 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
package okhttp3.internal.connection;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.ProtocolException;
import java.net.Proxy;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
import java.net.UnknownServiceException;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSession;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
import okhttp3.Address;
import okhttp3.Call;
import okhttp3.CertificatePinner;
import okhttp3.Connection;
import okhttp3.ConnectionPool;
import okhttp3.ConnectionSpec;
import okhttp3.EventListener;
import okhttp3.Handshake;
import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
import okhttp3.Interceptor;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Protocol;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
import okhttp3.Route;
import okhttp3.internal.Internal;
import okhttp3.internal.Util;
import okhttp3.internal.Version;
import okhttp3.internal.http.HttpCodec;
import okhttp3.internal.http.HttpHeaders;
import okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.ErrorCode;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Codec;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Stream;
import okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform;
import okhttp3.internal.tls.OkHostnameVerifier;
import okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket;
import okio.BufferedSink;
import okio.BufferedSource;
import okio.Okio;
import okio.Source;

import static java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
import static java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PROXY_AUTH;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static okhttp3.internal.Util.closeQuietly;

public final class RealConnection extends Http2Connection.Listener implements Connection {
  private static final String NPE_THROW_WITH_NULL = "throw with null exception";
  private static final int MAX_TUNNEL_ATTEMPTS = 21;

  private final ConnectionPool connectionPool;
  private final Route route;

  // The fields below are initialized by connect() and never reassigned.

