 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package org.graalvm.polyglot.tck;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;

Represents a type of a polyglot value. Types include primitive types, null type, object type, array type with an optional content type and union type.
/** * Represents a type of a polyglot value. Types include primitive types, null type, object type, * array type with an optional content type and union type. * * @since 0.30 */
public final class TypeDescriptor { private static final TypeDescriptor NOTYPE = new TypeDescriptor(new IntersectionImpl(Collections.emptySet()));
The NULL type represents a type of null or undefined value.
See Also:
  • Value#isNull().
/** * The NULL type represents a type of null or undefined value. * * @see Value#isNull(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor NULL = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.NULL));
Represents a boolean type.
See Also:
  • Value#isBoolean().
/** * Represents a boolean type. * * @see Value#isBoolean(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor BOOLEAN = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.BOOLEAN));
Represents a numeric type.
See Also:
  • Value#isNumber().
/** * Represents a numeric type. * * @see Value#isNumber(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor NUMBER = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.NUMBER));
Represents a string type.
See Also:
  • Value#isString().
/** * Represents a string type. * * @see Value#isString(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor STRING = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.STRING));
Represents an object created by a guest language.
See Also:
  • Value#hasMembers().
/** * Represents an object created by a guest language. * * @see Value#hasMembers(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor OBJECT = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.OBJECT));
Represents an array with any content type. Any array type, including those with content type, is assignable to this type. This array type is not assignable to any array type having a content type.
See Also:
  • #isAssignable(org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor).
  • Value#hasMembers().
/** * Represents an array with any content type. Any array type, including those with content type, * is assignable to this type. This array type is not assignable to any array type having a * content type. * * @see #isAssignable(org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor). * @see Value#hasMembers(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor ARRAY = new TypeDescriptor(new ArrayImpl(null));
Represents a host object.
See Also:
  • Value#isHostObject().
/** * Represents a host object. * * @see Value#isHostObject(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor HOST_OBJECT = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.HOST_OBJECT));
Represents a native pointer.
See Also:
  • Value#isNativePointer().
/** * Represents a native pointer. * * @see Value#isNativePointer(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor NATIVE_POINTER = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.NATIVE_POINTER));
Type descriptor for date.
/** * Type descriptor for date. * * @since 20.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor DATE = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.DATE));
Type descriptor for time.
/** * Type descriptor for time. * * @since 20.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor TIME = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.TIME));
Type descriptor for time zone.
/** * Type descriptor for time zone. * * @since 20.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor TIME_ZONE = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.TIME_ZONE));
Type descriptor for duration.
/** * Type descriptor for duration. * * @since 20.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor DURATION = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.DURATION));
Type descriptor for metaobjects.
/** * Type descriptor for metaobjects. * * @since 20.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor META_OBJECT = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.META_OBJECT));
Type descriptor for duration.
/** * Type descriptor for duration. * * @since 19.3 */
public static final TypeDescriptor EXCEPTION = new TypeDescriptor(new PrimitiveImpl(PrimitiveKind.EXCEPTION));
Represents an executable type returning any type and accepting any number of parameters of any type. To create an executable type with concrete types use executable(TypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptor...) . This type can be used for creating value constructors but should not be used for specifying expressions or statements parameter types as no other executable is assignable to it.

The JavaScript sample usage for no argument function constructor: {@codesnippet LanguageProviderSnippets#TypeDescriptorSnippets#createValueConstructors}

See Also:
  • Value#canExecute().
/** * Represents an executable type returning any type and accepting any number of parameters of * any type. To create an executable type with concrete types use * {@link TypeDescriptor#executable(org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor, org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor...)} * . This type can be used for creating value constructors but should not be used for specifying * expressions or statements parameter types as no other executable is assignable to it. * * <p> * The JavaScript sample usage for no argument function constructor: * {@codesnippet LanguageProviderSnippets#TypeDescriptorSnippets#createValueConstructors} * <p> * * @see Value#canExecute(). * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor EXECUTABLE = new TypeDescriptor(new ExecutableImpl(ExecutableImpl.Kind.BOTTOM, null, true, Collections.emptyList()));
Represents a raw executable type. Any executable can be assigned into the raw executable type, but the raw executable type cannot be assigned to any other executable. To create an executable type with concrete types use executable(TypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptor...) . This type can be used for specifying expressions or statements parameter types when the passed executable is actually not invoked.

