 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package org.graalvm.compiler.loop;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.graalvm.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.collections.Equivalence;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.DuplicationReplacement;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeBitMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Position;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.iterators.NodeIterable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractEndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.GuardPhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.GuardProxyNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.IfNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopEndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopExitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.MemoryProxyNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.MergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NodeView;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ProxyNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.SafepointNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StateSplit;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValuePhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueProxyNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.VirtualState.NodePositionClosure;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.AddNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.CompareNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.ConditionalNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IntegerBelowNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.SubNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.GuardingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.OpaqueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryKill;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryPhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.IntegerHelper;

public class LoopFragmentInside extends LoopFragment {

mergedInitializers. When an inside fragment's (loop)ends are merged to create a unique exit point, some phis must be created : they phis together all the back-values of the loop-phis These can then be used to update the loop-phis' forward edge value ('initializer') in the peeling case. In the unrolling case they will be used as the value that replace the loop-phis of the duplicated inside fragment
/** * mergedInitializers. When an inside fragment's (loop)ends are merged to create a unique exit * point, some phis must be created : they phis together all the back-values of the loop-phis * These can then be used to update the loop-phis' forward edge value ('initializer') in the * peeling case. In the unrolling case they will be used as the value that replace the loop-phis * of the duplicated inside fragment */
private EconomicMap<PhiNode, ValueNode> mergedInitializers; private final DuplicationReplacement dataFixBefore = new DuplicationReplacement() { @Override public Node replacement(Node oriInput) { if (!(oriInput instanceof ValueNode)) { return oriInput; } return prim((ValueNode) oriInput); } }; private final DuplicationReplacement dataFixWithinAfter = new DuplicationReplacement() { @Override public Node replacement(Node oriInput) { if (!(oriInput instanceof ValueNode)) { return oriInput; } return primAfter((ValueNode) oriInput); } }; public LoopFragmentInside(LoopEx loop) { super(loop); } public LoopFragmentInside(LoopFragmentInside original) { super(null, original); } @Override public LoopFragmentInside duplicate() { assert !isDuplicate(); return new LoopFragmentInside(this); } @Override public LoopFragmentInside original() { return (LoopFragmentInside) super.original(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void appendInside(LoopEx loop) { // TODO (gd) } @Override public LoopEx loop() { assert !this.isDuplicate(); return super.loop(); } @Override public void insertBefore(LoopEx loop) { assert this.isDuplicate() && this.original().loop() == loop; patchNodes(dataFixBefore); AbstractBeginNode end = mergeEnds(); mergeEarlyExits(); original().patchPeeling(this); AbstractBeginNode entry = getDuplicatedNode(loop.loopBegin()); loop.entryPoint().replaceAtPredecessor(entry); end.setNext(loop.entryPoint()); }
Duplicate the body within the loop after the current copy copy of the body, updating the iteration limit to account for the duplication.
