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package com.oracle.svm.hosted.classinitialization;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.graalvm.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.collections.EconomicSet;
import org.graalvm.collections.Pair;

import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;

Maintains user and system configuration for class initialization in Native Image. The configuration is maintained in a tree, where the root ( root) represents the whole package hierarchy. Every non-leaf node in the tree represents a package and leafs can represent either packages or classes. The InitKind of a class is determined by looking at the longest path from the root that * matches the qualified name of the class and has a non-null kind. The kind (InitializationNode.kind) of tree nodes can be either: null which denotes there is no initialization config or one of the InitKinds that are set over the command line or programmatically through features. Once defined, a node can not be changed, however, the node children can override the value for nested packages or classes. Every node tracks a list of reasons for the set configuration. This list helps the users debug conflicts in the configuration.
/** * Maintains user and system configuration for class initialization in Native Image. * * The configuration is maintained in a tree, where the root ( * {@link ClassInitializationConfiguration#root}) represents the whole package hierarchy. Every * non-leaf node in the tree represents a package and leafs can represent either packages or * classes. The {@link InitKind} of a class is determined by looking at the longest path from the * root that * matches the qualified name of the class and has a non-null kind. * * The kind ({@link InitializationNode#kind}) of tree nodes can be either: <code>null</code> which * denotes there is no initialization config or one of the {@link InitKind}s that are set over the * command line or programmatically through features. Once defined, a node can not be changed, * however, the node children can override the value for nested packages or classes. * * Every node tracks a list of reasons for the set configuration. This list helps the users debug * conflicts in the configuration. */
public class ClassInitializationConfiguration { private static final String ROOT_QUALIFIER = ""; private static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_REASONS = 3; private InitializationNode root = new InitializationNode("", null, null, false); public synchronized void insert(String classOrPackage, InitKind kind, String reason, boolean strict) { assert kind != null; insertRec(root, qualifierList(classOrPackage), kind, reason, strict); } synchronized Pair<InitKind, Boolean> lookupKind(String classOrPackage) { Pair<InitializationNode, Boolean> kindPair = lookupRec(root, qualifierList(classOrPackage), null); return Pair.create(kindPair.getLeft() == null ? null : kindPair.getLeft().kind, kindPair.getRight()); } synchronized String lookupReason(String classOrPackage) { assert lookupRec(root, qualifierList(classOrPackage), null).getLeft() != null : "Path for a file should be "; return String.join(" and ", lookupRec(root, qualifierList(classOrPackage), null).getLeft().reasons); } private static List<String> qualifierList(String classOrPackage) { List<String> qualifiers = classOrPackage.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyList() : Arrays.asList(classOrPackage.split("\\.")); List<String> prefixed = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList(ROOT_QUALIFIER)); prefixed.addAll(qualifiers); return prefixed; } private void insertRec(InitializationNode node, List<String> classOrPackage, InitKind kind, String reason, boolean strict) { assert !classOrPackage.isEmpty(); assert node.qualifier.equals(classOrPackage.get(0)); if (classOrPackage.size() == 1) { if (node.kind == null) { node.kind = kind; node.strict = strict; } else if (node.kind == kind) { if (node.reasons.size() < MAX_NUMBER_OF_REASONS) { node.reasons.add(reason); } else if (node.reasons.size() == MAX_NUMBER_OF_REASONS) { node.reasons.add("others"); } } else { if (node.strict) { throw UserError.abort("Incompatible change of initialization policy for %s: trying to change %s %s to %s %s", qualifiedName(node), node.kind, String.join(" and ", node.reasons), kind, reason); } else { node.kind = node.kind.max(kind); } } } else { List<String> tail = new ArrayList<>(classOrPackage); tail.remove(0); String nextQualifier = tail.get(0); if (!node.children.containsKey(nextQualifier)) { node.children.put(nextQualifier, new InitializationNode(nextQualifier, node, null, false, reason)); assert node.children.containsKey(nextQualifier); } insertRec(node.children.get(nextQualifier), tail, kind, reason, strict); } } private Pair<InitializationNode, Boolean> lookupRec(InitializationNode node, List<String> classOrPackage, InitializationNode lastNonNullKind) { List<String> tail = new ArrayList<>(classOrPackage); tail.remove(0); boolean reachedBottom = tail.isEmpty(); if (!reachedBottom && node.children.containsKey(tail.get(0))) { return lookupRec(node.children.get(tail.get(0)), tail, node.kind != null ? node : lastNonNullKind); } else if (node.kind == null) { return Pair.create(lastNonNullKind, reachedBottom); } else { return Pair.create(node, reachedBottom); } } private static String qualifiedName(InitializationNode node) { InitializationNode currentNode = node; List<String> name = new ArrayList<>(); while (currentNode != null) { name.add(currentNode.qualifier); currentNode = currentNode.parent; } Collections.reverse(name); name.remove(0); return String.join(".", name); } synchronized List<ClassOrPackageConfig> allConfigs() { LinkedList<InitializationNode> printingQueue = new LinkedList<>(); printingQueue.add(root); ArrayList<ClassOrPackageConfig> allClasses = new ArrayList<>(); while (!printingQueue.isEmpty()) { InitializationNode node = printingQueue.remove(); if (node.kind != null) { String name = node.qualifier.isEmpty() ? "whole type hierarchy" : qualifiedName(node); allClasses.add(new ClassOrPackageConfig(name, node.reasons, node.kind)); } node.children.getValues().forEach(printingQueue::push); } return allClasses; } } final class InitializationNode { final String qualifier; boolean strict; InitKind kind; final EconomicSet<String> reasons = EconomicSet.create(); final InitializationNode parent; final EconomicMap<String, InitializationNode> children = EconomicMap.create(); InitializationNode(String qualifier, InitializationNode parent, InitKind kind, boolean strict, String... reasons) { this.parent = parent; this.qualifier = qualifier; this.kind = kind; this.strict = strict; this.reasons.addAll(Arrays.asList(reasons)); } }