 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
 * either these or other terms.
 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package org.graalvm.launcher;

import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.APPEND;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.CREATE;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.WRITE;

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException;
import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.graalvm.home.HomeFinder;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ProcessProperties;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.RuntimeOptions;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.RuntimeOptions.OptionClass;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.VMRuntime;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionCategory;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionDescriptor;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionDescriptors;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionStability;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionType;

public abstract class Launcher {
    private static final boolean STATIC_VERBOSE = Boolean.getBoolean("org.graalvm.launcher.verbose");
    private static final boolean SHELL_SCRIPT_LAUNCHER = Boolean.getBoolean("org.graalvm.launcher.shell");

Default option description indentation.
/** * Default option description indentation. */
public static final int LAUNCHER_OPTIONS_INDENT = 45; static final boolean IS_AOT = Boolean.getBoolean("com.oracle.graalvm.isaot"); public enum VMType { Native, JVM } final Native nativeAccess; private final boolean verbose; private PrintStream out = System.out; private PrintStream err = System.err; private boolean help; private boolean helpInternal; private boolean helpExpert; private boolean helpVM;
Path to the desired log file, or null if no log redirection is required.
/** * Path to the desired log file, or {@code null} if no log redirection is required. */
private Path logFile;
Number of spaces reserved for the options column. Can be set separately for each option block.
/** * Number of spaces reserved for the options column. Can be set separately for each option * block. */
private int optionIndent = LAUNCHER_OPTIONS_INDENT;
Accumulates help categories and their relevant options.
See Also:
  • printOtherHelpCategory
/** * Accumulates help categories and their relevant options. * * @see #printOtherHelpCategory */
private List<String> kindAndCategory = new ArrayList<>(); protected enum VersionAction { None, PrintAndExit, PrintAndContinue } protected Launcher() { verbose = STATIC_VERBOSE || Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getenv("VERBOSE_GRAALVM_LAUNCHERS")); if (IS_AOT) { nativeAccess = new Native(); } else { nativeAccess = null; } }
Provides the name of the log file, if specified on the command line.
Returns:log file Path. null if unspecified.
/** * Provides the name of the log file, if specified on the command line. * * @return log file Path. {@code null} if unspecified. * @since 20.0 */
protected final Path getLogFile() { return logFile; }
Uses the defined output to print messages.
  • ps – printStream to use as out
/** * Uses the defined output to print messages. * * @param ps printStream to use as out * @since 20.0 */
protected final void setOutput(PrintStream ps) { this.out = ps; }
Uses the defined output to print error messages.
  • ps – printStream to use as err
/** * Uses the defined output to print error messages. * * @param ps printStream to use as err * @since 20.0 */
protected final void setError(PrintStream ps) { this.err = ps; }
Returns:the stream for regular output. Defaults to System.out
/** * @return the stream for regular output. Defaults to {@link System#out} * @since 20.0 */
protected final PrintStream getOutput() { return out; }
Returns:the stream for errors. Defaults to System.err
/** * @return the stream for errors. Defaults to {@link System#err} * @since 20.0 */
protected final PrintStream getError() { return err; } void handleAbortException(AbortException e) { if (e.getMessage() != null) { err.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } if (e.getCause() != null) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(e.getExitCode()); }
Exception which shall abort the launcher execution. Thrown by this class in the case of malformed arguments or unknown options, or deliberate exit.
/** * Exception which shall abort the launcher execution. Thrown by this class in the case of * malformed arguments or unknown options, or deliberate exit. * * @since 20.0 */
protected static final class AbortException extends RuntimeException { static final long serialVersionUID = 4681646279864737876L; private final int exitCode; AbortException(String message, int exitCode) { super(message); this.exitCode = exitCode; } AbortException(Throwable cause, int exitCode) { super(null, cause); this.exitCode = exitCode; } public int getExitCode() { return exitCode; } @SuppressWarnings("sync-override") @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } }
Exits the launcher, indicating success. This exits by throwing an AbortException.
/** * Exits the launcher, indicating success. * * This exits by throwing an {@link AbortException}. */
protected final AbortException exit() { return exit(0); }
Exits the launcher with the provided exit code. This exits by throwing an AbortException.
  • exitCode – the exit code of the launcher process.
/** * Exits the launcher with the provided exit code. * * This exits by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param exitCode the exit code of the launcher process. */
protected final AbortException exit(int exitCode) { return abort((String) null, exitCode); }
Exits the launcher, indicating failure. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • message – an error message that will be printed to stderr. If null, nothing will be printed.
/** * Exits the launcher, indicating failure. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param message an error message that will be printed to {@linkplain System#err stderr}. If * null, nothing will be printed. */
protected final AbortException abort(String message) { return abort(message, 1); }
Exits the launcher, with the provided exit code. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • message – an error message that will be printed to stderr. If null, nothing will be printed.
  • exitCode – the exit code of the launcher process.
/** * Exits the launcher, with the provided exit code. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param message an error message that will be printed to {@linkplain System#err stderr}. If * null, nothing will be printed. * @param exitCode the exit code of the launcher process. */
@SuppressWarnings("static-method") protected final AbortException abort(String message, int exitCode) { throw new AbortException(message, exitCode); }
Exits the launcher, indicating failure because of the provided Throwable. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • t – the exception that causes the launcher to abort.
/** * Exits the launcher, indicating failure because of the provided {@link Throwable}. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param t the exception that causes the launcher to abort. */
protected final AbortException abort(Throwable t) { return abort(t, 255); }
Exits the launcher with the provided exit code because of the provided Throwable. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • t – the exception that causes the launcher to abort.
  • exitCode – the exit code of the launcher process.
/** * Exits the launcher with the provided exit code because of the provided {@link Throwable}. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param t the exception that causes the launcher to abort. * @param exitCode the exit code of the launcher process. */
protected final AbortException abort(Throwable t, int exitCode) { if (t.getCause() instanceof IOException && t.getClass() == RuntimeException.class) { String message = t.getMessage(); if (message != null && !message.startsWith(t.getCause().getClass().getName() + ": ")) { err.println(message); } throw abort((IOException) t.getCause(), exitCode); } throw new AbortException(t, exitCode); }
Exits the launcher, indicating failure because of the provided IOException. This tries to build a helpful error message based on exception. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • e – the exception that causes the launcher to abort.
