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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.oracle.graal.pointsto;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.word.WordBase;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.constraints.UnsupportedFeatureException;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisField;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisMethod;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisType;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.util.AnalysisError;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.util.CompletionExecutor;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.BytecodePosition;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;

Provides functionality for scanning constant objects. The scanning is done in parallel. The set of visited elements is a special datastructure whose structure can be reused over multiple scanning iterations to save CPU resources. (For details ReusableSet).
/** * Provides functionality for scanning constant objects. * * The scanning is done in parallel. The set of visited elements is a special datastructure whose * structure can be reused over multiple scanning iterations to save CPU resources. (For details * {@link ReusableSet}). */
public abstract class ObjectScanner { protected final BigBang bb; private final ReusableSet scannedObjects; protected final Deque<WorklistEntry> worklist;
Used to track whether all work has been completed or not.
/** * Used to track whether all work has been completed or not. */
private final AtomicLong workInProgressCount = new AtomicLong(0); public ObjectScanner(BigBang bigbang, ReusableSet scannedObjects) { this.bb = bigbang; this.worklist = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); this.scannedObjects = scannedObjects; } public void scanBootImageHeapRoots(CompletionExecutor executor) { scanBootImageHeapRoots(executor, null, null); } public void scanBootImageHeapRoots(Comparator<AnalysisField> fieldComparator, Comparator<BytecodePosition> embeddedRootComparator) { scanBootImageHeapRoots(null, fieldComparator, embeddedRootComparator); } private void scanBootImageHeapRoots(CompletionExecutor exec, Comparator<AnalysisField> fieldComparator, Comparator<BytecodePosition> embeddedRootComparator) { // scan the original roots // the original roots are all the static fields, of object type, that were accessed Collection<AnalysisField> fields = bb.getUniverse().getFields(); if (fieldComparator != null) { ArrayList<AnalysisField> fieldsList = new ArrayList<>(fields); fieldsList.sort(fieldComparator); fields = fieldsList; } for (AnalysisField field : fields) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && field.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object && field.isInImageHeap()) { execute(exec, () -> scanRootField(field)); } } // scan the constant nodes Map<JavaConstant, BytecodePosition> embeddedRoots = bb.getUniverse().getEmbeddedRoots(); if (embeddedRootComparator != null) { embeddedRoots.entrySet().stream().sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByValue(embeddedRootComparator)) .forEach(entry -> execute(exec, () -> scanEmbeddedRoot(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))); } else { embeddedRoots.forEach((key, value) -> execute(exec, () -> scanEmbeddedRoot(key, value))); } finish(exec); } private void execute(CompletionExecutor exec, Runnable runnable) { if (exec != null) { workInProgressCount.incrementAndGet(); exec.execute(new CompletionExecutor.DebugContextRunnable() { @Override public void run(DebugContext debug) { try { runnable.run(); } finally { workInProgressCount.decrementAndGet(); } } }); } else { runnable.run(); } } private void scanEmbeddedRoot(JavaConstant root, BytecodePosition position) { AnalysisMethod method = (AnalysisMethod) position.getMethod(); try { scanConstant(root, new MethodScan(method, position)); } catch (UnsupportedFeatureException ex) { bb.getUnsupportedFeatures().addMessage(method.format("%H.%n(%p)"), method, ex.getMessage(), null, ex); } } /* * When scanning a field there are three possible cases: the field value is a relocated pointer, * the field value is null or the field value is non-null. The method {@link * ObjectScanner#scanField(AnalysisField, JavaConstant, Object)} will call the appropriated * method during scanning. */
Hook for relocated pointer scanned field value. For relocated pointers the value is only known at runtime after methods are relocated, which is pretty much the same as a field written at runtime: we do not have a constant value.
/** * Hook for relocated pointer scanned field value. * * For relocated pointers the value is only known at runtime after methods are relocated, which * is pretty much the same as a field written at runtime: we do not have a constant value. */
public abstract void forRelocatedPointerFieldValue(JavaConstant receiver, AnalysisField field, JavaConstant fieldValue);
Hook for scanned null field value.
/** Hook for scanned null field value. */
public abstract void forNullFieldValue(JavaConstant receiver, AnalysisField field);
Hook for scanned non-null field value.
/** Hook for scanned non-null field value. */
public abstract void forNonNullFieldValue(JavaConstant receiver, AnalysisField field, JavaConstant fieldValue);
Scans the value of a root field.
  • field – the scanned root field
/** * Scans the value of a root field. * * @param field the scanned root field */
protected final void scanRootField(AnalysisField field) { scanField(field, null, null); }
Scans the value of a field giving a receiver object.
