: case T__297: case T__298: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); { setState(257); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op2 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 292)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 292)) & ((1L << (T__291 - 292)) | (1L << (T__292 - 292)) | (1L << (T__293 - 292)) | (1L << (T__294 - 292)) | (1L << (T__295 - 292)) | (1L << (T__296 - 292)) | (1L << (T__297 - 292)) | (1L << (T__298 - 292)))) != 0)) ) { ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op2 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(258); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a2 = operand8(); setState(259); match(T__50); setState(260); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b2 = operand32(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op2.getText(), ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a2.op, ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b2.op); } break; case T__299: case T__300: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); { setState(263); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op3 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__299 || _la==T__300) ) { ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op3 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(264); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a3 = operand8(); setState(265); match(T__50); setState(266); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b3 = operand32(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op3.getText(), ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a3.op, ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b3.op); } break; case T__301: case T__302: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); { setState(269); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op4 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__301 || _la==T__302) ) { ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op4 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(270); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a4 = operand16(); setState(271); match(T__50); setState(272); ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b4 = operand32(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).op4.getText(), ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).a4.op, ((Binary_op32Context)_localctx).b4.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Binary_op64Context extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op1; public Operand64Context a1; public Operand64Context b1; public Token op2; public Operand8Context a2; public Operand64Context b2; public Token op3; public Operand8Context a3; public Operand64Context b3; public Token op4; public Operand16Context a4; public Operand64Context b4; public Token op5; public Operand32Context a5; public Operand64Context b5; public List<Operand64Context> operand64() { return getRuleContexts(Operand64Context.class); } public Operand64Context operand64(int i) { return getRuleContext(Operand64Context.class,i); } public Operand8Context operand8() { return getRuleContext(Operand8Context.class,0); } public Operand16Context operand16() { return getRuleContext(Operand16Context.class,0); } public Operand32Context operand32() { return getRuleContext(Operand32Context.class,0); } public Binary_op64Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_binary_op64; } } public final Binary_op64Context binary_op64() throws RecognitionException { Binary_op64Context _localctx = new Binary_op64Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 32, RULE_binary_op64); int _la; try { setState(307); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__303: case T__304: case T__305: case T__306: case T__307: case T__308: case T__309: case T__310: case T__311: case T__312: case T__313: case T__314: case T__315: case T__316: case T__317: case T__318: case T__319: case T__320: case T__321: case T__322: case T__323: case T__324: case T__325: case T__326: case T__327: case T__328: case T__329: case T__330: case T__331: case T__332: case T__333: case T__334: case T__335: case T__336: case T__337: case T__338: case T__339: case T__340: case T__341: case T__342: case T__343: case T__344: case T__345: case T__346: case T__347: case T__348: case T__349: case T__350: case T__351: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(277); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op1 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 304)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 304)) & ((1L << (T__303 - 304)) | (1L << (T__304 - 304)) | (1L << (T__305 - 304)) | (1L << (T__306 - 304)) | (1L << (T__307 - 304)) | (1L << (T__308 - 304)) | (1L << (T__309 - 304)) | (1L << (T__310 - 304)) | (1L << (T__311 - 304)) | (1L << (T__312 - 304)) | (1L << (T__313 - 304)) | (1L << (T__314 - 304)) | (1L << (T__315 - 304)) | (1L << (T__316 - 304)) | (1L << (T__317 - 304)) | (1L << (T__318 - 304)) | (1L << (T__319 - 304)) | (1L << (T__320 - 304)) | (1L << (T__321 - 304)) | (1L << (T__322 - 304)) | (1L << (T__323 - 304)) | (1L << (T__324 - 304)) | (1L << (T__325 - 304)) | (1L << (T__326 - 304)) | (1L << (T__327 - 304)) | (1L << (T__328 - 304)) | (1L << (T__329 - 304)) | (1L << (T__330 - 304)) | (1L << (T__331 - 304)) | (1L << (T__332 - 304)) | (1L << (T__333 - 304)) | (1L << (T__334 - 304)) | (1L << (T__335 - 304)) | (1L << (T__336 - 304)) | (1L << (T__337 - 304)) | (1L << (T__338 - 304)) | (1L << (T__339 - 304)) | (1L << (T__340 - 304)) | (1L << (T__341 - 304)) | (1L << (T__342 - 304)) | (1L << (T__343 - 304)) | (1L << (T__344 - 304)) | (1L << (T__345 - 304)) | (1L << (T__346 - 304)) | (1L << (T__347 - 304)) | (1L << (T__348 - 304)) | (1L << (T__349 - 304)) | (1L << (T__350 - 304)) | (1L << (T__351 - 304)))) != 0)) ) { ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op1 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(278); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a1 = operand64(); setState(279); match(T__50); setState(280); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b1 = operand64(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op1.getText(), ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a1.op, ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b1.op); } break; case T__352: case T__353: case T__354: case T__355: case T__356: case T__357: case T__358: case T__359: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); { setState(283); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op2 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 353)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 353)) & ((1L << (T__352 - 353)) | (1L << (T__353 - 353)) | (1L << (T__354 - 353)) | (1L << (T__355 - 353)) | (1L << (T__356 - 353)) | (1L << (T__357 - 353)) | (1L << (T__358 - 353)) | (1L << (T__359 - 353)))) != 0)) ) { ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op2 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(284); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a2 = operand8(); setState(285); match(T__50); setState(286); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b2 = operand64(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op2.getText(), ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a2.op, ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b2.op); } break; case T__360: case T__361: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); { setState(289); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op3 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__360 || _la==T__361) ) { ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op3 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(290); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a3 = operand8(); setState(291); match(T__50); setState(292); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b3 = operand64(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op3.getText(), ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a3.op, ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b3.op); } break; case T__362: case T__363: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); { setState(295); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op4 = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__362 || _la==T__363) ) { ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op4 = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(296); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a4 = operand16(); setState(297); match(T__50); setState(298); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b4 = operand64(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op4.getText(), ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a4.op, ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b4.op); } break; case T__364: enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); { setState(301); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op5 = match(T__364); setState(302); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a5 = operand32(); setState(303); match(T__50); setState(304); ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b5 = operand64(); factory.createBinaryOperation(((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).op5.getText(), ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).a5.op, ((Binary_op64Context)_localctx).b5.op); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Binary_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { public Token op; public OperandContext a; public OperandContext b; public List<OperandContext> operand() { return getRuleContexts(OperandContext.class); } public OperandContext operand(int i) { return getRuleContext(OperandContext.class,i); } public Binary_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_binary_op; } } public final Binary_opContext binary_op() throws RecognitionException { Binary_opContext _localctx = new Binary_opContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 34, RULE_binary_op); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(309); _localctx.op = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 366)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 366)) & ((1L << (T__365 - 366)) | (1L << (T__366 - 366)) | (1L << (T__367 - 366)) | (1L << (T__368 - 366)) | (1L << (T__369 - 366)) | (1L << (T__370 - 366)) | (1L << (T__371 - 366)) | (1L << (T__372 - 366)) | (1L << (T__373 - 366)) | (1L << (T__374 - 366)) | (1L << (T__375 - 366)) | (1L << (T__376 - 366)) | (1L << (T__377 - 366)) | (1L << (T__378 - 366)) | (1L << (T__379 - 366)) | (1L << (T__380 - 366)) | (1L << (T__381 - 366)) | (1L << (T__382 - 366)) | (1L << (T__383 - 366)) | (1L << (T__384 - 366)) | (1L << (T__385 - 366)) | (1L << (T__386 - 366)) | (1L << (T__387 - 366)) | (1L << (T__388 - 366)) | (1L << (T__389 - 366)) | (1L << (T__390 - 366)) | (1L << (T__391 - 366)) | (1L << (T__392 - 366)) | (1L << (T__393 - 366)) | (1L << (T__394 - 366)) | (1L << (T__395 - 366)) | (1L << (T__396 - 366)) | (1L << (T__397 - 366)) | (1L << (T__398 - 366)) | (1L << (T__399 - 366)) | (1L << (T__400 - 366)) | (1L << (T__401 - 366)) | (1L << (T__402 - 366)) | (1L << (T__403 - 366)) | (1L << (T__404 - 366)) | (1L << (T__405 - 366)) | (1L << (T__406 - 366)) | (1L << (T__407 - 366)) | (1L << (T__408 - 366)) | (1L << (T__409 - 366)) | (1L << (T__410 - 366)) | (1L << (T__411 - 366)) | (1L << (T__412 - 366)) | (1L << (T__413 - 366)) | (1L << (T__414 - 366)) | (1L << (T__415 - 366)) | (1L << (T__416 - 366)) | (1L << (T__417 - 366)) | (1L << (T__418 - 366)) | (1L << (T__419 - 366)) | (1L << (T__420 - 366)))) != 0)) ) { _localctx.op = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } setState(310); _localctx.a = operand(); setState(311); match(T__50); setState(312); _localctx.b = operand(); factory.createBinaryOperationImplicitSize(_localctx.op.getText(), _localctx.a.op, _localctx.b.op); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Operand8Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmOperand op; public Register8Context register8; public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference; public ImmediateContext immediate; public ArgumentContext argument; public Register8Context register8() { return getRuleContext(Register8Context.class,0); } public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference() { return getRuleContext(Memory_referenceContext.class,0); } public ImmediateContext immediate() { return getRuleContext(ImmediateContext.class,0); } public ArgumentContext argument() { return getRuleContext(ArgumentContext.class,0); } public Operand8Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_operand8; } } public final Operand8Context operand8() throws RecognitionException { Operand8Context _localctx = new Operand8Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 36, RULE_operand8); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(327); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__424: case T__425: case T__426: case T__427: case T__428: case T__429: case T__430: case T__431: case T__432: case T__433: case T__434: case T__435: case T__436: case T__437: case T__438: case T__439: case T__440: case T__441: case T__442: case T__443: case T__444: case T__445: case T__446: case T__447: { setState(315); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).register8 = register8(); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand8Context)_localctx).register8.op; } break; case