Copyright 2012 Netflix, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright 2012 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import rx.functions.Func0; import rx.functions.Func2; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
Used by HystrixCommand to record metrics.
/** * Used by {@link HystrixCommand} to record metrics. */
public class HystrixCommandMetrics extends HystrixMetrics { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HystrixCommandMetrics.class); private static final HystrixEventType[] ALL_EVENT_TYPES = HystrixEventType.values(); public static final Func2<long[], HystrixCommandCompletion, long[]> appendEventToBucket = new Func2<long[], HystrixCommandCompletion, long[]>() { @Override public long[] call(long[] initialCountArray, HystrixCommandCompletion execution) { ExecutionResult.EventCounts eventCounts = execution.getEventCounts(); for (HystrixEventType eventType: ALL_EVENT_TYPES) { switch (eventType) { case EXCEPTION_THROWN: break; //this is just a sum of other anyway - don't do the work here default: initialCountArray[eventType.ordinal()] += eventCounts.getCount(eventType); break; } } return initialCountArray; } }; public static final Func2<long[], long[], long[]> bucketAggregator = new Func2<long[], long[], long[]>() { @Override public long[] call(long[] cumulativeEvents, long[] bucketEventCounts) { for (HystrixEventType eventType: ALL_EVENT_TYPES) { switch (eventType) { case EXCEPTION_THROWN: for (HystrixEventType exceptionEventType: HystrixEventType.EXCEPTION_PRODUCING_EVENT_TYPES) { cumulativeEvents[eventType.ordinal()] += bucketEventCounts[exceptionEventType.ordinal()]; } break; default: cumulativeEvents[eventType.ordinal()] += bucketEventCounts[eventType.ordinal()]; break; } } return cumulativeEvents; } }; // String is (we can't use HystrixCommandKey directly as we can't guarantee it implements hashcode/equals correctly) private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixCommandMetrics> metrics = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixCommandMetrics>();
Get or create the HystrixCommandMetrics instance for a given HystrixCommandKey.

This is thread-safe and ensures only 1 HystrixCommandMetrics per HystrixCommandKey.

/** * Get or create the {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} instance for a given {@link HystrixCommandKey}. * <p> * This is thread-safe and ensures only 1 {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} per {@link HystrixCommandKey}. * * @param key * {@link HystrixCommandKey} of {@link HystrixCommand} instance requesting the {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} * @param commandGroup * Pass-thru to {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} instance on first time when constructed * @param properties * Pass-thru to {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} instance on first time when constructed * @return {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} */
public static HystrixCommandMetrics getInstance(HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixCommandGroupKey commandGroup, HystrixCommandProperties properties) { return getInstance(key, commandGroup, null, properties); }
Get or create the HystrixCommandMetrics instance for a given HystrixCommandKey.

This is thread-safe and ensures only 1 HystrixCommandMetrics per HystrixCommandKey.

