 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package com.oracle.svm.hosted;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;

import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AutomaticFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.graal.GraalFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.APIOption;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.HostedOptionKey;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.OptionUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.FeatureImpl.IsInConfigurationAccessImpl;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ReflectionUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ReflectionUtil.ReflectionUtilError;

Handles the registration and iterations of features.
/** * Handles the registration and iterations of {@link Feature features}. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class FeatureHandler { public static class Options { @APIOption(name = "features") // @Option(help = "A comma-separated list of fully qualified Feature implementation classes")// public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> Features = new HostedOptionKey<>(null); } private final ArrayList<Feature> featureInstances = new ArrayList<>(); private final HashSet<Class<?>> registeredFeatures = new HashSet<>(); public void forEachFeature(Consumer<Feature> consumer) { for (Feature feature : featureInstances) { consumer.accept(feature); } } public void forEachGraalFeature(Consumer<GraalFeature> consumer) { for (Feature feature : featureInstances) { if (feature instanceof GraalFeature) { consumer.accept((GraalFeature) feature); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void registerFeatures(ImageClassLoader loader, DebugContext debug) { IsInConfigurationAccessImpl access = new IsInConfigurationAccessImpl(this, loader, debug); LinkedHashSet<Class<?>> automaticFeatures = new LinkedHashSet<>(loader.findAnnotatedClasses(AutomaticFeature.class, true)); Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> specificAutomaticFeatures = new HashMap<>(); for (Class<?> automaticFeature : automaticFeatures) { Class<Feature> mostSpecific = (Class<Feature>) automaticFeature; boolean foundMostSpecific = false; do { List<Class<? extends Feature>> featureSubclasses = loader.findSubclasses(mostSpecific, true); featureSubclasses.remove(mostSpecific); featureSubclasses.removeIf(o -> !automaticFeatures.contains(o)); if (featureSubclasses.isEmpty()) { foundMostSpecific = true; } else { if (featureSubclasses.size() > 1) { String candidates = featureSubclasses.stream().map(Class::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(" ")); VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Ambiguous @AutomaticFeature extension. Conflicting candidates: " + candidates); } mostSpecific = (Class<Feature>) featureSubclasses.get(0); } } while (!foundMostSpecific); if (mostSpecific != automaticFeature) { specificAutomaticFeatures.put(automaticFeature, mostSpecific); } } /* Remove specific since they get registered via their base */ for (Class<?> specific : specificAutomaticFeatures.values()) { automaticFeatures.remove(specific); } Function<Class<?>, Class<?>> specificClassProvider = specificAutomaticFeatures::get; for (Class<?> featureClass : automaticFeatures) { registerFeature(featureClass, specificClassProvider, access); } for (String featureName : OptionUtils.flatten(",", Options.Features.getValue())) { try { registerFeature(Class.forName(featureName, true, loader.getClassLoader()), specificClassProvider, access); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw UserError.abort("Feature %s class not found on the classpath. Ensure that the name is correct and that the class is on the classpath.", featureName); } } }
Instantiates the given feature class and (recursively) all feature classes it requires.
  • access –
/** * Instantiates the given feature class and (recursively) all feature classes it requires. * * @param access */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void registerFeature(Class<?> baseFeatureClass, Function<Class<?>, Class<?>> specificClassProvider, IsInConfigurationAccessImpl access) { if (!Feature.class.isAssignableFrom(baseFeatureClass)) { throw UserError.abort("Class does not implement %s: %s", Feature.class.getName(), baseFeatureClass.getName()); } if (registeredFeatures.contains(baseFeatureClass)) { return; } /* * Immediately add to the registeredFeatures to avoid infinite recursion in case of cyclic * dependencies. */ registeredFeatures.add(baseFeatureClass); Class<?> specificClass = specificClassProvider.apply(baseFeatureClass); Class<?> featureClass = specificClass != null ? specificClass : baseFeatureClass; Feature feature; try { feature = (Feature) ReflectionUtil.newInstance(featureClass); } catch (ReflectionUtilError ex) { throw UserError.abort(ex.getCause(), "Error instantiating Feature class %s. Ensure the class is not abstract and has a no-argument constructor.", featureClass.getTypeName()); } if (!feature.isInConfiguration(access)) { return; } /* * All features are automatically added to the VMConfiguration, to allow convenient * configuration checks. */ ImageSingletons.add((Class<Feature>) baseFeatureClass, feature); /* * First add dependent features so that initializers are executed in order of dependencies. */ for (Class<? extends Feature> requiredFeatureClass : feature.getRequiredFeatures()) { registerFeature(requiredFeatureClass, specificClassProvider, access); } featureInstances.add(feature); } }