 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package org.graalvm.libgraal.jni;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;
import jdk.vm.ci.services.Services;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TTY;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.IsolateUtil;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JArray;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JByteArray;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JClass;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JLongArray;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JMethodID;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JNIEnv;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JObject;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JObjectArray;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JString;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JThrowable;
import org.graalvm.libgraal.jni.JNI.JValue;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform.HOSTED_ONLY;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.StackValue;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.UnmanagedMemory;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CEntryPoint;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CCharPointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CLongPointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CShortPointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CTypeConversion;
import static org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CTypeConversion.toCString;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.VoidPointer;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;
import static org.graalvm.word.WordFactory.nullPointer;

Helpers for calling JNI functions.
/** * Helpers for calling JNI functions. */
public final class JNIUtil { private static final String CLASS_SERVICES = "jdk/vm/ci/services/Services"; private static final String[] METHOD_GET_JVMCI_CLASS_LOADER = { "getJVMCIClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;" }; private static final String[] METHOD_GET_PLATFORM_CLASS_LOADER = { "getPlatformClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;" }; private static final String[] METHOD_LOAD_CLASS = { "loadClass", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;" }; // Checkstyle: stop public static boolean IsSameObject(JNIEnv env, JObject ref1, JObject ref2) { traceJNI("IsSameObject"); return env.getFunctions().getIsSameObject().call(env, ref1, ref2); } public static void DeleteLocalRef(JNIEnv env, JObject ref) { traceJNI("DeleteLocalRef"); env.getFunctions().getDeleteLocalRef().call(env, ref); } public static int PushLocalFrame(JNIEnv env, int capacity) { traceJNI("PushLocalFrame"); return env.getFunctions().getPushLocalFrame().call(env, capacity); } public static JObject PopLocalFrame(JNIEnv env, JObject result) { traceJNI("PopLocalFrame"); return env.getFunctions().getPopLocalFrame().call(env, result); } public static JClass DefineClass(JNIEnv env, CCharPointer name, JObject loader, CCharPointer buf, int bufLen) { return env.getFunctions().getDefineClass().call(env, name, loader, buf, bufLen); } public static JClass FindClass(JNIEnv env, CCharPointer name) { traceJNI("FindClass"); return env.getFunctions().getFindClass().call(env, name); } public static JClass GetObjectClass(JNIEnv env, JObject object) { traceJNI("GetObjectClass"); return env.getFunctions().getGetObjectClass().call(env, object); } public static JMethodID GetStaticMethodID(JNIEnv env, JClass clazz, CCharPointer name, CCharPointer sig) { traceJNI("GetStaticMethodID"); return env.getFunctions().getGetStaticMethodID().call(env, clazz, name, sig); } public static JMethodID GetMethodID(JNIEnv env, JClass clazz, CCharPointer name, CCharPointer sig) { traceJNI("GetMethodID"); return env.getFunctions().getGetMethodID().call(env, clazz, name, sig); } public static JNI.JFieldID GetStaticFieldID(JNIEnv env, JClass clazz, CCharPointer name, CCharPointer sig) { traceJNI("GetStaticFieldID"); return env.getFunctions().getGetStaticFieldID().call(env, clazz, name, sig); } public static JObjectArray NewObjectArray(JNIEnv env, int len, JClass componentClass, JObject initialElement) { traceJNI("NewObjectArray"); return env.getFunctions().getNewObjectArray().call(env, len, componentClass, initialElement); } public static JByteArray NewByteArray(JNIEnv env, int