/** * Get or create the {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} instance for a given {@link HystrixCommandKey}. * <p> * This is thread-safe and ensures only 1 {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} per {@link HystrixCommandKey}. * * @param key * {@link HystrixCommandKey} of {@link HystrixCommand} instance requesting the {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} * @param commandGroup * Pass-thru to {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} instance on first time when constructed * @param properties * Pass-thru to {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} instance on first time when constructed * @return {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} */
public static HystrixCommandMetrics getInstance(HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixCommandGroupKey commandGroup, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCommandProperties properties) { // attempt to retrieve from cache first HystrixCommandMetrics commandMetrics = metrics.get(; if (commandMetrics != null) { return commandMetrics; } else { synchronized (HystrixCommandMetrics.class) { HystrixCommandMetrics existingMetrics = metrics.get(; if (existingMetrics != null) { return existingMetrics; } else { HystrixThreadPoolKey nonNullThreadPoolKey; if (threadPoolKey == null) { nonNullThreadPoolKey = HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey(; } else { nonNullThreadPoolKey = threadPoolKey; } HystrixCommandMetrics newCommandMetrics = new HystrixCommandMetrics(key, commandGroup, nonNullThreadPoolKey, properties, HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getEventNotifier()); metrics.putIfAbsent(, newCommandMetrics); return newCommandMetrics; } } } }
Get the HystrixCommandMetrics instance for a given HystrixCommandKey or null if one does not exist.
/** * Get the {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} instance for a given {@link HystrixCommandKey} or null if one does not exist. * * @param key * {@link HystrixCommandKey} of {@link HystrixCommand} instance requesting the {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} * @return {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} */
public static HystrixCommandMetrics getInstance(HystrixCommandKey key) { return metrics.get(; }
All registered instances of HystrixCommandMetrics
/** * All registered instances of {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} * * @return {@code Collection<HystrixCommandMetrics>} */
public static Collection<HystrixCommandMetrics> getInstances() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(metrics.values()); }
Clears all state from metrics. If new requests come in instances will be recreated and metrics started from scratch.
/** * Clears all state from metrics. If new requests come in instances will be recreated and metrics started from scratch. */
/* package */ static void reset() { for (HystrixCommandMetrics metricsInstance: getInstances()) { metricsInstance.unsubscribeAll(); } metrics.clear(); } private final HystrixCommandProperties properties; private final HystrixCommandKey key; private final HystrixCommandGroupKey group; private final HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey; private final AtomicInteger concurrentExecutionCount = new AtomicInteger(); private HealthCountsStream healthCountsStream; private final RollingCommandEventCounterStream rollingCommandEventCounterStream; private final CumulativeCommandEventCounterStream cumulativeCommandEventCounterStream; private final RollingCommandLatencyDistributionStream rollingCommandLatencyDistributionStream; private final RollingCommandUserLatencyDistributionStream rollingCommandUserLatencyDistributionStream; private final RollingCommandMaxConcurrencyStream rollingCommandMaxConcurrencyStream; /* package */HystrixCommandMetrics(final HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixCommandGroupKey commandGroup, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCommandProperties properties, HystrixEventNotifier eventNotifier) { super(null); this.key = key; = commandGroup; this.threadPoolKey = threadPoolKey; = properties; healthCountsStream = HealthCountsStream.getInstance(key, properties); rollingCommandEventCounterStream = RollingCommandEventCounterStream.getInstance(key, properties); cumulativeCommandEventCounterStream = CumulativeCommandEventCounterStream.getInstance(key, properties); rollingCommandLatencyDistributionStream = RollingCommandLatencyDistributionStream.getInstance(key, properties); rollingCommandUserLatencyDistributionStream = RollingCommandUserLatencyDistributionStream.getInstance(key, properties); rollingCommandMaxConcurrencyStream = RollingCommandMaxConcurrencyStream.getInstance(key, properties); } /* package */ synchronized void resetStream() { healthCountsStream.unsubscribe(); HealthCountsStream.removeByKey(key); healthCountsStream = HealthCountsStream.getInstance(key, properties); }
HystrixCommandKey these metrics represent.
/** * {@link HystrixCommandKey} these metrics represent. * * @return HystrixCommandKey */
public HystrixCommandKey getCommandKey() { return key; }
HystrixCommandGroupKey of the HystrixCommand these metrics represent.
/** * {@link HystrixCommandGroupKey} of the {@link HystrixCommand} these metrics represent. * * @return HystrixCommandGroupKey */
public HystrixCommandGroupKey getCommandGroup() { return group; }
HystrixThreadPoolKey used by HystrixCommand these metrics represent.
/** * {@link HystrixThreadPoolKey} used by {@link HystrixCommand} these metrics represent. * * @return HystrixThreadPoolKey */
public HystrixThreadPoolKey getThreadPoolKey() { return threadPoolKey; }
HystrixCommandProperties of the HystrixCommand these metrics represent.
/** * {@link HystrixCommandProperties} of the {@link HystrixCommand} these metrics represent. * * @return HystrixCommandProperties */
public HystrixCommandProperties getProperties() { return properties; } public long getRollingCount(HystrixEventType eventType) { return rollingCommandEventCounterStream.getLatest(eventType); } public long getCumulativeCount(HystrixEventType eventType) { return cumulativeCommandEventCounterStream.getLatest(eventType); } @Override public long getCumulativeCount(HystrixRollingNumberEvent event) { return getCumulativeCount(HystrixEventType.from(event)); } @Override public long getRollingCount(HystrixRollingNumberEvent event) { return getRollingCount(HystrixEventType.from(event)); }
Retrieve the execution time (in milliseconds) for the method being invoked at a given percentile.

