import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
public class BytecodeParserOptions {
@Option(help = "The trace level for the bytecode parser. A value of 1 enables instruction tracing " +
"and any greater value emits a frame state trace just prior to each instruction trace." +
"Instruction tracing output from multiple compiler threads will be interleaved so " +
"use of this option make most sense for single threaded compilation. " +
"The MethodFilter option can be used to refine tracing to selected methods.", type = OptionType.Debug)
public static final OptionKey<Integer> TraceBytecodeParserLevel = new OptionKey<>(0);
@Option(help = "Inlines trivial methods during bytecode parsing.", type = OptionType.Expert)
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> InlineDuringParsing = new OptionKey<>(true);
@Option(help = "Inlines partial intrinsic exits during bytecode parsing when possible. " +
"A partial intrinsic exit is a call within an intrinsic to the method " +
"being intrinsified and denotes semantics of the original method that " +
"the intrinsic does not support.", type = OptionType.Expert)
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> InlinePartialIntrinsicExitDuringParsing = new OptionKey<>(true);
@Option(help = "Inlines intrinsic methods during bytecode parsing.", type = OptionType.Expert)
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> InlineIntrinsicsDuringParsing = new OptionKey<>(true);
@Option(help = "Traces inlining performed during bytecode parsing.", type = OptionType.Debug)
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> TraceInlineDuringParsing = new OptionKey<>(false);
@Option(help = "Traces use of plugins during bytecode parsing.", type = OptionType.Debug)
public static final OptionKey<Boolean> TraceParserPlugins = new OptionKey<>(false);
@Option(help = "Maximum depth when inlining during bytecode parsing.", type = OptionType.Debug)
public static final OptionKey<Integer> InlineDuringParsingMaxDepth = new OptionKey<>(10);