 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package com.oracle.objectfile.macho;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import com.oracle.objectfile.BasicProgbitsSectionImpl;
import com.oracle.objectfile.BuildDependency;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ElementImpl;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ElementList;
import com.oracle.objectfile.LayoutDecision;
import com.oracle.objectfile.LayoutDecisionMap;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ObjectFile;
import com.oracle.objectfile.SymbolTable;
import com.oracle.objectfile.io.AssemblyBuffer;
import com.oracle.objectfile.io.OutputAssembler;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;

Models a Mach-O relocatable object file.
/** * Models a Mach-O relocatable object file. */
public final class MachOObjectFile extends ObjectFile {
Mach-O header representation. Note that this header only exists to participate in the Element-based build process. File-level state belongs in the MachOObjectFile class.
/** * Mach-O header representation. Note that this header only exists to participate in the * Element-based build process. File-level state belongs in the MachOObjectFile class. */
private static final int MAGIC = 0xfeedfacf; private static final int CIGAM = 0xcffaedfe; private static final ByteOrder nativeOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder(); private static final ByteOrder oppositeOrder = (nativeOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; final MachOCpuType cpuType; final int cpuSubType; private final MachOHeader header; private ByteOrder fileByteOrder; MachORelocationElement relocs;
Create an empty Mach-O object file.
/** * Create an empty Mach-O object file. */
public MachOObjectFile(int pageSize) { this(pageSize, MachOCpuType.from(ImageSingletons.lookup(Platform.class).getArchitecture())); } public MachOObjectFile(int pageSize, MachOCpuType cpuType) { super(pageSize); this.cpuType = cpuType; switch (cpuType) { case X86_64: cpuSubType = 3; break; default: cpuSubType = 0; } header = new MachOHeader("MachOHeader"); setByteOrder(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); // Create the boilerplate segment and sections within it. Segment64Command segment = new Segment64Command("MachOUnnamedSegment", getUnnamedSegmentName()); // Give it full permission segment.initprot = EnumSet.of(VMProt.READ, VMProt.WRITE, VMProt.EXECUTE); segment.maxprot = EnumSet.of(VMProt.READ, VMProt.WRITE, VMProt.EXECUTE); /* * In what follows, keep to the order used by the native tools, just to rule out any * difference as the source of non-functioning shared libraries. */ // Create a appropriate symbol tables etc (*also creates LinkEditSegment64Command *) createSymbolTable(); assert getSymbolTable() != null; // SOURCE_VERSION goes here // LOAD_DYLIB goes here LoadCommand functionStarts = new FunctionStartsCommand("MachOFunctionStartsCommand"); assert loadCommands.otherCommands.contains(functionStarts); // DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS goes here } @Override public Format getFormat() { return Format.MACH_O; } protected static String getUnnamedSegmentName() { return ""; } @Override protected ElementList createElementList() { /* * Our ElementList has to account for the fact that segment ordering constraints section * numbering, i.e. that sections are always numbered according to their position within the * section and their segment's position within the load commands. */ return new MachOElementList(); } @Override public ByteOrder getByteOrder() { return fileByteOrder; } @Override public void setByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder) { this.fileByteOrder = byteOrder; } @Override protected int initialVaddr() { // HACK: this (and the superclass version) // is baking in *per-OS* knowledge, not just per-format knowledge... // need to model OS [constraints] somehow. return super.initialVaddr(); } @Override public int getWordSizeInBytes() { return 8; // FIXME: add 32-bit support } @Override public boolean shouldRecordDebugRelocations() { return false; } @Override public Symbol createDefinedSymbol(String name, Element baseSection, long position, int size, boolean isCode, boolean isGlobal) { MachOSymtab symtab = (MachOSymtab) getOrCreateSymbolTable(); return symtab.newDefinedEntry(name, (MachOSection) baseSection, position, size, isGlobal, isCode); } @Override public Symbol createUndefinedSymbol(String name, int size, boolean isCode) { MachOSymtab symtab = (MachOSymtab) getOrCreateSymbolTable(); return symtab.newUndefinedEntry(name, isCode); } @Override protected Segment64Command getOrCreateSegment(String segmentNameOrNull, String sectionName, boolean writable, boolean executable) { final String segmentName = (segmentNameOrNull != null) ? segmentNameOrNull : getUnnamedSegmentName(); Segment64Command nonNullSegment = (Segment64Command) findSegmentByName(segmentName); if (nonNullSegment != null) { // we've found it; make sure it has the permission we need if (nonNullSegment.isWritable() != writable) { nonNullSegment.initprot.add(VMProt.WRITE); nonNullSegment.maxprot.add(VMProt.WRITE); } if (nonNullSegment.isExecutable() != executable) { nonNullSegment.initprot.add(VMProt.EXECUTE); nonNullSegment.maxprot.add(VMProt.EXECUTE); } } else { // create a segment nonNullSegment = new Segment64Command(sectionName, segmentName); nonNullSegment.initprot = EnumSet.of(VMProt.READ); // always give read permission if (writable) { nonNullSegment.initprot.add(VMProt.WRITE); } if (executable) { nonNullSegment.initprot.add(VMProt.EXECUTE); } nonNullSegment.maxprot = nonNullSegment.initprot; // alias them, yessss. assert loadCommands.otherCommands.contains(nonNullSegment); } assert nonNullSegment != null; return nonNullSegment; } @Override public MachOZeroFillSection newNobitsSection(Segment segment, String name, NobitsSectionImpl impl) { assert segment != null && impl != null; MachOZeroFillSection zeroFill = new MachOZeroFillSection(this, name, (Segment64Command) segment, impl); impl.setElement(zeroFill); return zeroFill; } @Override public MachORegularSection newProgbitsSection(Segment segment, String name, int alignment, boolean writable, boolean executable, ProgbitsSectionImpl impl) { assert segment != null; EnumSet<SectionFlag> sectionFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(SectionFlag.class); if (executable) { sectionFlags.add(SectionFlag.SOME_INSTRUCTIONS); } MachORegularSection regular = new MachORegularSection(this, name, alignment, (Segment64Command) segment, impl, sectionFlags); impl.setElement(regular); if (executable) { ((Segment64Command) segment).initprot.add(VMProt.EXECUTE); } if (writable) { ((Segment64Command) segment).initprot.add(VMProt.WRITE); } return regular; } @Override public MachOUserDefinedSection newUserDefinedSection(Segment segment, String name, int alignment, ElementImpl impl) { assert segment != null; ElementImpl ourImpl; if (impl == null) { ourImpl = new BasicProgbitsSectionImpl((Section) null); } else { ourImpl = impl; } MachOUserDefinedSection userDefined = new MachOUserDefinedSection(this, name, alignment, (Segment64Command) segment, SectionType.REGULAR, ourImpl); ourImpl.setElement(userDefined); return userDefined; } private final class MachOElementList extends ElementList { @Override public int sectionIndexToElementIndex(int sectionIndex) { /* naive for now */ int i = 0; Iterator<Section> it = sectionsIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Section s = it.next(); if (sectionIndex == i) { return elements.indexOf(s); } ++i; } return -1; } @Override public Iterator<Section> sectionsIterator() { return getSegments().stream() .flatMap(segment -> ((Segment64Command) segment).elementsInSegment.stream()) .filter(element -> element instanceof Section) .map(element -> (Section) element).iterator(); } }
Mach-O file type.