Percentile capture and calculation is configured via HystrixCommandProperties.metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() and other related properties.

  • percentile – Percentile such as 50, 99, or 99.5.
Returns:int time in milliseconds
/** * Retrieve the execution time (in milliseconds) for the {@link HystrixCommand#run()} method being invoked at a given percentile. * <p> * Percentile capture and calculation is configured via {@link HystrixCommandProperties#metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds()} and other related properties. * * @param percentile * Percentile such as 50, 99, or 99.5. * @return int time in milliseconds */
public int getExecutionTimePercentile(double percentile) { return rollingCommandLatencyDistributionStream.getLatestPercentile(percentile); }
The mean (average) execution time (in milliseconds) for the

This uses the same backing data as getExecutionTimePercentile;

Returns:int time in milliseconds
/** * The mean (average) execution time (in milliseconds) for the {@link HystrixCommand#run()}. * <p> * This uses the same backing data as {@link #getExecutionTimePercentile}; * * @return int time in milliseconds */
public int getExecutionTimeMean() { return rollingCommandLatencyDistributionStream.getLatestMean(); }
Retrieve the total end-to-end execution time (in milliseconds) for HystrixCommand.execute() or HystrixCommand.queue() at a given percentile.

When execution is successful this would include time from getExecutionTimePercentile but when execution is being rejected, short-circuited, or timed-out then the time will differ.

This time can be lower than getExecutionTimePercentile when a timeout occurs and the backing thread that calls is still running.

When rejections or short-circuits occur then will not be executed and thus not contribute time to getExecutionTimePercentile but time will still show up in this metric for the end-to-end time.

This metric gives visibility into the total cost of HystrixCommand execution including the overhead of queuing, executing and waiting for a thread to invoke .

Percentile capture and calculation is configured via HystrixCommandProperties.metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() and other related properties.

  • percentile – Percentile such as 50, 99, or 99.5.
Returns:int time in milliseconds
/** * Retrieve the total end-to-end execution time (in milliseconds) for {@link HystrixCommand#execute()} or {@link HystrixCommand#queue()} at a given percentile. * <p> * When execution is successful this would include time from {@link #getExecutionTimePercentile} but when execution * is being rejected, short-circuited, or timed-out then the time will differ. * <p> * This time can be lower than {@link #getExecutionTimePercentile} when a timeout occurs and the backing * thread that calls {@link HystrixCommand#run()} is still running. * <p> * When rejections or short-circuits occur then {@link HystrixCommand#run()} will not be executed and thus * not contribute time to {@link #getExecutionTimePercentile} but time will still show up in this metric for the end-to-end time. * <p> * This metric gives visibility into the total cost of {@link HystrixCommand} execution including * the overhead of queuing, executing and waiting for a thread to invoke {@link HystrixCommand#run()} . * <p> * Percentile capture and calculation is configured via {@link HystrixCommandProperties#metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds()} and other related properties. * * @param percentile * Percentile such as 50, 99, or 99.5. * @return int time in milliseconds */
public int getTotalTimePercentile(double percentile) { return rollingCommandUserLatencyDistributionStream.getLatestPercentile(percentile); }
The mean (average) execution time (in milliseconds) for HystrixCommand.execute() or HystrixCommand.queue().

This uses the same backing data as getTotalTimePercentile;

