 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. This program is made
 * available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc;

import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

Provides meta data for prepared statement parameters. The API javadoc for JDBC API methods that this class implements are not repeated here. Please see Sun's JDBC API interfaces javadoc for those details. Prepared statements are executed with SET FMT ONLY to retrieve column meta data Callable statements : sp_sp_sproc_columns is called to retrieve names and meta data for the procedures params.
/** * Provides meta data for prepared statement parameters. * * The API javadoc for JDBC API methods that this class implements are not repeated here. Please see Sun's JDBC API * interfaces javadoc for those details. * * Prepared statements are executed with SET FMT ONLY to retrieve column meta data Callable statements : * sp_sp_sproc_columns is called to retrieve names and meta data for the procedures params. */
public final class SQLServerParameterMetaData implements ParameterMetaData { private final static int SQL_SERVER_2012_VERSION = 11; private final SQLServerPreparedStatement stmtParent; private SQLServerConnection con; private List<Map<String, Object>> procMetadata; protected boolean procedureIsFound = false; static final private java.util.logging.Logger logger = java.util.logging.Logger .getLogger("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.internals.SQLServerParameterMetaData"); static private final AtomicInteger baseID = new AtomicInteger(0); // Unique id generator for each instance (used for // logging). final private String traceID = " SQLServerParameterMetaData:" + nextInstanceID(); boolean isTVP = false; // Returns unique id for each instance. private static int nextInstanceID() { return baseID.incrementAndGet(); }
Provides a helper function to provide an ID string suitable for tracing.
Returns:traceID string
/** * Provides a helper function to provide an ID string suitable for tracing. * * @return traceID string */
@Override final public String toString() { return traceID; } /* Used for prepared statement meta data */ class QueryMeta { String parameterClassName = null; int parameterType = 0; String parameterTypeName = null; int precision = 0; int scale = 0; int isNullable = ParameterMetaData.parameterNullableUnknown; boolean isSigned = false; } Map<Integer, QueryMeta> queryMetaMap = null; /* * Parses query metadata. */ private void parseQueryMeta(ResultSet rsQueryMeta) throws SQLServerException { Pattern datatypePattern = Pattern.compile("(.*)\\((.*)(\\)|,(.*)\\))"); try { if (null != rsQueryMeta) { while (rsQueryMeta.next()) { QueryMeta qm = new QueryMeta(); SSType ssType = null; int paramOrdinal = rsQueryMeta.getInt("parameter_ordinal"); String typename = rsQueryMeta.getString("suggested_system_type_name"); if (null == typename) { typename = rsQueryMeta.getString("suggested_user_type_name"); try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement( "select max_length, precision, scale, is_nullable from sys.assembly_types where name = ?")) { pstmt.setNString(1, typename); try (ResultSet assemblyRs = pstmt.executeQuery()) { if (assemblyRs.next()) { qm.parameterTypeName = typename; qm.precision = assemblyRs.getInt("max_length"); qm.scale = assemblyRs.getInt("scale"); ssType = SSType.UDT; } } } } else { qm.precision = rsQueryMeta.getInt("suggested_precision"); qm.scale = rsQueryMeta.getInt("suggested_scale"); Matcher matcher = datatypePattern.matcher(typename); if (matcher.matches()) { // the datatype has some precision/scale defined explicitly. ssType = SSType.of(matcher.group(1)); if ("varchar(max)".equalsIgnoreCase(typename) || "varbinary(max)".equalsIgnoreCase(typename)) { qm.precision = SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.MAXLOBSIZE; } else if ("nvarchar(max)".equalsIgnoreCase(typename)) { qm.precision = SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.MAXLOBSIZE / 2; } else if (SSType.Category.CHARACTER == ssType.category || SSType.Category.BINARY == ssType.category || SSType.Category.NCHARACTER == ssType.category) { try { // For character/binary data types "suggested_precision" is 0. So get the precision // from // the type itself. qm.precision = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(2)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat( SQLServerException.getErrString("R_metaDataErrorForParameter")); Object[] msgArgs = {paramOrdinal}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, form.format(msgArgs) + " " + e.getMessage(), null, false); } } } else