/** * Duplicate the body within the loop after the current copy copy of the body, updating the * iteration limit to account for the duplication. */
public void insertWithinAfter(LoopEx loop, EconomicMap<LoopBeginNode, OpaqueNode> opaqueUnrolledStrides) { assert isDuplicate() && original().loop() == loop; patchNodes(dataFixWithinAfter); /* * Collect any new back edges values before updating them since they might reference each * other. */ LoopBeginNode mainLoopBegin = loop.loopBegin(); ArrayList<ValueNode> backedgeValues = new ArrayList<>(); EconomicMap<Node, Node> new2OldPhis = EconomicMap.create(); for (PhiNode mainPhiNode : mainLoopBegin.phis()) { ValueNode originalNode = mainPhiNode.valueAt(1); ValueNode duplicatedNode = getDuplicatedNode(originalNode); if (duplicatedNode == null) { if (mainLoopBegin.isPhiAtMerge(originalNode)) { duplicatedNode = ((PhiNode) (originalNode)).valueAt(1); } else { assert originalNode.isConstant() || loop.isOutsideLoop(originalNode) : "Not duplicated node " + originalNode; } } if (duplicatedNode != null) { new2OldPhis.put(duplicatedNode, originalNode); } backedgeValues.add(duplicatedNode); } int index = 0; for (PhiNode mainPhiNode : mainLoopBegin.phis()) { ValueNode duplicatedNode = backedgeValues.get(index++); if (duplicatedNode != null) { mainPhiNode.setValueAt(1, duplicatedNode); } } placeNewSegmentAndCleanup(loop, new2OldPhis); // Remove any safepoints from the original copy leaving only the duplicated one assert loop.whole().nodes().filter(SafepointNode.class).count() == nodes().filter(SafepointNode.class).count(); for (SafepointNode safepoint : loop.whole().nodes().filter(SafepointNode.class)) { graph().removeFixed(safepoint); } StructuredGraph graph = mainLoopBegin.graph(); if (opaqueUnrolledStrides != null) { OpaqueNode opaque = opaqueUnrolledStrides.get(loop.loopBegin()); CountedLoopInfo counted = loop.counted(); ValueNode counterStride = counted.getCounter().strideNode(); if (opaque == null) { opaque = new OpaqueNode(AddNode.add(counterStride, counterStride, NodeView.DEFAULT)); ValueNode limit = counted.getLimit(); int bits = ((IntegerStamp) limit.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)).getBits(); ValueNode newLimit = SubNode.create(limit, opaque, NodeView.DEFAULT); IntegerHelper helper = counted.getCounterIntegerHelper(); LogicNode overflowCheck; ConstantNode extremum; if (counted.getDirection() == InductionVariable.Direction.Up) { // limit - counterStride could overflow negatively if limit - min < // counterStride extremum = ConstantNode.forIntegerBits(bits, helper.minValue()); overflowCheck = IntegerBelowNode.create(SubNode.create(limit, extremum, NodeView.DEFAULT), opaque, NodeView.DEFAULT); } else { assert counted.getDirection() == InductionVariable.Direction.Down; // limit - counterStride could overflow if max - limit < -counterStride // i.e., counterStride < limit - max extremum = ConstantNode.forIntegerBits(bits, helper.maxValue()); overflowCheck = IntegerBelowNode.create(opaque, SubNode.create(limit, extremum, NodeView.DEFAULT), NodeView.DEFAULT); } newLimit = ConditionalNode.create(overflowCheck, extremum, newLimit, NodeView.DEFAULT); CompareNode compareNode = (CompareNode) counted.getLimitTest().condition(); compareNode.replaceFirstInput(limit, graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(newLimit)); opaqueUnrolledStrides.put(loop.loopBegin(), opaque); } else { assert counted.getCounter().isConstantStride(); assert Math.addExact(counted.getCounter().constantStride(), counted.getCounter().constantStride()) == counted.getCounter().constantStride() * 2; ValueNode previousValue = opaque.getValue(); opaque.setValue(graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(AddNode.add(counterStride, previousValue, NodeView.DEFAULT))); GraphUtil.tryKillUnused(previousValue); } } mainLoopBegin.setUnrollFactor(mainLoopBegin.getUnrollFactor() * 2); mainLoopBegin.setLoopFrequency(Math.max(1.0, mainLoopBegin.loopFrequency() / 2)); graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "LoopPartialUnroll %s", loop); mainLoopBegin.