Returns:int time in milliseconds
/** * The mean (average) execution time (in milliseconds) for {@link HystrixCommand#execute()} or {@link HystrixCommand#queue()}. * <p> * This uses the same backing data as {@link #getTotalTimePercentile}; * * @return int time in milliseconds */
public int getTotalTimeMean() { return rollingCommandUserLatencyDistributionStream.getLatestMean(); } public long getRollingMaxConcurrentExecutions() { return rollingCommandMaxConcurrencyStream.getLatestRollingMax(); }
Current number of concurrent executions of;
/** * Current number of concurrent executions of {@link HystrixCommand#run()}; * * @return int */
public int getCurrentConcurrentExecutionCount() { return concurrentExecutionCount.get(); } /* package-private */ void markCommandStart(HystrixCommandKey commandKey, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCommandProperties.ExecutionIsolationStrategy isolationStrategy) { int currentCount = concurrentExecutionCount.incrementAndGet(); HystrixThreadEventStream.getInstance().commandExecutionStarted(commandKey, threadPoolKey, isolationStrategy, currentCount); } /* package-private */ void markCommandDone(ExecutionResult executionResult, HystrixCommandKey commandKey, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, boolean executionStarted) { HystrixThreadEventStream.getInstance().executionDone(executionResult, commandKey, threadPoolKey); if (executionStarted) { concurrentExecutionCount.decrementAndGet(); } }
Retrieve a snapshot of total requests, error count and error percentage. This metrics should measure the actual health of a HystrixCommand. For that reason, the following are included:

The following are not included in either attempts/failures:

/** * Retrieve a snapshot of total requests, error count and error percentage. * * This metrics should measure the actual health of a {@link HystrixCommand}. For that reason, the following are included: * <p><ul> * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#SUCCESS} * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#FAILURE} * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#TIMEOUT} * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#THREAD_POOL_REJECTED} * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#SEMAPHORE_REJECTED} * </ul><p> * The following are not included in either attempts/failures: * <p><ul> * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#BAD_REQUEST} - this event denotes bad arguments to the command and not a problem with the command * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#SHORT_CIRCUITED} - this event measures a health problem in the past, not a problem with the current state * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#CANCELLED} - this event denotes a user-cancelled command. It's not known if it would have been a success or failure, so it shouldn't count for either * <li>All Fallback metrics * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#EMIT} - this event is not a terminal state for the command * <li>{@link HystrixEventType#COLLAPSED} - this event is about the batching process, not the command execution * </ul><p> * * @return {@link HealthCounts} */
public HealthCounts getHealthCounts() { return healthCountsStream.getLatest(); } private void unsubscribeAll() { healthCountsStream.unsubscribe(); rollingCommandEventCounterStream.unsubscribe(); cumulativeCommandEventCounterStream.unsubscribe(); rollingCommandLatencyDistributionStream.unsubscribe(); rollingCommandUserLatencyDistributionStream.unsubscribe(); rollingCommandMaxConcurrencyStream.unsubscribe(); }
Number of requests during rolling window. Number that failed (failure + success + timeout + threadPoolRejected + semaphoreRejected). Error percentage;
/** * Number of requests during rolling window. * Number that failed (failure + success + timeout + threadPoolRejected + semaphoreRejected). * Error percentage; */
public static class HealthCounts { private final long totalCount; private final long errorCount; private final int errorPercentage; HealthCounts(long total, long error) { this.totalCount = total; this.errorCount = error; if (totalCount > 0) { this.errorPercentage = (int) ((double) errorCount / totalCount * 100); } else { this.errorPercentage = 0; } } private static final HealthCounts EMPTY = new HealthCounts(0, 0); public long getTotalRequests() { return totalCount; } public long getErrorCount() { return errorCount; } public int getErrorPercentage() { return errorPercentage; } public HealthCounts plus(long[] eventTypeCounts) { long updatedTotalCount = totalCount; long updatedErrorCount = errorCount; long successCount = eventTypeCounts[HystrixEventType.SUCCESS.ordinal()]; long failureCount = eventTypeCounts[HystrixEventType.FAILURE.ordinal()]; long timeoutCount = eventTypeCounts[HystrixEventType.TIMEOUT.ordinal()]; long threadPoolRejectedCount = eventTypeCounts[HystrixEventType.THREAD_POOL_REJECTED.ordinal()]; long semaphoreRejectedCount = eventTypeCounts[HystrixEventType.SEMAPHORE_REJECTED.ordinal()]; updatedTotalCount += (successCount + failureCount + timeoutCount + threadPoolRejectedCount + semaphoreRejectedCount); updatedErrorCount += (failureCount + timeoutCount + threadPoolRejectedCount + semaphoreRejectedCount); return new HealthCounts(updatedTotalCount, updatedErrorCount); } public static HealthCounts empty() { return EMPTY; } public String toString() { return "HealthCounts[" + errorCount + " / " + totalCount + " : " + getErrorPercentage() + "%]"; } } }