/** * Exits the launcher, indicating failure because of the provided {@link IOException}. * * This tries to build a helpful error message based on exception. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param e the exception that causes the launcher to abort. */
protected final AbortException abort(IOException e) { return abort(e, 74); }
Exits the launcher with the provided exit code because of the provided IOException. This tries to build a helpful error message based on exception. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • e – the exception that causes the launcher to abort.
  • exitCode – the exit code of the launcher process
/** * Exits the launcher with the provided exit code because of the provided {@link IOException}. * * This tries to build a helpful error message based on exception. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param e the exception that causes the launcher to abort. * @param exitCode the exit code of the launcher process */
protected final AbortException abort(IOException e, int exitCode) { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message != null) { if (e instanceof NoSuchFileException) { throw abort("Not such file: " + message, exitCode); } else if (e instanceof AccessDeniedException) { throw abort("Access denied: " + message, exitCode); } else { throw abort(message + " (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")", exitCode); } } throw abort((Throwable) e, exitCode); }
This is called to abort execution when an argument can neither be recognized by the launcher or as an option for the polyglot engine.
  • argument – the argument that was not recognized.
/** * This is called to abort execution when an argument can neither be recognized by the launcher * or as an option for the polyglot engine. * * @param argument the argument that was not recognized. */
protected AbortException abortUnrecognizedArgument(String argument) { throw abortInvalidArgument(argument, "Unrecognized argument: '" + argument + "'. Use --help for usage instructions."); }
Exits the launcher, indicating failure because of an invalid argument. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • argument – the problematic argument.
  • message – an error message that is printed to stderr.
/** * Exits the launcher, indicating failure because of an invalid argument. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param argument the problematic argument. * @param message an error message that is printed to {@linkplain System#err stderr}. */
protected final AbortException abortInvalidArgument(String argument, String message) { return abortInvalidArgument(argument, message, 2); }
Exits the launcher with the provided exit code because of an invalid argument. This aborts by throwing an AbortException.
  • argument – the problematic argument.
  • message – an error message that is printed to stderr.
  • exitCode – the exit code of the launcher process.
/** * Exits the launcher with the provided exit code because of an invalid argument. * * This aborts by throwing an {@link AbortException}. * * @param argument the problematic argument. * @param message an error message that is printed to {@linkplain System#err stderr}. * @param exitCode the exit code of the launcher process. */
protected final AbortException abortInvalidArgument(String argument, String message, int exitCode) { Set<String> allArguments = collectAllArguments(); int equalIndex; String testString = argument; if ((equalIndex = argument.indexOf('=')) != -1) { testString = argument.substring(0, equalIndex); } List<String> matches = fuzzyMatch(allArguments, testString, 0.7f); if (matches.isEmpty()) { // try even harder matches = fuzzyMatch(allArguments, testString, 0.5f); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (message != null) { sb.append(message); } if (!matches.isEmpty()) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); } sb.append("Did you mean one of the following arguments?").append(System.lineSeparator()); Iterator<String> iterator = matches.iterator(); while (true) { String match = iterator.next(); sb.append(" ").append(match); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); } else { break; } } } if (sb.length() > 0) { throw abort(sb.toString(), exitCode); } else { throw exit(exitCode); } } protected void warn(String message) { err.println("Warning: " + message); } protected void warn(String message, Object... args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Warning: "); new Formatter(sb).format(message, args); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); err.print(sb.toString()); }
Sets the indentation for option descriptions. Sets number of spaces in the first column reserved for option names. Defaults to LAUNCHER_OPTIONS_INDENT.
  • indent – the new indent.
/** * Sets the indentation for option descriptions. Sets number of spaces in the first column * reserved for option names. Defaults to {@link #LAUNCHER_OPTIONS_INDENT}. * * @param indent the new indent. * @since 20.0 */
protected final void setOptionIndent(int indent) { if (indent < 0) { optionIndent = LAUNCHER_OPTIONS_INDENT; } else { optionIndent = indent; } }
Prints a help message to stdout. This only prints options that belong to categories maxCategory or less.
  • maxCategory – the maximum category of options that should be printed.
/** * Prints a help message to {@linkplain System#out stdout}. This only prints options that belong * to categories {@code maxCategory or less}. * * @param maxCategory the maximum category of options that should be printed. */
protected abstract void printHelp(OptionCategory maxCategory);
Prints version information on stdout.
/** * Prints version information on {@linkplain System#out stdout}. */
protected abstract void printVersion();
Add all known arguments to the options list.
  • options – list to which valid arguments must be added.
/** * Add all known arguments to the {@code options} list. * * @param options list to which valid arguments must be added. */
protected abstract void collectArguments(Set<String> options);
Finds the a descriptor for the option.
  • group – option group
  • key – the option name (including the group)
Returns:descriptor or null.
/** * Finds the a descriptor for the option. * * @param group option group * @param key the option name (including the group) * @return descriptor or {@code null}. * @since 20.0 */
protected abstract OptionDescriptor findOptionDescriptor(String group, String key);
Determines if the tool supports polyglot. Returns true, if --polyglot option is valid for this tool and polyglot launcher works for it. The default implementation returns false only when isStandalone() is true.
Returns:true, if polyglot is relevant in this launcher.
/** * Determines if the tool supports polyglot. Returns true, if {@code --polyglot} option is valid * for this tool and polyglot launcher works for it. The default implementation returns false * only when {@link #isStandalone()} is true. * * @return {@code true}, if polyglot is relevant in this launcher. * @since 20.0 */
protected boolean canPolyglot() { return !isStandalone(); }
Should print tool-specific help. Regular languages print info on the installed tools and languages. The default implementation prints nothing.
  • helpCategory – category of options to print
/** * Should print tool-specific help. Regular languages print info on the installed tools and * languages. The default implementation prints nothing. * * @param helpCategory category of options to print * @since 20.0 */
protected void maybePrintAdditionalHelp(OptionCategory helpCategory) { // no op, no additional help printed. } private String[] executableNames(String basename) { switch (OS.current) { case Linux: case Darwin: case Solaris: return new String[]{basename}; case Windows: return new String[]{basename + ".exe", basename + ".cmd"}; default: throw abort("executableName: OS not supported: " + OS.current); } }
Returns the name of the main class for this launcher. Typically:
return MyLauncher.class.getName();
/** * Returns the name of the main class for this launcher. * * Typically: * * <pre> * return MyLauncher.class.getName(); * </pre> */
protected String getMainClass() { return this.getClass().getName(); }
The return value specifies the default VM when none of --jvm, --native options is used.