ssType = SSType.of(typename); // For float and real types suggested_precision returns the number of bits, not digits. if (SSType.FLOAT == ssType) { // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-CA/library/ms173773.aspx // real is float(24) and is 7 digits. Float is 15 digits. qm.precision = 15; } else if (SSType.REAL == ssType) { qm.precision = 7; } else if (SSType.TEXT == ssType) { qm.precision = SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.MAXLOBSIZE; } else if (SSType.NTEXT == ssType) { qm.precision = SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.MAXLOBSIZE / 2; } else if (SSType.IMAGE == ssType) { qm.precision = SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.MAXLOBSIZE; } else if (SSType.GUID == ssType) { qm.precision = SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.uniqueidentifierSize; } else if (SSType.TIMESTAMP == ssType) { qm.precision = 8; } else if (SSType.XML == ssType) { qm.precision = SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.MAXLOBSIZE / 2; } qm.parameterTypeName = ssType.toString(); } // Check if ssType is null. Was caught by static analysis. if (null == ssType) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_metaDataErrorForParameter"), null); } JDBCType jdbcType = ssType.getJDBCType(); qm.parameterClassName = jdbcType.className(); qm.parameterType = jdbcType.getIntValue(); // The parameter can be signed if it is a NUMERIC type (except bit or tinyint). qm.isSigned = ((SSType.Category.NUMERIC == ssType.category) && (SSType.BIT != ssType) && (SSType.TINYINT != ssType)); queryMetaMap.put(paramOrdinal, qm); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_metaDataErrorForParameter"), e); } } private void parseFMTQueryMeta(ResultSetMetaData md, SQLServerFMTQuery f) throws SQLServerException { try { // Gets the list of parsed column names/targets List<String> columns = f.getColumns(); // Gets VALUES(?,?,?...) list. The internal list corresponds to the parameters in the bracket after VALUES. List<List<String>> params = f.getValuesList(); int valueListOffset = 0; int mdIndex = 1; int mapIndex = 1; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { /** * For INSERT table VALUES(?,?,?...) scenarios where the column names are not specifically defined after * the table name, the parser adds a '*' followed by '?'s equal to the number of parameters in the * values bracket. The '*' will retrieve all values from the table and we'll use the '?'s to match their * position here */ if ("*".equals(columns.get(i))) { for (int j = 0; j < params.get(valueListOffset).size(); j++) { if ("?".equals(params.get(valueListOffset).get(j))) { if (!md.isAutoIncrement(mdIndex + j)) { QueryMeta qm = getQueryMetaFromResultSetMetaData(md, mdIndex + j); queryMetaMap.put(mapIndex++, qm); i++; } } } mdIndex += params.get(valueListOffset).size(); valueListOffset++; } else { /* * If this is not a INSERT table VALUES(...) situation, just add the entry. */ QueryMeta qm = getQueryMetaFromResultSetMetaData(md, mdIndex); queryMetaMap.put(mapIndex++, qm); mdIndex++; } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_metaDataErrorForParameter"), e); } } private QueryMeta getQueryMetaFromResultSetMetaData(ResultSetMetaData md, int index) throws SQLException { QueryMeta qm = new QueryMeta(); qm.parameterClassName = md.getColumnClassName(index); qm.parameterType = md.getColumnType(index); qm.parameterTypeName = md.getColumnTypeName(index); qm.precision = md.getPrecision(index); qm.scale = md.getScale(index); qm.isNullable = md.isNullable(index); qm.isSigned = md.isSigned(index); return qm; } String parseProcIdentifier(String procIdentifier) throws SQLServerException { ThreePartName threePartName = ThreePartName.parse(procIdentifier); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (threePartName.getDatabasePart() != null) { sb.append("@procedure_qualifier="); sb.append(threePartName.getDatabasePart()); sb.append(", "); } if (threePartName.getOwnerPart() != null) { sb.append("@procedure_owner="); sb.append(threePartName.getOwnerPart()); sb.append(", "); } if (threePartName.getProcedurePart() != null) { sb.append("@procedure_name="); sb.append(threePartName.getProcedurePart()); } else { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_noMetadata"), null, false); } return sb.toString(); } private void checkClosed() throws SQLServerException { // stmtParent does not seem to be re-used, should just verify connection is not closed. // stmtParent.checkClosed(); con.checkClosed(); }
Construct a SQLServerParameterMetaData parameter meta data.