The low-level TCP socket.
/** The low-level TCP socket. */
private Socket rawSocket;
The application layer socket. Either an SSLSocket layered over rawSocket, or rawSocket itself if this connection does not use SSL.
/** * The application layer socket. Either an {@link SSLSocket} layered over {@link #rawSocket}, or * {@link #rawSocket} itself if this connection does not use SSL. */
private Socket socket; private Handshake handshake; private Protocol protocol; private Http2Connection http2Connection; private BufferedSource source; private BufferedSink sink; // The fields below track connection state and are guarded by connectionPool.
If true, no new streams can be created on this connection. Once true this is always true.
/** If true, no new streams can be created on this connection. Once true this is always true. */
public boolean noNewStreams; public int successCount;
The maximum number of concurrent streams that can be carried by this connection. If allocations.size() < allocationLimit then new streams can be created on this connection.
/** * The maximum number of concurrent streams that can be carried by this connection. If {@code * allocations.size() < allocationLimit} then new streams can be created on this connection. */
public int allocationLimit = 1;
Current streams carried by this connection.
/** Current streams carried by this connection. */
public final List<Reference<StreamAllocation>> allocations = new ArrayList<>();
Nanotime timestamp when allocations.size() reached zero.
/** Nanotime timestamp when {@code allocations.size()} reached zero. */
public long idleAtNanos = Long.MAX_VALUE; public RealConnection(ConnectionPool connectionPool, Route route) { this.connectionPool = connectionPool; this.route = route; } public static RealConnection testConnection( ConnectionPool connectionPool, Route route, Socket socket, long idleAtNanos) { RealConnection result = new RealConnection(connectionPool, route); result.socket = socket; result.idleAtNanos = idleAtNanos; return result; } public void connect(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout, int pingIntervalMillis, boolean connectionRetryEnabled, Call call, EventListener eventListener) { if (protocol != null) throw new IllegalStateException("already connected"); RouteException routeException = null; List<ConnectionSpec> connectionSpecs = route.address().connectionSpecs(); ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector = new ConnectionSpecSelector(connectionSpecs); if (route.address().sslSocketFactory() == null) { if (!connectionSpecs.contains(ConnectionSpec.CLEARTEXT)) { throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException( "CLEARTEXT communication not enabled for client")); } String host = route.address().url().host(); if (!Platform.get().isCleartextTrafficPermitted(host)) { throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException( "CLEARTEXT communication to " + host + " not permitted by network security policy")); } } else { if (route.address().protocols().contains(Protocol.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE)) { throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException( "H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE cannot be used with HTTPS")); } } while (true) { try { if (route.requiresTunnel()) { connectTunnel(connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout, call, eventListener); if (rawSocket == null) { // We were unable to connect the tunnel but properly closed down our resources. break; } } else { connectSocket(connectTimeout, readTimeout, call, eventListener); } establishProtocol(connectionSpecSelector, pingIntervalMillis, call, eventListener); eventListener.connectEnd(call, route.socketAddress(), route.proxy(), protocol); break; } catch (IOException e) { closeQuietly(socket); closeQuietly(rawSocket); socket = null; rawSocket = null; source = null; sink = null; handshake = null; protocol = null; http2Connection = null; eventListener.connectFailed(call, route.socketAddress(), route.proxy(), null, e); if (routeException == null) { routeException = new RouteException(e); } else { routeException.addConnectException(e); } if (!connectionRetryEnabled || !connectionSpecSelector.connectionFailed(e)) { throw routeException; } } } if (route.requiresTunnel() && rawSocket == null) { ProtocolException exception = new ProtocolException("Too many tunnel connections attempted: " + MAX_TUNNEL_ATTEMPTS); throw new RouteException(exception); } if (http2Connection != null) { synchronized (connectionPool) { allocationLimit = http2Connection.maxConcurrentStreams(); } } }
Does all the work to build an HTTPS connection over a proxy tunnel. The catch here is that a proxy server can issue an auth challenge and then close the connection.
/** * Does all the work to build an HTTPS connection over a proxy tunnel. The catch here is that a * proxy server can issue an auth challenge and then close the connection. */
private void connectTunnel(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout, Call call, EventListener eventListener) throws IOException { Request tunnelRequest = createTunnelRequest(); HttpUrl url = tunnelRequest.url(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUNNEL_ATTEMPTS; i++) { connectSocket(connectTimeout, readTimeout, call, eventListener); tunnelRequest = createTunnel(readTimeout, writeTimeout, tunnelRequest, url); if (tunnelRequest == null) break; // Tunnel successfully created. // The proxy decided to close the connection after an auth challenge. We need to create a new // connection, but this time with the auth credentials. closeQuietly(rawSocket); rawSocket = null; sink = null; source = null; eventListener.connectEnd(call, route.socketAddress(), route.proxy(), null); } }
Does all the work necessary to build a full HTTP or HTTPS connection on a raw socket.
/** Does all the work necessary to build a full HTTP or HTTPS connection on a raw socket. */