Returns:the default VMType
/** * The return value specifies the default VM when none of --jvm, --native options is used. * * @return the default VMType */
protected VMType getDefaultVMType() { return VMType.Native; }
Returns true if the current launcher was compiled ahead-of-time to native code.
/** * Returns true if the current launcher was compiled ahead-of-time to native code. */
public static boolean isAOT() { return IS_AOT; } private boolean isVerbose() { return verbose; } protected boolean isGraalVMAvailable() { return getGraalVMHome() != null; } protected boolean isStandalone() { return !isGraalVMAvailable(); } private Path home; private OptionCategory getHelpCategory() { if (helpInternal) { return OptionCategory.INTERNAL; } else if (helpExpert) { return OptionCategory.EXPERT; } else { return OptionCategory.USER; } } protected Path getGraalVMHome() { if (home == null) { home = HomeFinder.getInstance().getHomeFolder(); } return home; }
Returns filename of the binary, depending on OS. Binary will be searched in bin or jre/bin directory.
  • binaryName – binary name, without path.
Returns:OS-dependent binary filename.
/** * Returns filename of the binary, depending on OS. Binary will be searched in {@code bin} or * {@code jre/bin} directory. * * @param binaryName binary name, without path. * @return OS-dependent binary filename. */
protected final Path getGraalVMBinaryPath(String binaryName) { String[] executableNames = executableNames(binaryName); Path graalVMHome = getGraalVMHome(); if (graalVMHome == null) { throw abort("Cannot exec to GraalVM binary: could not find GraalVM home"); } for (String executableName : executableNames) { Path[] execPaths = new Path[]{ graalVMHome.resolve("bin").resolve(executableName), graalVMHome.resolve("jre").resolve("bin").resolve(executableName) }; for (Path execPath : execPaths) { if (Files.exists(execPath)) { return execPath; } } } throw abort("Cannot exec to GraalVM binary: could not find a '" + binaryName + "' executable"); }
Runs launcher's action as version print or help. Returns true, if the execution should terminate, e.g. after printing help. parseCommonOption should be called for commandline argument(s) prior to this method to set up flags to display help etc.
Returns:true when execution should be terminated.
/** * Runs launcher's action as version print or help. Returns {@code true}, if the execution * should terminate, e.g. after printing help. {@link #parseCommonOption} should be called for * commandline argument(s) prior to this method to set up flags to display help etc. * * @return {@code true} when execution should be terminated. * @since 20.0 */
protected boolean runLauncherAction() { boolean printDefaultHelp = help || ((helpExpert || helpInternal) && kindAndCategory.isEmpty() && !helpVM); OptionCategory hc = getHelpCategory(); if (printDefaultHelp) { printDefaultHelp(hc); } maybePrintAdditionalHelp(hc); if (helpVM) { if (nativeAccess == null) { printJvmHelp(); } else { nativeAccess.printNativeHelp(); } } return printAllOtherHelpCategories(printDefaultHelp); }
Prints default help text. Prints options, starting with tool specific options. Launcher implementations can override to provide launcher-specific intro / summary.
  • printCategory – options category to print.
/** * Prints default help text. Prints options, starting with tool specific options. Launcher * implementations can override to provide launcher-specific intro / summary. * * @param printCategory options category to print. * @since 20.0 */
protected void printDefaultHelp(OptionCategory printCategory) { final VMType defaultVMType = SHELL_SCRIPT_LAUNCHER ? VMType.JVM : this.getDefaultVMType(); printHelp(printCategory); out.println(); out.println("Runtime options:"); setOptionIndent(45); if (canPolyglot()) { launcherOption("--polyglot", "Run with all other guest languages accessible."); } if (!SHELL_SCRIPT_LAUNCHER) { launcherOption("--native", "Run using the native launcher with limited access to Java libraries" + (defaultVMType == VMType.Native ? " (default)" : "") + "."); } if (!isStandalone()) { launcherOption("--jvm", "Run on the Java Virtual Machine with access to Java libraries" + (defaultVMType == VMType.JVM ? " (default)" : "") + "."); } // @formatter:off launcherOption("--vm.[option]", "Pass options to the host VM. To see available options, use '--help:vm'."); launcherOption("--log.file=<String>", "Redirect guest languages logging into a given file."); launcherOption("--log.[logger].level=<String>", "Set language log level to OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST or ALL."); launcherOption("--help", "Print this help message."); launcherOption("--help:vm", "Print options for the host VM."); // @formatter:on }
Instructs that information about other help categories should be printed.
  • kind – category kind name
  • option – the option to print the category
/** * Instructs that information about other help categories should be printed. * * @param kind category kind name * @param option the option to print the category * @since 20.0 */
protected void printOtherHelpCategory(String kind, String option) { kindAndCategory.add(kind); kindAndCategory.add(option); } private boolean printAllOtherHelpCategories(boolean printHelp) { boolean print = printHelp || helpVM || !kindAndCategory.isEmpty(); if (!print) { return false; } out.println(); for (Iterator<String> it = kindAndCategory.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String kind = it.next(); String opt = it.next(); printOtherHelpCategories0(kind, opt); } out.println("See http://www.graalvm.org for more information."); return true; } private void printOtherHelpCategories0(String kind, String option) { if (helpExpert || helpInternal) { out.println("Use '" + option + "' to list user " + kind + " options."); } if (!helpExpert) { out.println("Use '" + option + " --help:expert' to list expert " + kind + " options."); } if (!helpInternal) { out.println("Use '" + option + " --help:internal' to list internal " + kind + " options."); } } static String optionsTitle(String kind, OptionCategory optionCategory) { String category; switch (optionCategory) { case USER: category = "User "; break; case EXPERT: category = "Expert "; break; case INTERNAL: category = "Internal "; break; default: category = ""; break; } return category + kind + " options:"; }
Parses otherwise unrecognized options. Terminates the application if an option is not among the generic launcher / VM ones.