/** * Mach-O file type. */
public enum FileType { OBJECT(0x1), EXECUTE(0x2), FVMLIB(0x3), PRELOAD(0x5), DYLIB(0x6), DYLINKER(0x7), BUNDLE(0x8), DYLIB_STUB(0x9), DSYM(0xa), KEXT_BUNDLE(0xb); final int value; FileType(int value) { this.value = value; } } enum Flag implements ValueEnum { NOUNDEFS(0x1), INCRLINK(0x2), DYLDLINK(0x4), BINDATLOAD(0x8), PREBOUND(0x10), SPLIT_SEGS(0x20), LAZY_INIT(0x40), TWOLEVEL(0x80), FORCE_FLAT(0x100), NOMULTIDEFS(0x200), NOFIXPREBINDING(0x400), PREBINDABLE(0x800), ALLMODSBOUND(0x1000), SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS(0x2000), CANONICAL(0x4000); private final int value; Flag(int value) { this.value = value; } @Override public long value() { return value; } } static class HeaderStruct { HeaderStruct(int magic, MachOCpuType cpuType, int cpuSubtype, int ncmds, int sizeOfCmds, int flags) { this.magic = magic; this.cpuType = cpuType; this.cpuSubtype = cpuSubtype; this.ncmds = ncmds; this.sizeOfCmds = sizeOfCmds; this.flags = flags; } HeaderStruct() { } private int magic; private MachOCpuType cpuType; private int cpuSubtype; private int ncmds; private int sizeOfCmds; private int flags; public void write(OutputAssembler out) { int startPos = out.pos(); assert this.magic == MAGIC || this.magic == CIGAM; out.setByteOrder(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); out.write4Byte(this.magic); out.setByteOrder(this.magic == MAGIC ? nativeOrder : oppositeOrder); out.write4Byte(cpuType.toInt()); out.write4Byte(cpuSubtype); out.write4Byte(FileType.OBJECT.value); out.write4Byte(ncmds); out.write4Byte(sizeOfCmds); out.write4Byte(flags); out.write4Byte(0); // reserved assert out.pos() - startPos == HEADER_SIZE; } public static final int HEADER_SIZE = 32; public int getWrittenSize() { return HEADER_SIZE; } } private LoadCommandList loadCommands = new LoadCommandList(); private class LoadCommandList implements Iterable<LoadCommand> { LinkEditSegment64Command linkEditCommand; // or null; if present, always comes last! List<LoadCommand> otherCommands = new ArrayList<>(); private int size() { return otherCommands.size() + ((linkEditCommand == null) ? 0 : 1); } @Override public Iterator<LoadCommand> iterator() { return stream().iterator(); } private Stream<LoadCommand> stream() { if (linkEditCommand != null) { return Stream.concat(otherCommands.stream(), Stream.of(linkEditCommand)); } return otherCommands.stream(); } private void add(LoadCommand arg) { if (arg instanceof LinkEditSegment64Command) { assert linkEditCommand == null : "cannot have more than one __LINKEDIT segment"; linkEditCommand = (LinkEditSegment64Command) arg; } else { otherCommands.add(arg); } } } public LoadCommand getLoadCommand(LoadCommandKind k) { if (k == LoadCommandKind.SEGMENT_64) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use getSegments() to get segments"); } for (LoadCommand cmd : loadCommands) { if (cmd.cmdKind == k) { return cmd; } } return null; } public Segment64Command getLinkEditSegment() { final Segment64Command result = (Segment64Command) findSegmentByName(getUnnamedSegmentName()); return result; } public MachORelocationElement getRelocationElement() { return relocs; } public MachORelocationElement getOrCreateRelocationElement(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean useImplicitAddend) { if (relocs == null) { final Segment64Command containingSegment = getOrCreateSegment(getUnnamedSegmentName(), null, false, false); relocs = new MachORelocationElement(containingSegment); } return relocs; } @Override public Set<Segment> getSegments() { return loadCommands.stream().filter(loadCmd -> loadCmd instanceof Segment).map(loadCmd -> (Segment) loadCmd).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } class MachOHeader extends Header { MachOHeader(String name) { super(name); } @Override public byte[] getOrDecideContent(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, byte[] contentHint) { OutputAssembler out = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(ByteBuffer.allocate(65536).order(getOwner().getByteOrder())); // HACK // int loadCommandsSizeInBytes = computeLoadCommandsSize(loadCommands); out.skip((new HeaderStruct()).getWrittenSize()); out.align(8); int loadCommandsSizeInBytes = 0; for (LoadCommand cmd : loadCommands) { loadCommandsSizeInBytes += (int) alreadyDecided.get(cmd).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE); } out.pushSeek(0); new HeaderStruct(getOwner().getByteOrder() == nativeOrder ? MAGIC : CIGAM, cpuType, MachOObjectFile.this.cpuSubType, loadCommands.size(), loadCommandsSizeInBytes, (int) ObjectFile.flagSetAsLong(MachOObjectFile.this.flags)).write(out); out.pop(); return out.getBlob(); } @Override public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { return HeaderStruct.HEADER_SIZE; } @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { /* * Mach-O sections are always contained inside a segment, and must be emitted * contiguously within that segment. Therefore, we create dependencies of two forms: * linear OFFSET dependencies among sections inside the same segment (noting that * segments are ordered), and (to prevent interleaving) from the first section of each * segment to the last section of the previous segment. * * Note that Segments are (for us) ordered within the file, even though the contract * inherited from ObjectFile specifies only Set. Also, note that the LINKEDIT segment * must come *last*. * * Note also that for VADDR decisions, we must ensure that vaddrs and offsets go up * together. This is because, unlike ELF, a single logical segment *must* be mapped in a * single mmapping. */ HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = new HashSet<>(); Segment prevNonEmptySegment = null; for (Segment s : getSegments()) { Element prev = null; for (Element e : s) { assert !(e instanceof Header); // no headers here if (prev != null) { assert e != prev; // create the within-segment predecessor offset dependency deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(e).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), decisions.get(prev).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); } prev = e; } // only insert the interleaving-preventing dependency if we contain >0 entries if (s.size() > 0 && prevNonEmptySegment != null) { assert prevNonEmptySegment != s; // create the between-segments predecessor offset dependency deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(s.get(0)).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), decisions.get(prevNonEmptySegment.get(prevNonEmptySegment.size() - 1)).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); // same for vaddrs if (s.get(0).isReferenceable() && prevNonEmptySegment.get(prevNonEmptySegment.size() - 1).isReferenceable()) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(s.get(0)).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR), decisions.get(prevNonEmptySegment.get(prevNonEmptySegment.size() - 1)).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR))); } } // only update the previous segment if the new one contains >0 sections if (s.size() > 0) { prevNonEmptySegment = s; } } // our header content depends on the size of every load command for (LoadCommand cmd : loadCommands) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT), decisions.get(cmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE))); } // also declare that our offset depends on our size, to maintain the // well-definedness of nextAvailableOffset deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE))); /* * The offset of every element inside a segment depends on the offset of all load * commands. i.e. load commands come first :-) */ for (Segment seg : getSegments()) { for (Element el : seg) { for (LoadCommand cmd : loadCommands) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(el).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), decisions.get(cmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); } } } /* * Segment load commands must be kept in order, to avoid screwing with the section * numbering. */ Segment64Command previousSegCmd = null; for (Segment seg : getSegments()) { Segment64Command segCmd = (Segment64Command) seg; if (previousSegCmd != null) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(segCmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), decisions.get(previousSegCmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); } previousSegCmd = segCmd; } /* * Non-segment load commands should be output in the order they appear in our list. * (This is just so that we can control the order of emission, for close reproduction of * stock-generated binaries.) */ LoadCommand firstNonSegmentCmd = null; LoadCommand previousCmd = null; for (LoadCommand cmd : loadCommands) { if (!(cmd instanceof Segment64Command)) { if (previousCmd != null) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(cmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), decisions.get(previousCmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); } else { firstNonSegmentCmd = cmd; } previousCmd = cmd; } } /* * Similarly, the first non-segment command comes after the last segment. */ if (firstNonSegmentCmd != null) { assert previousSegCmd != null; deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(decisions.get(firstNonSegmentCmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), decisions.get(previousSegCmd).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); } return deps; } } static Map<Integer, LoadCommandKind> loadCommandKindsByValue = new HashMap<>(); static { for (LoadCommandKind k : LoadCommandKind.values()) { loadCommandKindsByValue.put((int) k.getValue(), k); } }
This enum defines an element for every defined value for 'cmd', i.e. every kind of load command. On Mac OS, these are defined in /usr/include/mach-o/loader.h. However, not all values are part of the published Mach-O spec.