The JavaScript sample usage for plus operator: {@codesnippet LanguageProviderSnippets#JsSnippets#createExpressions}

See Also:
/** * Represents a raw executable type. Any executable can be assigned into the raw executable * type, but the raw executable type cannot be assigned to any other executable. To create an * executable type with concrete types use * {@link TypeDescriptor#executable(org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor, org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor...)} * . This type can be used for specifying expressions or statements parameter types when the * passed executable is actually not invoked. * * <p> * The JavaScript sample usage for plus operator: * {@codesnippet LanguageProviderSnippets#JsSnippets#createExpressions} * <p> * * @see TypeDescriptor#EXECUTABLE * @since 19.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor EXECUTABLE_ANY = new TypeDescriptor(new ExecutableImpl(ExecutableImpl.Kind.TOP, null, true, Collections.emptyList()));
Represents an instantiable type accepting any number of parameters of any type. To create an instantiable type with concrete parameter types use instantiable(TypeDescriptor, boolean, TypeDescriptor...) . This type can be used for creating value constructors but should not be used for specifying expressions or statements parameter types as no other instantiable is assignable to it.
See Also:
  • Value#canInstantiate().
/** * Represents an instantiable type accepting any number of parameters of any type. To create an * instantiable type with concrete parameter types use * {@link TypeDescriptor#instantiable(org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor, boolean, org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor...)} * . This type can be used for creating value constructors but should not be used for specifying * expressions or statements parameter types as no other instantiable is assignable to it. * * * @see Value#canInstantiate(). * @since 19.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor INSTANTIABLE = new TypeDescriptor(new InstantiableImpl(ExecutableImpl.Kind.BOTTOM, null, true, Collections.emptyList()));
Represents a raw instantiable type. Any instantiable can be assigned into this raw instantiable type, but the raw instantiable type cannot be assigned to any other instantiable. To create an instantiable type with concrete types use instantiable(TypeDescriptor, boolean, TypeDescriptor...) . This type can be used for specifying expressions or statements parameter types when the passed instantiable is actually not invoked.
See Also:
/** * Represents a raw instantiable type. Any instantiable can be assigned into this raw * instantiable type, but the raw instantiable type cannot be assigned to any other * instantiable. To create an instantiable type with concrete types use * {@link TypeDescriptor#instantiable(org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor, boolean, org.graalvm.polyglot.tck.TypeDescriptor...)} * . This type can be used for specifying expressions or statements parameter types when the * passed instantiable is actually not invoked. * * * @see TypeDescriptor#INSTANTIABLE * @since 19.0 */
public static final TypeDescriptor INSTANTIABLE_ANY = new TypeDescriptor(new InstantiableImpl(ExecutableImpl.Kind.TOP, null, true, Collections.emptyList()));
Represents all types. It's an intersection of no type.
/** * Represents all types. It's an intersection of no type. * * @since 0.30 */
public static final TypeDescriptor ANY = new TypeDescriptor(new UnionImpl(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( NOTYPE.impl, NULL.impl, BOOLEAN.impl, NUMBER.impl, STRING.impl, HOST_OBJECT.impl, NATIVE_POINTER.impl, OBJECT.impl, ARRAY.impl, EXECUTABLE_ANY.impl, INSTANTIABLE_ANY.impl, DATE.impl, TIME.impl, TIME_ZONE.impl, DURATION.impl, META_OBJECT.impl, EXCEPTION.impl)))); private static final TypeDescriptor[] PREDEFINED_TYPES = new TypeDescriptor[]{ NOTYPE, NULL, BOOLEAN, NUMBER, STRING, HOST_OBJECT, DATE, TIME, TIME_ZONE, DURATION, META_OBJECT, EXCEPTION, NATIVE_POINTER, OBJECT, ARRAY, EXECUTABLE, EXECUTABLE_ANY, INSTANTIABLE, INSTANTIABLE_ANY, ANY }; private final TypeDescriptorImpl impl; private TypeDescriptor(final TypeDescriptorImpl impl) { Objects.requireNonNull(impl); this.impl = impl; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 0.30 */
@Override public int hashCode() { return impl.hashCode(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 0.30 */
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != TypeDescriptor.class) { return false; } return impl.equals(((TypeDescriptor) obj).impl); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 0.30 */
@Override public String toString() { return impl.toString(); }
Checks if the given type is assignable to this type. The primitive types are assignable only to itself or to an union type containing the given primitive type. The array type with a component type can be assigned to itself, to an array type without a component type and to an union type containing the given array type or an array type without a component type. The union type can be assigned to other union type containing all union elements. The intersection type can be assigned to type having any intersection type. To the target intersection type only an intersection type having all the target intersection elements can be assigned.