  • field – the scanned field
  • receiver – the receiver object
  • previous – reference to the work list entry containing parent object
/** * Scans the value of a field giving a receiver object. * * @param field the scanned field * @param receiver the receiver object * @param previous reference to the work list entry containing parent object */
protected final void scanField(AnalysisField field, JavaConstant receiver, WorklistEntry previous) { ScanReason reason = new FieldScan(field); try { JavaConstant fieldValue = bb.getConstantReflectionProvider().readFieldValue(field, receiver); if (fieldValue == null) { StringBuilder backtrace = new StringBuilder(); buildObjectBacktrace(reason, previous, backtrace); throw AnalysisError.shouldNotReachHere("Could not find field " + field.format("%H.%n") + (receiver == null ? "" : " on " + constantType(bb, receiver).toJavaName()) + System.lineSeparator() + backtrace); } if (fieldValue.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object && bb.getHostVM().isRelocatedPointer(constantAsObject(bb, fieldValue))) { forRelocatedPointerFieldValue(receiver, field, fieldValue); } else if (fieldValue.isNull()) { forNullFieldValue(receiver, field); } else if (fieldValue.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object) { /* Scan the field value. */ scanConstant(fieldValue, reason, previous); /* Process the field value. */ forNonNullFieldValue(receiver, field, fieldValue); } } catch (UnsupportedFeatureException ex) { unsupportedFeature(field.format("%H.%n"), ex.getMessage(), reason, previous); } } /* * When scanning array elements there are two possible cases: the element value is either null * or the field value is non-null. The method {@link ObjectScanner#scanArray(JavaConstant, * Object)} will call the appropriated method during scanning. */
Hook for scanned null element value.
/** Hook for scanned null element value. */
public abstract void forNullArrayElement(JavaConstant array, AnalysisType arrayType, int elementIndex);
Hook for scanned non-null element value.
/** Hook for scanned non-null element value. */
public abstract void forNonNullArrayElement(JavaConstant array, AnalysisType arrayType, JavaConstant elementConstant, AnalysisType elementType, int elementIndex);
Scans constant arrays, one element at the time.
  • array – the array to be scanned
  • previous – reference to the work list entry containing parent object
/** * Scans constant arrays, one element at the time. * * @param array the array to be scanned * @param previous reference to the work list entry containing parent object */
protected final void scanArray(JavaConstant array, WorklistEntry previous) { Object valueObj = constantAsObject(bb, array); AnalysisType arrayType = analysisType(bb, valueObj); assert valueObj instanceof Object[]; ScanReason reason = new ArrayScan(arrayType); Object[] arrayObject = (Object[]) valueObj; for (int idx = 0; idx < arrayObject.length; idx++) { Object e = arrayObject[idx]; try { if (e == null) { forNullArrayElement(array, arrayType, idx); } else { Object element = bb.getUniverse().replaceObject(e); JavaConstant elementConstant = bb.getSnippetReflectionProvider().forObject(element); AnalysisType elementType = analysisType(bb, element); /* Scan the array element. */ scanConstant(elementConstant, reason, previous); /* Process the array element. */ forNonNullArrayElement(array, arrayType, elementConstant, elementType, idx); } } catch (UnsupportedFeatureException ex) { unsupportedFeature(arrayType.toJavaName(true), ex.getMessage(), reason, previous); } } }
Hook for scanned constant. The subclasses can provide additional processing for the scanned constants.