private void connectSocket(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, Call call, EventListener eventListener) throws IOException { Proxy proxy = route.proxy(); Address address = route.address(); rawSocket = proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT || proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP ? address.socketFactory().createSocket() : new Socket(proxy); eventListener.connectStart(call, route.socketAddress(), proxy); rawSocket.setSoTimeout(readTimeout); try { Platform.get().connectSocket(rawSocket, route.socketAddress(), connectTimeout); } catch (ConnectException e) { ConnectException ce = new ConnectException("Failed to connect to " + route.socketAddress()); ce.initCause(e); throw ce; } // The following try/catch block is a pseudo hacky way to get around a crash on Android 7.0 // More details: // https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/3245 // https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/271775/ try { source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(rawSocket)); sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(rawSocket)); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { if (NPE_THROW_WITH_NULL.equals(npe.getMessage())) { throw new IOException(npe); } } } private void establishProtocol(ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector, int pingIntervalMillis, Call call, EventListener eventListener) throws IOException { if (route.address().sslSocketFactory() == null) { if (route.address().protocols().contains(Protocol.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE)) { socket = rawSocket; protocol = Protocol.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE; startHttp2(pingIntervalMillis); return; } socket = rawSocket; protocol = Protocol.HTTP_1_1; return; } eventListener.secureConnectStart(call); connectTls(connectionSpecSelector); eventListener.secureConnectEnd(call, handshake); if (protocol == Protocol.HTTP_2) { startHttp2(pingIntervalMillis); } } private void startHttp2(int pingIntervalMillis) throws IOException { socket.setSoTimeout(0); // HTTP/2 connection timeouts are set per-stream. http2Connection = new Http2Connection.Builder(true) .socket(socket, route.address().url().host(), source, sink) .listener(this) .pingIntervalMillis(pingIntervalMillis) .build(); http2Connection.start(); } private void connectTls(ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector) throws IOException { Address address = route.address(); SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = address.sslSocketFactory(); boolean success = false; SSLSocket sslSocket = null; try { // Create the wrapper over the connected socket. sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket( rawSocket, address.url().host(), address.url().port(), true /* autoClose */); // Configure the socket's ciphers, TLS versions, and extensions. ConnectionSpec connectionSpec = connectionSpecSelector.configureSecureSocket(sslSocket); if (connectionSpec.supportsTlsExtensions()) { Platform.get().configureTlsExtensions( sslSocket, address.url().host(), address.protocols()); } // Force handshake. This can throw! sslSocket.startHandshake(); // block for session establishment SSLSession sslSocketSession = sslSocket.getSession(); Handshake unverifiedHandshake = Handshake.get(sslSocketSession); // Verify that the socket's certificates are acceptable for the target host. if (!address.hostnameVerifier().verify(address.url().host(), sslSocketSession)) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) unverifiedHandshake.peerCertificates().get(0); throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Hostname " + address.url().host() + " not verified:" + "\n certificate: " + CertificatePinner.pin(cert) + "\n DN: " + cert.getSubjectDN().getName() + "\n subjectAltNames: " + OkHostnameVerifier.allSubjectAltNames(cert)); } // Check that the certificate pinner is satisfied by the certificates presented. address.certificatePinner().check(address.url().host(), unverifiedHandshake.peerCertificates()); // Success! Save the handshake and the ALPN protocol. String maybeProtocol = connectionSpec.supportsTlsExtensions() ? Platform.get().getSelectedProtocol(sslSocket) : null; socket = sslSocket; source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(socket)); sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(socket)); handshake = unverifiedHandshake; protocol = maybeProtocol != null ? Protocol.get(maybeProtocol) : Protocol.HTTP_1_1; success = true; } catch (AssertionError e) { if (Util.isAndroidGetsocknameError(e)) throw new IOException(e); throw e; } finally { if (sslSocket != null) { Platform.get().afterHandshake(sslSocket); } if (!success) { closeQuietly(sslSocket); } } }
To make an HTTPS connection over an HTTP proxy, send an unencrypted CONNECT request to create the proxy connection. This may need to be retried if the proxy requires authorization.
/** * To make an HTTPS connection over an HTTP proxy, send an unencrypted CONNECT request to create * the proxy connection. This may need to be retried if the proxy requires authorization. */
private Request createTunnel(int readTimeout, int writeTimeout, Request tunnelRequest, HttpUrl url) throws IOException { // Make an SSL Tunnel on the first message pair of each SSL + proxy connection. String requestLine = "CONNECT " + Util.hostHeader(url, true) + " HTTP/1.1"; while (true) { Http1Codec tunnelConnection = new Http1Codec(null, null, source, sink); source.timeout().timeout(readTimeout, MILLISECONDS); sink.timeout().timeout(writeTimeout, MILLISECONDS); tunnelConnection.writeRequest(tunnelRequest.headers(), requestLine); tunnelConnection.finishRequest(); Response response = tunnelConnection.readResponseHeaders(false) .request(tunnelRequest) .build(); // The response body from a CONNECT should be empty, but if it is not then we should consume // it before proceeding. long contentLength = HttpHeaders.contentLength(response); if (contentLength == -1L) { contentLength = 0L; } Source body = tunnelConnection.newFixedLengthSource(contentLength); Util.skipAll(body, Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); body.close(); switch (response.code()) { case HTTP_OK: // Assume the server won't send a TLS ServerHello until we send a TLS ClientHello. If // that happens, then we will have buffered bytes that are needed by the SSLSocket! // This check is imperfect: it doesn't tell us whether a handshake will succeed, just // that it will almost certainly fail because the proxy has sent unexpected data. if (!source.buffer().exhausted() || !sink.buffer().exhausted()) { throw new IOException("TLS tunnel buffered too many bytes!"); } return null; case HTTP_PROXY_AUTH: tunnelRequest = route.address().proxyAuthenticator().authenticate(route, response); if (tunnelRequest == null) throw new IOException("Failed to authenticate with proxy"); if ("close".equalsIgnoreCase(response.header("Connection"))) { return tunnelRequest; } break; default: throw new IOException( "Unexpected response code for CONNECT: " + response.code()); } } }
Returns a request that creates a TLS tunnel via an HTTP proxy. Everything in the tunnel request is sent unencrypted to the proxy server, so tunnels include only the minimum set of headers. This avoids sending potentially sensitive data like HTTP cookies to the proxy unencrypted.