  • fromType – the type to assign
Returns:true if the fromType is assignable to this type
/** * Checks if the given type is assignable to this type. The primitive types are assignable only * to itself or to an union type containing the given primitive type. The array type with a * component type can be assigned to itself, to an array type without a component type and to an * union type containing the given array type or an array type without a component type. The * union type can be assigned to other union type containing all union elements. The * intersection type can be assigned to type having any intersection type. To the target * intersection type only an intersection type having all the target intersection elements can * be assigned. * * @param fromType the type to assign * @return true if the fromType is assignable to this type * @since 0.30 */
public boolean isAssignable(final TypeDescriptor fromType) { return impl.isAssignable(impl, fromType.impl); }
Checks if this TypeDescriptor represent an union type.
Returns:true if this type represents an union type
/** * Checks if this {@link TypeDescriptor} represent an union type. * * @return true if this type represents an union type * @since 0.30 */
public boolean isUnion() { return impl.getClass() == UnionImpl.class; }
Checks if this TypeDescriptor represent an intersection type.
Returns:true if this type represents an intersection type
/** * Checks if this {@link TypeDescriptor} represent an intersection type. * * @return true if this type represents an intersection type * @since 0.30 */
public boolean isIntersection() { return impl.getClass() == IntersectionImpl.class; }
Creates a new union type. The union type is any of the given types.
  • types – the types to include in the union
Returns:the union type containing the given types
/** * Creates a new union type. The union type is any of the given types. * * @param types the types to include in the union * @return the union type containing the given types * @since 0.30 */
public static TypeDescriptor union(TypeDescriptor... types) { Objects.requireNonNull(types); final Set<TypeDescriptor> typesSet = new HashSet<>(); Collections.addAll(typesSet, types); switch (typesSet.size()) { case 0: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No types."); case 1: return types[0]; default: final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> typeImpls = new HashSet<>(); for (TypeDescriptor type : typesSet) { typeImpls.add(type.impl); } final TypeDescriptorImpl unionImpl = unionImpl(typeImpls); TypeDescriptor result = isPredefined(unionImpl); return result != null ? result : new TypeDescriptor(unionImpl); } } private static TypeDescriptorImpl unionImpl(Collection<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> typeImpls) { final Collection<TypeDescriptorImpl> subtypes = new HashSet<>(); for (TypeDescriptorImpl typeImpl : typeImpls) { if (typeImpl.getClass() == UnionImpl.class) { subtypes.addAll(((UnionImpl) typeImpl).types); } else { subtypes.add(typeImpl); } } final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> impls = new HashSet<>(); final Set<ArrayImpl> arrays = new HashSet<>(); for (TypeDescriptorImpl part : subtypes) { if (part instanceof ArrayImpl) { arrays.add((ArrayImpl) part); } else { impls.add(part); } } switch (arrays.size()) { case 0: break; case 1: impls.add(arrays.iterator().next()); break; default: boolean seenWildCard = false; final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> contentTypes = new HashSet<>(); for (ArrayImpl array : arrays) { final TypeDescriptorImpl contentType = array.contentType; if (contentType == null || isAny(contentType)) { seenWildCard = true; break; } contentTypes.add(contentType); } final TypeDescriptorImpl contentType = unionImpl(contentTypes); impls.add(seenWildCard ? ARRAY.impl : new ArrayImpl(isAny(contentType) ? null : contentType)); } return impls.size() == 1 ? impls.iterator().next() : new UnionImpl(impls); }
Creates a new intersection type. The intersection type is all of the given types. The intersection can be also used to create a no type. The no type is a type which has no other specialized type. The no type can be assigned to ANY and itself. The no type is created as an empty intersection, TypeDescriptor.intersection().