/** * Hook for scanned constant. The subclasses can provide additional processing for the scanned * constants. */
protected abstract void forScannedConstant(JavaConstant scannedValue, ScanReason reason); public final void scanConstant(JavaConstant value, ScanReason reason) { scanConstant(value, reason, null); } public final void scanConstant(JavaConstant value, ScanReason reason, WorklistEntry previous) { Object valueObj = constantAsObject(bb, value); if (valueObj == null || valueObj instanceof WordBase) { return; } if (!bb.scanningPolicy().scanConstant(bb, value)) { return; } if (scannedObjects.putAndAcquire(valueObj) == null) { try { forScannedConstant(value, reason); } finally { scannedObjects.release(valueObj); workInProgressCount.incrementAndGet(); worklist.push(new WorklistEntry(previous, value, reason)); } } } private void unsupportedFeature(String key, String message, ScanReason reason, WorklistEntry entry) { StringBuilder objectBacktrace = new StringBuilder(); AnalysisMethod method = buildObjectBacktrace(reason, entry, objectBacktrace); bb.getUnsupportedFeatures().addMessage(key, method, message, objectBacktrace.toString()); } private AnalysisMethod buildObjectBacktrace(ScanReason reason, WorklistEntry entry, StringBuilder objectBacktrace) { WorklistEntry cur = entry; objectBacktrace.append("Object was reached by ").append(System.lineSeparator()); objectBacktrace.append('\t').append(asString(reason)); ScanReason rootReason = null; while (cur != null) { objectBacktrace.append(System.lineSeparator()); objectBacktrace.append("\t\t").append("constant ").append(asString(cur.constant)).append(" reached by ").append(System.lineSeparator()); objectBacktrace.append('\t').append(asString(cur.reason)); rootReason = cur.reason; cur = cur.previous; } if (rootReason instanceof MethodScan) { /* The root constant was found during scanning of 'method'. */ return ((MethodScan) rootReason).method; } /* The root constant was not found during method scanning. */ return null; } String asString(ScanReason reason) { if (reason instanceof FieldScan) { FieldScan fieldScan = (FieldScan) reason; if (fieldScan.field.isStatic()) { return "reading field " + reason; } else { /* Instance field scans must have a receiver, hence the 'of'. */ return "reading field " + reason + " of"; } } else if (reason instanceof MethodScan) { return "scanning method " + reason; } else if (reason instanceof ArrayScan) { return "indexing into array"; } else { return reason.toString(); } } private String asString(JavaConstant constant) { Object obj = constantAsObject(bb, constant); return obj.getClass().getTypeName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(obj)); }
Processes one constant entry. If the constant has an instance class then it scans its fields, using the constant as a receiver. If the constant has an array class then it scans the array element constants.
/** * Processes one constant entry. If the constant has an instance class then it scans its fields, * using the constant as a receiver. If the constant has an array class then it scans the array * element constants. */
private void doScan(WorklistEntry entry) { Object valueObj = constantAsObject(bb, entry.constant); try { AnalysisType type = analysisType(bb, valueObj); type.registerAsReachable(); if (type.isInstanceClass()) { /* Scan constant's instance fields. */ for (AnalysisField field : type.getInstanceFields(true)) { if (field.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object && field.isInImageHeap()) { assert !Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()); scanField(field, entry.constant, entry); } } } else if (type.isArray() && bb.getProviders().getWordTypes().asKind(type.getComponentType()) == JavaKind.Object) { /* Scan the array elements. */ scanArray(entry.constant, entry); } } catch (UnsupportedFeatureException ex) { unsupportedFeature("", ex.getMessage(), entry.reason, entry.previous); } }
Process all consequences for scanned fields. This is done in parallel. Buckets of fields are emitted into the exec, to mitigate the calling overhead. Processing fields can issue new fields to be scanned so we always add the check for workitems at the end of the worklist.
/** * Process all consequences for scanned fields. This is done in parallel. Buckets of fields are * emitted into the {@code exec}, to mitigate the calling overhead. * * Processing fields can issue new fields to be scanned so we always add the check for workitems * at the end of the worklist. */
protected void finish(CompletionExecutor exec) { if (exec != null) { // We add a task which checks for workitems in the worklist, we keep it adding as long // there are more workitems available. exec.execute(new CompletionExecutor.DebugContextRunnable() { @Override public void run(DebugContext ignored) { if (workInProgressCount.get() > 0) { int worklistLength = worklist.size(); while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { // Put workitems into buckets to avoid overhead for scheduling int bucketSize = Integer.max(1, Integer.max(worklistLength, worklist.size()) / (2 * exec.getExecutorService().getPoolSize())); final ArrayList<WorklistEntry> items = new ArrayList<>(); while (!worklist.isEmpty() && items.size() < bucketSize) { items.add(worklist.remove()); } exec.execute(new CompletionExecutor.DebugContextRunnable() { @Override public void run(DebugContext ignored2) { Iterator<WorklistEntry> it = items.iterator(); try { while (it.hasNext()) { try { doScan(it.next()); } finally { workInProgressCount.decrementAndGet(); } } } finally { // Push back leftover elements (In exception case) while (it.hasNext()) { worklist.push(it.next()); } } } }); } // Put ourself into the queue to re-check the worklist exec.execute(this); } } }); } else { while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { int size = worklist.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { doScan(worklist.remove()); } } } } protected static AnalysisType analysisType(BigBang bb, Object constant) { return bb.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(constant.getClass()); } protected static AnalysisType constantType(BigBang bb, JavaConstant constant) { return bb.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(constantAsObject(bb, constant).getClass()); } protected static Object constantAsObject(BigBang bb, JavaConstant constant) { return bb.getSnippetReflectionProvider().asObject(Object.class, constant); } static class WorklistEntry {
The previously processed entry.