  • defaultOptionPrefix – (language) prefix for the options
  • polyglotOptions – options being built for the polyglot launcher
  • unrecognizedArgs – arguments (options) to evaluate
/** * Parses otherwise unrecognized options. Terminates the application if an option is not among * the generic launcher / VM ones. * * @param defaultOptionPrefix (language) prefix for the options * @param polyglotOptions options being built for the polyglot launcher * @param unrecognizedArgs arguments (options) to evaluate * @since 20.0 */
protected final void parseUnrecognizedOptions(String defaultOptionPrefix, Map<String, String> polyglotOptions, List<String> unrecognizedArgs) { boolean experimentalOptions = false; // First, check if --experimental-options is passed for (String arg : unrecognizedArgs) { switch (arg) { case "--experimental-options": case "--experimental-options=true": experimentalOptions = true; break; case "--experimental-options=false": experimentalOptions = false; break; } } // Parse the arguments, now that we know whether experimental options are allowed for (String arg : unrecognizedArgs) { if (!parseCommonOption(defaultOptionPrefix, polyglotOptions, experimentalOptions, arg)) { parsePolyglotOption(defaultOptionPrefix, polyglotOptions, experimentalOptions, arg); } } }
Parses an option, returning success. The method is called to parse `arg` option from the commandline, not recognized by the application. The method may contribute to the `polyglotOptions` (in/out parameter, modifiable) to alter polyglot behaviour. If the option is recognized, the method must return true.
  • defaultOptionPrefix – default prefix for the option names, derived from the launching application.
  • polyglotOptions – options for polyglot engine
  • experimentalOptions – true, if experimental options are explicitly allowed
  • arg – argument to parse
Returns:true, if the option was recognized.
/** * Parses an option, returning success. The method is called to parse `arg` option from the * commandline, not recognized by the application. The method may contribute to the * `polyglotOptions` (in/out parameter, modifiable) to alter polyglot behaviour. If the option * is recognized, the method must return {@code true}. * * @param defaultOptionPrefix default prefix for the option names, derived from the launching * application. * @param polyglotOptions options for polyglot engine * @param experimentalOptions true, if experimental options are explicitly allowed * @param arg argument to parse * @return true, if the option was recognized. * @since 20.0 */
protected boolean parseCommonOption(String defaultOptionPrefix, Map<String, String> polyglotOptions, boolean experimentalOptions, String arg) { switch (arg) { case "--help": help = true; break; case "--help:debug": warn("--help:debug is deprecated, use --help:internal instead."); helpInternal = true; break; case "--help:internal": helpInternal = true; break; case "--help:expert": helpExpert = true; break; case "--help:vm": helpVM = true; break; case "--experimental-options": case "--experimental-options=true": case "--experimental-options=false": // Ignore, these were already parsed before break; default: return false; } return true; }
Parses polyglot options and already-processed --jvm/--native/--vm.* options. For any other argument, it will abort(). For parameter description see parseCommonOption(String, Map<String,String>, boolean, String).
/** * Parses polyglot options and already-processed --jvm/--native/--vm.* options. For any other * argument, it will abort(). For parameter description see * {@link #parseCommonOption(java.lang.String, java.util.Map, boolean, java.lang.String)}. */
void parsePolyglotOption(String defaultOptionPrefix, Map<String, String> polyglotOptions, boolean experimentalOptions, String arg) { if (arg.equals("--jvm")) { if (isAOT()) { throw abort("should not reach here: jvm option failed to switch to JVM"); } return; } else if (arg.equals("--native")) { if (!isAOT()) { throw abort("native options are not supported on the JVM"); } return; } else if (arg.startsWith("--vm.") && arg.length() > "--vm.".length()) { /* * Ignore those, they should already be applied by now. They can come from 2 source: * from the Bash/Batch launchers, but those launchers remove all such arguments. Or from * a native launcher which switched from native to jvm, in which case we reuse all * original arguments for correctness and already applied the --vm options by passing * them to the JVM directly. */ return; } // getLanguageId() or null? if (arg.length() <= 2 || !arg.startsWith("--")) { throw abortUnrecognizedArgument(arg); } int eqIdx = arg.indexOf('='); String key; String value; if (eqIdx < 0) { key = arg.substring(2); value = null; } else { key = arg.substring(2, eqIdx); value = arg.substring(eqIdx + 1); } if (value == null) { value = "true"; } int index = key.indexOf('.'); String group = key; if (index >= 0) { group = group.substring(0, index); } if ("log".equals(group)) { if (key.endsWith(".level")) { try { Level.parse(value); polyglotOptions.put(key, value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw abort(String.format("Invalid log level %s specified. %s'", arg, e.getMessage())); } return; } else if (key.equals("log.file")) { logFile = Paths.get(value); return; } } OptionDescriptor descriptor = findOptionDescriptor(group, key); if (descriptor == null) { if (defaultOptionPrefix != null) { descriptor = findOptionDescriptor(defaultOptionPrefix, defaultOptionPrefix + "." + key); } if (descriptor == null) { throw abortUnrecognizedArgument(arg); } } try { descriptor.getKey().getType().convert(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw abort(String.format("Invalid argument %s specified. %s'", arg, e.getMessage())); } if (descriptor.isDeprecated()) { String messageFormat = "Option '%s' is deprecated and might be removed from future versions."; String deprecationMessage = descriptor.getDeprecationMessage(); String message; if (deprecationMessage != null) { message = String.format(messageFormat + "%n%s", descriptor.getName(), deprecationMessage); } else { message = String.format(messageFormat, descriptor.getName()); } warn(message); } if (!experimentalOptions && descriptor.getStability() == OptionStability.EXPERIMENTAL) { throw abort(String.format("Option '%s' is experimental and must be enabled via '--experimental-options'%n" + "Do not use experimental options in production environments.", arg)); } // use the full name of the found descriptor polyglotOptions.put(descriptor.getName(), value); } private Set<String> collectAllArguments() { Set<String> options = new LinkedHashSet<>(); collectArguments(options); if (canPolyglot()) { options.add("--polyglot"); } if (!isStandalone()) { options.add("--jvm"); } options.add("--native"); options.add("--help"); options.add("--help:expert"); options.add("--help:internal"); options.add("--help:vm"); return options; }
Returns the set of options that fuzzy match a given option name.
/** * Returns the set of options that fuzzy match a given option name. */
private static List<String> fuzzyMatch(Set<String> arguments, String argument, float threshold) { List<String> matches = new ArrayList<>(); for (String arg : arguments) { float score = stringSimilarity(arg, argument); if (score >= threshold) { matches.add(arg); } } return matches; }
Compute string similarity based on Dice's coefficient. Ported from str_similar() in globals.cpp.