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, mainLoopBegin.graph(), "After insertWithinAfter %s", mainLoopBegin); } private void placeNewSegmentAndCleanup(LoopEx loop, EconomicMap<Node, Node> new2OldPhis) { CountedLoopInfo mainCounted = loop.counted(); LoopBeginNode mainLoopBegin = loop.loopBegin(); // Discard the segment entry and its flow, after if merging it into the loop StructuredGraph graph = mainLoopBegin.graph(); IfNode loopTest = mainCounted.getLimitTest(); IfNode newSegmentLoopTest = getDuplicatedNode(loopTest); // Redirect anchors AbstractBeginNode falseSuccessor = newSegmentLoopTest.falseSuccessor(); for (Node usage : falseSuccessor.anchored().snapshot()) { usage.replaceFirstInput(falseSuccessor, loopTest.falseSuccessor()); } AbstractBeginNode trueSuccessor = newSegmentLoopTest.trueSuccessor(); for (Node usage : trueSuccessor.anchored().snapshot()) { usage.replaceFirstInput(trueSuccessor, loopTest.trueSuccessor()); } assert graph.hasValueProxies() || mainLoopBegin.loopExits().count() <= 1 : "Can only merge early loop exits if graph has value proxies " + mainLoopBegin; mergeEarlyLoopExits(graph, mainLoopBegin, mainCounted, new2OldPhis, loop); // remove if test graph.removeSplitPropagate(newSegmentLoopTest, loopTest.trueSuccessor() == mainCounted.getBody() ? trueSuccessor : falseSuccessor); graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "Before placing segment"); if (mainCounted.getBody().next() instanceof LoopEndNode) { GraphUtil.killCFG(getDuplicatedNode(mainLoopBegin)); } else { AbstractBeginNode newSegmentBegin = getDuplicatedNode(mainLoopBegin); FixedNode newSegmentFirstNode = newSegmentBegin.next(); EndNode newSegmentEnd = getBlockEnd((FixedNode) getDuplicatedNode(mainLoopBegin.loopEnds().first().predecessor())); FixedWithNextNode newSegmentLastNode = (FixedWithNextNode) newSegmentEnd.predecessor(); LoopEndNode loopEndNode = mainLoopBegin.getSingleLoopEnd(); FixedWithNextNode lastCodeNode = (FixedWithNextNode) loopEndNode.predecessor(); newSegmentBegin.clearSuccessors(); lastCodeNode.replaceFirstSuccessor(loopEndNode, newSegmentFirstNode); newSegmentLastNode.replaceFirstSuccessor(newSegmentEnd, loopEndNode); newSegmentBegin.safeDelete(); newSegmentEnd.safeDelete(); } graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "After placing segment"); }
For counted loops we have a special nomenclature regarding loop exits, the counted loop exit is the regular loop exit after all iterations finished, all other loop exits exit the loop earlier, thus we call them early exits. Merge early, non-counted, loop exits of the loop for unrolling, this currently requires value proxies to properly proxy all values along the way. Unrolling loops with multiple exits is special in the way the exits are handled. Pre-Main-Post creation will merge them.
/** * * For counted loops we have a special nomenclature regarding loop exits, the counted loop exit * is the regular loop exit after all iterations finished, all other loop exits exit the loop * earlier, thus we call them early exits. * * Merge early, non-counted, loop exits of the loop for unrolling, this currently requires value * proxies to properly proxy all values along the way. * * Unrolling loops with multiple exits is special in the way the exits are handled. * Pre-Main-Post creation will merge them. */
private void mergeEarlyLoopExits(StructuredGraph graph, LoopBeginNode mainLoopBegin, CountedLoopInfo mainCounted, EconomicMap<Node, Node> new2OldPhis, LoopEx loop) { if (mainLoopBegin.loopExits().count() <= 1) { return; } assert graph.hasValueProxies() : "Unrolling with multiple exits requires proxies"; // rewire non-counted exits with the follow nodes: merges or sinks for (LoopExitNode exit : mainLoopBegin.loopExits().snapshot()) { // regular path along we unroll if (exit == mainCounted.getCountedExit()) { continue; } FixedNode next = exit.next(); AbstractBeginNode begin = getDuplicatedNode(exit); if (next instanceof EndNode) { mergeRegularEarlyExit(next, begin, exit, mainLoopBegin, graph, new2OldPhis, loop); } else { GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Can only unroll loops where the early exits which merge " + next + " duplicated node is " + begin + " main loop begin is " + mainLoopBegin); } } } private void mergeRegularEarlyExit(FixedNode next, AbstractBeginNode exitBranchBegin, LoopExitNode oldExit, LoopBeginNode mainLoopBegin, StructuredGraph graph, EconomicMap<Node, Node> new2OldPhis, LoopEx loop) { AbstractMergeNode merge = ((EndNode) next).merge(); assert merge instanceof MergeNode : "Can only merge loop exits on regular merges"; assert exitBranchBegin.next() == null; LoopExitNode lex = graph.add(new LoopExitNode(mainLoopBegin)); createExitStateForNewSegmentEarlyExit(graph, oldExit, lex, new2OldPhis); EndNode end = graph.add(new EndNode()); exitBranchBegin.setNext(lex); lex.setNext(end); merge.addForwardEnd(end); for (PhiNode phi : merge.phis()) { ValueNode