  • st – the prepared statement
  • sProcString – the procedure name
/** * Construct a SQLServerParameterMetaData parameter meta data. * * @param st * the prepared statement * @param sProcString * the procedure name * @throws SQLServerException */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") SQLServerParameterMetaData(SQLServerPreparedStatement st, String sProcString) throws SQLServerException { assert null != st; stmtParent = st; con = st.connection; if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINE)) { logger.fine(toString() + " created by (" + st.toString() + ")"); } try { // If the CallableStatement/PreparedStatement is a stored procedure call // then we can extract metadata using sp_sproc_columns if (null != st.procedureName) { String sProc = parseProcIdentifier(st.procedureName); try (SQLServerStatement s = (SQLServerStatement) con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); SQLServerResultSet rsProcedureMeta = s.executeQueryInternal( con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? "exec sp_sproc_columns_100 " + sProc + ", @ODBCVer=3, @fUsePattern=0" : "exec sp_sproc_columns " + sProc + ", @ODBCVer=3, @fUsePattern=0")) { // if rsProcedureMeta has next row, it means the stored procedure is found if (rsProcedureMeta.next()) { procedureIsFound = true; } else { procedureIsFound = false; } rsProcedureMeta.beforeFirst(); // Sixth is DATA_TYPE rsProcedureMeta.getColumn(6).setFilter(new DataTypeFilter()); if (con.isKatmaiOrLater()) { rsProcedureMeta.getColumn(8).setFilter(new ZeroFixupFilter()); rsProcedureMeta.getColumn(9).setFilter(new ZeroFixupFilter()); rsProcedureMeta.getColumn(17).setFilter(new ZeroFixupFilter()); } procMetadata = new ArrayList<>(); // Process ResultSet Procedure Metadata for API usage while (rsProcedureMeta.next()) { procMetadata.add(new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("DATA_TYPE", rsProcedureMeta.getShort("DATA_TYPE")); put("COLUMN_TYPE", rsProcedureMeta.getInt("COLUMN_TYPE")); put("TYPE_NAME", rsProcedureMeta.getString("TYPE_NAME")); put("PRECISION", rsProcedureMeta.getInt("PRECISION")); put("SCALE", rsProcedureMeta.getInt("SCALE")); put("NULLABLE", rsProcedureMeta.getInt("NULLABLE")); put("SS_TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME", rsProcedureMeta.getString("SS_TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME")); } }); } } } // Otherwise we just have a parameterized statement. // if SQL server version is 2012 and above use stored // procedure "sp_describe_undeclared_parameters" to retrieve parameter meta data // if SQL server version is 2008, then use FMTONLY else { queryMetaMap = new HashMap<>(); if (con.getServerMajorVersion() >= SQL_SERVER_2012_VERSION && !st.getUseFmtOnly()) { String preparedSQL = con.replaceParameterMarkers(stmtParent.userSQL, stmtParent.userSQLParamPositions, stmtParent.inOutParam, stmtParent.bReturnValueSyntax); try (SQLServerCallableStatement cstmt = (SQLServerCallableStatement) con .prepareCall("exec sp_describe_undeclared_parameters ?")) { cstmt.setNString(1, preparedSQL); parseQueryMeta(cstmt.executeQueryInternal()); } } else { SQLServerFMTQuery f = new SQLServerFMTQuery(sProcString); try (SQLServerStatement stmt = (SQLServerStatement) con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(f.getFMTQuery())) { parseFMTQueryMeta(rs.getMetaData(), f); } } } } // Do not need to wrapper SQLServerException again catch (SQLServerException e) { throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, e.getMessage(), null, false); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, e.getMessage(), null, false); } } @Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException { boolean f = iface.isInstance(this); return f; } @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException { T t; try { t = iface.cast(this); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new SQLServerException(e.getMessage(), e); } return t; } private Map<String, Object> getParameterInfo(int param) { if (stmtParent.bReturnValueSyntax && isTVP) { return procMetadata.get(param - 1); } else { // Note row 1 is the 'return value' meta data return procMetadata.get(param); } } private boolean isValidParamProc(int n) { // Note row 1 is the 'return value' meta data return ((stmtParent.bReturnValueSyntax && isTVP && procMetadata.size() >= n) || procMetadata.size() > n); } private boolean isValidParamQuery(int n) { return (null != queryMetaMap && queryMetaMap.containsKey(n)); }
Checks if the @param passed is valid for either procedure metadata or query metadata.