  • types – the types to include in the intersection
Returns:the intersection type containing the given types
/** * Creates a new intersection type. The intersection type is all of the given types. The * intersection can be also used to create a no type. The no type is a type which has no other * specialized type. The no type can be assigned to {@link TypeDescriptor#ANY} and itself. The * no type is created as an empty intersection, {@code TypeDescriptor.intersection()}. * * @param types the types to include in the intersection * @return the intersection type containing the given types * @since 0.30 */
public static TypeDescriptor intersection(TypeDescriptor... types) { Objects.requireNonNull(types); final Set<TypeDescriptor> typesSet = new HashSet<>(); Collections.addAll(typesSet, types); switch (typesSet.size()) { case 0: return NOTYPE; case 1: return types[0]; default: final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> typeImpls = new HashSet<>(); for (TypeDescriptor type : typesSet) { typeImpls.add(type.impl); } final TypeDescriptorImpl intersectionImpl = intersectionImpl(typeImpls); TypeDescriptor result = isPredefined(intersectionImpl); return result != null ? result : new TypeDescriptor(intersectionImpl); } }
Normalization of a newly created IntersectionImpl.
  • typeImpls – the intersection components
Returns:new TypeDescriptorImpl may not be a IntersectionImpl
/** * Normalization of a newly created {@link IntersectionImpl}. * * @param typeImpls the intersection components * @return new {@link TypeDescriptorImpl} may not be a {@link IntersectionImpl} */
private static TypeDescriptorImpl intersectionImpl(final Collection<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> typeImpls) { final Set<UnionImpl> unions = new HashSet<>(); final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> nonUnionCompoments = new HashSet<>(); for (TypeDescriptorImpl typeImpl : typeImpls) { if (typeImpl.getClass() == UnionImpl.class) { unions.add((UnionImpl) typeImpl); } else if (typeImpl.getClass() == IntersectionImpl.class) { nonUnionCompoments.addAll(((IntersectionImpl) typeImpl).types); } else { nonUnionCompoments.add(typeImpl); } } final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> dnfComponents = new HashSet<>(); final TypeDescriptorImpl[][] unionTypes = new TypeDescriptorImpl[unions.size()][]; final Iterator<UnionImpl> it = unions.iterator(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++) { final UnionImpl union = it.next(); unionTypes[i] = union.types.toArray(new TypeDescriptorImpl[union.types.size()]); } collectDNFComponents( unionTypes, nonUnionCompoments, new int[unions.size()], 0, dnfComponents); return dnfComponents.size() == 1 ? dnfComponents.iterator().next() : unionImpl(dnfComponents); }
Collects all disjunctive normal form components. Computes cartesian product of unions appended by tail types. The components have also reduced arrays, executables and instantiables. If there is a generic ARRAY (EXECUTABLE, INSTANTIABLE) the other arrays (executables, instantiables) are removed.
  • unions – the union types
  • tail – the non union types
  • collector – the result collector
/** * Collects all disjunctive normal form components. Computes cartesian product of unions * appended by tail types. The components have also reduced arrays, executables and * instantiables. If there is a generic ARRAY (EXECUTABLE, INSTANTIABLE) the other arrays * (executables, instantiables) are removed. * * @param unions the union types * @param tail the non union types * @param collector the result collector */
private static void collectDNFComponents( final TypeDescriptorImpl[][] unionTypes, final Collection<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> tail, int[] indexes, int currentIndex, final Collection<? super TypeDescriptorImpl> collector) { if (currentIndex == indexes.length) { final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> currentComponent = new HashSet<>(); boolean wca = false; boolean wce = false; boolean wci = false; for (int i = 0; i < unionTypes.length; i++) { TypeDescriptorImpl component = unionTypes[i][indexes[i]]; if (component.equals(ARRAY.impl)) { wca = true; } if (component.equals(EXECUTABLE.impl)) { wce = true; } if (component.equals(INSTANTIABLE.impl)) { wci = true; } currentComponent.add(component); } for (TypeDescriptorImpl component : tail) { if (component.equals(ARRAY.impl)) { wca = true; } if (component.equals(EXECUTABLE.impl)) { wce = true; } if (component.equals(INSTANTIABLE.impl)) { wci = true; } currentComponent.add(component); } if (wca || wce) { for (Iterator<TypeDescriptorImpl> it = currentComponent.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final TypeDescriptorImpl td = it.next(); if (wca && td.getClass() == ArrayImpl.class && td != ARRAY.impl) { it.remove(); } else if (wce && td.getClass() == ExecutableImpl.class && td != EXECUTABLE.impl) { it.remove(); } else if (wci && td.getClass() == InstantiableImpl.class && td != INSTANTIABLE.impl) { it.remove(); } } } collector.add( currentComponent.size() == 1 ? currentComponent.iterator().next() : new IntersectionImpl(currentComponent)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < unionTypes[currentIndex].length; i++) { indexes[currentIndex] = i; collectDNFComponents(unionTypes, tail, indexes, currentIndex + 1, collector); } } } private static boolean isAny(TypeDescriptorImpl type) { return type.isAssignable(type, ANY.impl); }
Creates a new array type with given component type. To create a multi-dimensional array use an array type as a component type.