/** * Compute string similarity based on Dice's coefficient. * * Ported from str_similar() in globals.cpp. */
private static float stringSimilarity(String str1, String str2) { int hit = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str1.length() - 1; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < str2.length() - 1; ++j) { if ((str1.charAt(i) == str2.charAt(j)) && (str1.charAt(i + 1) == str2.charAt(j + 1))) { ++hit; break; } } } return 2.0f * hit / (str1.length() + str2.length()); }
Prints a line for a launcher option. Uses indentation set by setOptionIndent to align option's description. If option name is too long, description is printed on the next line, indented.
  • option – option name, including dash(es)
  • description – description
/** * Prints a line for a launcher option. Uses indentation set by {@link #setOptionIndent} to * align option's description. If option name is too long, description is printed on the next * line, indented. * * @param option option name, including dash(es) * @param description description * @since 20.0 */
protected void launcherOption(String option, String description) { printOption(option, description, 2, optionIndent); } private static String spaces(int length) { return new String(new char[length]).replace('\0', ' '); } private static String wrap(String s) { final int width = 120; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); int cursor = 0; while (cursor + width < sb.length()) { int i = sb.lastIndexOf(" ", cursor + width); if (i == -1 || i < cursor) { i = sb.indexOf(" ", cursor + width); } if (i != -1) { sb.replace(i, i + 1, System.lineSeparator()); cursor = i; } else { break; } } return sb.toString(); } private void printOption(String option, String description, int indentStart, int optionWidth) { String indent = spaces(indentStart); String desc = wrap(description != null ? description : ""); String nl = System.lineSeparator(); String[] descLines = desc.split(nl); if (option.length() >= optionWidth && description != null) { out.println(indent + option + nl + indent + spaces(optionWidth) + descLines[0]); } else { out.println(indent + option + spaces(optionWidth - option.length()) + descLines[0]); } for (int i = 1; i < descLines.length; i++) { out.println(indent + spaces(optionWidth) + descLines[i]); } } void printOption(PrintableOption option) { printOption(option, 2); } void printOption(PrintableOption option, int indentation) { printOption(option.option, option.description, indentation, optionIndent); } static final class PrintableOption implements Comparable<PrintableOption> { final String option; final String description; protected PrintableOption(String option, String description) { this.option = option; this.description = description; } @Override public int compareTo(PrintableOption o) { return this.option.compareTo(o.option); } } void printOptions(List<PrintableOption> options, String title, int indentation) { Collections.sort(options); out.println(title); for (PrintableOption option : options) { printOption(option, indentation); } } protected enum OS { Darwin, Linux, Solaris, Windows; private static OS findCurrent() { final String name = System.getProperty("os.name"); if (name.equals("Linux")) { return Linux; } if (name.equals("SunOS")) { return Solaris; } if (name.equals("Mac OS X") || name.equals("Darwin")) { return Darwin; } if (name.startsWith("Windows")) { return Windows; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown OS: " + name); } private static final OS current = findCurrent(); public static OS getCurrent() { return current; } }
Prints a single line to the output stream, terminated with newline.
  • l – line text.
/** * Prints a single line to the output stream, terminated with newline. * * @param l line text. * @since 20.0 */
protected final void println(String l) { out.println(l); }
Prints sequence of lines to the output stream. Each argument will be printed as a whole line, terminated by a newline.
  • lines – lines
/** * Prints sequence of lines to the output stream. Each argument will be printed as a whole line, * terminated by a newline. * * @param lines lines * @since 20.0 */
protected final void println(String... lines) { for (String l : lines) { out.println(l); } } private void printJvmHelp() { println("JVM options:"); String classpathHelp = "Manage the classpath for Java libraries that you can access from guest languages ('" + File.pathSeparator + "' separated list)"; launcherOption("--vm.classpath=<path>[" + File.pathSeparator + "path...]", classpathHelp); launcherOption("--vm.cp=<path>[" + File.pathSeparator + "path...]", classpathHelp); launcherOption("--vm.D<name>=<value>", "Set a system property"); launcherOption("--vm.esa", "Enable system assertions"); launcherOption("--vm.ea[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]", "Enable assertions with specified granularity"); launcherOption("--vm.agentlib:<libname>[=<options>]", "Load native agent library <libname>"); launcherOption("--vm.agentpath:<pathname>[=<options>]", "Load native agent library by full pathname"); launcherOption("--vm.javaagent:<jarpath>[=<options>]", "Load Java programming language agent"); launcherOption("--vm.Xbootclasspath/a:<path>[" + File.pathSeparator + "path...]", "Append classpath entries to the JVM's boot classpath ('" + File.pathSeparator + "' separated list)"); launcherOption("--vm.Xmx<size>", "Set maximum Java heap size"); launcherOption("--vm.Xms<size>", "Set initial Java heap size"); launcherOption("--vm.Xss<size>", "Set java thread stack size"); } private void printBasicNativeHelp() { launcherOption("--vm.D<property>=<value>", "Sets a system property"); /* The default values are *copied* from com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.HeapPolicy */ launcherOption("--vm.Xmn<value>", "Sets the maximum size of the young generation, in bytes. Default: 256MB."); launcherOption("--vm.Xmx<value>", "Sets the maximum size of the heap, in bytes. Default: MaximumHeapSizePercent * physical memory."); launcherOption("--vm.Xms<value>", "Sets the minimum size of the heap, in bytes. Default: 2 * maximum young generation size."); launcherOption("--vm.Xss<value>", "Sets the size of each thread stack, in bytes. Default: OS-dependent."); } private static final String CLASSPATH = System.getProperty("org.graalvm.launcher.classpath"); @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated protected final void maybeNativeExec(List<String> args, boolean isPolyglotLauncher, Map<String, String> polyglotOptions) { maybeNativeExec(args, args, isPolyglotLauncher); }
Possibly re-executes the launcher when JVM or polyglot mode is requested; call only if isAOT() is true. If the result is to run native, then it applies VM options on the current process. The method parses the unrecognizedArgs for --jvm/--native/--polyglot flags and --vm.* options. If JVM mode is requested, it execs a Java process configured with supported JVM parameters and system properties over this process - in this case, the method does not return (except errors).