/** * This enum defines an element for every defined value for 'cmd', i.e. every kind of load * command. On Mac OS, these are defined in /usr/include/mach-o/loader.h. However, not all * values are part of the published Mach-O spec. */
public enum LoadCommandKind { /* * To avoid any appearance of infringing Apple copyright, those not in the spec are replaced * by 'unusedN', *except* for any that I found to be necessary for producing working Mach-O * files. -srk */ unused0, SEGMENT { { assert getValue() == 0x1; } }, SYMTAB { { assert getValue() == 0x2; } }, SYMSEG { { assert getValue() == 0x3; } }, THREAD { { assert getValue() == 0x4; } }, UNIXTHREAD { { assert getValue() == 0x5; } }, unused6 { { assert getValue() == 0x6; } }, unused7 { { assert getValue() == 0x7; } }, unused8 { { assert getValue() == 0x8; } }, unused9 { { assert getValue() == 0x9; } }, unuseda { { assert getValue() == 0xa; } }, DYSYMTAB { { assert getValue() == 0xb; } }, LOAD_DYLIB { { assert getValue() == 0xc; } }, ID_DYLIB { { assert getValue() == 0xd; } }, LOAD_DYLINKER { { assert getValue() == 0xe; } }, ID_DYLINKER { { assert getValue() == 0xf; } }, PREBOUND_DYLIB { { assert getValue() == 0x10; } }, ROUTINES { { assert getValue() == 0x11; } }, SUB_FRAMEWORK { { assert getValue() == 0x12; } }, SUB_UMBRELLA { { assert getValue() == 0x13; } }, SUB_CLIENT { { assert getValue() == 0x14; } }, SUB_LIBRARY { { assert getValue() == 0x15; } }, TWOLEVEL_HINTS { { assert getValue() == 0x16; } }, unused17 { { assert getValue() == 0x17; } }, unused18 { { assert getValue() == (0x18 | 0x80000000L); } @Override public long getValue() { return (super.getValue() | /* REQ_DYLD.getValue() */0x80000000L); } }, SEGMENT_64 { { assert getValue() == 0x19; } }, ROUTINES_64 { { assert getValue() == 0x1a; } }, UUID { { assert getValue() == 0x1b; } }, RPATH { { assert getValue() == (0x1c | 0x80000000L); } @Override public long getValue() { return super.getValue() | /* REQ_DYLD.getValue() */0x80000000L; } }, unused1d { { assert getValue() == 0x1d; } }, unused1e { { assert getValue() == 0x1e; } }, unused1f { { assert getValue() == (0x1f | 0x80000000L); } @Override public long getValue() { return super.getValue() | /* REQ_DYLD.getValue() */0x80000000L; } }, unused20 { { assert getValue() == 0x20; } }, unused21 { { assert getValue() == 0x21; } }, DYLD_INFO { { assert getValue() == 0x22; } }, unused23 { { assert getValue() == 0x23; } }, VERSION_MIN_MACOS { { assert getValue() == 0x24; } }, unused25 { { assert getValue() == 0x25; } }, FUNCTION_STARTS { { assert getValue() == 0x26; } }, unused27 { { assert getValue() == 0x27; } }, unused28 { { assert getValue() == (0x28 | 0x80000000L); } @Override public long getValue() { return super.getValue() | /* REQ_DYLD.getValue() */0x80000000L; } }, DATA_IN_CODE { { assert getValue() == 0x29; } }, unused2a { { assert getValue() == 0x2a; } }, unused2b { { assert getValue() == 0x2b; } }, REQ_DYLD { @Override public long getValue() { return 0x80000000L; } }, DYLD_INFO_ONLY { @Override public long getValue() { return DYLD_INFO.getValue() | /* REQ_DYLD.getValue() */0x80000000L; } }; public long getValue() { return ordinal(); } } // end enum Kind
Abstract super class of all load commands.
/** * Abstract super class of all load commands. */
public abstract class LoadCommand extends Header { LoadCommandKind cmdKind; // 'cmd' in the struct definition public LoadCommand(String name, LoadCommandKind k) { super(name); this.cmdKind = k; // we add it as far towards the end of the list as we can, noting that we might // have __LINKEDIT at the end, in which case we subtract 1 // -- unless we *are* a LinkEditSegment64Command, in which case we go at the end. loadCommands.add(this); } protected abstract void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided); @Override public MachOObjectFile getOwner() { return (MachOObjectFile) super.getOwner(); } @Override public byte[] getOrDecideContent(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, byte[] contentHint) { OutputAssembler out = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(getByteOrder()); int startPos = out.pos(); out.write4Byte((int) cmdKind.getValue()); int sizePos = out.pos(); out.write4Byte(0); // placeholder for size writePayload(out, alreadyDecided); out.align(8); int cmdSize = out.pos() - startPos; out.pushSeek(sizePos); out.write4Byte(cmdSize); out.pop(); assert out.pos() == startPos + cmdSize; return out.getBlob(); } int sizeBeforePayload() { return getWrittenSize(0); }
Get the size of this load command, given a particular payload size. Subclasses can use this to compute the overall size. This allows them to avoid a dependency from content to size, which our default dependencies include. We use this in SymtabCommand to avoid creating cyclic dependencies.
  • payloadSize – the size on disk, in bytes, of the payload part of the load command
Returns:the size on disk, in bytes, of the load command as a whole
/** * Get the size of this load command, given a particular payload size. Subclasses can use * this to compute the overall size. This allows them to avoid a dependency from content to * size, which our default dependencies include. We use this in {@link SymtabCommand} to * avoid creating cyclic dependencies. * * @param payloadSize the size on disk, in bytes, of the payload part of the load command * @return the size on disk, in bytes, of the load command as a whole */
protected int getWrittenSize(int payloadSize) { /* * HACK: this is replicating logic from getOrDecideContent, but I can't figure out a * nice way of avoiding it. */ OutputAssembler out = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(getByteOrder()); int startPos = out.pos(); out.write4Byte((int) cmdKind.getValue()); // int sizePos = out.pos(); out.write4Byte(0); // placeholder for size out.skip(payloadSize); out.align(8); return /* cmdSize = */out.pos() - startPos; } }
We override getHeader() since LoadCommands are also headers, so we do not have a unique Element satisfying instanceof Header. (For the reason why LoadCommands are headers, see com.oracle.svm.debug.sections.CustomRelocationSectionImpl.getDependencies().)
/** * We override getHeader() since LoadCommands are also headers, so we do not have a unique * Element satisfying instanceof Header. (For the reason why LoadCommands are headers, see * com.oracle.svm.debug.sections.CustomRelocationSectionImpl.getDependencies().) */
@Override public Header getHeader() { return header; }
UUID load command.