len) { traceJNI("NewByteArray"); return env.getFunctions().getNewByteArray().call(env, len); } public static JLongArray NewLongArray(JNIEnv env, int len) { traceJNI("NewLongArray"); return env.getFunctions().getNewLongArray().call(env, len); } public static int GetArrayLength(JNIEnv env, JArray array) { traceJNI("GetArrayLength"); return env.getFunctions().getGetArrayLength().call(env, array); } public static void SetObjectArrayElement(JNIEnv env, JObjectArray array, int index, JObject value) { traceJNI("SetObjectArrayElement"); env.getFunctions().getSetObjectArrayElement().call(env, array, index, value); } public static JObject GetObjectArrayElement(JNIEnv env, JObjectArray array, int index) { traceJNI("GetObjectArrayElement"); return env.getFunctions().getGetObjectArrayElement().call(env, array, index); } public static CLongPointer GetLongArrayElements(JNIEnv env, JLongArray array, JValue isCopy) { traceJNI("GetLongArrayElements"); return env.getFunctions().getGetLongArrayElements().call(env, array, isCopy); } public static void ReleaseLongArrayElements(JNIEnv env, JLongArray array, CLongPointer elems, int mode) { traceJNI("ReleaseLongArrayElements"); env.getFunctions().getReleaseLongArrayElements().call(env, array, elems, mode); } public static CCharPointer GetByteArrayElements(JNIEnv env, JByteArray array, JValue isCopy) { traceJNI("GetByteArrayElements"); return env.getFunctions().getGetByteArrayElements().call(env, array, isCopy); } public static void ReleaseByteArrayElements(JNIEnv env, JByteArray array, CCharPointer elems, int mode) { traceJNI("ReleaseByteArrayElements"); env.getFunctions().getReleaseByteArrayElements().call(env, array, elems, mode); } public static void Throw(JNIEnv env, JThrowable throwable) { traceJNI("Throw"); env.getFunctions().getThrow().call(env, throwable); } public static boolean ExceptionCheck(JNIEnv env) { traceJNI("ExceptionCheck"); return env.getFunctions().getExceptionCheck().call(env); } public static void ExceptionClear(JNIEnv env) { traceJNI("ExceptionClear"); env.getFunctions().getExceptionClear().call(env); } public static void ExceptionDescribe(JNIEnv env) { traceJNI("ExceptionDescribe"); env.getFunctions().getExceptionDescribe().call(env); } public static JThrowable ExceptionOccurred(JNIEnv env) { traceJNI("ExceptionOccurred"); return env.getFunctions().getExceptionOccurred().call(env); }
Creates a new global reference.
  • env – the JNIEnv
  • ref – JObject to create JNI global reference for
  • type – type of the object, used only for tracing to distinguish global references
Returns:JNI global reference for given JObject
/** * Creates a new global reference. * * @param env the JNIEnv * @param ref JObject to create JNI global reference for * @param type type of the object, used only for tracing to distinguish global references * @return JNI global reference for given {@link JObject} */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends JObject> T NewGlobalRef(JNIEnv env, T ref, String type) { traceJNI("NewGlobalRef"); T res = (T) env.getFunctions().getNewGlobalRef().call(env, ref); if (tracingAt(3)) { trace(3, "New global reference for 0x%x of type %s -> 0x%x", ref.rawValue(), type, res.rawValue()); } return res; } public static void DeleteGlobalRef(JNIEnv env, JObject ref) { traceJNI("DeleteGlobalRef"); if (tracingAt(3)) { trace(3, "Delete global reference 0x%x", ref.rawValue()); } env.getFunctions().getDeleteGlobalRef().call(env, ref); } public static VoidPointer GetDirectBufferAddress(JNIEnv env, JObject buf) { traceJNI("GetDirectBufferAddress"); return env.getFunctions().getGetDirectBufferAddress().call(env, buf); } // Checkstyle: resume private static void traceJNI(String function) { trace(2, "LIBGRAAL->JNI: %s", function); } private JNIUtil() { }
Decodes a string in the HotSpot heap to a local String.
/** * Decodes a string in the HotSpot heap to a local {@link String}. */
public static String createString(JNIEnv env, JString hsString) { if (hsString.isNull()) { return null; } int len = env.getFunctions().getGetStringLength().call(env, hsString); CShortPointer unicode = env.getFunctions().getGetStringChars().call(env, hsString, WordFactory.nullPointer()); try { char[] data = new char[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = (char) unicode.read(i); } return new String(data); } finally { env.getFunctions().getReleaseStringChars().call(env, hsString, unicode); } }
Creates a String in the HotSpot heap from string.