/** * Possibly re-executes the launcher when JVM or polyglot mode is requested; call only if * {@link #isAOT()} is true. If the result is to run native, then it applies VM options on the * current process. * * The method parses the {@code unrecognizedArgs} for --jvm/--native/--polyglot flags and --vm.* * options. If JVM mode is requested, it execs a Java process configured with supported JVM * parameters and system properties over this process - in this case, the method does not return * (except errors). * * @param originalArgs the original arguments from main(), unmodified. * @param unrecognizedArgs a subset of {@code originalArgs} that was not recognized by * {@link AbstractLanguageLauncher#preprocessArguments(List, Map)}. * @param isPolyglotLauncher whether this is the {@link PolyglotLauncher} (bin/polyglot) * @since 20.0 */
protected final void maybeNativeExec(List<String> originalArgs, List<String> unrecognizedArgs, boolean isPolyglotLauncher) { if (!IS_AOT) { return; } maybeExec(originalArgs, unrecognizedArgs, isPolyglotLauncher, getDefaultVMType()); } void maybeExec(List<String> originalArgs, List<String> unrecognizedArgs, boolean isPolyglotLauncher, VMType defaultVmType) { assert isAOT(); VMType vmType = null; boolean polyglot = false; List<String> jvmArgs = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> applicationArgs = new ArrayList<>(originalArgs); Iterator<String> iterator = unrecognizedArgs.iterator(); List<String> vmOptions = new ArrayList<>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String arg = iterator.next(); if (arg.equals("--jvm")) { if (vmType == VMType.Native) { throw abort("'--jvm' and '--native' options can not be used together."); } if (isStandalone()) { throw abort("'--jvm' is only supported when this launcher is part of a GraalVM."); } vmType = VMType.JVM; iterator.remove(); } else if (arg.equals("--native")) { if (vmType == VMType.JVM) { throw abort("'--jvm' and '--native' options can not be used together."); } vmType = VMType.Native; iterator.remove(); } else if (arg.startsWith("--vm.") && arg.length() > "--vm.".length()) { String vmArg = arg.substring("--vm.".length()); if (vmArg.equals("classpath")) { throw abort("'--vm.classpath' argument must be of the form '--vm.classpath=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"); } if (vmArg.equals("cp")) { throw abort("'--vm.cp' argument must be of the form '--vm.cp=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"); } if (vmArg.startsWith("classpath=") || vmArg.startsWith("cp=")) { int eqIndex = vmArg.indexOf('='); jvmArgs.add('-' + vmArg.substring(0, eqIndex)); jvmArgs.add(vmArg.substring(eqIndex + 1)); } else { vmOptions.add(vmArg); } iterator.remove(); } else if (arg.equals("--polyglot")) { polyglot = true; } } boolean isDefaultVMType = false; if (vmType == null) { vmType = defaultVmType; isDefaultVMType = true; } if (vmType == VMType.JVM) { for (String vmOption : vmOptions) { jvmArgs.add('-' + vmOption); } if (!isPolyglotLauncher && polyglot) { applicationArgs.add(0, "--polyglot"); } assert !isStandalone(); executeJVM(nativeAccess == null ? System.getProperty("java.class.path") : nativeAccess.getClasspath(jvmArgs), jvmArgs, applicationArgs, Collections.emptyMap()); } else { assert vmType == VMType.Native; for (String vmOption : vmOptions) { nativeAccess.setNativeOption(vmOption); } /* * All options are processed, now we can run the startup hooks that can depend on the * option values. */ VMRuntime.initialize(); if (!isPolyglotLauncher && polyglot) { assert jvmArgs.isEmpty(); if (isStandalone()) { throw abort("--polyglot option is only supported when this launcher is part of a GraalVM."); } executePolyglot(applicationArgs, Collections.emptyMap(), !isDefaultVMType); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated protected void executeJVM(String classpath, List<String> jvmArgs, List<String> remainingArgs, Map<String, String> polyglotOptions) { executeJVM(classpath, jvmArgs, remainingArgs); }
Called if a JVM has to be started instead of AOT binary. The method is only called in AOT mode. Subclasses may override to apply different options or launch mechanism
  • classpath – class path to be used with the JVM
  • jvmArgs – arguments for the VM
  • remainingArgs – main arguments
/** * Called if a JVM has to be started instead of AOT binary. The method is only called in AOT * mode. Subclasses may override to apply different options or launch mechanism * * @param classpath class path to be used with the JVM * @param jvmArgs arguments for the VM * @param remainingArgs main arguments */
protected void executeJVM(String classpath, List<String> jvmArgs, List<String> remainingArgs) { nativeAccess.execJVM(classpath, jvmArgs, remainingArgs); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated protected void executePolyglot(List<String> mainArgs, Map<String, String> polyglotOptions, boolean forceNative) { executePolyglot(mainArgs, forceNative); }
Called to execute the bin/polyglot launcher with the supplied options. Subclasses may eventually override and implement in a different way.