/** * UUID load command. */
public class UUIDCommand extends LoadCommand { byte[] uuidbytes; public UUIDCommand(String name) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.UUID); /* * FIXME: this is a sketchy interpretation of the UUID v4 RFC. */ UUID randomUUID = UUID.randomUUID(); // we write the whole thing big-endianly OutputAssembler oa = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); oa.write8Byte(randomUUID.getMostSignificantBits()); oa.write8Byte(randomUUID.getLeastSignificantBits()); assert oa.pos() == 16; // UUIDs are 16 bytes long uuidbytes = oa.getBlob(); // FIXME: use nameUUIDFromBytes() instead, i.e. v3/v5 not v4 assert uuidbytes.length == 16; } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { out.writeBlob(uuidbytes); } } static class DylibStruct { int stroff; // is lc_str in the spec, but ptr case is unused int timestamp; int currentVersion; int compatibilityVersion; public void write(OutputAssembler out) { /* * NOTE: this should actually be 64 bits, because it's an lc_str which is a union of * uint32_t and char*. But mysteriously, the native tools only use 32 bits for this. So * I will only use 32 bits too. */ out.write4Byte(stroff); out.write4Byte(timestamp); out.write4Byte(currentVersion); out.write4Byte(compatibilityVersion); } DylibStruct(int stroff, int timestamp, int currentVersion, int compatibilityVersion) { this.stroff = stroff; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.currentVersion = currentVersion; this.compatibilityVersion = compatibilityVersion; } public int getWrittenSize() { OutputAssembler oa = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(); write(oa); return oa.pos(); } }
This abstract superclass models all load commands wrapping a struct dylib, namely LoadDylibCommand and IDDylibCommand (and, if we implement it, LoadWeakDylibCommand).
/** * This abstract superclass models all load commands wrapping a struct dylib, namely * {@link LoadDylibCommand} and {@link IDDylibCommand} (and, if we implement it, * LoadWeakDylibCommand). * */
public abstract class AbstractDylibCommand extends LoadCommand { String libName = "blah.dylib"; // FIXME // FIXME: other fields public AbstractDylibCommand(String name, LoadCommandKind k, String libName) { super(name, k); this.libName = libName; } public AbstractDylibCommand(String name, LoadCommandKind k) { super(name, k); } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { /* * Our payload is just our dylib struct followed by the string denoting our name. The * first field of our dylib struct is the offset of the string into the load command, * which is just the load command header length plus the size of the dylib struct. */ int loadCommandHeaderLength = getWrittenSize(0); DylibStruct s = new DylibStruct(0, 0, 0, 0); // FIXME: real values please! s.stroff = loadCommandHeaderLength + s.getWrittenSize(); s.write(out); out.writeString(libName); } public void setLibName(String libName) { this.libName = libName; } } public class IDDylibCommand extends AbstractDylibCommand { public IDDylibCommand(String name, String libName) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.ID_DYLIB); this.libName = libName; } public IDDylibCommand(String name) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.ID_DYLIB); } }
Utility function to get the length of a long when ULEB128-encoded. We use this in FunctionStartsElement and also ExportTrie.
  • value – a long value
Returns:the length in bytes of the ULEB128 encoding of value
/** * Utility function to get the length of a long when ULEB128-encoded. We use this in * FunctionStartsElement and also ExportTrie. * * @param value a long value * @return the length in bytes of the ULEB128 encoding of value */
static int encodedLengthLEB128(long value) { OutputAssembler dummy = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(); dummy.writeLEB128(value); return dummy.pos(); } class VersionMinMacOSCommand extends LoadCommand { VersionMinMacOSCommand(String name) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.VERSION_MIN_MACOS); } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { // FIXME: be smarter than just writing "10.07" out.writeByte((byte) 0); out.writeByte((byte) 7); out.writeByte((byte) 10); out.writeByte((byte) 0); out.write4Byte(0); } } public class LoadDylibCommand extends AbstractDylibCommand { int timestamp; int currentVersion; int compatVersion; public LoadDylibCommand(String name, String libname, int timestamp, int currentVersion, int compatVersion) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.LOAD_DYLIB); this.libName = libname; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.currentVersion = currentVersion; this.compatVersion = compatVersion; } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { int loadCommandHeaderSize = getWrittenSize(0); DylibStruct s = new DylibStruct(0, timestamp, currentVersion, compatVersion); // string offset is command header size + dylib struct size s.stroff = loadCommandHeaderSize + s.getWrittenSize(); s.write(out); out.writeString(libName); } } public class RPathCommand extends LoadCommand { String dirname; public RPathCommand(String name, String dirname) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.RPATH); this.dirname = dirname; } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { int loadCommandHeaderSize = getWrittenSize(0); /* the payload is simply an lc_str followed by the null-terminated string bytes */ int stroff = loadCommandHeaderSize + 4; // 32-bit offset from load command start to // string start out.write4Byte(stroff); out.writeString(dirname); } } class FunctionStartsCommand extends LoadCommand { FunctionStartsElement el; FunctionStartsCommand(String name) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.FUNCTION_STARTS); el = new FunctionStartsElement("MachOFunctionStartsElement"); } @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.minimalDependencies(decisions, this); LayoutDecision ourContent = decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(el).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(el).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE))); return deps; } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { // our payload is simply the offset and size of our element int elOffset = (int) alreadyDecided.get(el).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); int elSize = (int) alreadyDecided.get(el).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE); out.write4Byte(elOffset); out.write4Byte(elSize); } @Override public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { return getWrittenSize(8); // 4 + 4 bytes } } class FunctionStartsElement extends LinkEditElement { /* * This is not documented in the Mach-O spec, but we generate it so we can reproduce a * simple test Mach-O file generated by the system's ld. It seems to consist of an array of * offsets of function entry points from the previous function entry point in the file, * ULEB128-encoded. We use the symtab to generate this array. */ /* This element is a zero-terminated sequence of ULEB128s. */ FunctionStartsElement(String name) { super(name, getLinkEditSegment()); // adds us to the link edit segment } @Override public byte[] getOrDecideContent(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, byte[] contentHint) { OutputAssembler out = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(getOwner().getByteOrder()); TreeSet<Integer> fileOffsets = new TreeSet<>(); // merge duplicates (aliased symbols) for (Symbol sym : symbolsOfInterest()) { Section s = sym.getDefinedSection(); assert s != null; int sectionOffset = (int) alreadyDecided.get(s).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); fileOffsets.add(sectionOffset + (int) sym.getDefinedOffset()); } Integer previousOffset = null; for (Integer i : fileOffsets) { if (previousOffset == null) { // write the offset from starting fileoff of the text segment // -- *which should be 0*! Segment textSegment = null; for (Segment s : getSegments()) { if (s.getName().equals("__TEXT")) { textSegment = s; break; } } if (textSegment == null) { // no text segment, so our content is empty break; } out.writeLEB128(i); // HACK: assuming text segment begins at fileoff 0! } else { out.writeLEB128(i - previousOffset); } } out.writeLEB128(0); // zero-pad to overapproximated size // FIXME: this creates quite a bit of unnecessary padding int overapproximation = overapproximateSize(); assert out.pos() <= overapproximation; out.skip(overapproximation - out.pos()); return out.getBlob(); } private static final int BIGGEST_INTER_FUNCTION_GAP = 65536; private int overapproximateSize() { int size = 1; // for terminator for (Symbol sym : symbolsOfInterest()) { Section s = sym.getDefinedSection(); assert s != null; int offsetEncodedLength = MachOObjectFile.encodedLengthLEB128(BIGGEST_INTER_FUNCTION_GAP); size += offsetEncodedLength; } return size; } //@formatter:off // @Override // public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { // /* // * HACK HACK HACK: since the content is ULEB128 variable-length-encoded, we need to // * compute our content before we can compute our size. BUT this gives us cyclic build // * dependencies because of Mach-O's messed-up segment structure (FIXME: find out exactly // * what is creating the cycles). So we overapproximate our size based on the biggest // * function-to-function offset we think is likely. // */ // return overapproximateSize(); // } //@formatter:on //@formatter:off @Override public int getOrDecideSize(java.util.Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { Object decidedContent = alreadyDecided.get(this).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); assert decidedContent != null; return ((byte[]) decidedContent).length; } //@formatter:on @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { // our content depends on the offset of every section we're going to reference HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.defaultDependencies(decisions, this); ArrayList<Section> requiredOffsets = new ArrayList<>(); for (LoadCommand c : loadCommands) { if (c instanceof SymtabCommand) { SymtabCommand syms = (SymtabCommand) c; for (Symbol sym : syms.symtab) { if (sym.isDefined() && sym.isFunction() && !sym.isAbsolute()) { Section s = sym.getDefinedSection(); assert s != null; requiredOffsets.add(s); } } } } LayoutDecision ourContent = decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); for (Section s : requiredOffsets) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(s).