In order to support preemptive authentication we pass a fake “Auth Failed” response to the authenticator. This gives the authenticator the option to customize the CONNECT request. It can decline to do so by returning null, in which case OkHttp will use it as-is

/** * Returns a request that creates a TLS tunnel via an HTTP proxy. Everything in the tunnel request * is sent unencrypted to the proxy server, so tunnels include only the minimum set of headers. * This avoids sending potentially sensitive data like HTTP cookies to the proxy unencrypted. * * <p>In order to support preemptive authentication we pass a fake “Auth Failed” response to the * authenticator. This gives the authenticator the option to customize the CONNECT request. It can * decline to do so by returning null, in which case OkHttp will use it as-is */
private Request createTunnelRequest() throws IOException { Request proxyConnectRequest = new Request.Builder() .url(route.address().url()) .method("CONNECT", null) .header("Host", Util.hostHeader(route.address().url(), true)) .header("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive") // For HTTP/1.0 proxies like Squid. .header("User-Agent", Version.userAgent()) .build(); Response fakeAuthChallengeResponse = new Response.Builder() .request(proxyConnectRequest) .protocol(Protocol.HTTP_1_1) .code(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PROXY_AUTH) .message("Preemptive Authenticate") .body(Util.EMPTY_RESPONSE) .sentRequestAtMillis(-1L) .receivedResponseAtMillis(-1L) .header("Proxy-Authenticate", "OkHttp-Preemptive") .build(); Request authenticatedRequest = route.address().proxyAuthenticator() .authenticate(route, fakeAuthChallengeResponse); return authenticatedRequest != null ? authenticatedRequest : proxyConnectRequest; }
Returns true if this connection can carry a stream allocation to address. If non-null route is the resolved route for a connection.
/** * Returns true if this connection can carry a stream allocation to {@code address}. If non-null * {@code route} is the resolved route for a connection. */
public boolean isEligible(Address address, @Nullable Route route) { // If this connection is not accepting new streams, we're done. if (allocations.size() >= allocationLimit || noNewStreams) return false; // If the non-host fields of the address don't overlap, we're done. if (!Internal.instance.equalsNonHost(this.route.address(), address)) return false; // If the host exactly matches, we're done: this connection can carry the address. if (address.url().host().equals(this.route().address().url().host())) { return true; // This connection is a perfect match. } // At this point we don't have a hostname match. But we still be able to carry the request if // our connection coalescing requirements are met. See also: // https://hpbn.co/optimizing-application-delivery/#eliminate-domain-sharding // https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2016/08/18/http2-connection-coalescing/ // 1. This connection must be HTTP/2. if (http2Connection == null) return false; // 2. The routes must share an IP address. This requires us to have a DNS address for both // hosts, which only happens after route planning. We can't coalesce connections that use a // proxy, since proxies don't tell us the origin server's IP address. if (route == null) return false; if (route.proxy().type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) return false; if (this.route.proxy().type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) return false; if (!this.route.socketAddress().equals(route.socketAddress())) return false; // 3. This connection's server certificate's must cover the new host. if (route.address().hostnameVerifier() != OkHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE) return false; if (!supportsUrl(address.url())) return false; // 4. Certificate pinning must match the host. try { address.certificatePinner().check(address.url().host(), handshake().peerCertificates()); } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) { return false; } return true; // The caller's address can be carried by this connection. } public boolean supportsUrl(HttpUrl url) { if (url.port() != route.address().url().port()) { return false; // Port mismatch. } if (!url.host().equals(route.address().url().host())) { // We have a host mismatch. But if the certificate matches, we're still good. return handshake != null && OkHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE.verify( url.host(), (X509Certificate) handshake.peerCertificates().get(0)); } return true; // Success. The URL is supported. } public HttpCodec newCodec(OkHttpClient client, Interceptor.Chain chain, StreamAllocation streamAllocation) throws SocketException { if (http2Connection != null) { return new Http2Codec(client, chain, streamAllocation, http2Connection); } else { socket.setSoTimeout(chain.readTimeoutMillis()); source.timeout().timeout(chain.readTimeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS); sink.timeout().timeout(chain.writeTimeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS); return new Http1Codec(client, streamAllocation, source, sink); } } public RealWebSocket.Streams newWebSocketStreams(final StreamAllocation streamAllocation) { return new RealWebSocket.Streams(true, source, sink) { @Override public void close() throws IOException { streamAllocation.streamFinished(true, streamAllocation.codec(), -1L, null); } }; } @Override public Route route() { return route; } public void cancel() { // Close the raw socket so we don't end up doing synchronous I/O. closeQuietly(rawSocket); } @Override public Socket socket() { return socket; }
Returns true if this connection is ready to host new streams.
/** Returns true if this connection is ready to host new streams. */
public boolean isHealthy(boolean doExtensiveChecks) { if (socket.isClosed() || socket.isInputShutdown() || socket.isOutputShutdown()) { return false; } if (http2Connection != null) { return !http2Connection.isShutdown(); } if (doExtensiveChecks) { try { int readTimeout = socket.getSoTimeout(); try { socket.setSoTimeout(1); if (source.exhausted()) { return false; // Stream is exhausted; socket is closed. } return true; } finally { socket.setSoTimeout(readTimeout); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException ignored) { // Read timed out; socket is good. } catch (IOException e) { return false; // Couldn't read; socket is closed. } } return true; }
Refuse incoming streams.
/** Refuse incoming streams. */
@Override public void onStream(Http2Stream stream) throws IOException { stream.close(ErrorCode.REFUSED_STREAM); }
When settings are received, adjust the allocation limit.
/** When settings are received, adjust the allocation limit. */
@Override public void onSettings(Http2Connection connection) { synchronized (connectionPool) { allocationLimit = connection.maxConcurrentStreams(); } } @Override public Handshake handshake() { return handshake; }
Returns true if this is an HTTP/2 connection. Such connections can be used in multiple HTTP requests simultaneously.
/** * Returns true if this is an HTTP/2 connection. Such connections can be used in multiple HTTP * requests simultaneously. */
public boolean isMultiplexed() { return http2Connection != null; } @Override public Protocol protocol() { return protocol; } @Override public String toString() { return "Connection{" + route.address().url().host() + ":" + route.address().url().port() + ", proxy=" + route.proxy() + " hostAddress=" + route.socketAddress() + " cipherSuite=" + (handshake != null ? handshake.cipherSuite() : "none") + " protocol=" + protocol + '}'; } }