/** * Creates a String in the HotSpot heap from {@code string}. */
public static JString createHSString(JNIEnv env, String string) { if (string == null) { return WordFactory.nullPointer(); } int len = string.length(); CShortPointer buffer = UnmanagedMemory.malloc(len << 1); try { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { buffer.write(i, (short) string.charAt(i)); } return env.getFunctions().getNewString().call(env, buffer, len); } finally { UnmanagedMemory.free(buffer); } }
Converts a fully qualified Java class name from Java source format (e.g. "java.lang.getString") to internal format (e.g. "Ljava/lang/getString;".
/** * Converts a fully qualified Java class name from Java source format (e.g. * {@code "java.lang.getString"}) to internal format (e.g. {@code "Ljava/lang/getString;"}. */
public static String getInternalName(String fqn) { return "L" + getBinaryName(fqn) + ";"; }
Converts a fully qualified Java class name from Java source format (e.g. "java.lang.getString") to binary format (e.g. "java/lang/getString".
/** * Converts a fully qualified Java class name from Java source format (e.g. * {@code "java.lang.getString"}) to binary format (e.g. {@code "java/lang/getString"}. */
public static String getBinaryName(String fqn) { return fqn.replace('.', '/'); }
Returns a JClass for given binary name.
/** * Returns a {@link JClass} for given binary name. */
public static JClass findClass(JNIEnv env, String binaryName) { try (CTypeConversion.CCharPointerHolder name = CTypeConversion.toCString(binaryName)) { return JNIUtil.FindClass(env, name.get()); } }
Finds a class in HotSpot heap using a given ClassLoader.
  • env – the JNIEnv
  • binaryName – the class binary name
/** * Finds a class in HotSpot heap using a given {@code ClassLoader}. * * @param env the {@code JNIEnv} * @param binaryName the class binary name */
public static JNI.JClass findClass(JNI.JNIEnv env, JNI.JObject classLoader, String binaryName) { if (classLoader.isNull()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ClassLoader must be non null."); } trace(1, "LIBGRAAL->HS: findClass"); JNI.JMethodID findClassId = findMethod(env, JNIUtil.GetObjectClass(env, classLoader), false, false, METHOD_LOAD_CLASS[0], METHOD_LOAD_CLASS[1]); JNI.JValue params = StackValue.get(1, JNI.JValue.class); params.addressOf(0).setJObject(JNIUtil.createHSString(env, binaryName.replace('/', '.'))); return (JNI.JClass) env.getFunctions().getCallObjectMethodA().call(env, classLoader, findClassId, params); }
Finds a class in HotSpot heap using JNI.
  • env – the JNIEnv
  • classLoader – the class loader to find class in or NULL pointer.
  • binaryName – the class binary name
  • required – if true the JNIExceptionWrapper is thrown when the class is not found. If false the NULL pointer is returned when the class is not found.
/** * Finds a class in HotSpot heap using JNI. * * @param env the {@code JNIEnv} * @param classLoader the class loader to find class in or {@link WordFactory#nullPointer() NULL * pointer}. * @param binaryName the class binary name * @param required if {@code true} the {@link JNIExceptionWrapper} is thrown when the class is * not found. If {@code false} the {@code NULL pointer} is returned when the class is * not found. */
public static JNI.JClass findClass(JNI.JNIEnv env, JNI.JObject classLoader, String binaryName, boolean required) { Class<? extends Throwable> allowedException = null; try { if (classLoader.isNonNull()) { allowedException = required ? null : ClassNotFoundException.class; return findClass(env, classLoader, binaryName); } else { allowedException = required ? null : NoClassDefFoundError.class; return findClass(env, binaryName); } } finally { if (allowedException != null) { JNIExceptionWrapper.wrapAndThrowPendingJNIException(env, allowedException); } else { JNIExceptionWrapper.wrapAndThrowPendingJNIException(env); } } }
Returns a ClassLoader used to load the compiler classes.