T__422: case T__536: case T__537: case T__538: case T__539: case T__540: case T__541: case IDENT: case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(318); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).memory_reference = memory_reference(); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand8Context)_localctx).memory_reference.op; } break; case T__542: { setState(321); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).immediate = immediate(); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand8Context)_localctx).immediate.op; } break; case T__543: { setState(324); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).argument = argument(); ((Operand8Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand8Context)_localctx).argument.op; } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Operand16Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmOperand op; public Register16Context register16; public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference; public ImmediateContext immediate; public ArgumentContext argument; public Register16Context register16() { return getRuleContext(Register16Context.class,0); } public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference() { return getRuleContext(Memory_referenceContext.class,0); } public ImmediateContext immediate() { return getRuleContext(ImmediateContext.class,0); } public ArgumentContext argument() { return getRuleContext(ArgumentContext.class,0); } public Operand16Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_operand16; } } public final Operand16Context operand16() throws RecognitionException { Operand16Context _localctx = new Operand16Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 38, RULE_operand16); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(341); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__448: case T__449: case T__450: case T__451: case T__452: case T__453: case T__454: case T__455: case T__456: case T__457: case T__458: case T__459: case T__460: case T__461: case T__462: case T__463: case T__464: case T__465: case T__466: case T__467: case T__468: case T__469: case T__470: case T__471: { setState(329); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).register16 = register16(); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand16Context)_localctx).register16.op; } break; case T__422: case T__536: case T__537: case T__538: case T__539: case T__540: case T__541: case IDENT: case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(332); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).memory_reference = memory_reference(); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand16Context)_localctx).memory_reference.op; } break; case T__542: { setState(335); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).immediate = immediate(); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand16Context)_localctx).immediate.op; } break; case T__543: { setState(338); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).argument = argument(); ((Operand16Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand16Context)_localctx).argument.op; } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Operand32Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmOperand op; public Register32Context register32; public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference; public ImmediateContext immediate; public ArgumentContext argument; public Register32Context register32() { return getRuleContext(Register32Context.class,0); } public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference() { return getRuleContext(Memory_referenceContext.class,0); } public ImmediateContext immediate() { return getRuleContext(ImmediateContext.class,0); } public ArgumentContext argument() { return getRuleContext(ArgumentContext.class,0); } public Operand32Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_operand32; } } public final Operand32Context operand32() throws RecognitionException { Operand32Context _localctx = new Operand32Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 40, RULE_operand32); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(355); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__472: case T__473: case T__474: case T__475: case T__476: case T__477: case T__478: case T__479: case T__480: case T__481: case T__482: case T__483: case T__484: case T__485: case T__486: case T__487: case T__488: case T__489: case T__490: case T__491: case T__492: case T__493: case T__494: case T__495: { setState(343); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).register32 = register32(); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand32Context)_localctx).register32.op; } break; case T__422: case T__536: case T__537: case T__538: case T__539: case T__540: case T__541: case IDENT: case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(346); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).memory_reference = memory_reference(); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand32Context)_localctx).memory_reference.op; } break; case T__542: { setState(349); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).immediate = immediate(); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand32Context)_localctx).immediate.op; } break; case T__543: { setState(352); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).argument = argument(); ((Operand32Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand32Context)_localctx).argument.op; } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Operand64Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmOperand op; public Register64Context register64; public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference; public ImmediateContext immediate; public ArgumentContext argument; public Register64Context register64() { return getRuleContext(Register64Context.class,0); } public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference() { return getRuleContext(Memory_referenceContext.class,0); } public ImmediateContext immediate() { return getRuleContext(ImmediateContext.class,0); } public ArgumentContext argument() { return getRuleContext(ArgumentContext.class,0); } public Operand64Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_operand64; } } public final Operand64Context operand64() throws RecognitionException { Operand64Context _localctx = new Operand64Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 42, RULE_operand64); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(369); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__496: case T__497: case T__498: case T__499: case T__500: case T__501: case T__502: case T__503: case T__504: case T__505: case T__506: case T__507: case T__508: case T__509: case T__510: case T__511: case T__512: case T__513: case T__514: case T__515: case T__516: case T__517: case T__518: case T__519: { setState(357); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).register64 = register64(); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand64Context)_localctx).register64.op; } break; case T__422: case T__536: case T__537: case T__538: case T__539: case T__540: case T__541: case IDENT: case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(360); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).memory_reference = memory_reference(); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand64Context)_localctx).memory_reference.op; } break; case T__542: { setState(363); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).immediate = immediate(); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand64Context)_localctx).immediate.op; } break; case T__543: { setState(366); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).argument = argument(); ((Operand64Context)_localctx).op = ((Operand64Context)_localctx).argument.op; } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class OperandContext extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmOperand op; public Register8Context register8; public Register16Context register16; public Register32Context register32; public Register64Context register64; public RegisterXmmContext registerXmm; public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference; public ImmediateContext immediate; public ArgumentContext argument; public Register8Context register8() { return getRuleContext(Register8Context.class,0); } public Register16Context register16() { return getRuleContext(Register16Context.class,0); } public Register32Context register32() { return getRuleContext(Register32Context.class,0); } public Register64Context register64() { return getRuleContext(Register64Context.class,0); } public RegisterXmmContext registerXmm() { return getRuleContext(RegisterXmmContext.class,0); } public Memory_referenceContext memory_reference() { return getRuleContext(Memory_referenceContext.class,0); } public ImmediateContext immediate() { return getRuleContext(ImmediateContext.class,0); } public ArgumentContext argument() { return getRuleContext(ArgumentContext.class,0); } public OperandContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_operand; } } public final OperandContext operand() throws RecognitionException { OperandContext _localctx = new OperandContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 44, RULE_operand); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(395); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__424: case T__425: case T__426: case T__427: case T__428: case T__429: case T__430: case T__431: case T__432: case T__433: case T__434: case T__435: case T__436: case T__437: case T__438: case T__439: case T__440: case T__441: case T__442: case T__443: case T__444: case T__445: case T__446: case T__447: { setState(371); _localctx.register8 = register8(); _localctx.op = _localctx.register8.op; } break; case T__448: case T__449: case T__450: case T__451: case T__452: case T__453: case T__454: case T__455: case T__456: case T__457: case T__458: case T__459: case T__460: case T__461: case T__462: case T__463: case T__464: case T__465: case T__466: case T__467: case T__468: case T__469: case T__470: case T__471: { setState(374); _localctx.register16 = register16(); _localctx.op = _localctx.register16.op; } break; case T__472: case T__473: case T__474: case T__475: case T__476: case T__477: case T__478: case T__479: case T__480: case T__481: case T__482: case T__483: case T__484: case T__485: case T__486: case T__487: case T__488: case T__489: case T__490: case T__491: case T__492: case T__493: case T__494: case T__495: { setState(377); _localctx.register32 = register32(); _localctx.op = _localctx.register32.op; } break; case T__496: case T__497: case T__498: case T__499: case T__500: case T__501: case T__502: case T__503: case T__504: case T__505: case T__506: case T__507: case T__508: case T__509: case T__510: case T__511: case T__512: case T__513: case T__514: case T__515: case T__516: case T__517: case T__518: case T__519: { setState(380); _localctx.register64 = register64(); _localctx.op = _localctx.register64.op; } break; case T__520: case T__521: case T__522: case T__523: case T__524: case T__525: case T__526: case T__527: case T__528: case T__529: case T__530: case T__531: case T__532: case T__533: case T__534: case T__535: { setState(383); _localctx.registerXmm = registerXmm(); _localctx.op = _localctx.registerXmm.op; } break; case T__422: case T__536: case T__537: case T__538: case T__539: case T__540: case T__541: case IDENT: case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(386); _localctx.memory_reference = memory_reference(); _localctx.op = _localctx.memory_reference.op; } break; case T__542: { setState(389); _localctx.immediate = immediate(); _localctx.op = _localctx.immediate.op; } break; case T__543: { setState(392); _localctx.argument = argument(); _localctx.op = _localctx.argument.op; } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Memory_referenceContext extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmMemoryOperand op; public Segment_registerContext segment_register; public Token i; public NumberContext number; public OperandContext operand; public Segment_registerContext segment_register() { return getRuleContext(Segment_registerContext.class,0); } public List<NumberContext> number() { return getRuleContexts(NumberContext.class); } public NumberContext number(int i) { return getRuleContext(NumberContext.class,i); } public TerminalNode IDENT() { return getToken(InlineAssemblyParser.IDENT, 0); } public List<OperandContext> operand() { return getRuleContexts(OperandContext.class); } public OperandContext operand(int i) { return getRuleContext(OperandContext.class,i); } public Memory_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_memory_reference; } } public final Memory_referenceContext memory_reference() throws RecognitionException { Memory_referenceContext _localctx = new Memory_referenceContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 46, RULE_memory_reference); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { String displacement = null; String segment = null; AsmOperand base = null; AsmOperand offset = null; int scale = 1; setState(402); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (((((_la - 537)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 537)) & ((1L << (T__536 - 537)) | (1L << (T__537 - 537)) | (1L << (T__538 - 537)) | (1L << (T__539 - 537)) | (1L << (T__540 - 537)) | (1L << (T__541 - 537)))) != 0)) { { setState(398); _localctx.segment_register = segment_register(); segment = _localctx.segment_register.reg; setState(400); match(T__421); } } setState(449); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case IDENT: case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(409); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case IDENT: { setState(404); _localctx.i = match(IDENT); displacement = _localctx.i.getText(); } break; case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(406); _localctx.number = number(); displacement = String.valueOf(_localctx.number.n); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } setState(429); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__422) { { setState(411); match(T__422); setState(415); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (((((_la - 423)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 423)) & ((1L << (T__422 - 423)) | (1L << (T__424 - 423)) | (1L << (T__425 - 423)) | (1L << (T__426 - 423)) | (1L << (T__427 - 423)) | (1L << (T__428 - 423)) | (1L << (T__429 - 423)) | (1L << (T__430 - 423)) | (1L << (T__431 - 423)) | (1L << (T__432 - 423)) | (1L << (T__433 - 423)) | (1L << (T__434 - 423)) | (1L << (T__435 - 423)) | (1L << (T__436 - 423)) | (1L << (T__437 - 423)) | (1L << (T__438 - 423)) | (1L << (T__439 - 423)) | (1L << (T__440 - 423)) | (1L << (T__441 - 423)) | (1L << (T__442 - 423)) | (1L << (T__443 - 423)) | (1L << (T__444 - 423)) | (1L << (T__445 - 423)) | (1L << (T__446 - 423)) | (1L << (T__447 - 423)) | (1L << (T__448 - 423)) | (1L << (T__449 - 423)) | (1L << (T__450 - 423)) | (1L << (T__451 - 423)) | (1L << (T__452 - 423)) | (1L << (T__453 - 423)) | (1L << (T__454 - 423)) | (1L << (T__455 - 423)) | (1L << (T__456 - 423)) | (1L << (T__457 - 423)) | (1L << (T__458 - 423)) | (1L << (T__459 - 423)) | (1L << (T__460 - 423)) | (1L << (T__461 - 423)) | (1L << (T__462 - 423)) | (1L << (T__463 - 423)) | (1L << (T__464 - 423)) | (1L << (T__465 - 423)) | (1L << (T__466 - 423)) | (1L << (T__467 - 423)) | (1L << (T__468 - 423)) | (1L << (T__469 - 423)) | (1L << (T__470 - 423)) | (1L << (T__471 - 423)) | (1L << (T__472 - 423)) | (1L << (T__473 - 423)) | (1L << (T__474 - 423)) | (1L << (T__475 - 423)) | (1L << (T__476 - 423)) | (1L << (T__477 - 423)) | (1L << (T__478 - 423)) | (1L << (T__479 - 423)) | (1L << (T__480 - 423)) | (1L << (T__481 - 423)) | (1L << (T__482 - 423)) | (1L << (T__483 - 423)) | (1L << (T__484 - 423)) | (1L << (T__485 - 423)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 487)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 487)) & ((1L << (T__486 - 487)) | (1L << (T__487 - 487)) | (1L << (T__488 - 487)) | (1L << (T__489 - 487)) | (1L << (T__490 - 487)) | (1L << (T__491 - 487)) | (1L << (T__492 - 487)) | (1L << (T__493 - 487)) | (1L << (T__494 - 487)) | (1L << (T__495 - 487)) | (1L << (T__496 - 487)) | (1L << (T__497 - 487)) | (1L << (T__498 - 487)) | (1L << (T__499 - 487)) | (1L << (T__500 - 487)) | (1L << (T__501 - 487)) | (1L << (T__502 - 487)) | (1L << (T__503 - 487)) | (1L << (T__504 - 487)) | (1L << (T__505 - 487)) | (1L << (T__506 - 487)) | (1L << (T__507 - 487)) | (1L << (T__508 - 487)) | (1L << (T__509 - 487)) | (1L << (T__510 - 487)) | (1L << (T__511 - 487)) | (1L << (T__512 - 487)) | (1L << (T__513 - 487)) | (1L << (T__514 - 487)) | (1L << (T__515 - 487)) | (1L << (T__516 - 487)) | (1L << (T__517 - 487)) | (1L << (T__518 - 487)) | (1L << (T__519 - 487)) | (1L << (T__520 - 487)) | (1L << (T__521 - 487)) | (1L << (T__522 - 487)) | (1L << (T__523 - 487)) | (1L << (T__524 - 487)) | (1L << (T__525 - 487)) | (1L << (T__526 - 487)) | (1L << (T__527 - 487)) | (1L << (T__528 - 487)) | (1L << (T__529 - 487)) | (1L << (T__530 - 487)) | (1L << (T__531 - 487)) | (1L << (T__532 - 487)) | (1L << (T__533 - 487)) | (1L << (T__534 - 487)) | (1L << (T__535 - 487)) | (1L << (T__536 - 487)) | (1L << (T__537 - 487)) | (1L << (T__538 - 487)) | (1L << (T__539 - 487)) | (1L << (T__540 - 487)) | (1L << (T__541 - 487)) | (1L << (T__542 - 487)) | (1L << (T__543 - 487)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 552)) & ((1L << (IDENT - 552)) | (1L << (BIN_NUMBER - 552)) | (1L << (HEX_NUMBER - 552)) | (1L << (NUMBER - 552)))) != 0)) { { setState(412); _localctx.operand = operand(); base = _localctx.operand.op; } } setState(426); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__50) { { setState(417); match(T__50); setState(418); _localctx.operand = operand(); offset = _localctx.operand.op; setState(424); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__50) { { setState(420); match(T__50); setState(421); _localctx.number = number(); scale = (int) _localctx.number.n; } } } } setState(428); match(T__423); } } } break; case T__422: { setState(431); match(T__422); setState(435); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (((((_la - 423)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 423)) & ((1L << (T__422 - 423)) | (1L << (T__424 - 423)) | (1L << (T__425 - 423)) | (1L << (T__426 - 423)) | (1L << (T__427 - 423)) | (1L << (T__428 - 423)) | (1L << (T__429 - 423)) | (1L << (T__430 - 423)) | (1L << (T__431 - 423)) | (1L << (T__432 - 423)) | (1L << (T__433 - 423)) | (1L << (T__434 - 423)) | (1L << (T__435 - 423)) | (1L << (T__436 - 423)) | (1L << (T__437 - 423)) | (1L << (T__438 - 423)) | (1L << (T__439 - 423)) | (1L << (T__440 - 423)) | (1L << (T__441 - 423)) | (1L << (T__442 - 423)) | (1L << (T__443 - 423)) | (1L << (T__444 - 423)) | (1L << (T__445 - 423)) | (1L << (T__446 - 423)) | (1L << (T__447 - 423)) | (1L << (T__448 - 423)) | (1L << (T__449 - 423)) | (1L << (T__450 - 423)) | (1L << (T__451 - 423)) | (1L << (T__452 - 423)) | (1L << (T__453 - 423)) | (1L << (T__454 - 423)) | (1L << (T__455 - 423)) | (1L << (T__456 - 423)) | (1L << (T__457 - 423)) | (1L << (T__458 - 423)) | (1L << (T__459 - 423)) | (1L << (T__460 - 423)) | (1L << (T__461 - 423)) | (1L << (T__462 - 423)) | (1L << (T__463 - 423)) | (1L << (T__464 - 423)) | (1L << (T__465 - 423)) | (1L << (T__466 - 423)) | (1L << (T__467 - 423)) | (1L << (T__468 - 423)) | (1L << (T__469 - 423)) | (1L << (T__470 - 423)) | (1L << (T__471 - 423)) | (1L << (T__472 - 423)) | (1L << (T__473 - 423)) | (1L << (T__474 - 423)) | (1L << (T__475 - 423)) | (1L << (T__476 - 423)) | (1L << (T__477 - 423)) | (1L << (T__478 - 423)) | (1L << (T__479 - 423)) | (1L << (T__480 - 423)) | (1L << (T__481 - 423)) | (1L << (T__482 - 423)) | (1L << (T__483 - 423)) | (1L << (T__484 - 423)) | (1L << (T__485 - 423)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 487)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 487)) & ((1L << (T__486 - 487)) | (1L << (T__487 - 487)) | (1L << (T__488 - 487)) | (1L << (T__489 - 487)) | (1L << (T__490 - 487)) | (1L << (T__491 - 487)) | (1L << (T__492 - 487)) | (1L << (T__493 - 487)) | (1L << (T__494 - 487)) | (1L << (T__495 - 487)) | (1L << (T__496 - 487)) | (1L << (T__497 - 487)) | (1L << (T__498 - 487)) | (1L << (T__499 - 487)) | (1L << (T__500 - 487)) | (1L << (T__501 - 487)) | (1L << (T__502 - 487)) | (1L << (T__503 - 487)) | (1L << (T__504 - 487)) | (1L << (T__505 - 487)) | (1L << (T__506 - 487)) | (1L << (T__507 - 487)) | (1L << (T__508 - 487)) | (1L << (T__509 - 487)) | (1L << (T__510 - 487)) | (1L << (T__511 - 487)) | (1L << (T__512 - 487)) | (1L << (T__513 - 487)) | (1L << (T__514 - 487)) | (1L << (T__515 - 487)) | (1L << (T__516 - 487)) | (1L << (T__517 - 487)) | (1L << (T__518 - 487)) | (1L << (T__519 - 487)) | (1L << (T__520 - 487)) | (1L << (T__521 - 487)) | (1L << (T__522 - 487)) | (1L << (T__523 - 487)) | (1L << (T__524 - 487)) | (1L << (T__525 - 487)) | (1L << (T__526 - 487)) | (1L << (T__527 - 487)) | (1L << (T__528 - 487)) | (1L << (T__529 - 487)) | (1L << (T__530 - 487)) | (1L << (T__531 - 487)) | (1L << (T__532 - 487)) | (1L << (T__533 - 487)) | (1L << (T__534 - 487)) | (1L << (T__535 - 487)) | (1L << (T__536 - 487)) | (1L << (T__537 - 487)) | (1L << (T__538 - 487)) | (1L << (T__539 - 487)) | (1L << (T__540 - 487)) | (1L << (T__541 - 487)) | (1L << (T__542 - 487)) | (1L << (T__543 - 487)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 552)) & ((1L << (IDENT - 552)) | (1L << (BIN_NUMBER - 552)) | (1L << (HEX_NUMBER - 552)) | (1L << (NUMBER - 552)))) != 0)) { { setState(432); _localctx.operand = operand(); base = _localctx.operand.op; } } setState(446); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__50) { { setState(437); match(T__50); setState(438); _localctx.operand = operand(); offset = _localctx.operand.op; setState(444); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); if (_la==T__50) { { setState(440); match(T__50); setState(441); _localctx.number = number(); scale = (int) _localctx.number.n; } } } } setState(448); match(T__423); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } _localctx.op = new AsmMemoryOperand(segment, displacement, base, offset, scale); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Register8Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmRegisterOperand op; public Token r; public Register8Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_register8; } } public final Register8Context register8() throws RecognitionException { Register8Context _localctx = new Register8Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 48, RULE_register8); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(453); ((Register8Context)_localctx).r = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 425)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 425)) & ((1L << (T__424 - 425)) | (1L << (T__425 - 425)) | (1L << (T__426 - 425)) | (1L << (T__427 - 425)) | (1L << (T__428 - 425)) | (1L << (T__429 - 425)) | (1L << (T__430 - 425)) | (1L << (T__431 - 425)) | (1L << (T__432 - 425)) | (1L << (T__433 - 425)) | (1L << (T__434 - 425)) | (1L << (T__435 - 425)) | (1L << (T__436 - 425)) | (1L << (T__437 - 425)) | (1L << (T__438 - 425)) | (1L << (T__439 - 425)) | (1L << (T__440 - 425)) | (1L << (T__441 - 425)) | (1L << (T__442 - 425)) | (1L << (T__443 - 425)) | (1L << (T__444 - 425)) | (1L << (T__445 - 425)) | (1L << (T__446 - 425)) | (1L << (T__447 - 425)))) != 0)) ) { ((Register8Context)_localctx).r = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } ((Register8Context)_localctx).op = new AsmRegisterOperand(((Register8Context)_localctx).r.getText()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Register16Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmRegisterOperand op; public Token r; public Register16Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_register16; } } public final Register16Context register16() throws RecognitionException { Register16Context _localctx = new Register16Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 50, RULE_register16); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(456); ((Register16Context)_localctx).r = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 449)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 449)) & ((1L << (T__448 - 449)) | (1L << (T__449 - 449)) | (1L << (T__450 - 449)) | (1L << (T__451 - 449)) | (1L << (T__452 - 449)) | (1L << (T__453 - 449)) | (1L << (T__454 - 449)) | (1L << (T__455 - 449)) | (1L << (T__456 - 449)) | (1L << (T__457 - 449)) | (1L << (T__458 - 449)) | (1L << (T__459 - 449)) | (1L << (T__460 - 449)) | (1L << (T__461 - 449)) | (1L << (T__462 - 449)) | (1L << (T__463 - 449)) | (1L << (T__464 - 449)) | (1L << (T__465 - 449)) | (1L << (T__466 - 449)) | (1L << (T__467 - 449)) | (1L << (T__468 - 449)) | (1L << (T__469 - 449)) | (1L << (T__470 - 449)) | (1L << (T__471 - 449)))) != 0)) ) { ((Register16Context)_localctx).r = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } ((Register16Context)_localctx).op = new AsmRegisterOperand(((Register16Context)_localctx).r.getText()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Register32Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmRegisterOperand op; public Token r; public Register32Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_register32; } } public final Register32Context register32() throws RecognitionException { Register32Context _localctx = new Register32Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 52, RULE_register32); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(459); ((Register32Context)_localctx).r = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 473)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 473)) & ((1L << (T__472 - 473)) | (1L << (T__473 - 473)) | (1L << (T__474 - 473)) | (1L << (T__475 - 473)) | (1L << (T__476 - 473)) | (1L << (T__477 - 473)) | (1L << (T__478 - 473)) | (1L << (T__479 - 473)) | (1L << (T__480 - 473)) | (1L << (T__481 - 473)) | (1L << (T__482 - 473)) | (1L << (T__483 - 473)) | (1L << (T__484 - 473)) | (1L << (T__485 - 473)) | (1L << (T__486 - 473)) | (1L << (T__487 - 473)) | (1L << (T__488 - 473)) | (1L << (T__489 - 473)) | (1L << (T__490 - 473)) | (1L << (T__491 - 473)) | (1L << (T__492 - 473)) | (1L << (T__493 - 473)) | (1L << (T__494 - 473)) | (1L << (T__495 - 473)))) != 0)) ) { ((Register32Context)_localctx).r = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } ((Register32Context)_localctx).op = new AsmRegisterOperand(((Register32Context)_localctx).r.getText()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Register64Context extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmRegisterOperand op; public Token r; public Register64Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_register64; } } public final Register64Context register64() throws RecognitionException { Register64Context _localctx = new Register64Context(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 54, RULE_register64); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(462); ((Register64Context)_localctx).r = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 497)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 497)) & ((1L << (T__496 - 497)) | (1L << (T__497 - 497)) | (1L << (T__498 - 497)) | (1L << (T__499 - 497)) | (1L << (T__500 - 497)) | (1L << (T__501 - 497)) | (1L << (T__502 - 497)) | (1L << (T__503 - 497)) | (1L << (T__504 - 497)) | (1L << (T__505 - 497)) | (1L << (T__506 - 497)) | (1L << (T__507 - 497)) | (1L << (T__508 - 497)) | (1L << (T__509 - 497)) | (1L << (T__510 - 497)) | (1L << (T__511 - 497)) | (1L << (T__512 - 497)) | (1L << (T__513 - 497)) | (1L << (T__514 - 497)) | (1L << (T__515 - 497)) | (1L << (T__516 - 497)) | (1L << (T__517 - 497)) | (1L << (T__518 - 497)) | (1L << (T__519 - 497)))) != 0)) ) { ((Register64Context)_localctx).r = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } ((Register64Context)_localctx).op = new AsmRegisterOperand(((Register64Context)_localctx).r.getText()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class RegisterXmmContext extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmRegisterOperand op; public Token r; public RegisterXmmContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_registerXmm; } } public final RegisterXmmContext registerXmm() throws RecognitionException { RegisterXmmContext _localctx = new RegisterXmmContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 56, RULE_registerXmm); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(465); _localctx.r = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 521)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 521)) & ((1L << (T__520 - 521)) | (1L << (T__521 - 521)) | (1L << (T__522 - 521)) | (1L << (T__523 - 521)) | (1L << (T__524 - 521)) | (1L << (T__525 - 521)) | (1L << (T__526 - 521)) | (1L << (T__527 - 521)) | (1L << (T__528 - 521)) | (1L << (T__529 - 521)) | (1L << (T__530 - 521)) | (1L << (T__531 - 521)) | (1L << (T__532 - 521)) | (1L << (T__533 - 521)) | (1L << (T__534 - 521)) | (1L << (T__535 - 521)))) != 0)) ) { _localctx.r = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } _localctx.op = new AsmRegisterOperand(_localctx.r.getText()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class Segment_registerContext extends ParserRuleContext { public String reg; public Token r; public Segment_registerContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_segment_register; } } public final Segment_registerContext segment_register() throws RecognitionException { Segment_registerContext _localctx = new Segment_registerContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 58, RULE_segment_register); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(468); _localctx.r = _input.LT(1); _la = _input.LA(1); if ( !(((((_la - 537)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 537)) & ((1L << (T__536 - 537)) | (1L << (T__537 - 537)) | (1L << (T__538 - 537)) | (1L << (T__539 - 537)) | (1L << (T__540 - 537)) | (1L << (T__541 - 537)))) != 0)) ) { _localctx.r = _errHandler.recoverInline(this); } else { if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; _errHandler.reportMatch(this); consume(); } _localctx.reg = _localctx.r.getText(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class NumberContext extends ParserRuleContext { public long n; public Token num; public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(InlineAssemblyParser.NUMBER, 0); } public TerminalNode BIN_NUMBER() { return getToken(InlineAssemblyParser.BIN_NUMBER, 0); } public TerminalNode HEX_NUMBER() { return getToken(InlineAssemblyParser.HEX_NUMBER, 0); } public NumberContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_number; } } public final NumberContext number() throws RecognitionException { NumberContext _localctx = new NumberContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 60, RULE_number); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(477); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case NUMBER: { setState(471); _localctx.num = match(NUMBER); _localctx.n = Long.parseLong(_localctx.num.getText(), 10); } break; case BIN_NUMBER: { setState(473); _localctx.num = match(BIN_NUMBER); _localctx.n = Long.parseLong(_localctx.num.getText().substring(2), 2); } break; case HEX_NUMBER: { setState(475); _localctx.num = match(HEX_NUMBER); _localctx.n = Long.parseLong(_localctx.num.getText().substring(2), 16); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class ImmediateContext extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmImmediateOperand op; public NumberContext number; public NumberContext number() { return getRuleContext(NumberContext.class,0); } public ImmediateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_immediate; } } public final ImmediateContext immediate() throws RecognitionException { ImmediateContext _localctx = new ImmediateContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 62, RULE_immediate); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(479); match(T__542); setState(480); _localctx.number = number(); _localctx.op = new AsmImmediateOperand(_localctx.number.n); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static class ArgumentContext extends ParserRuleContext { public AsmArgumentOperand op; public NumberContext n; public NumberContext number() { return getRuleContext(NumberContext.class,0); } public ArgumentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_argument; } } public final ArgumentContext argument() throws RecognitionException { ArgumentContext _localctx = new ArgumentContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 64, RULE_argument); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(483); match(T__543); setState(506); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case BIN_NUMBER: case HEX_NUMBER: case NUMBER: { setState(484); _localctx.n = number(); _localctx.op = new AsmArgumentOperand((int) _localctx.n.n); } break; case T__544: { setState(487); match(T__544); setState(488); _localctx.n = number(); setState(489); match(T__421); int size = -1; int shift = 0; setState(501); _errHandler.sync(this); switch (_input.LA(1)) { case T__545: { setState(491); match(T__545); size = 8; } break; case T__546: { setState(493); match(T__546); size = 8; shift = 8; } break; case T__547: { setState(495); match(T__547); size = 16; } break; case T__548: { setState(497); match(T__548); size = 32; } break; case T__549: { setState(499); match(T__549); size = 64; } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } _localctx.op = new AsmArgumentOperand((int) _localctx.n.n, size, shift); setState(504); match(T__550); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.reportError(this, re); _errHandler.recover(this, re); } finally { exitRule(); } return _localctx; } public static final String _serializedATN = "\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\3\u0230\u01ff\4\2\t"+ "\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\4\13"+ "\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r\4\16\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22\t\22"+ "\4\23\t\23\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27\4\30\t\30\4\31\t\31"+ "\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t \4!"