  • param –
/** * Checks if the @param passed is valid for either procedure metadata or query metadata. * * @param param * @throws SQLServerException */
private void checkParam(int param) throws SQLServerException { // Check if Procedure Metadata is not available if (null == procMetadata) { // Check if Query Metadata is also not available if (!isValidParamQuery(param)) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_noMetadata"), null, false); } } else if (!isValidParamProc(param)) { // Throw exception if @param index not found MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidParameterNumber")); Object[] msgArgs = {param}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } @Override public String getParameterClassName(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); try { if (null == procMetadata) { return queryMetaMap.get(param).parameterClassName; } else { return JDBCType.of((short) getParameterInfo(param).get("DATA_TYPE")).className(); } } catch (SQLServerException e) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, e.getMessage(), null, false); return null; } } @Override public int getParameterCount() throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); if (null == procMetadata) { return queryMetaMap.size(); } else { // Row 1 is Return Type metadata return (procMetadata.size() == 0 ? 0 : procMetadata.size() - 1); } } @Override public int getParameterMode(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); if (null == procMetadata) { // if it is not a stored procedure, the @param can only be input. return parameterModeIn; } else { int n = (int) getParameterInfo(param).get("COLUMN_TYPE"); if (n == 1) return parameterModeIn; else if (n == 2) return parameterModeOut; else return parameterModeUnknown; } } @Override public int getParameterType(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); int parameterType = 0; if (null == procMetadata) { parameterType = queryMetaMap.get(param).parameterType; } else { parameterType = (short) getParameterInfo(param).get("DATA_TYPE"); } if (0 != parameterType) { switch (parameterType) { case microsoft.sql.Types.DATETIME: case microsoft.sql.Types.SMALLDATETIME: parameterType = SSType.DATETIME2.getJDBCType().asJavaSqlType(); break; case microsoft.sql.Types.MONEY: case microsoft.sql.Types.SMALLMONEY: parameterType = SSType.DECIMAL.getJDBCType().asJavaSqlType(); break; case microsoft.sql.Types.GUID: parameterType = SSType.CHAR.getJDBCType().asJavaSqlType(); break; default: break; } } return parameterType; } @Override public String getParameterTypeName(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); if (null == procMetadata) { return queryMetaMap.get(param).parameterTypeName; } else { return getParameterInfo(param).get("TYPE_NAME").toString(); } } @Override public int getPrecision(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); if (null == procMetadata) { return queryMetaMap.get(param).precision; } else { return (int) getParameterInfo(param).get("PRECISION"); } } @Override public int getScale(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); if (null == procMetadata) { return queryMetaMap.get(param).scale; } else { return (int) getParameterInfo(param).get("SCALE"); } } @Override public int isNullable(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); if (procMetadata == null) { return queryMetaMap.get(param).isNullable; } else { return (int) getParameterInfo(param).get("NULLABLE"); } }
Returns if a supplied parameter index is valid.
  • param – the @param index
/** * Returns if a supplied parameter index is valid. * * @param param * the @param index * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs * @return boolean */
@Override public boolean isSigned(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); try { if (null == procMetadata) { return queryMetaMap.get(param).isSigned; } else { return JDBCType.of((short) getParameterInfo(param).get("DATA_TYPE")).isSigned(); } } catch (SQLException e) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, stmtParent, e.getMessage(), null, false); return false; } } String getTVPSchemaFromStoredProcedure(int param) throws SQLServerException { checkClosed(); checkParam(param); return (String) getParameterInfo(param).get("SS_TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME"); } }