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); } return deps; } private List<Symbol> symbolsOfInterest() { List<Symbol> ofInterest = new ArrayList<>(); for (LoadCommand c : loadCommands) { if (c instanceof SymtabCommand) { SymtabCommand syms = (SymtabCommand) c; for (Symbol sym : syms.symtab) { if (sym.isDefined() && sym.isFunction() && !sym.isAbsolute()) { ofInterest.add(sym); } } } } return ofInterest; } } class DataInCodeElement extends LinkEditElement { class EntryStruct { int fileOffset; short length; short entryKind; int getWrittenSize() { return 8; // the size of the fields above } void write(OutputAssembler oa) { oa.write4Byte(fileOffset); oa.write2Byte(length); oa.write2Byte(entryKind); } } DataInCodeElement(String name) { super(name, getLinkEditSegment()); // adds us to the link edit segment } @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.minimalDependencies(decisions, this); // our content (but not our size) depends on the offsets and sizes of every text section LayoutDecision ourContent = decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); for (Section s : getSections()) { MachOSection ms = (MachOSection) s; if (ms.flags.contains(SectionFlag.SOME_INSTRUCTIONS)) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(s).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(s).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE))); } } return deps; } @Override public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { // our size is fixed: one entry for every text section int count = 0; for (Section s : getSections()) { MachOSection ms = (MachOSection) s; if (ms.flags.contains(SectionFlag.SOME_INSTRUCTIONS)) { ++count; } } return count * (new EntryStruct()).getWrittenSize(); } @Override public byte[] getOrDecideContent(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, byte[] contentHint) { OutputAssembler out = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(getOwner().getByteOrder()); ArrayList<LayoutDecision> decisionsOfInterest = new ArrayList<>(); for (Section s : getSections()) { MachOSection ms = (MachOSection) s; if (ms.flags.contains(SectionFlag.SOME_INSTRUCTIONS)) { decisionsOfInterest.add(alreadyDecided.get(s).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET)); } } // sort these sections by their decided offset Collections.sort(decisionsOfInterest, new IntegerDecisionComparator(false)); // we should not have any undecideds! assert decisionsOfInterest.size() == 0 || decisionsOfInterest.get(0).isTaken(); EntryStruct ent = new EntryStruct(); for (int i = 0; i < decisionsOfInterest.size(); ++i) { LayoutDecision decision = decisionsOfInterest.get(i); ent.fileOffset = (int) decision.getValue(); int fileSize = (int) alreadyDecided.get(decision.getElement()).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE); int sectionEndInFile = ent.fileOffset + fileSize; Integer nextOffset = (i + 1 < decisionsOfInterest.size()) ? (int) decisionsOfInterest.get(i + 1).getValue() : null; int nextPageBoundary = (sectionEndInFile % getPageSize()) == 0 ? sectionEndInFile : (((sectionEndInFile >> getPageSizeShift()) + 1) << getPageSizeShift()); ent.length = (short) (nextOffset == null ? nextPageBoundary : Math.min(nextPageBoundary, nextOffset)); ent.entryKind = (short) 0; // FIXME ent.write(out); } return out.getBlob(); } } class DataInCodeCommand extends LoadCommand { DataInCodeElement el; DataInCodeCommand(String name) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.DATA_IN_CODE); this.el = new DataInCodeElement(name); } /* * This is not in the Mach-O spec, but we include it in order to reproduce a simple test * dylib that the native ld generates. The payload -- which is a LinkEditElement -- seems to * consist of file offsets of parts in a text *segment* that are not in fact executable. * Each is described by a data-in-code-entry. As a complete HACK, we generate a single entry * per text section which covers everything between the end of a text section and the page * boundary OR another text section, whichever comes first. */ @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.minimalDependencies(decisions, this); // our content (but not our size) depends on the offset and size // of the corresponding element LayoutDecision ourContent = decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); LayoutDecision elOffset = decisions.get(el).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); LayoutDecision elSize = decisions.get(el).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, elOffset)); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, elSize)); return deps; } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { out.write4Byte((int) alreadyDecided.get(el).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET)); out.write4Byte((int) alreadyDecided.get(el).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE)); } @Override public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { return getWrittenSize(8); // i.e. two words } } public enum SectionType { // IMPORTANT: these all have values matching their ordinal() REGULAR, ZEROFILL, LITERALS_CSTRING, LITERALS_4BYTE, LITERALS_8BYTE, LITERALS_POINTER, NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS, LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS, SYMBOL_STUBS, MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS, MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS, COALESCED, GB_ZEROFILL; static SectionType fromFlags(int flags) { return values()[flags & 0xff]; } int getValue() { return ordinal(); } } public enum SectionFlag implements ValueEnum { LOC_RELOC(0x00000100), EXT_RELOC(0x00000200), SOME_INSTRUCTIONS(0x00000400), DEBUG(0x02000000), SELF_MODIFYING_CODE(0x04000000), LIVE_SUPPORT(0x08000000), NO_DEAD_STRIP(0x10000000), STRIP_STATIC_SYMS(0x20000000), NO_TOC(0x40000000), PURE_INSTRUCTIONS(0x80000000); private final int value; SectionFlag(int value) { this.value = value; } @Override public long value() { return value; } } public abstract class MachOSection extends ObjectFile.Section { // @formatter:off /* We have no fields except type & flags! Mach-O section64 struct's fields are * modelled as follows: * sectname: in the ObjectFile's element name map * segname: explicitly if relocatable file, else in the ObjectFile's segments list * addr: decided during the build process * size: for progbits, the byte[]'s size; for nobits, by getMemSize() * offset: decided during the build process * align: in Element * reloff: offset into the relocation section contents * nreloc: ditto * flags: we DO have this one * reserved1, reserved2: saved for a "symbol stub section" subclass, if we need it */ // @formatter:on SectionType type; EnumSet<SectionFlag> flags; Segment64Command segment; String destinationSegmentName; @Override public boolean isLoadable() { if (getImpl() == this) { return true; } return getImpl().isLoadable(); } @Override public boolean isReferenceable() { if (getImpl() == this) { return isLoadable(); } return getImpl().isReferenceable(); } public MachOSection(String name, int alignment, Segment64Command segment, SectionType t, EnumSet<SectionFlag> flags) { super(name, alignment); if (name.length() > 16) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mach-O section names may not be longer than 16 characters"); } this.type = SectionType.REGULAR; assert t.equals(this.type); this.flags = flags; /* * Q. Where do we add the section to the segment? A. Before any non-Section elements, * but after any other Sections. Q. Why? A. To avoid cyclic dependencies in the * relocatable case. In relocatable files, everything goes in a single segment. This * includes both data sections *and* link-edit elements. At least one link-edit element, * FunctionStartsElement, requires the offset of text sections to be known before its * own size and offset can be calculated. If we put any text section later than it in * the segment, we'd get a cyclic dependency: an OFFSET->OFFSET back-edge within the * segment as usual, and a *forward*-edge because the FunctionStartsElement's offset * depends on the text section's offset. */ int firstNonSectionPosition = 0; while (firstNonSectionPosition < segment.size() && segment.get(firstNonSectionPosition) instanceof Section) { ++firstNonSectionPosition; } segment.add(firstNonSectionPosition, this); this.segment = segment; /* * Guess a destination segment name, if we're relocatable. This is a bit of a HACK right * now. It also duplicates SectionName knowledge. FIXME: why not just ask SectionName? */ if (name.contains("debug")) { destinationSegmentName = "__DWARF"; /* * FIXME: set the DEBUG flag on this section. Unfortunately, this currently breaks * debugging: on OS X, the linker intentionally strips debug sections because * debuggers are expected to retrieve them from the original object files or from a * debug info archive. We should conform to this by creating a debug info archive * using dsymutil(1), which would also reduce the size of the linked binary. * However, attempts to implement this as in an extra step after linking has failed, * which likely means that more other stuff needs to be fixed beforehand. */ // flags.add(SectionFlag.DEBUG); } else if (flags.contains( SectionFlag.SOME_INSTRUCTIONS) /* || name.equals("__rodata") */) { /* * HACK: __rodata normally goes in __TEXT. However, SubstrateVM's __rodata sections * currently includes relocatable information, namely pointers into the __data * section. The Darwin linker complains about these when trying to build shared * libraries out of relocatabl object files, giving error messages like * * ld: illegal text-relocation to ___data in * /.../images/com_oracle_svm_test_jdk_HelloWorld_format.dylib.o from ___rodata in * /.../images/com_oracle_svm_test_jdk_HelloWorld_format.dylib.o for architecture * x86_64 * * so we hack around it by keeping __rodata in __DATA. * * This could be fixed more cleanly by splitting __rodata into "pure" data not * needing fix-ups, which can go in __TEXT, and "dirty" fixup-requiring pointers, * which can stay in __DATA. */ destinationSegmentName = "__TEXT"; } else { destinationSegmentName = "__DATA"; } } public Segment getSegment() { return segment; } public void setDestinationSegmentName(String dest) { this.destinationSegmentName = dest; } @Override public MachOObjectFile getOwner() { return (MachOObjectFile) super.getOwner(); } }
Symtab load command.
