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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.AbstractImageHeapLayouter.AbstractImageHeapPartition;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeapObject;

An unstructured image heap partition that just contains a linear sequence of image heap objects.
/** * An unstructured image heap partition that just contains a linear sequence of image heap objects. */
public class ChunkedImageHeapPartition extends AbstractImageHeapPartition { private final boolean hugeObjects; Object firstObject; Object lastObject; long startOffset = -1; long endOffset = -1; private final int minimumObjectSize; ChunkedImageHeapPartition(String name, boolean writable, boolean hugeObjects) { super(name, writable); this.hugeObjects = hugeObjects; /* Cache to prevent frequent lookups of the object layout from ImageSingletons. */ minimumObjectSize = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getMinimumObjectSize(); } boolean usesUnalignedObjects() { return hugeObjects; } void layout(ChunkedImageHeapAllocator allocator) { if (hugeObjects) { layoutInUnalignedChunks(allocator); } else { layoutInAlignedChunks(allocator); } } private void layoutInUnalignedChunks(ChunkedImageHeapAllocator allocator) { allocator.finishAlignedChunk(); allocator.alignBetweenChunks(getStartAlignment()); startOffset = allocator.getPosition(); for (ImageHeapObject info : getObjects()) { // No need to sort by size appendAllocatedObject(info, allocator.allocateUnalignedChunkForObject(info, isWritable())); } allocator.alignBetweenChunks(getEndAlignment()); endOffset = allocator.getPosition(); } private void layoutInAlignedChunks(ChunkedImageHeapAllocator allocator) { allocator.maybeStartAlignedChunk(); allocator.alignInAlignedChunk(getStartAlignment()); startOffset = allocator.getPosition(); allocateObjectsInAlignedChunks(allocator); allocator.alignInAlignedChunk(getEndAlignment()); endOffset = allocator.getPosition(); } private void allocateObjectsInAlignedChunks(ChunkedImageHeapAllocator allocator) { NavigableMap<Long, Queue<ImageHeapObject>> objects = createSortedObjectsMap(getObjects()); while (!objects.isEmpty()) { ImageHeapObject info = dequeueBestFit(objects, allocator.getRemainingBytesInAlignedChunk()); if (info == null) { allocator.startNewAlignedChunk(); } else { appendAllocatedObject(info, allocator.allocateObjectInAlignedChunk(info, isWritable())); } } } private ImageHeapObject dequeueBestFit(NavigableMap<Long, Queue<ImageHeapObject>> objects, long nbytes) { if (nbytes < minimumObjectSize) { return null; } Map.Entry<Long, Queue<ImageHeapObject>> entry = objects.floorEntry(nbytes); if (entry == null) { return null; } Queue<ImageHeapObject> queue = entry.getValue(); ImageHeapObject info = queue.remove(); if (queue.isEmpty()) { objects.remove(entry.getKey()); } return info; } private static NavigableMap<Long, Queue<ImageHeapObject>> createSortedObjectsMap(List<ImageHeapObject> objects) { ImageHeapObject[] sorted = objects.toArray(new ImageHeapObject[0]); Arrays.sort(sorted, new SizeComparator()); NavigableMap<Long, Queue<ImageHeapObject>> map = new TreeMap<>(); Queue<ImageHeapObject> currentQueue = null; long currentObjectsSize = -1; for (ImageHeapObject obj : sorted) { long objSize = obj.getSize(); if (objSize != currentObjectsSize) { assert objSize > currentObjectsSize && objSize >= ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getMinimumObjectSize(); currentObjectsSize = objSize; currentQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); map.put(currentObjectsSize, currentQueue); } currentQueue.add(obj); } return map; } private void appendAllocatedObject(ImageHeapObject info, long allocationOffset) { if (firstObject == null) { firstObject = info.getObject(); } assert info.getPartition() == this; long offsetInPartition = allocationOffset - startOffset; assert ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().isAligned(offsetInPartition) : "start: " + offsetInPartition + " must be aligned."; info.setOffsetInPartition(offsetInPartition); lastObject = info.getObject(); } @Override public long getStartOffset() { assert startOffset >= 0 : "Start offset not yet set"; return startOffset; } public long getEndOffset() { assert endOffset >= 0 : "End offset not yet set"; return endOffset; } @Override public long getSize() { return getEndOffset() - getStartOffset(); } private static class SizeComparator implements Comparator<ImageHeapObject> { @Override public int compare(ImageHeapObject o1, ImageHeapObject o2) { return Long.signum(o1.getSize() - o2.getSize()); } } }