 * Copyright (C) 2014 Square, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package okhttp3.internal.ws;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Random;
import okio.Buffer;
import okio.BufferedSink;
import okio.ByteString;
import okio.Sink;
import okio.Timeout;

import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.B0_FLAG_FIN;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.B1_FLAG_MASK;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.OPCODE_CONTINUATION;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.OPCODE_CONTROL_CLOSE;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.OPCODE_CONTROL_PING;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.OPCODE_CONTROL_PONG;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.PAYLOAD_BYTE_MAX;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.PAYLOAD_LONG;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.PAYLOAD_SHORT;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.PAYLOAD_SHORT_MAX;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.toggleMask;
import static okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.validateCloseCode;

An RFC 6455-compatible WebSocket frame writer.

This class is not thread safe.

/** * An <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455">RFC 6455</a>-compatible WebSocket frame writer. * * <p>This class is not thread safe. */
final class WebSocketWriter { final boolean isClient; final Random random; final BufferedSink sink;
The Buffer of sink. Write to this and then flush/emit sink.
/** The {@link Buffer} of {@link #sink}. Write to this and then flush/emit {@link #sink}. */
final Buffer sinkBuffer; boolean writerClosed; final Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); final FrameSink frameSink = new FrameSink(); boolean activeWriter; private final byte[] maskKey; private final Buffer.UnsafeCursor maskCursor; WebSocketWriter(boolean isClient, BufferedSink sink, Random random) { if (sink == null) throw new NullPointerException("sink == null"); if (random == null) throw new NullPointerException("random == null"); this.isClient = isClient; this.sink = sink; this.sinkBuffer = sink.buffer(); this.random = random; // Masks are only a concern for client writers. maskKey = isClient ? new byte[4] : null; maskCursor = isClient ? new Buffer.UnsafeCursor() : null; }
Send a ping with the supplied payload.
/** Send a ping with the supplied {@code payload}. */
void writePing(ByteString payload) throws IOException { writeControlFrame(OPCODE_CONTROL_PING, payload); }
Send a pong with the supplied payload.
/** Send a pong with the supplied {@code payload}. */
void writePong(ByteString payload) throws IOException { writeControlFrame(OPCODE_CONTROL_PONG, payload); }
Send a close frame with optional code and reason.
/** * Send a close frame with optional code and reason. * * @param code Status code as defined by <a * href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4">Section 7.4 of RFC 6455</a> or {@code 0}. * @param reason Reason for shutting down or {@code null}. */
void writeClose(int code, ByteString reason) throws IOException { ByteString payload = ByteString.EMPTY; if (code != 0 || reason != null) { if (code != 0) { validateCloseCode(code); } Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeShort(code); if (reason != null) { buffer.write(reason); } payload = buffer.readByteString(); } try { writeControlFrame(OPCODE_CONTROL_CLOSE, payload); } finally { writerClosed = true; } } private void writeControlFrame(int opcode, ByteString payload) throws IOException { if (writerClosed) throw new IOException("closed"); int length = payload.size(); if (length > PAYLOAD_BYTE_MAX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Payload size must be less than or equal to " + PAYLOAD_BYTE_MAX); } int b0 = B0_FLAG_FIN | opcode; sinkBuffer.writeByte(b0); int b1 = length; if (isClient) { b1 |= B1_FLAG_MASK; sinkBuffer.writeByte(b1); random.nextBytes(maskKey); sinkBuffer.write(maskKey); if (length > 0) { long payloadStart = sinkBuffer.size(); sinkBuffer.write(payload); sinkBuffer.readAndWriteUnsafe(maskCursor); maskCursor.seek(payloadStart); toggleMask(maskCursor, maskKey); maskCursor.close(); } } else { sinkBuffer.writeByte(b1); sinkBuffer.write(payload); } sink.flush(); }
Stream a message payload as a series of frames. This allows control frames to be interleaved between parts of the message.
/** * Stream a message payload as a series of frames. This allows control frames to be interleaved * between parts of the message. */
Sink newMessageSink(int formatOpcode, long contentLength) { if (activeWriter) { throw new IllegalStateException("Another message writer is active. Did you call close()?"); } activeWriter = true; // Reset FrameSink state for a new writer. frameSink.formatOpcode = formatOpcode; frameSink.contentLength = contentLength; frameSink.isFirstFrame = true; frameSink.closed = false; return frameSink; } void writeMessageFrame(int formatOpcode, long byteCount, boolean isFirstFrame, boolean isFinal) throws IOException { if (writerClosed) throw new IOException("closed"); int b0 = isFirstFrame ? formatOpcode : OPCODE_CONTINUATION; if (isFinal) { b0 |= B0_FLAG_FIN; } sinkBuffer.writeByte(b0); int b1 = 0; if (isClient) { b1 |= B1_FLAG_MASK; } if (byteCount <= PAYLOAD_BYTE_MAX) { b1 |= (int) byteCount; sinkBuffer.writeByte(b1); } else if (byteCount <= PAYLOAD_SHORT_MAX) { b1 |= PAYLOAD_SHORT; sinkBuffer.writeByte(b1); sinkBuffer.writeShort((int) byteCount); } else { b1 |= PAYLOAD_LONG; sinkBuffer.writeByte(b1); sinkBuffer.writeLong(byteCount); } if (isClient) { random.nextBytes(maskKey); sinkBuffer.write(maskKey); if (byteCount > 0) { long bufferStart = sinkBuffer.size(); sinkBuffer.write(buffer, byteCount); sinkBuffer.readAndWriteUnsafe(maskCursor); maskCursor.seek(bufferStart); toggleMask(maskCursor, maskKey); maskCursor.close(); } } else { sinkBuffer.write(buffer, byteCount); } sink.emit(); } final class FrameSink implements Sink { int formatOpcode; long contentLength; boolean isFirstFrame; boolean closed; @Override public void write(Buffer source, long byteCount) throws IOException { if (closed) throw new IOException("closed"); buffer.write(source, byteCount); // Determine if this is a buffered write which we can defer until close() flushes. boolean deferWrite = isFirstFrame && contentLength != -1 && buffer.size() > contentLength - 8192 /* segment size */; long emitCount = buffer.completeSegmentByteCount(); if (emitCount > 0 && !deferWrite) { writeMessageFrame(formatOpcode, emitCount, isFirstFrame, false /* final */); isFirstFrame = false; } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { if (closed) throw new IOException("closed"); writeMessageFrame(formatOpcode, buffer.size(), isFirstFrame, false /* final */); isFirstFrame = false; } @Override public Timeout timeout() { return sink.timeout(); } @SuppressWarnings("PointlessBitwiseExpression") @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (closed) throw new IOException("closed"); writeMessageFrame(formatOpcode, buffer.size(), isFirstFrame, true /* final */); closed = true; activeWriter = false; } } }