/** * Symtab load command. */
public class SymtabCommand extends LoadCommand { MachOSymtab symtab; public SymtabCommand(String name, MachOSymtab symtab) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.SYMTAB); this.symtab = symtab; } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { int symtabOffset = (int) alreadyDecided.get(symtab).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); int symtabEntriesCount = symtab.getEntryCount(); int strtabOffset = (int) alreadyDecided.get(symtab.strtab).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); int strtabSize = (int) alreadyDecided.get(symtab.strtab).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE); writePayloadFields(out, symtabOffset, symtabEntriesCount, strtabOffset, strtabSize); } private void writePayloadFields(OutputAssembler out, int symtabOffset, int symtabEntriesCount, int strtabOffset, int strtabSize) { out.write4Byte(symtabOffset); out.write4Byte(symtabEntriesCount); out.write4Byte(strtabOffset); out.write4Byte(strtabSize); } private int getPayloadWrittenSize() { OutputAssembler oa = AssemblyBuffer.createOutputAssembler(); writePayloadFields(oa, 0, 0, 0, 0); return oa.pos(); } @Override public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { return getWrittenSize(getPayloadWrittenSize()); } @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.minimalDependencies(decisions, this); // our content depends on the offset and size of strtab, and offset of symtab LayoutDecision ourContent = decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); LayoutDecision strtabSize = decisions.get(symtab.strtab).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE); LayoutDecision strtabOffset = decisions.get(symtab.strtab).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); LayoutDecision symtabOffset = decisions.get(symtab).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, strtabSize)); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, strtabOffset)); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, symtabOffset)); return deps; } }
Symtab load command.
/** * Symtab load command. */
public class DySymtabCommand extends LoadCommand { MachOSymtab symtab; public DySymtabCommand(String name, MachOSymtab symtab) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.DYSYMTAB); this.symtab = symtab; } private static final int PAYLOAD_SIZE = 18 * 4; // 18 32-bit entries @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { int startPos = out.pos(); out.write4Byte(/* ilocalsym */symtab.firstLocal()); out.write4Byte(/* nlocalsym */symtab.nLocals()); out.write4Byte(/* iextdefsym */symtab.firstExtDef()); out.write4Byte(/* nextdefsym */symtab.nExtDef()); out.write4Byte(/* iundefsym */symtab.firstUndef()); out.write4Byte(/* nundefsym */symtab.nUndef()); out.write4Byte(/* tocoff */0); out.write4Byte(/* ntoc */0); out.write4Byte(/* modtaboff */0); out.write4Byte(/* nmodtab */0); out.write4Byte(/* extrefsymoff */0); out.write4Byte(/* nextrefsyms */0); out.write4Byte(/* indirectsymoff */0); out.write4Byte(/* nindirectsyms */0); out.write4Byte(/* extreloff */0); out.write4Byte(/* nextrel */0); out.write4Byte(/* localreloff */0); out.write4Byte(/* nlocrel */0); assert out.pos() == startPos + PAYLOAD_SIZE; } @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.minimalDependencies(decisions, this); return deps; } @Override public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { return getWrittenSize(PAYLOAD_SIZE); } } public enum VMProt implements ValueEnum { READ(0x01), WRITE(0x02), EXECUTE(0x04); private final int value; VMProt(int value) { this.value = value; } @Override public long value() { return value; } }
Section directory entries as held by a Segment64 load command.
/** * Section directory entries as held by a Segment64 load command. */
public static class SectionInfoStruct { public static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 80; // data members below plus padding String sectName; String segName; long addr; long size; int offset; int align; int reloff; int nreloc; int flags; int reserved1; int reserved2; public SectionInfoStruct(String sectName, String segName, long addr, long size, int offset, int align, int reloff, int nreloc, int flags, int reserved1, int reserved2) { super(); this.sectName = sectName; this.segName = segName; this.addr = addr; this.size = size; this.offset = offset; this.align = align; this.reloff = reloff; this.nreloc = nreloc; this.flags = flags; this.reserved1 = reserved1; this.reserved2 = reserved2; } public void write(OutputAssembler db) { db.writeStringPadded(sectName, 16); db.writeStringPadded(segName, 16); db.write8Byte(addr); db.write8Byte(size); db.write4Byte(offset); db.write4Byte(align); db.write4Byte(reloff); db.write4Byte(nreloc); db.write4Byte(flags); db.write4Byte(reserved1); db.write4Byte(reserved2); db.align(8); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Section Info, name %s, segment %s", sectName, segName) + String.format("\n address %#x, size %d (%2$#x), offset %d (%3$#x), align %#x", addr, size, offset, align) + String.format("\n first relocation entry at %d (%1$#x), number of relocation entries %d", reloff, nreloc) + String.format("\n flags %#x, reserved %d %d", flags, reserved1, reserved2); } }
See the note about 'effectiveFileSize' in Segment64Command.writePayload.