/** * Returns a ClassLoader used to load the compiler classes. */
public static JNI.JObject getJVMCIClassLoader(JNI.JNIEnv env) { JNI.JClass clazz; try (CTypeConversion.CCharPointerHolder className = CTypeConversion.toCString(CLASS_SERVICES)) { clazz = JNIUtil.FindClass(env, className.get()); } if (clazz.isNull()) { throw new InternalError("No such class " + CLASS_SERVICES); } JNI.JMethodID getClassLoaderId = findMethod(env, clazz, true, true, METHOD_GET_JVMCI_CLASS_LOADER[0], METHOD_GET_JVMCI_CLASS_LOADER[1]); if (getClassLoaderId.isNonNull()) { return env.getFunctions().getCallStaticObjectMethodA().call(env, clazz, getClassLoaderId, nullPointer()); } try (CTypeConversion.CCharPointerHolder className = CTypeConversion.toCString(JNIUtil.getBinaryName(ClassLoader.class.getName()))) { clazz = JNIUtil.FindClass(env, className.get()); } if (clazz.isNull()) { throw new InternalError("No such class " + ClassLoader.class.getName()); } getClassLoaderId = findMethod(env, clazz, true, true, METHOD_GET_PLATFORM_CLASS_LOADER[0], METHOD_GET_PLATFORM_CLASS_LOADER[1]); if (getClassLoaderId.isNonNull()) { return env.getFunctions().getCallStaticObjectMethodA().call(env, clazz, getClassLoaderId, nullPointer()); } return WordFactory.nullPointer(); } public static JNI.JMethodID findMethod(JNI.JNIEnv env, JNI.JClass clazz, boolean staticMethod, String methodName, String methodSignature) { return findMethod(env, clazz, staticMethod, false, methodName, methodSignature); } private static JNI.JMethodID findMethod(JNI.JNIEnv env, JNI.JClass clazz, boolean staticMethod, boolean optional, String methodName, String methodSignature) { JNI.JMethodID result; try (CTypeConversion.CCharPointerHolder name = toCString(methodName); CTypeConversion.CCharPointerHolder sig = toCString(methodSignature)) { result = staticMethod ? GetStaticMethodID(env, clazz, name.get(), sig.get()) : GetMethodID(env, clazz, name.get(), sig.get()); if (optional) { JNIExceptionWrapper.wrapAndThrowPendingJNIException(env, NoSuchMethodError.class); } else { JNIExceptionWrapper.wrapAndThrowPendingJNIException(env); } return result; } } /*----------------- TRACING ------------------*/ private static Integer traceLevel; private static final String JNI_LIBGRAAL_TRACE_LEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME = "JNI_LIBGRAAL_TRACE_LEVEL";
Checks if JNI calls are verbose.
/** * Checks if JNI calls are verbose. */
private static int traceLevel() { if (traceLevel == null) { String var = Services.getSavedProperties().get(JNI_LIBGRAAL_TRACE_LEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME); if (var != null) { try { traceLevel = Integer.parseInt(var); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { TTY.printf("Invalid value for %s: %s%n", JNI_LIBGRAAL_TRACE_LEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME, e); traceLevel = 0; } } else { traceLevel = 0; } } return traceLevel; } public static boolean tracingAt(int level) { return traceLevel() >= level; }
Emits a trace line composed of format and args if the tracing level equal to or greater than level.
/** * Emits a trace line composed of {@code format} and {@code args} if the tracing level equal to * or greater than {@code level}. */
public static void trace(int level, String format, Object... args) { if (traceLevel() >= level) { JNILibGraalScope<?> scope = JNILibGraalScope.scopeOrNull(); String indent = scope == null ? "" : new String(new char[2 + (scope.depth() * 2)]).replace('\0', ' '); String prefix = "[" + IsolateUtil.getIsolateID() + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "]"; TTY.printf(prefix + indent + format + "%n", args); } } /*----------------- CHECKING ------------------*/
Checks that all ToLibGraals are implemented and their HotSpot/libgraal ends points match.
