package com.opencsv;

import com.opencsv.enums.CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

This Parser is meant to parse according to the RFC4180 specification.

Since it shares the same interface with the CSVParser there are methods here that will do nothing. For example the RFC4180 specification does not have an concept of an escape character so the getEscape method will return char 0. The methods that are not supported are noted in the Javadocs.

Another departure from the CSVParser is that there is only two constructors and only one is available publicly. The intent is that if you want to create anything other than a default RFC4180Parser you should use the CSVParserBuilder. This way the code will not become cluttered with constructors as the CSVParser did.

You can view the RFC4180 specification at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) website.


ICSVParser parser = new RFC4180Parser();


CSVParserBuilder builder = new CSVParserBuilder() ICSVParser parser = builder.withParserType(ParserType.RFC4180Parser).build()
Author:Scott Conway
/** * This Parser is meant to parse according to the RFC4180 specification. * <p>Since it shares the same interface with the CSVParser there are methods here that will do nothing. * For example the RFC4180 specification does not have an concept of an escape character so the getEscape method * will return char 0. The methods that are not supported are noted in the Javadocs.</p> * <p>Another departure from the CSVParser is that there is only two constructors and only one is available publicly. * The intent is that if you want to create anything other than a default RFC4180Parser you should use the * CSVParserBuilder. This way the code will not become cluttered with constructors as the CSVParser did.</p> * <p>You can view the RFC4180 specification at <a href="">the Internet Engineering * Task Force (IETF) website</a>.</p> * <p>Examples:</p> * {@code * ICSVParser parser = new RFC4180Parser(); * } * <p>or</p> * {@code * CSVParserBuilder builder = new CSVParserBuilder() * ICSVParser parser = builder.withParserType(ParserType.RFC4180Parser).build() * } * * @author Scott Conway * @since 3.9 */
public class RFC4180Parser extends AbstractCSVParser {
This is needed by the split command in case the separator character is a regex special character.
/** * This is needed by the split command in case the separator character is a regex special character. */
private static final Pattern SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS = Pattern.compile("[{}()\\[\\].+*?^$\\\\|]");
Separator character as String (used for split command).
/** * Separator character as String (used for split command). */
private final String separatorAsString;
Quotation character as String (used for split command).
/** * Quotation character as String (used for split command). */
private final String quoteCharString;
Default constructor for the RFC4180Parser. Uses values from the ICSVParser.
/** * Default constructor for the RFC4180Parser. Uses values from the ICSVParser. */
public RFC4180Parser() { this(ICSVParser.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER, ICSVParser.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.NEITHER); }
Constructor used by the CSVParserBuilder.
  • separator – The delimiter to use for separating entries
  • quoteChar – The character to use for quoted elements
  • nullFieldIndicator – Indicate what should be considered null
/** * Constructor used by the CSVParserBuilder. * * @param separator The delimiter to use for separating entries * @param quoteChar The character to use for quoted elements * @param nullFieldIndicator Indicate what should be considered null */
RFC4180Parser(char quoteChar, char separator, CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator nullFieldIndicator) { super(separator, quoteChar, nullFieldIndicator); this.separatorAsString = SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS.matcher(Character.toString(separator)).replaceAll("\\\\$0"); this.quoteCharString = Character.toString(quoteChar); } @Override protected String convertToCsvValue(String value, boolean applyQuotesToAll) { String testValue = (value == null && !nullFieldIndicator.equals(CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.NEITHER)) ? "" : value; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(testValue == null ? MAX_SIZE_FOR_EMPTY_FIELD : (testValue.length() * 2)); boolean containsQuoteChar = testValue != null && testValue.contains(Character.toString(getQuotechar())); boolean surroundWithQuotes = applyQuotesToAll || isSurroundWithQuotes(value, containsQuoteChar); String convertedString = !containsQuoteChar ? testValue : testValue.replaceAll(Character.toString(getQuotechar()), Character.toString(getQuotechar()) + Character.toString(getQuotechar())); if (surroundWithQuotes) { builder.append(getQuotechar()); } builder.append(convertedString); if (surroundWithQuotes) { builder.append(getQuotechar()); } return builder.toString(); }
Parses an incoming String and returns an array of elements.
  • nextLine – The string to parse