  • componentType – the required component type.
Returns:an array type with given component
/** * Creates a new array type with given component type. To create a multi-dimensional array use * an array type as a component type. * * @param componentType the required component type. * @return an array type with given component * @since 0.30 */
public static TypeDescriptor array(TypeDescriptor componentType) { Objects.requireNonNull(componentType, "Component type canot be null"); return isAny(componentType.impl) ? ARRAY : new TypeDescriptor(new ArrayImpl(componentType.impl)); }
Creates a new executable type with a given return type and parameter types.
  • returnType – the required return type, use ANY as any type
  • parameterTypes – the required parameter types
Returns:an executable type
/** * Creates a new executable type with a given return type and parameter types. * * @param returnType the required return type, use ANY as any type * @param parameterTypes the required parameter types * @return an executable type * @since 0.30 */
public static TypeDescriptor executable(TypeDescriptor returnType, TypeDescriptor... parameterTypes) { return executable(returnType, true, parameterTypes); }
Creates a new executable type with a given return type and parameter types.
  • returnType – the required return type, use ANY as any type
  • vararg – the executable has variable length arguments or ignores additional parameters. For executables created by the LanguageProvider.createValueConstructors(Context) set to false if the language neither ignores extra parameters nor the executable has variable arguments length.
  • parameterTypes – the required parameter types
Returns:an executable type
/** * Creates a new executable type with a given return type and parameter types. * * @param returnType the required return type, use ANY as any type * @param vararg the executable has variable length arguments or ignores additional parameters. * For executables created by the * {@link LanguageProvider#createValueConstructors(org.graalvm.polyglot.Context)} set * to {@code false} if the language neither ignores extra parameters nor the * executable has variable arguments length. * @param parameterTypes the required parameter types * @return an executable type * @since 0.31 */
public static TypeDescriptor executable(TypeDescriptor returnType, boolean vararg, TypeDescriptor... parameterTypes) { Objects.requireNonNull(returnType, "Return type cannot be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(parameterTypes, "Parameter types cannot be null"); if (isAny(returnType.impl) && parameterTypes.length == 0 && vararg) { return EXECUTABLE; } final List<TypeDescriptorImpl> paramTypeImpls = new ArrayList<>(parameterTypes.length); for (TypeDescriptor td : parameterTypes) { Objects.requireNonNull(td, "Parameter types cannot contain null"); paramTypeImpls.add(td.impl); } return new TypeDescriptor(new ExecutableImpl(ExecutableImpl.Kind.UNIT, isAny(returnType.impl) ? null : returnType.impl, vararg, paramTypeImpls)); }
Creates a new instantiable type with a given parameter types.
  • instanceType – the type of an instance, use ANY as any type
  • vararg – the instantiable has variable length arguments or ignores additional parameters. For instantiables created by the LanguageProvider.createValueConstructors(Context) set to false if the language neither ignores extra parameters nor the instantiable has variable arguments length.
  • parameterTypes – the required parameter types
Returns:an instantiable type
/** * Creates a new instantiable type with a given parameter types. * * @param instanceType the type of an instance, use ANY as any type * @param vararg the instantiable has variable length arguments or ignores additional * parameters. For instantiables created by the * {@link LanguageProvider#createValueConstructors(org.graalvm.polyglot.Context)} set * to {@code false} if the language neither ignores extra parameters nor the * instantiable has variable arguments length. * @param parameterTypes the required parameter types * @return an instantiable type * @since 19.0 */
public static TypeDescriptor instantiable(TypeDescriptor instanceType, boolean vararg, TypeDescriptor... parameterTypes) { Objects.requireNonNull(instanceType, "Instance type cannot be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(parameterTypes, "Parameter types cannot be null"); if (isAny(instanceType.impl) && parameterTypes.length == 0 && vararg) { return INSTANTIABLE; } final List<TypeDescriptorImpl> paramTypeImpls = new ArrayList<>(parameterTypes.length); for (TypeDescriptor td : parameterTypes) { Objects.requireNonNull(td, "Parameter types cannot contain null"); paramTypeImpls.add(td.impl); } return new TypeDescriptor(new InstantiableImpl(ExecutableImpl.Kind.UNIT, isAny(instanceType.impl) ? null : instanceType.impl, vararg, paramTypeImpls)); }
Creates a type for given Value.