/** * Checks that all {@code ToLibGraal}s are implemented and their HotSpot/libgraal ends points * match. */
@Platforms(HOSTED_ONLY.class) public static void checkToLibGraalCalls(Class<?> toLibGraalEntryPointsClass, Class<?> toLibGraalCallsClass, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass) throws InternalError { try { Method valueMethod = annotationClass.getDeclaredMethod("value"); Type t = valueMethod.getGenericReturnType(); check(t instanceof Class<?> && ((Class<?>) t).isEnum(), "Annotation value must be enum."); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<? extends Enum<?>> unimplemented = EnumSet.allOf(((Class<?>) t).asSubclass(Enum.class)); for (Method libGraalMethod : toLibGraalEntryPointsClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { Annotation call = libGraalMethod.getAnnotation(annotationClass); if (call != null) { check(Modifier.isStatic(libGraalMethod.getModifiers()), "Method annotated by %s must be static: %s", annotationClass, libGraalMethod); CEntryPoint ep = libGraalMethod.getAnnotation(CEntryPoint.class); check(ep != null, "Method annotated by %s must also be annotated by %s: %s", annotationClass, CEntryPoint.class, libGraalMethod); String name = ep.name(); String prefix = "Java_" + toLibGraalCallsClass.getName().replace('.', '_') + '_'; check(name.startsWith(prefix), "Method must be a JNI entry point for a method in %s: %s", toLibGraalCallsClass, libGraalMethod); name = name.substring(prefix.length()); Method hsMethod = findHSMethod(toLibGraalCallsClass, name, annotationClass); Class<?>[] libGraalParameters = libGraalMethod.getParameterTypes(); Class<?>[] hsParameters = hsMethod.getParameterTypes(); check(hsParameters.length + 2 == libGraalParameters.length, "%s should have 2 more parameters than %s", libGraalMethod, hsMethod); check(libGraalParameters.length >= 3, "Expect at least 3 parameters: %s", libGraalMethod); check(libGraalParameters[0] == JNIEnv.class, "Parameter 0 must be of type %s: %s", JNIEnv.class, libGraalMethod); check(libGraalParameters[1] == JClass.class, "Parameter 1 must be of type %s: %s", JClass.class, libGraalMethod); check(libGraalParameters[2] == long.class, "Parameter 2 must be of type long: %s", libGraalMethod); check(hsParameters[0] == long.class, "Parameter 0 must be of type long: %s", hsMethod); for (int i = 3, j = 1; i < libGraalParameters.length; i++, j++) { Class<?> libgraal = libGraalParameters[i]; Class<?> hs = hsParameters[j]; Class<?> hsExpect; if (hs.isPrimitive()) { hsExpect = libgraal; } else { if (libgraal == JString.class) { hsExpect = String.class; } else if (libgraal == JByteArray.class) { hsExpect = byte[].class; } else if (libgraal == JLongArray.class) { hsExpect = long[].class; } else if (libgraal == JObjectArray.class) { hsExpect = Object[].class; } else { check(libgraal == JObject.class, "must be"); hsExpect = Object.class; } } check(hsExpect.isAssignableFrom(hs), "HotSpot parameter %d (%s) incompatible with libgraal parameter %d (%s): %s", j, hs.getName(), i, libgraal.getName(), hsMethod); } unimplemented.remove(valueMethod.invoke(call)); } } check(unimplemented.isEmpty(), "Unimplemented libgraal calls: %s", unimplemented); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new InternalError(e); } } @Platforms(HOSTED_ONLY.class) private static void check(boolean condition, String format, Object... args) { if (!condition) { throw new InternalError(String.format(format, args)); } } @Platforms(HOSTED_ONLY.class) private static Method findHSMethod(Class<?> hsClass, String name, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass) { Method res = null; for (Method m : hsClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(name)) { check(res == null, "More than one method named \"%s\" in %s", name, hsClass); Annotation call = m.getAnnotation(annotationClass); check(call != null, "Method must be annotated by %s: %s", annotationClass, m); check(Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isNative(m.getModifiers()), "Method must be static and native: %s", m); res = m; } } check(res != null, "Could not find method named \"%s\" in %s", name, hsClass); return res; } }