  • multi – Does it take multiple lines to form a single record?
Returns:The list of elements, or null if nextLine is null
/** * Parses an incoming String and returns an array of elements. * * @param nextLine The string to parse * @param multi Does it take multiple lines to form a single record? * @return The list of elements, or null if nextLine is null */
protected String[] parseLine(String nextLine, boolean multi) { String[] elements; if (!multi && pending != null) { pending = null; } if (nextLine == null) { if (pending != null) { String s = pending; pending = null; return new String[]{s}; } return null; } String lineToProcess = multi && pending != null ? pending + nextLine : nextLine; pending = null; if (!StringUtils.contains(lineToProcess, quotechar)) { elements = handleEmptySeparators(tokenizeStringIntoArray(lineToProcess)); } else { elements = handleEmptySeparators(splitWhileNotInQuotes(lineToProcess, multi)); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (StringUtils.contains(elements[i], quotechar)) { elements[i] = handleQuotes(elements[i]); } } } return elements; } private String[] tokenizeStringIntoArray(String nextLine) { return nextLine.split(separatorAsString, -1); } private String[] handleEmptySeparators(String[] strings) { if (nullFieldIndicator == CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.EMPTY_SEPARATORS || nullFieldIndicator == CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.BOTH) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { if (strings[i].isEmpty()) { strings[i] = null; } } } return strings; } private String[] splitWhileNotInQuotes(String nextLine, boolean multi) { int currentPosition = 0; List<String> elements = new ArrayList<>(); int nextSeparator; int nextQuote; while (currentPosition < nextLine.length()) { nextSeparator = nextLine.indexOf(separator, currentPosition); nextQuote = nextLine.indexOf(quotechar, currentPosition); if (nextSeparator == -1) { elements.add(nextLine.substring(currentPosition)); currentPosition = nextLine.length(); } else if (nextQuote == -1 || nextQuote > nextSeparator || nextQuote != currentPosition) { elements.add(nextLine.substring(currentPosition, nextSeparator)); currentPosition = nextSeparator + 1; } else { int fieldEnd = findEndOfFieldFromPosition(nextLine, currentPosition); elements.add(fieldEnd >= nextLine.length() ? nextLine.substring(currentPosition) : nextLine.substring(currentPosition, fieldEnd)); currentPosition = fieldEnd + 1; } } if (multi && lastElementStartedWithQuoteButDidNotEndInOne(elements)) { pending = elements.get(elements.size() - 1) + NEWLINE; elements.remove(elements.size() - 1); } else if (nextLine.lastIndexOf(separator) == nextLine.length() - 1) { elements.add(""); } return elements.toArray(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } private boolean lastElementStartedWithQuoteButDidNotEndInOne(List<String> elements) { String lastElement = elements.get(elements.size() - 1); return startsButDoesNotEndWithQuote(lastElement) || hasOnlyOneQuote(lastElement) || hasOddQuotes(lastElement); } private boolean hasOddQuotes(String lastElement) { return StringUtils.countMatches(lastElement, quotechar) % 2 != 0; } private boolean hasOnlyOneQuote(String lastElement) { return StringUtils.countMatches(lastElement, quotechar) == 1; } private boolean startsButDoesNotEndWithQuote(String lastElement) { return lastElement.startsWith(Character.toString(quotechar)) && !lastElement.endsWith(Character.toString(quotechar)); } private int findEndOfFieldFromPosition(String nextLine, int currentPosition) { int nextQuote = nextLine.indexOf(quotechar, currentPosition + 1); boolean inQuote = false; while (haveNotFoundLastQuote(nextLine, nextQuote)) { if (!inQuote && nextLine.charAt(nextQuote + 1) == separator) { return nextQuote + 1; } do { nextQuote = nextLine.indexOf(quotechar, nextQuote + 1); inQuote = !inQuote; } while (haveNotFoundLastQuote(nextLine, nextQuote) && nextLine.charAt(nextQuote + 1) == quotechar); } return nextLine.length(); } private boolean haveNotFoundLastQuote(String nextLine, int nextQuote) { return nextQuote != -1 && nextQuote < nextLine.length() - 1; } private String handleQuotes(String element) { String ret = element; if (!hasOnlyOneQuote(ret) && ret.startsWith(quoteCharString)) { ret = StringUtils.removeStart(ret, quoteCharString); ret = StringUtils.removeEnd(ret, quoteCharString); } ret = StringUtils.replace(ret, quoteCharString + quoteCharString, quoteCharString); if (ret.isEmpty() && (nullFieldIndicator == CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.BOTH || nullFieldIndicator == CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.EMPTY_QUOTES)) { ret = null; } return ret; } @Override public CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator nullFieldIndicator() { return nullFieldIndicator; } @Override public String getPendingText() { return StringUtils.defaultString(pending); } @Override public void setErrorLocale(Locale errorLocale) { // Curiously enough, this implementation never throws exceptions and so // has no need of translations. } }