+ "\t!\4\"\t\"\3\2\3\2\3\2\5\2H\n\2\3\2\5\2K\n\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\5\2Q\n\2"+ "\3\2\5\2T\n\2\7\2V\n\2\f\2\16\2Y\13\2\5\2[\n\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\3\3\3\3\3"+ "\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\5\4r\n\4"+ "\3\5\3\5\3\5\3\5\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\5\7\u0081\n\7\5\7"+ "\u0083\n\7\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\5\t\u0092"+ "\n\t\5\t\u0094\n\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\5\t\u00a0\n"+ "\t\5\t\u00a2\n\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\5\t\u00ae\n\t"+ "\5\t\u00b0\n\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\5\t\u00bc\n\t\5"+ "\t\u00be\n\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\5\t\u00ca\n\t\5\t"+ "\u00cc\n\t\5\t\u00ce\n\t\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\13\3\13\3\13\3\13\3\f\3\f\3"+ "\f\3\f\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3"+ "\17\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3"+ "\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\5\20\u00fc\n\20\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21"+ "\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21"+ "\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\5\21\u0116\n\21\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22"+ "\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22"+ "\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\5\22\u0136\n\22\3\23\3\23"+ "\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24"+ "\3\24\3\24\5\24\u014a\n\24\3\25\3\25\3\25\3\25\3\25\3\25\3\25\3\25\3\25"+ 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"\t\1\2\u00a9\u00aa\7\65\2\2\u00aa\u00ab\5*\26\2\u00ab\u00ac\b\t\1\2\u00ac"+ "\u00ae\3\2\2\2\u00ad\u00a8\3\2\2\2\u00ad\u00a9\3\2\2\2\u00ae\u00b0\3\2"+ "\2\2\u00af\u00a5\3\2\2\2\u00af\u00a6\3\2\2\2\u00b0\u00ce\3\2\2\2\u00b1"+ "\u00b2\t\t\2\2\u00b2\u00bd\5,\27\2\u00b3\u00be\b\t\1\2\u00b4\u00b5\7\65"+ "\2\2\u00b5\u00bb\5,\27\2\u00b6\u00bc\b\t\1\2\u00b7\u00b8\7\65\2\2\u00b8"+ "\u00b9\5,\27\2\u00b9\u00ba\b\t\1\2\u00ba\u00bc\3\2\2\2\u00bb\u00b6\3\2"+ "\2\2\u00bb\u00b7\3\2\2\2\u00bc\u00be\3\2\2\2\u00bd\u00b3\3\2\2\2\u00bd"+ "\u00b4\3\2\2\2\u00be\u00ce\3\2\2\2\u00bf\u00c0\t\n\2\2\u00c0\u00cb\5."+ "\30\2\u00c1\u00cc\b\t\1\2\u00c2\u00c3\7\65\2\2\u00c3\u00c9\5.\30\2\u00c4"+ "\u00ca\b\t\1\2\u00c5\u00c6\7\65\2\2\u00c6\u00c7\5.\30\2\u00c7\u00c8\b"+ "\t\1\2\u00c8\u00ca\3\2\2\2\u00c9\u00c4\3\2\2\2\u00c9\u00c5\3\2\2\2\u00ca"+ "\u00cc\3\2\2\2\u00cb\u00c1\3\2\2\2\u00cb\u00c2\3\2\2\2\u00cc\u00ce\3\2"+ "\2\2\u00cd\u0087\3\2\2\2\u00cd\u0095\3\2\2\2\u00cd\u00a3\3\2\2\2\u00cd"+ "\u00b1\3\2\2\2\u00cd\u00bf\3\2\2\2\u00ce\21\3\2\2\2\u00cf\u00d0\t\13\2"+ "\2\u00d0\u00d1\5&\24\2\u00d1\u00d2\b\n\1\2\u00d2\23\3\2\2\2\u00d3\u00d4"+ "\t\f\2\2\u00d4\u00d5\5(\25\2\u00d5\u00d6\b\13\1\2\u00d6\25\3\2\2\2\u00d7"+ "\u00d8\t\r\2\2\u00d8\u00d9\5*\26\2\u00d9\u00da\b\f\1\2\u00da\27\3\2\2"+ "\2\u00db\u00dc\t\16\2\2\u00dc\u00dd\5,\27\2\u00dd\u00de\b\r\1\2\u00de"+ "\31\3\2\2\2\u00df\u00e0\t\17\2\2\u00e0\u00e1\5.\30\2\u00e1\u00e2\b\16"+ "\1\2\u00e2\33\3\2\2\2\u00e3\u00e4\t\20\2\2\u00e4\u00e5\5&\24\2\u00e5\u00e6"+ "\7\65\2\2\u00e6\u00e7\5&\24\2\u00e7\u00e8\b\17\1\2\u00e8\35\3\2\2\2\u00e9"+ "\u00ea\t\21\2\2\u00ea\u00eb\5(\25\2\u00eb\u00ec\7\65\2\2\u00ec\u00ed\5"+ "(\25\2\u00ed\u00ee\b\20\1\2\u00ee\u00fc\3\2\2\2\u00ef\u00f0\t\22\2\2\u00f0"+ "\u00f1\5&\24\2\u00f1\u00f2\7\65\2\2\u00f2\u00f3\5(\25\2\u00f3\u00f4\b"+ "\20\1\2\u00f4\u00fc\3\2\2\2\u00f5\u00f6\t\23\2\2\u00f6\u00f7\5&\24\2\u00f7"+ "\u00f8\7\65\2\2\u00f8\u00f9\5(\25\2\u00f9\u00fa\b\20\1\2\u00fa\u00fc\3"+ 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"\u0172\u0174\3\2\2\2\u0173\u0167\3\2\2\2\u0173\u016a\3\2\2\2\u0173\u016d"+ "\3\2\2\2\u0173\u0170\3\2\2\2\u0174-\3\2\2\2\u0175\u0176\5\62\32\2\u0176"+ "\u0177\b\30\1\2\u0177\u018e\3\2\2\2\u0178\u0179\5\64\33\2\u0179\u017a"+ "\b\30\1\2\u017a\u018e\3\2\2\2\u017b\u017c\5\66\34\2\u017c\u017d\b\30\1"+ "\2\u017d\u018e\3\2\2\2\u017e\u017f\58\35\2\u017f\u0180\b\30\1\2\u0180"+ "\u018e\3\2\2\2\u0181\u0182\5:\36\2\u0182\u0183\b\30\1\2\u0183\u018e\3"+ "\2\2\2\u0184\u0185\5\60\31\2\u0185\u0186\b\30\1\2\u0186\u018e\3\2\2\2"+ "\u0187\u0188\5@!\2\u0188\u0189\b\30\1\2\u0189\u018e\3\2\2\2\u018a\u018b"+ "\5B\"\2\u018b\u018c\b\30\1\2\u018c\u018e\3\2\2\2\u018d\u0175\3\2\2\2\u018d"+ "\u0178\3\2\2\2\u018d\u017b\3\2\2\2\u018d\u017e\3\2\2\2\u018d\u0181\3\2"+ "\2\2\u018d\u0184\3\2\2\2\u018d\u0187\3\2\2\2\u018d\u018a\3\2\2\2\u018e"+ "/\3\2\2\2\u018f\u0194\b\31\1\2\u0190\u0191\5<\37\2\u0191\u0192\b\31\1"+ "\2\u0192\u0193\7\u01a8\2\2\u0193\u0195\3\2\2\2\u0194\u0190\3\2\2\2\u0194"+ 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\2\u01e7\u01e8\b\"\1\2\u01e8"+ "\u01fd\3\2\2\2\u01e9\u01ea\7\u0223\2\2\u01ea\u01eb\5> \2\u01eb\u01ec\7"+ "\u01a8\2\2\u01ec\u01f7\b\"\1\2\u01ed\u01ee\7\u0224\2\2\u01ee\u01f8\b\""+ "\1\2\u01ef\u01f0\7\u0225\2\2\u01f0\u01f8\b\"\1\2\u01f1\u01f2\7\u0226\2"+ "\2\u01f2\u01f8\b\"\1\2\u01f3\u01f4\7\u0227\2\2\u01f4\u01f8\b\"\1\2\u01f5"+ "\u01f6\7\u0228\2\2\u01f6\u01f8\b\"\1\2\u01f7\u01ed\3\2\2\2\u01f7\u01ef"+ "\3\2\2\2\u01f7\u01f1\3\2\2\2\u01f7\u01f3\3\2\2\2\u01f7\u01f5\3\2\2\2\u01f8"+ "\u01f9\3\2\2\2\u01f9\u01fa\b\"\1\2\u01fa\u01fb\7\u0229\2\2\u01fb\u01fd"+ "\3\2\2\2\u01fc\u01e6\3\2\2\2\u01fc\u01e9\3\2\2\2\u01fdC\3\2\2\2+GJPSW"+ "Zq\u0080\u0082\u0091\u0093\u009f\u00a1\u00ad\u00af\u00bb\u00bd\u00c9\u00cb"+ "\u00cd\u00fb\u0115\u0135\u0149\u0157\u0165\u0173\u018d\u0194\u019b\u01a1"+ "\u01aa\u01ac\u01af\u01b5\u01be\u01c0\u01c3\u01df\u01f7\u01fc"; public static final ATN _ATN = new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray()); static { _decisionToDFA = new DFA[_ATN.getNumberOfDecisions()]; for (int i = 0; i < _ATN.getNumberOfDecisions(); i++) { _decisionToDFA[i] = new DFA(_ATN.getDecisionState(i), i); } } }