input = phi.valueAt((EndNode) next); ValueNode replacement; if (!loop.whole().contains(input)) { // node is produced above the loop replacement = input; } else { // if the node is inside this loop the input must be a proxy replacement = patchProxyAtPhi(phi, lex, getNodeInExitPathFromUnrolledSegment((ProxyNode) input, new2OldPhis)); } phi.addInput(replacement); } } public static ValueNode patchProxyAtPhi(PhiNode phi, LoopExitNode lex, ValueNode proxyInput) { if (phi instanceof ValuePhiNode) { return phi.graph().addOrUnique(new ValueProxyNode(proxyInput, lex)); } else if (phi instanceof MemoryPhiNode) { return phi.graph().addOrUnique(new MemoryProxyNode((MemoryKill) proxyInput, lex, ((MemoryPhiNode) phi).getLocationIdentity())); } else if (phi instanceof GuardPhiNode) { return phi.graph().addOrUnique(new GuardProxyNode((GuardingNode) proxyInput, lex)); } else { throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Unknown phi type " + phi); } } private void createExitStateForNewSegmentEarlyExit(StructuredGraph graph, LoopExitNode exit, LoopExitNode lex, EconomicMap<Node, Node> new2OldPhis) { assert exit.stateAfter() != null; FrameState exitState = exit.stateAfter(); FrameState duplicate = exitState.duplicateWithVirtualState(); graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "After duplicating state %s for new exit %s", exitState, lex); duplicate.applyToNonVirtual(new NodePositionClosure<Node>() { @Override public void apply(Node from, Position p) { ValueNode to = (ValueNode) p.get(from); // all inputs that are proxied need replacing the other ones are implicitly not // produced inside this loop if (to instanceof ProxyNode) { ProxyNode originalProxy = (ProxyNode) to; if (originalProxy.proxyPoint() == exit) { // create a new proxy for this value ValueNode replacement = getNodeInExitPathFromUnrolledSegment(originalProxy, new2OldPhis); assert replacement != null : originalProxy; p.set(from, originalProxy.duplicateOn(lex, replacement)); } } else { if (original().contains(to)) { ValueNode replacement = getDuplicatedNode(to); assert replacement != null; p.set(from, replacement); } } } }); graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "After duplicating state replacing values with inputs proxied %s", duplicate); lex.setStateAfter(duplicate); }
Get the value of the original iteration in the unrolled segment.
/** * Get the value of the original iteration in the unrolled segment. */
private ValueNode getNodeInExitPathFromUnrolledSegment(ProxyNode proxy, EconomicMap<Node, Node> new2OldPhis) { ValueNode originalNode = proxy.getOriginalNode(); ValueNode replacement = null; /* * Either the node is part of the regular duplicated nodes and is thus in the original node * set or its a phi for which we do not have the values of the duplicated iteration at the * loop ends */ if (original().contains(originalNode) || proxy.proxyPoint().loopBegin().isPhiAtMerge(originalNode)) { ValueNode nextIterationVal = getDuplicatedNode(originalNode); if (nextIterationVal == null) { assert proxy.proxyPoint().loopBegin().isPhiAtMerge(originalNode); LoopBeginNode mainLoopBegin = proxy.proxyPoint().loopBegin(); LoopEndNode endBeforeSegment = mainLoopBegin.getSingleLoopEnd(); PhiNode loopPhi = (PhiNode) originalNode; ValueNode phiInputAtOriginalSegment = loopPhi.valueAt(endBeforeSegment); // this is already the duplicated node since the segment is already added to the // graph replacement = (ValueNode) new2OldPhis.get(phiInputAtOriginalSegment); if (replacement == null) { /* * Special case the input of the phi is not part of the loop */ replacement = phiInputAtOriginalSegment; } assert replacement != null; } else { replacement = nextIterationVal; } } else { /* * Imprecise: We should never enter this branch, as this means there is a proxy for a * node that is not actually part of a loop, however, this may happen sometimes for * floating nodes and their, wrong, inclusion inside a loop, this question can only be * really solved with a schedule which we do not have. * * Thus, this node must be dominating our loop entirely. */ replacement = originalNode; } return replacement; } private static EndNode getBlockEnd(FixedNode node) { FixedNode curNode = node; while (curNode instanceof FixedWithNextNode) { curNode = ((FixedWithNextNode) curNode).next(); } return (EndNode) curNode; } @Override public NodeBitMap nodes() { if (nodes == null) { LoopFragmentWhole whole = loop().whole(); whole.nodes(); // init nodes bitmap in whole nodes = whole.nodes.copy(); // remove the phis LoopBeginNode loopBegin = loop().loopBegin(); for (PhiNode phi : loopBegin.phis()) { nodes.clear(phi); } clearStateNodes(loopBegin); for (LoopExitNode exit : exits()) { clearStateNodes(exit); for (ProxyNode proxy : exit.proxies()) { nodes.clear(proxy); } } } return nodes; } private void clearStateNodes(StateSplit stateSplit) { FrameState loopState = stateSplit.stateAfter(); if (loopState != null) { loopState.applyToVirtual(v -> { /* * Frame states can reuse virtual object mappings thus n can be new */ if (v.usages().filter(n -> !nodes.isNew(n) && nodes.isMarked(n) && n != stateSplit).isEmpty()) { nodes.clear(v); } }); } } public NodeIterable<LoopExitNode> exits() { return loop().loopBegin().loopExits(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("try") protected DuplicationReplacement getDuplicationReplacement() { final LoopBeginNode loopBegin = loop().loopBegin(); final StructuredGraph graph = graph(); return new DuplicationReplacement() { private EconomicMap<Node, Node> seenNode = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); @Override public Node replacement(Node original) { try (DebugCloseable position = original.withNodeSourcePosition()) { if (original == loopBegin) { Node value = seenNode.get(original); if (value != null) { return value; } AbstractBeginNode newValue = graph.add(new BeginNode()); seenNode.put(original, newValue); return newValue; } if (original instanceof LoopExitNode && ((LoopExitNode) original).loopBegin() == loopBegin) { Node value = seenNode.get(original); if (value != null) { return value; } AbstractBeginNode newValue = graph.add(new BeginNode()); seenNode.put(original, newValue); return newValue; } if (original instanceof LoopEndNode && ((LoopEndNode) original).loopBegin() == loopBegin) { Node value = seenNode.get(original); if (value != null) { return value; } EndNode newValue = graph.add(new EndNode()); seenNode.put(original, newValue); return newValue; } return original; } } }; } @Override protected void beforeDuplication() { // Nothing to do } private void patchPeeling(LoopFragmentInside peel) { LoopBeginNode loopBegin = loop().loopBegin(); List<PhiNode> newPhis = new LinkedList<>(); NodeBitMap usagesToPatch = nodes.copy(); for (LoopExitNode exit : exits()) { markStateNodes(exit, usagesToPatch); for (ProxyNode proxy : exit.proxies()) { usagesToPatch.markAndGrow(proxy); } } markStateNodes(loopBegin, usagesToPatch); List<PhiNode> oldPhis = loopBegin.phis().snapshot(); for (PhiNode phi : oldPhis) { if (phi.hasNoUsages()) { continue; } ValueNode first; if (loopBegin.loopEnds().count() == 1) { ValueNode b = phi.valueAt(loopBegin.loopEnds().first()); // back edge value first = peel.prim(b); // corresponding value in the peel } else { first = peel.mergedInitializers.get(phi); } // create a new phi (we don't patch the old one since some usages of the old one may // still be valid) PhiNode newPhi = phi.duplicateOn(loopBegin); newPhi.addInput(first); for (LoopEndNode end : loopBegin.orderedLoopEnds()) { newPhi.addInput(phi.valueAt(end)); } peel.putDuplicatedNode(phi, newPhi); newPhis.add(newPhi); for (Node usage : phi.usages().snapshot()) { // patch only usages that should use the new phi ie usages that were peeled if (usagesToPatch.isMarkedAndGrow(usage)) { usage.replaceFirstInput(phi, newPhi); } } } // check new phis to see if they have as input some old phis, replace those inputs with the // new corresponding phis for (PhiNode phi : newPhis) { for (int i = 0; i < phi.valueCount(); i++) { ValueNode v = phi.valueAt(i); if (loopBegin.isPhiAtMerge(v)) { PhiNode newV = peel.getDuplicatedNode((PhiNode) v); if (newV != null) { phi.setValueAt(i, newV); } } } } boolean progress = true; while (progress) { progress = false; int i = 0; outer: while (i < oldPhis.size()) { PhiNode oldPhi = oldPhis.get(i); for (Node usage : oldPhi.usages()) { if (usage instanceof PhiNode && oldPhis.contains(usage)) { // Do not mark. } else { // Mark alive by removing from delete set. oldPhis.remove(i); progress = true; continue outer; } } i++; } } for (PhiNode deadPhi : oldPhis) { deadPhi.clearInputs(); } for (PhiNode deadPhi : oldPhis) { if (deadPhi.isAlive()) { GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(deadPhi); } } } private static void markStateNodes(StateSplit stateSplit, NodeBitMap marks) { FrameState exitState = stateSplit.stateAfter(); if (exitState != null) { exitState.applyToVirtual(v -> marks.markAndGrow(v)); } }
Gets the corresponding value in this fragment.