Returns:the type of value, may by an union type containing more primitive or array types.
/** * Creates a type for given {@link Value}. * * @param value the value to create {@link TypeDescriptor} for * @return the type of value, may by an union type containing more primitive or array types. * @since 0.30 */
public static TypeDescriptor forValue(final Value value) { final List<TypeDescriptor> descs = new ArrayList<>(); if (value.isNull()) { descs.add(NULL); } if (value.isBoolean()) { descs.add(BOOLEAN); } if (value.isNumber()) { descs.add(NUMBER); } if (value.isString()) { descs.add(STRING); } if (value.isNativePointer()) { descs.add(NATIVE_POINTER); } if (value.isDate()) { descs.add(DATE); } if (value.isTime()) { descs.add(TIME); } if (value.isTimeZone()) { descs.add(TIME_ZONE); } if (value.isDuration()) { descs.add(DURATION); } if (value.isMetaObject()) { descs.add(META_OBJECT); } if (value.isException()) { descs.add(EXCEPTION); } if (value.hasArrayElements()) { final Set<TypeDescriptor> contentTypes = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < value.getArraySize(); i++) { final TypeDescriptor contentType = forValue(value.getArrayElement(i)); if (contentType != NULL) { contentTypes.add(contentType); } } switch (contentTypes.size()) { case 0: descs.add(array(intersection(NOTYPE, NULL, BOOLEAN, NUMBER, STRING, HOST_OBJECT, NATIVE_POINTER, OBJECT, ARRAY, EXECUTABLE, INSTANTIABLE))); break; case 1: descs.add(array(contentTypes.iterator().next())); break; default: descs.add(array(union(contentTypes.toArray(new TypeDescriptor[contentTypes.size()])))); break; } } if (value.hasMembers()) { descs.add(OBJECT); } if (value.isHostObject()) { descs.add(HOST_OBJECT); } if (value.canExecute()) { descs.add(EXECUTABLE); } if (value.canInstantiate()) { descs.add(INSTANTIABLE); } switch (descs.size()) { case 1: return descs.get(0); default: return intersection(descs.toArray(new TypeDescriptor[descs.size()])); } } private static TypeDescriptor isPredefined(final TypeDescriptorImpl impl) { for (TypeDescriptor predef : PREDEFINED_TYPES) { if (impl == predef.impl) { return predef; } } return null; } private enum PrimitiveKind { NULL("null"), BOOLEAN("boolean"), NUMBER("number"), STRING("string"), HOST_OBJECT("hostObject"), NATIVE_POINTER("nativePointer"), DATE("date"), TIME("time"), TIME_ZONE("timeZone"), DURATION("duration"), META_OBJECT("metaObject"), OBJECT("object"), EXCEPTION("exception"); private final String displayName; PrimitiveKind(final String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } } private abstract static class TypeDescriptorImpl { abstract boolean isAssignable(TypeDescriptorImpl origType, TypeDescriptorImpl byType); TypeDescriptorImpl other(TypeDescriptorImpl td1, TypeDescriptorImpl td2) { if (td1 == this) { return td2; } if (td2 == this) { return td1; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private static final class PrimitiveImpl extends TypeDescriptorImpl { private final PrimitiveKind kind; PrimitiveImpl(final PrimitiveKind kind) { Objects.requireNonNull(kind); this.kind = kind; } @Override boolean isAssignable(final TypeDescriptorImpl origType, final TypeDescriptorImpl byType) { final TypeDescriptorImpl other = other(origType, byType); if (other.getClass() == PrimitiveImpl.class) { return kind == ((PrimitiveImpl) other).kind; } else { return other.isAssignable(origType, byType); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.kind.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != PrimitiveImpl.class) { return false; } return this.kind == ((PrimitiveImpl) obj).kind; } @Override public String toString() { return this.kind.getDisplayName(); } } private static class ExecutableImpl extends TypeDescriptorImpl { enum Kind { TOP, BOTTOM, UNIT } private final Kind kind; private final TypeDescriptorImpl retType; private final boolean vararg; private final List<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> paramTypes; ExecutableImpl( final Kind kind, final TypeDescriptorImpl retType, final boolean vararg, final List<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> paramTypes) { assert kind != null; assert paramTypes != null; assert kind == Kind.UNIT || (retType == null && paramTypes.isEmpty()); this.kind = kind; this.retType = retType; this.vararg = vararg; this.paramTypes = paramTypes; } @Override boolean isAssignable(final TypeDescriptorImpl origType, final TypeDescriptorImpl byType) { final TypeDescriptorImpl other = other(origType, byType); final Class<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> otherClz = other.getClass(); if (otherClz == PrimitiveImpl.class) { return false; } if (otherClz == getClass()) { final ExecutableImpl origExec = (ExecutableImpl) origType; final ExecutableImpl byExec = (ExecutableImpl) byType; if (origExec.kind == Kind.TOP) { return true; } if (byExec.kind == Kind.TOP) { return false; } if (!origExec.resolveRetType().isAssignable(origExec.resolveRetType(), byExec.resolveRetType())) { return false; } if (origExec.paramTypes.size() < byExec.paramTypes.size()) { return false; } if (!byExec.vararg && origExec.paramTypes.size() != byExec.paramTypes.