/** The previously processed entry. */
private final WorklistEntry previous;
The constant to be scanned.
/** The constant to be scanned. */
private final JavaConstant constant;
The reason this constant was scanned, i.e., either reached from a method scan, from a static field, from an instance field resolved on another constant, or from a constant array indexing.
/** * The reason this constant was scanned, i.e., either reached from a method scan, from a * static field, from an instance field resolved on another constant, or from a constant * array indexing. */
private final ScanReason reason; WorklistEntry(WorklistEntry previous, JavaConstant constant, ScanReason reason) { this.previous = previous; this.constant = constant; this.reason = reason; } public WorklistEntry getPrevious() { return previous; } public JavaConstant getConstant() { return constant; } public ScanReason getReason() { return reason; } } public interface ScanReason { OtherReason HUB = new OtherReason("Hub"); } static class OtherReason implements ScanReason { final String reason; OtherReason(String reason) { this.reason = reason; } @Override public String toString() { return reason; } } protected static class FieldScan implements ScanReason { final AnalysisField field; FieldScan(AnalysisField field) { this.field = field; } public AnalysisField getField() { return field; } @Override public String toString() { return field.format("%H.%n"); } } static class ArrayScan implements ScanReason { final AnalysisType arrayType; ArrayScan(AnalysisType arrayType) { this.arrayType = arrayType; } @Override public String toString() { return arrayType.toJavaName(true); } } protected static class MethodScan implements ScanReason { final AnalysisMethod method; final BytecodePosition sourcePosition; MethodScan(AnalysisMethod method, BytecodePosition nodeSourcePosition) { this.method = method; this.sourcePosition = nodeSourcePosition; } public AnalysisMethod getMethod() { return method; } @Override public String toString() { return sourcePosition == null ? method.format("%H.%n(%p)") : method.asStackTraceElement(sourcePosition.getBCI()).toString(); } }
This datastructure keeps track if an object was already put or not atomically. It takes advantage of the fact that each typeflow iteration adds more objects to the set but never removes elements. Since insertions into maps are expensive we keep the map around over multiple iterations and only update the AtomicInteger sequence number after each iteration. Furthermore it also serializes on the object put until the method release is called with this object. So each object goes through two states:
  • In flight: counter = sequence - 1
  • Commited: counter = sequence If the object is in state in flight, all other calls with this object to putAndAcquire will block until release with the object is called.
  • /** * This datastructure keeps track if an object was already put or not atomically. It takes * advantage of the fact that each typeflow iteration adds more objects to the set but never * removes elements. Since insertions into maps are expensive we keep the map around over * multiple iterations and only update the AtomicInteger sequence number after each iteration. * * Furthermore it also serializes on the object put until the method release is called with this * object. So each object goes through two states: * <li>In flight: counter = sequence - 1 * <li>Commited: counter = sequence * * If the object is in state in flight, all other calls with this object to putAndAcquire will * block until release with the object is called. */
    public static final class ReusableSet {
    The storage of atomic integers. During analysis the constant count for rather large programs such as the JS interpreter are 90k objects. Hence we use 64k as a good start.
    /** * The storage of atomic integers. During analysis the constant count for rather large * programs such as the JS interpreter are 90k objects. Hence we use 64k as a good start. */
    private final IdentityHashMap<Object, AtomicInteger> store = new IdentityHashMap<>(65536); private int sequence = 0; public Object putAndAcquire(Object object) { IdentityHashMap<Object, AtomicInteger> map = this.store; AtomicInteger i = map.get(object); int seq = this.sequence; int inflightSequence = seq - 1; while (true) { if (i != null) { int current = i.get(); if (current == seq) { return object; // Found and is already released } else { if (current != inflightSequence && i.compareAndSet(current, inflightSequence)) { return null; // We have successfully acquired } else { // Someone else has acquired while (i.get() != seq) { // Wait until released Thread.yield(); } return object; // Object has been released } } } else { AtomicInteger newSequence = new AtomicInteger(inflightSequence); synchronized (map) { i = map.putIfAbsent(object, newSequence); if (i == null) { return null; } else { continue; } } } } } public void release(Object o) { IdentityHashMap<Object, AtomicInteger> map = this.store; AtomicInteger i = map.get(o); if (i == null) { // We have missed a value likely someone else has updated the map at the same time. // Now synchronize synchronized (map) { i = map.get(o); } } i.set(sequence); } public void reset() { sequence += 2; } } }