  • b – original value
Returns:corresponding value in the peel
/** * Gets the corresponding value in this fragment. * * @param b original value * @return corresponding value in the peel */
@Override protected ValueNode prim(ValueNode b) { assert isDuplicate(); LoopBeginNode loopBegin = original().loop().loopBegin(); if (loopBegin.isPhiAtMerge(b)) { PhiNode phi = (PhiNode) b; return phi.valueAt(loopBegin.forwardEnd()); } else if (nodesReady) { ValueNode v = getDuplicatedNode(b); if (v == null) { return b; } return v; } else { return b; } } protected ValueNode primAfter(ValueNode b) { assert isDuplicate(); LoopBeginNode loopBegin = original().loop().loopBegin(); if (loopBegin.isPhiAtMerge(b)) { PhiNode phi = (PhiNode) b; assert phi.valueCount() == 2; return phi.valueAt(1); } else if (nodesReady) { ValueNode v = getDuplicatedNode(b); if (v == null) { return b; } return v; } else { return b; } } @SuppressWarnings("try") private AbstractBeginNode mergeEnds() { assert isDuplicate(); List<EndNode> endsToMerge = new LinkedList<>(); // map peel exits to the corresponding loop exits EconomicMap<AbstractEndNode, LoopEndNode> reverseEnds = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); LoopBeginNode loopBegin = original().loop().loopBegin(); for (LoopEndNode le : loopBegin.loopEnds()) { AbstractEndNode duplicate = getDuplicatedNode(le); if (duplicate != null) { endsToMerge.add((EndNode) duplicate); reverseEnds.put(duplicate, le); } } mergedInitializers = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); AbstractBeginNode newExit; StructuredGraph graph = graph(); if (endsToMerge.size() == 1) { AbstractEndNode end = endsToMerge.get(0); assert end.hasNoUsages(); try (DebugCloseable position = end.withNodeSourcePosition()) { newExit = graph.add(new BeginNode()); end.replaceAtPredecessor(newExit); end.safeDelete(); } } else { assert endsToMerge.size() > 1; AbstractMergeNode newExitMerge = graph.add(new MergeNode()); newExit = newExitMerge; FrameState state = loopBegin.stateAfter(); FrameState duplicateState = null; if (state != null) { duplicateState = state.duplicateWithVirtualState(); newExitMerge.setStateAfter(duplicateState); } for (EndNode end : endsToMerge) { newExitMerge.addForwardEnd(end); } for (final PhiNode phi : loopBegin.phis().snapshot()) { if (phi.hasNoUsages()) { continue; } final PhiNode firstPhi = phi.duplicateOn(newExitMerge); for (AbstractEndNode end : newExitMerge.forwardEnds()) { LoopEndNode loopEnd = reverseEnds.get(end); ValueNode prim = prim(phi.valueAt(loopEnd)); assert prim != null; firstPhi.addInput(prim); } ValueNode initializer = firstPhi; if (duplicateState != null) { // fix the merge's state after duplicateState.applyToNonVirtual(new NodePositionClosure<Node>() { @Override public void apply(Node from, Position p) { if (p.get(from) == phi) { p.set(from, firstPhi); } } }); } mergedInitializers.put(phi, initializer); } } return newExit; } }