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < byExec.paramTypes.size(); i++) { final TypeDescriptorImpl pt = origExec.paramTypes.get(i); final TypeDescriptorImpl opt = byExec.paramTypes.get(i); if (!opt.isAssignable(opt, pt)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return other.isAssignable(origType, byType); } } @Override public int hashCode() { int res = 17; res = res * 31 + (vararg ? 1 : 0); res = res * 31 + kind.hashCode(); res = res * 31 + (retType == null ? 0 : retType.hashCode()); for (TypeDescriptorImpl paramType : paramTypes) { res = res * 31 + paramType.hashCode(); } return res; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != getClass()) { return false; } final ExecutableImpl other = (ExecutableImpl) obj; return vararg == other.vararg && kind == other.kind && Objects.equals(retType, other.retType) && paramTypes.equals(other.paramTypes); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getName()).append("("); switch (kind) { case TOP: sb.append("? extends"); break; case BOTTOM: sb.append("? super"); break; case UNIT: boolean first = true; for (TypeDescriptorImpl paramType : paramTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(paramType); } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown kind: " + kind); } if (vararg) { sb.append(", *"); } sb.append("):"); sb.append(retType == null ? "<any>" : retType); return sb.toString(); } String getName() { return "Executable"; } private TypeDescriptorImpl resolveRetType() { return retType != null ? retType : ANY.impl; } } private static final class InstantiableImpl extends ExecutableImpl { InstantiableImpl(final Kind kind, final TypeDescriptorImpl instanceType, final boolean vararg, final List<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> paramTypes) { super(kind, instanceType, vararg, paramTypes); } @Override boolean isAssignable(TypeDescriptorImpl origType, TypeDescriptorImpl byType) { TypeDescriptorImpl other = other(origType, byType); Class<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> otherClz = other.getClass(); if (otherClz == PrimitiveImpl.class || otherClz == ExecutableImpl.class) { return false; } return super.isAssignable(origType, byType); } @Override String getName() { return "Instantiable"; } } private static final class ArrayImpl extends TypeDescriptorImpl { private final TypeDescriptorImpl contentType; ArrayImpl(final TypeDescriptorImpl contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; } @Override boolean isAssignable(final TypeDescriptorImpl origType, final TypeDescriptorImpl byType) { final TypeDescriptorImpl other = other(origType, byType); final Class<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> otherClz = other.getClass(); if (otherClz == PrimitiveImpl.class || other instanceof ExecutableImpl) { return false; } else if (otherClz == ArrayImpl.class) { final ArrayImpl origArray = (ArrayImpl) origType; final ArrayImpl byArray = (ArrayImpl) byType; return origArray.resolveContentType().isAssignable(origArray.resolveContentType(), byArray.resolveContentType()); } else { return other.isAssignable(origType, byType); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return contentType != null ? contentType.hashCode() : 0; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != ArrayImpl.class) { return false; } return Objects.equals(contentType, ((ArrayImpl) obj).contentType); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Array<"); if (contentType == null) { sb.append("<any>"); } else { sb.append(contentType.toString()); } sb.append(">"); return sb.toString(); } private TypeDescriptorImpl resolveContentType() { return contentType != null ? contentType : ANY.impl; } } private static final class IntersectionImpl extends TypeDescriptorImpl { private final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> types; IntersectionImpl(Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> types) { this.types = Collections.unmodifiableSet(types); } @Override boolean isAssignable(TypeDescriptorImpl origType, TypeDescriptorImpl byType) { final TypeDescriptorImpl other = other(origType, byType); final Class<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> otherClz = other.getClass(); if (otherClz == PrimitiveImpl.class || otherClz == ArrayImpl.class || other instanceof ExecutableImpl) { if (other == origType) { for (TypeDescriptorImpl type : types) { if (other.isAssignable(other, type)) { return true; } } return false; } else { if (types.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (TypeDescriptorImpl type : types) { if (!type.isAssignable(type, other)) { return false; } } return true; } } else if (otherClz == IntersectionImpl.class) { final IntersectionImpl origIntersection = (IntersectionImpl) origType; final IntersectionImpl byIntersection = (IntersectionImpl) byType; if (origIntersection.types.isEmpty()) { return byIntersection.types.isEmpty(); } for (TypeDescriptorImpl subType : origIntersection.types) { if (byIntersection.types.contains(subType)) { continue; } else if (subType.getClass() == ArrayImpl.class) { boolean included = false; for (TypeDescriptorImpl bySubType : byIntersection.types) { if (bySubType.getClass() == ArrayImpl.class) { if (subType.isAssignable(subType, bySubType)) { included = true; break; } } } if (!included) { return false; } } else if (subType instanceof ExecutableImpl) { boolean included = false; for (TypeDescriptorImpl bySubType : byIntersection.types) { if (bySubType instanceof ExecutableImpl) { if (subType.isAssignable(subType, bySubType)) { included = true; break; } } } if (!included) { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; } else { return other.isAssignable(origType, byType); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return types.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != IntersectionImpl.class) { return false; } return types.equals(((IntersectionImpl) obj).types); } @Override public String toString() { return types.isEmpty() ? "<none>" : types.stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(" & ", "[", "]")); } } private static final class UnionImpl extends TypeDescriptorImpl { private final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> types; private UnionImpl(Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> types) { this.types = Collections.unmodifiableSet(types); } @Override boolean isAssignable(final TypeDescriptorImpl origType, TypeDescriptorImpl byType) { final TypeDescriptorImpl other = other(origType, byType); final Class<? extends TypeDescriptorImpl> otherClz = other.getClass(); if (otherClz == PrimitiveImpl.class || otherClz == ArrayImpl.class || other instanceof ExecutableImpl) { if (other == byType) { for (TypeDescriptorImpl type : types) { if (type.isAssignable(type, other)) { return true; } } } return false; } else if (otherClz == IntersectionImpl.class) { if (other == byType) { final UnionImpl origUnion = (UnionImpl) origType; for (TypeDescriptorImpl unionSubType : origUnion.types) { if (unionSubType.isAssignable(unionSubType, byType)) { return true; } } return false; } else { final UnionImpl byUnion = (UnionImpl) byType; for (TypeDescriptorImpl unionSubType : byUnion.types) { if (!origType.isAssignable(origType, unionSubType)) { return false; } } return true; } } else if (otherClz == UnionImpl.class) { final UnionImpl origUnion = (UnionImpl) origType; final UnionImpl byUnion = (UnionImpl) byType; final Set<TypeDescriptorImpl> copy = new HashSet<>(byUnion.types.size()); for (TypeDescriptorImpl type : byUnion.types) { if (origUnion.types.contains(type)) { copy.add(type); } else if (type.getClass() == ArrayImpl.class || type instanceof ExecutableImpl || type.getClass() == IntersectionImpl.class) { for (TypeDescriptorImpl filteredType : origUnion.types) { if (filteredType.isAssignable(filteredType, type)) { copy.add(type); break; } } } } return byUnion.types.equals(copy); } else { return other.isAssignable(origType, byType); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return types.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != UnionImpl.class) { return false; } return types.equals(((UnionImpl) obj).types); } @Override public String toString() { return types.stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(" | ", "[", "]")); } } }