  • mainArgs – program arguments
/** * Called to execute the bin/polyglot launcher with the supplied options. Subclasses may * eventually override and implement in a different way. * * @param mainArgs program arguments */
protected void executePolyglot(List<String> mainArgs, boolean forceNative) { nativeAccess.executePolyglot(mainArgs, forceNative); } class Native { // execve() to JVM/polyglot from native if needed. // Only parses --jvm/--native to find the VMType and --vm.* to pass/set the VM options. private WeakReference<OptionDescriptors> compilerOptionDescriptors; private WeakReference<OptionDescriptors> vmOptionDescriptors; private OptionDescriptors getCompilerOptions() { OptionDescriptors descriptors = null; if (compilerOptionDescriptors != null) { descriptors = compilerOptionDescriptors.get(); } if (descriptors == null) { descriptors = RuntimeOptions.getOptions(EnumSet.of(OptionClass.Compiler)); compilerOptionDescriptors = new WeakReference<>(descriptors); } return descriptors; } private OptionDescriptors getVMOptions() { OptionDescriptors descriptors = null; if (vmOptionDescriptors != null) { descriptors = vmOptionDescriptors.get(); } if (descriptors == null) { descriptors = RuntimeOptions.getOptions(EnumSet.of(OptionClass.VM)); vmOptionDescriptors = new WeakReference<>(descriptors); } return descriptors; } private void setNativeOption(String arg) { if (arg.startsWith("Dgraal.")) { setGraalStyleRuntimeOption(arg.substring("Dgraal.".length())); } else if (arg.startsWith("D")) { setSystemProperty(arg.substring("D".length())); } else if (arg.startsWith("XX:")) { setRuntimeOption(arg.substring("XX:".length())); } else if (arg.startsWith("X")) { if (isXOption(arg)) { setXOption(arg.substring("X".length())); } else { throw abort("Unrecognized vm option: '--vm." + arg + "'. Some VM options may be only supported in --jvm mode."); } } else { throw abort("Unrecognized vm option: '--vm." + arg + "'. Such arguments should start with '--vm.D', '--vm.XX:', or '--vm.X'"); } } private void setGraalStyleRuntimeOption(String arg) { if (arg.startsWith("+") || arg.startsWith("-")) { throw abort("Dgraal option must use <name>=<value> format, not +/- prefix"); } int eqIdx = arg.indexOf('='); String key; String value; if (eqIdx < 0) { key = arg; value = ""; } else { key = arg.substring(0, eqIdx); value = arg.substring(eqIdx + 1); } OptionDescriptor descriptor = getCompilerOptions().get(key); if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = getVMOptions().get(key); if (descriptor != null) { if (isBooleanOption(descriptor)) { warn("VM options such as '%s' should be set with '--vm.XX:\u00b1%<s'.%n" + "Support for setting them with '--vm.Dgraal.%<s=<value>' is deprecated and will be removed.%n", key); } else { warn("VM options such as '%s' should be set with '--vm.XX:%<s=<value>'.%n" + "Support for setting them with '--vm.Dgraal.%<s=<value>' is deprecated and will be removed.%n", key); } } } if (descriptor == null) { throw unknownOption(key); } try { RuntimeOptions.set(key, descriptor.getKey().getType().convert(value)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw abort("Invalid argument: '--vm." + arg + "': " + iae.getMessage()); } } public void setSystemProperty(String arg) { int eqIdx = arg.indexOf('='); String key; String value; if (eqIdx < 0) { key = arg; value = ""; } else { key = arg.substring(0, eqIdx); value = arg.substring(eqIdx + 1); } System.setProperty(key, value); } public void setRuntimeOption(String arg) { int eqIdx = arg.indexOf('='); String key; Object value; if (arg.startsWith("+") || arg.startsWith("-")) { key = arg.substring(1); if (eqIdx >= 0) { throw abort("Invalid argument: '--vm." + arg + "': Use either +/- or =, but not both"); } OptionDescriptor descriptor = getVMOptionDescriptor(key); if (!isBooleanOption(descriptor)) { throw abort("Invalid argument: " + key + " is not a boolean option, set it with --vm.XX:" + key + "=<value>."); } value = arg.startsWith("+"); } else if (eqIdx > 0) { key = arg.substring(0, eqIdx); OptionDescriptor descriptor = getVMOptionDescriptor(key); if (isBooleanOption(descriptor)) { throw abort("Boolean option '" + key + "' must be set with +/- prefix, not <name>=<value> format."); } try { value = descriptor.getKey().getType().convert(arg.substring(eqIdx + 1)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw abort("Invalid argument: '--vm." + arg + "': " + iae.getMessage()); } } else { throw abort("Invalid argument: '--vm." + arg + "'. Prefix boolean options with + or -, suffix other options with <name>=<value>"); } RuntimeOptions.set(key, value); } private OptionDescriptor getVMOptionDescriptor(String key) { OptionDescriptor descriptor = getVMOptions().get(key); if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = getCompilerOptions().get(key); if (descriptor != null) { warn("compiler options such as '%s' should be set with '--vm.Dgraal.%<s=<value>'.%n" + "Support for setting them with '--vm.XX:...' is deprecated and will be removed.%n", key); } } if (descriptor == null) { throw unknownOption(key); } return descriptor; } /* Is an option that starts with an 'X' one of the recognized X options? */ private boolean isXOption(String arg) { return (arg.startsWith("Xmn") || arg.startsWith("Xms") || arg.startsWith("Xmx") || arg.startsWith("Xss")); } /* Set a `-X` option, given something like "mx2g". */ private void setXOption(String arg) { try { RuntimeOptions.set(arg, null); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw abort("Invalid argument: '--vm.X" + arg + "' does not specify a valid number."); } } private boolean isBooleanOption(OptionDescriptor descriptor) { return descriptor.getKey().getType().equals(OptionType.defaultType(Boolean.class)); } private AbortException unknownOption(String key) { throw abort("Unknown native option: " + key + ". Use --help:vm to list available options."); } private void printNativeHelp() { System.out.println("Native VM options:"); SortedMap<String, OptionDescriptor> sortedOptions = new TreeMap<>(); for (OptionDescriptor descriptor : getVMOptions()) { if (!descriptor.isDeprecated()) { sortedOptions.put(descriptor.getName(), descriptor); } } for (Entry<String, OptionDescriptor> entry : sortedOptions.entrySet()) { OptionDescriptor descriptor = entry.getValue(); String helpMsg = descriptor.getHelp(); if (isBooleanOption(descriptor)) { Boolean val = (Boolean) descriptor.getKey().getDefaultValue(); if (helpMsg.length() != 0) { helpMsg += ' '; } if (val == null || !val) { helpMsg += "Default: - (disabled)."; } else { helpMsg += "Default: + (enabled)."; } launcherOption("--vm.XX:\u00b1" + entry.getKey(), helpMsg); } else { Object def = descriptor.getKey().getDefaultValue(); if (def instanceof String) { def = "\"" + def + "\""; } launcherOption("--vm.XX:" + entry.getKey() + "=" + def, helpMsg); } } printCompilerOptions(); printBasicNativeHelp(); } private void printCompilerOptions() { System.out.println("Compiler options:"); SortedMap<String, OptionDescriptor> sortedOptions = new TreeMap<>(); for (OptionDescriptor descriptor : getCompilerOptions()) { if (!descriptor.isDeprecated()) { sortedOptions.put(descriptor.getName(), descriptor); } } for (Entry<String, OptionDescriptor> entry : sortedOptions.entrySet()) { OptionDescriptor descriptor = entry.getValue(); String helpMsg = descriptor.getHelp(); Object def = descriptor.getKey().getDefaultValue(); if (def instanceof String) { def = '"' + (String) def + '"'; } launcherOption("--vm.Dgraal." + entry.getKey() + "=" + def, helpMsg); } } private void executePolyglot(List<String> args, boolean forceNative) { List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(args.size() + 3); Path executable = getGraalVMBinaryPath("polyglot"); if (forceNative) { command.add("--native"); } command.add("--use-launcher"); command.add(getMainClass()); command.addAll(args); exec(executable, command); } private void execJVM(String classpath, List<String> jvmArgs, List<String> args) { // TODO use String[] for command to avoid a copy later List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(jvmArgs.size() + args.size() + 4); Path executable = getGraalVMBinaryPath("java"); if (classpath != null) { command.add("-classpath"); command.add(classpath); } command.addAll(jvmArgs); command.add(getMainClass()); command.addAll(args); exec(executable, command); } private String getClasspath(List<String> jvmArgs) { assert isAOT(); assert CLASSPATH != null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!CLASSPATH.isEmpty()) { Path graalVMHome = getGraalVMHome(); if (graalVMHome == null) { throw abort("Can not resolve classpath: could not get GraalVM home"); } for (String entry : CLASSPATH.split(File.pathSeparator)) { Path resolved = graalVMHome.resolve(entry); if (isVerbose() && !Files.exists(resolved)) { warn("%s does not exist", resolved); } sb.append(resolved); sb.