/** See the note about 'effectiveFileSize' in {@link Segment64Command#writePayload}. */
private int minimumFileSize = 0; @Override protected int getMinimumFileSize() { return minimumFileSize; } @Override public int bake(List<Element> sortedObjectFileElements) { minimumFileSize = 0; // re-zero it for this write-out return super.bake(sortedObjectFileElements); } int segmentVaddrGivenFirstSectionVaddr(int sectionVaddr) { /* * We round down the minVaddr to the next lower page boundary. And the same for the file * offset, i.e. some of the previous segment or header/loadcmds gets included in the segment * image. */ int effectiveMinVaddr = ((sectionVaddr >> getPageSizeShift()) << getPageSizeShift()); assert effectiveMinVaddr <= sectionVaddr; return effectiveMinVaddr; } public class Segment64Command extends LoadCommand implements Segment { String segname; // 16 characters // long vmaddr; // starting virtual memory address // long vmsize; // number of bytes of virtual memory occupied by this segment // long fileoff; // offset in the file at which this segment starts (the first section!) // long filesize; // number of bytes occupied by this segment on disk EnumSet<VMProt> maxprot = EnumSet.noneOf(VMProt.class); // maximum permitted virtual memory // protections of this segment EnumSet<VMProt> initprot = EnumSet.noneOf(VMProt.class); // initial virtual memory // protections of this segment // int nsects; // number of sections int flags; // flags @Override public String getName() { return segname; } @Override public void setName(String name) { this.segname = name; } List<Element> elementsInSegment = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public boolean isExecutable() { return initprot.contains(VMProt.EXECUTE); } @Override public boolean isWritable() { return initprot.contains(VMProt.WRITE); } List<SectionInfoStruct> readStructs = new ArrayList<>(); public Segment64Command(String name, String segmentName) { super(name, LoadCommandKind.SEGMENT_64); // creates a new empty segment this.segname = segmentName; } @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler db, final Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { db.writeStringPadded(segname, 16); // our virtual address is the lowest of any virtual address issued to // our constituent loadable sections. Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decidedAboutOurElements = new HashMap<>(); for (Element e : elementsInSegment) { if (e instanceof MachOSection) { decidedAboutOurElements.put(e, alreadyDecided.get(e)); } } List<LayoutDecision> minVaddrDecisions = ObjectFile.minimalDecisionValues(decidedAboutOurElements, LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR, new IntegerDecisionComparator(true)); int minVaddr = (minVaddrDecisions == null || minVaddrDecisions.size() == 0) ? 0 : (int) minVaddrDecisions.get(0).getValue(); // vmsize is the difference between our min vaddr and max vaddr size + that section's // size rounded up to page size List<LayoutDecision> maxVaddrDecisions = ObjectFile.maximalDecisionValues(decidedAboutOurElements, LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR, new IntegerDecisionComparator(false)); // break ties using size Collections.sort(maxVaddrDecisions, new SizeTiebreakComparator(decidedAboutOurElements, false)); // we sorted into ascending size order, so get the biggest LayoutDecision maxVaddrDecision = maxVaddrDecisions.get(maxVaddrDecisions.size() - 1); int maxVaddr = (maxVaddrDecision == null) ? 0 : ((int) maxVaddrDecision.getValue() + maxVaddrDecision.getElement().getMemSize(alreadyDecided)); int vmSize = ObjectFile.nextIntegerMultiple(maxVaddr - minVaddr, getPageSize()); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Element firstSectionByVaddr = (minVaddrDecisions == null) ? null : minVaddrDecisions.get(0).getElement(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Element lastSectionByVaddr = (maxVaddrDecision == null) ? null : maxVaddrDecision.getElement(); // same job for file offsets -- not all elements have vaddrs! // NOTE: the vaddr case is redundant, but is a useful sanity check List<LayoutDecision> minOffsetDecisions = ObjectFile.minimalDecisionValues(decidedAboutOurElements, LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET, new IntegerDecisionComparator(true)); int minOffset = (minOffsetDecisions == null || minOffsetDecisions.size() == 0) ? 0 : (int) minOffsetDecisions.get(0).getValue(); List<LayoutDecision> maxOffsetDecisions = ObjectFile.maximalDecisionValues(decidedAboutOurElements, LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET, new IntegerDecisionComparator(false)); // break ties using size Collections.sort(maxOffsetDecisions, new SizeTiebreakComparator(decidedAboutOurElements, false)); // we sorted into ascending size order, so get the biggest LayoutDecision maxOffsetDecision = maxOffsetDecisions.get(maxOffsetDecisions.size() - 1); Element firstElementByOffset = (minOffsetDecisions == null) ? null : minOffsetDecisions.get(0).getElement(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Element lastElementByOffset = (maxOffsetDecision == null) ? null : maxOffsetDecision.getElement(); // these are *not* true because some elements need not have vaddr // assert firstElementByOffset == firstSectionByVaddr; // assert lastElementByOffset == lastSectionByVaddr; // -- FIXME: find out a sensible assertion that should be true along these lines int fileOffset = (firstElementByOffset == null) ? 0 : (int) alreadyDecided.get(firstElementByOffset).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET); int maxOffset = (maxOffsetDecision == null) ? 0 : ((int) maxOffsetDecision.getValue() + (int) alreadyDecided.get(maxOffsetDecision.getElement()).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE)); int fileSize = maxOffset - minOffset; int effectiveMinVaddr = segmentVaddrGivenFirstSectionVaddr(minVaddr); assert effectiveMinVaddr >= 0; /* If this is wrong, it means that 4KB was not enough padding in initialVaddr(). */ int prePadding = minVaddr - effectiveMinVaddr; int effectiveVmSize = vmSize + prePadding; int effectiveFileOffset = fileOffset - prePadding; int effectiveFileSize = fileSize + prePadding; db.write8Byte(effectiveMinVaddr); db.write8Byte(effectiveVmSize); db.write8Byte(effectiveFileOffset); /* * Round up effectiveFileSize to the nearest page boundary, to match what the stock * tools do. BUT: ARGH: * * 1. the loader complains if this extends beyond end-of-file * * 2. the tools don't do this for the __LINKEDIT segment * * Approximate this by * * - skipping the round-up for the link edit segment * * - when we do round up, record a "minimum file size"... * * - ... and zero-pad the file to this length. */ if (this != getLinkEditSegment()) { effectiveFileSize = ObjectFile.nextIntegerMultiple(effectiveFileSize, getPageSize()); minimumFileSize = Math.max(minimumFileSize, effectiveFileOffset + effectiveFileSize); } db.write8Byte(effectiveFileSize); db.write4Byte((int) ObjectFile.flagSetAsLong(maxprot)); db.write4Byte((int) ObjectFile.flagSetAsLong(initprot)); int sectionCountPos = db.pos(); db.write4Byte(0); // placeholder for section count db.write4Byte(flags); // *segment* flags db.align(8); int sectionCount = 0; for (Element el : elementsInSegment) { // non-Section elements don't get an info struct! if (!(el instanceof Section)) { continue; } ++sectionCount; MachOSection s = (MachOSection) el; int logAlignment = (int) (Math.log10(s.getAlignment()) / Math.log10(2.0)); /* * Find the LinkEditElement, if any, that contains our relocation records. We only * do this is we're a relocatable file. Dynamic relocs are indexed differently, from * fields in the LC_DYSYMTAB load command. */ MachORelocationElement ourRelocs = null; if (getLinkEditSegment() != null) { for (Element e : getLinkEditSegment().elementsInSegment) { if (e instanceof MachORelocationElement && ((MachORelocationElement) e).relocatesSegment(this)) { if (ourRelocs == null) { ourRelocs = (MachORelocationElement) e; continue; } assert false; // i.e. we should not find *another* RelocationElement // also containing relevant relocs } } } /* * If we're a a relocatable file, we should have a destination segment name. An * initial value is guessed in the MachOSection constructor. */ assert s.destinationSegmentName != null; //@formatter:off SectionInfoStruct si = new SectionInfoStruct( s.getName(), s.destinationSegmentName, s.getElement().isReferenceable() ? (int) alreadyDecided.get(s).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR) : 0, (int) alreadyDecided.get(s).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE), (int) alreadyDecided.get(s).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET), logAlignment, ourRelocs == null ? 0 : (int) alreadyDecided.get(ourRelocs).getDecidedValue(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET) + ourRelocs.startIndexFor(s) * ourRelocs.encodedEntrySize(), ourRelocs == null ? 0 : ourRelocs.countFor(s), (int) ObjectFile.flagSetAsLong(s.flags) | s.type.getValue(), /* reserved1 */ 0, /* reserved2 */ 0); //@formatter:on int startPos = db.pos(); si.write(db); assert db.pos() - startPos == SectionInfoStruct.DEFAULT_SIZE; } // go back and fill in the actual section count db.pushSeek(sectionCountPos); db.write4Byte(sectionCount); db.pop(); } private int sectionsInSegment() { int count = 0; for (Element e : elementsInSegment) { if (e instanceof Section) { ++count; } } return count; } @Override public int getOrDecideSize(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int sizeHint) { // FIXME: please.... return 4 + 4 + 16 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + (sectionsInSegment() * SectionInfoStruct.DEFAULT_SIZE); } @Override public Iterable<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { // 'minimal' means that our size does not depend on our bytewise-encoded content HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.minimalDependencies(decisions, this); // our content depends on the offset and size of every section we contain LayoutDecision ourContent = decisions.get(this).