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); } } String classpathFromArgs = null; Iterator<String> iterator = jvmArgs.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String jvmArg = iterator.next(); if (jvmArg.equals("-cp") || jvmArg.equals("-classpath")) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { iterator.remove(); classpathFromArgs = iterator.next(); iterator.remove(); // no break, pick the last one } } if (jvmArg.startsWith("-Djava.class.path=")) { iterator.remove(); classpathFromArgs = jvmArg.substring("-Djava.class.path=".length()); } } if (classpathFromArgs != null) { sb.append(classpathFromArgs); sb.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); } if (sb.length() == 0) { return null; } return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); } private void exec(Path executable, List<String> command) { assert isAOT(); if (isVerbose()) { StringBuilder sb = formatExec(executable, command); err.print(sb.toString()); } String[] argv = new String[command.size() + 1]; int i = 0; Path filename = executable.getFileName(); if (filename == null) { throw abort(String.format("Cannot determine execute filename from path %s", filename)); } argv[i++] = filename.toString(); for (String arg : command) { argv[i++] = arg; } ProcessProperties.exec(executable, argv); } private StringBuilder formatExec(Path executable, List<String> command) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("exec: "); sb.append(executable); for (String arg : command) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(ShellQuotes.quote(arg)); } sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); return sb; } } private static final class ShellQuotes { private static final BitSet safeChars; static { safeChars = new BitSet(); safeChars.set('a', 'z' + 1); safeChars.set('A', 'Z' + 1); safeChars.set('+', ':' + 1); // +,-./0..9: safeChars.set('@'); safeChars.set('%'); safeChars.set('_'); safeChars.set('='); } private static String quote(String str) { if (str.isEmpty()) { return "''"; } for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (!safeChars.get(str.charAt(i))) { return "'" + str.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"; } } return str; } }
Creates a new log file. The method uses a supplemental lock file to determine the file is still opened for output; in that case, it creates a different file, named `path'1, `path`2, ... until it finds a free name. Files not locked (actively written to) are overwritten.
  • path – the desired output for log
Returns:the OutputStream for logging
/** * Creates a new log file. The method uses a supplemental lock file to determine the file is * still opened for output; in that case, it creates a different file, named `path'1, `path`2, * ... until it finds a free name. Files not locked (actively written to) are overwritten. * * @param path the desired output for log * @return the OutputStream for logging * @throws IOException in case of I/O error opening the file * @since 20.0 */
protected static OutputStream newLogStream(Path path) throws IOException { Path usedPath = path; Path lockFile = null; FileChannel lockFileChannel = null; for (int unique = 0;; unique++) { StringBuilder lockFileNameBuilder = new StringBuilder(); lockFileNameBuilder.append(path.toString()); if (unique > 0) { lockFileNameBuilder.append(unique); usedPath = Paths.get(lockFileNameBuilder.toString()); } lockFileNameBuilder.append(".lck"); lockFile = Paths.get(lockFileNameBuilder.toString()); Map.Entry<FileChannel, Boolean> openResult = openChannel(lockFile); if (openResult != null) { lockFileChannel = openResult.getKey(); if (lock(lockFileChannel, openResult.getValue())) { break; } else { // Close and try next name lockFileChannel.close(); } } } assert lockFile != null && lockFileChannel != null; boolean success = false; try { OutputStream stream = new LockableOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(usedPath, WRITE, CREATE, APPEND)), lockFile, lockFileChannel); success = true; return stream; } finally { if (!success) { LockableOutputStream.unlock(lockFile, lockFileChannel); } } } private static Map.Entry<FileChannel, Boolean> openChannel(Path path) throws IOException { FileChannel channel = null; for (int retries = 0; channel == null && retries < 2; retries++) { try { channel = FileChannel.open(path, CREATE_NEW, WRITE); return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(channel, true); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException faee) { // Maybe a FS race showing a zombie file, try to reuse it if (Files.isRegularFile(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS) && isParentWritable(path)) { try { channel = FileChannel.open(path, WRITE, APPEND); return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(channel, false); } catch (NoSuchFileException x) { // FS Race, next try we should be able to create with CREATE_NEW } catch (IOException x) { return null; } } else { return null; } } } return null; } private static boolean isParentWritable(Path path) { Path parentPath = path.getParent(); if (parentPath == null && !path.isAbsolute()) { parentPath = path.toAbsolutePath().getParent(); } return parentPath != null && Files.isWritable(parentPath); } private static boolean lock(FileChannel lockFileChannel, boolean newFile) { boolean available = false; try { available = lockFileChannel.tryLock() != null; } catch (OverlappingFileLockException ofle) { // VM already holds lock continue with available set to false } catch (IOException ioe) { // Locking not supported by OS available = newFile; } return available; } private static final class LockableOutputStream extends OutputStream { private final OutputStream delegate; private final Path lockFile; private final FileChannel lockFileChannel; LockableOutputStream(OutputStream delegate, Path lockFile, FileChannel lockFileChannel) { this.delegate = delegate; this.lockFile = lockFile; this.lockFileChannel = lockFileChannel; } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { delegate.write(b); } @Override public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { delegate.write(b); } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { delegate.write(b, off, len); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { delegate.flush(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { delegate.close(); } finally { unlock(lockFile, lockFileChannel); } } private static void unlock(Path lockFile, FileChannel lockFileChannel) { try { lockFileChannel.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Error while closing the channel, ignore. } try { Files.delete(lockFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Error while deleting the lock file, ignore. } } } }