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); for (Element s : elementsInSegment) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(s).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.SIZE))); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(s).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); // our content also depends on the vaddr of every loadable section // (because we record the vmsize in the segment header) if (s.getElement().isReferenceable()) { deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(s).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR))); } } // if (sections.size() > 0) { // deps.add(new BuildDependency(ourContent, // decisions.get(sections.get(sections.size() - // 1)).getDecision(LayoutProperty.Kind.SIZE))); // } /* * If our name is "__LINKEDIT", we're special: it means we have to come last. The way we * ensure this is to only create such segments at the *last* position in the segments * list, and to preserve this positioning as new segments are added. We just assert that * here. See loadCommands. */ if ((getName() != null) && (getName().equals("__LINKEDIT"))) { assert this == loadCommands.linkEditCommand; } else { /* * We also depend on the offset of any relocation element containing relocation * records for our content. */ if (getLinkEditSegment() != null) { for (Element e : getLinkEditSegment().elementsInSegment) { if (e instanceof MachORelocationElement && ((MachORelocationElement) e).relocatesSegment(this)) { // we depend on its offset deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, decisions.get(e).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.OFFSET))); } } } } return deps; } @Override public void add(int arg0, Element arg1) { elementsInSegment.add(arg0, arg1); } @Override public boolean add(Element arg0) { return elementsInSegment.add(arg0); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends Element> arg0) { return elementsInSegment.addAll(arg0); } @Override public boolean addAll(int arg0, Collection<? extends Element> arg1) { return elementsInSegment.addAll(arg0, arg1); } @Override public void clear() { elementsInSegment.clear(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object arg0) { return elementsInSegment.contains(arg0); } @Override public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> arg0) { return elementsInSegment.containsAll(arg0); } @Override public Element get(int arg0) { return elementsInSegment.get(arg0); } @Override public int indexOf(Object arg0) { return elementsInSegment.indexOf(arg0); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return elementsInSegment.isEmpty(); } @Override public Iterator<Element> iterator() { return elementsInSegment.iterator(); } @Override public int lastIndexOf(Object arg0) { return elementsInSegment.lastIndexOf(arg0); } @Override public ListIterator<Element> listIterator() { return elementsInSegment.listIterator(); } @Override public ListIterator<Element> listIterator(int arg0) { return elementsInSegment.listIterator(arg0); } @Override public Element remove(int arg0) { return elementsInSegment.remove(arg0); } @Override public boolean remove(Object arg0) { return elementsInSegment.remove(arg0); } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> arg0) { return elementsInSegment.removeAll(arg0); } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> arg0) { return elementsInSegment.retainAll(arg0); } @Override public Element set(int arg0, Element arg1) { return elementsInSegment.set(arg0, arg1); } @Override public int size() { return elementsInSegment.size(); } @Override public List<Element> subList(int arg0, int arg1) { return elementsInSegment.subList(arg0, arg1); } @Override public Object[] toArray() { return elementsInSegment.toArray(); } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] arg0) { return elementsInSegment.toArray(arg0); } }
We model the link edit segment as a separate class. Largely this is because our list of load commands needs to handle the link edit command separately. We get added to the list in LoadCommand's constructor, at which point the segment name is not available (it's a field in the Segment64Command subclass, which is not initialized at the time of the constructor call).
/** * We model the link edit segment as a separate class. Largely this is because our list of load * commands needs to handle the link edit command separately. We get added to the list in * LoadCommand's constructor, at which point the segment name is not available (it's a field in * the Segment64Command subclass, which is not initialized at the time of the constructor call). * */
public class LinkEditSegment64Command extends Segment64Command { private MachOSymtab symtab; private MachOStrtab strtab; public LinkEditSegment64Command() { super("LinkEditSegment", "__LINKEDIT"); initprot = EnumSet.of(VMProt.READ); // always give read permission // native tools give maximum maxprot maxprot = EnumSet.of(VMProt.READ, VMProt.WRITE, VMProt.EXECUTE); } public MachOSymtab getSymtab() { return symtab; } public MachOStrtab getStrtab() { return strtab; } public MachORelocationElement getRelocations() { return relocs; } } private EnumSet<Flag> flags = EnumSet.noneOf(Flag.class); public Set<Flag> getFlags() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(flags); } public void setFlags(EnumSet<Flag> flags) { this.flags.clear(); this.flags.addAll(flags); } protected LinkEditSegment64Command getOrCreateLinkEditSegment() { // create a __LINKEDIT segment and appropriate symtabs if (loadCommands.linkEditCommand != null) { return loadCommands.linkEditCommand; } else { return createLinkEditSegment(); } } protected LinkEditSegment64Command createLinkEditSegment() { return new LinkEditSegment64Command(); } @Override protected SymbolTable createSymbolTable() { /* * If we're dynamic, create a linkedit segment. Otherwise, our caller should have created a * single segment; we use that. */ assert getSegments().size() == 1; Segment64Command segment = (Segment64Command) getSegments().iterator().next(); // create the strtab too MachOStrtab strtab = new MachOStrtab("MachOStrtab", MachOObjectFile.this, segment); MachOSymtab symtab = new MachOSymtab("MachOSymtab", this, segment, strtab); assert segment.contains(strtab); assert segment.contains(symtab); // create the load command pointing at the symtab SymtabCommand cmd = new SymtabCommand("MachOSymtabCommand", symtab); assert cmd.symtab == symtab; return symtab; } @Override public MachOSymtab getSymbolTable() { /* * Mach-O symtabs are not sections and do not have names. We find the __LINKEDIT segment so * we can sanity-check. */ Segment segment = null; /* * In a shared library, we should find the symtab in the __LINKEDIT segment. In a * relocatable file, it should be in the segment named "". */ final String segmentName = getUnnamedSegmentName(); Set<Segment> segs = getSegments(); for (Segment seg : segs) { if (seg.getName().equals(segmentName)) { segment = seg; break; } } // if we can't find the relevant segment, we haven't been constructed correctly assert segment != null; /* * Both dynamic and non-dynamic symtabs have their own load command. In the file, this * command stores the offset of the raw symtab data (which should be in the __LINKEDIT * segment). In our representation of this command, we keep a reference to the element, so * we can grab it this way. */ for (LoadCommand cmd : loadCommands) { if (cmd instanceof SymtabCommand) { MachOSymtab e = ((SymtabCommand) cmd).symtab; assert segment.contains(e); return e; } } return null; } abstract class LinkEditElement extends Element { @Override public ElementImpl getImpl() { return this; } final Segment64Command segment; LinkEditElement(String name, Segment64Command containingSegment) { // If we're the first in the __LINKEDIT segment, we align to page size. this(name, containingSegment, containingSegment.isEmpty() ? getPageSize() : 1); } LinkEditElement(String name, Segment64Command containingSegment, int alignment) { super(name, alignment); segment = containingSegment; containingSegment.add(this); } @Override public boolean isLoadable() { return true; } @Override public int getOrDecideVaddr(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int vaddrHint) { // we are loadable! return ObjectFile.defaultGetOrDecideVaddr(alreadyDecided, this, vaddrHint); } @Override public LayoutDecisionMap getDecisions(LayoutDecisionMap copyingIn) { return ObjectFile.defaultDecisions(this, copyingIn); } @Override public int getOrDecideOffset(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, int offsetHint) { return ObjectFile.defaultGetOrDecideOffset(alreadyDecided, this, offsetHint); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void addOpaqueLoadCommand(String name, LoadCommandKind k, final byte[] bs) { new LoadCommand(name, k) { @Override protected void writePayload(OutputAssembler out, Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided) { out.writeBlob(bs); } }; } }