Copyright Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright Microsoft Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE. Provides a standard set of errors that could be thrown from the client library.
/** * RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE. Provides a standard set of errors that could be thrown from the client library. */
public class SR { public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME_NULL_OR_EMPTY = "The account name is null or empty."; public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME_MISMATCH = "The account name does not match the existing account name on the credentials."; public static final String APPEND_BLOB_MD5_NOT_POSSIBLE = "MD5 cannot be calculated for an existing append blob because it would require reading the existing data. Please disable StoreFileContentMD5."; public static final String ARGUMENT_NULL = "The argument must not be null. Argument name: %s."; public static final String ARGUMENT_NULL_OR_EMPTY = "The argument must not be null or an empty string. Argument name: %s."; public static final String ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR = "The argument is out of range. Argument name: %s, Value passed: %s."; public static final String ATTEMPTED_TO_SERIALIZE_INACCESSIBLE_PROPERTY = "An attempt was made to access an inaccessible member of the entity during serialization."; public static final String BLOB = "blob"; public static final String BLOB_OVER_MAX_BLOCK_LIMIT = "The total blocks for this upload exceeds the maximum allowable limit. Please increase the block size."; public static final String BLOB_DATA_CORRUPTED = "Blob data corrupted (integrity check failed), Expected value is %s, retrieved %s"; public static final String BLOB_ENDPOINT_NOT_CONFIGURED = "No blob endpoint configured."; public static final String BLOB_HASH_MISMATCH = "Blob hash mismatch (integrity check failed), Expected value is %s, retrieved %s."; public static final String BLOB_MD5_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_PAGE_BLOBS = "Blob level MD5 is not supported for page blobs."; public static final String BLOB_TYPE_NOT_DEFINED = "The blob type is not defined. Allowed types are BlobType.BLOCK_BLOB and BlobType.Page_BLOB."; public static final String CANNOT_CREATE_SAS_FOR_GIVEN_CREDENTIALS = "Cannot create Shared Access Signature as the credentials does not have account name information. Please check that the credentials provided support creating Shared Access Signature."; public static final String CANNOT_CREATE_SAS_FOR_SNAPSHOTS = "Cannot create Shared Access Signature via references to blob snapshots. Please perform the given operation on the root blob instead."; public static final String CANNOT_CREATE_SAS_WITHOUT_ACCOUNT_KEY = "Cannot create Shared Access Signature unless the Account Key credentials are used by the ServiceClient."; public static final String CANNOT_TRANSFORM_NON_HTTPS_URI_WITH_HTTPS_ONLY_CREDENTIALS = "Cannot use HTTP with credentials that only support HTTPS."; public static final String CLIENT_PROVIDED_KEY_BAD_HASH = "Hash returned from Client-Provided Key request did not match sent key's hash."; public static final String CLIENT_PROVIDED_KEY_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE = "Error processing request with client provided key."; public static final String CLIENT_PROVIDED_KEY_REQUIRES_HTTPS = "Cannot use client-provided key requests without HTTPS."; public static final String CONTAINER = "container"; public static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH = "An incorrect number of bytes was read from the connection. The connection may have been closed."; public static final String COPY_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_100MB = "Invalid copy length, length must be less than or equal to 100 MB in size."; public static final String CREATING_NETWORK_STREAM = "Creating a NetworkInputStream and expecting to read %s bytes."; public static final String CREDENTIALS_CANNOT_SIGN_REQUEST = "CloudBlobClient, CloudQueueClient and CloudTableClient require credentials that can sign a request."; public static final String CUSTOM_RESOLVER_THREW = "The custom property resolver delegate threw an exception. Check the inner exception for more details."; public static final String DECRYPTION_LOGIC_ERROR = "Decryption logic threw error. Please check the inner exception for more details."; public static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_VERSION_ONLY_SET_FOR_BLOB_SERVICE = "DefaultServiceVersion can only be set for the Blob service."; public static final String DELETE_SNAPSHOT_NOT_VALID_ERROR = "The option '%s' must be 'None' to delete a specific snapshot specified by '%s'."; public static final String DIRECTORY = "directory"; public static final String EDMTYPE_WAS_NULL = "EdmType cannot be null."; public static final String ENUMERATION_ERROR = "An error occurred while enumerating the result, check the original exception for details."; public static final String EMPTY_BATCH_NOT_ALLOWED = "Cannot execute an empty batch operation."; public static final String ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_DESERIALIZING_ERROR = "Error while de-serializing the encrypted queue message string from the wire. Please check inner exception for more details."; public static final String ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE = "Encrypted Messages cannot be larger than {0} bytes. Please note that encrypting queue messages can increase their size."; public static final String ENCRYPTING_NULL_PROPERTIES_NOT_ALLOWED = "Null properties cannot be encrypted. Please assign a default value to the property if you wish to encrypt it."; public static final String ENCRYPTION_DATA_NOT_PRESENT_ERROR = "Encryption data does not exist. If you do not want to decrypt the data, please do not set the require encryption flag on request options"; public static final String ENCRYPTION_POLICY_MISSING_IN_STRICT_MODE = "Encryption Policy is mandatory when RequireEncryption is set to true. If you do not want to encrypt/decrypt data, please set RequireEncryption to false in request options."; public static final String ENCRYPTION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INVALID = "Invalid Encryption Agent. This version of the client library does not understand the Encryption Agent set on the blob."; public static final String ENCRYPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_EXISTING_BLOBS = "Encryption is not supported for a blob that already exists. Please do not specify an encryption policy."; public static final String ENCRYPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_FILES = "Encryption is not supported for files."; public static final String ENCRYPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_OPERATION = "Encryption is not supported for the current operation. Please ensure that EncryptionPolicy is not set on RequestOptions."; public static final String ENDPOINT_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE = "Endpoint information not available for Account using Shared Access Credentials."; public static final String ENTITY_PROPERTY_CANNOT_BE_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES = "EntityProperty cannot be set to null for primitive value types."; public static final String ETAG_INVALID_FOR_DELETE = "Delete requires a valid ETag (which may be the '*' wildcard)."; public static final String ETAG_INVALID_FOR_MERGE = "Merge requires a valid ETag (which may be the '*' wildcard)."; public static final String ETAG_INVALID_FOR_UPDATE = "Replace requires a valid ETag (which may be the '*' wildcard)."; public static final String ENUM_COULD_NOT_BE_PARSED = "%s could not be parsed from '%s'."; public static final String EXCEPTION_THROWN_DURING_DESERIALIZATION = "The entity threw an exception during deserialization."; public static final String EXCEPTION_THROWN_DURING_SERIALIZATION = "The entity threw an exception during serialization."; public static final String EXPECTED_A_FIELD_NAME = "Expected a field name."; public static final String EXPECTED_END_ARRAY = "Expected the end of a JSON Array."; public static final String EXPECTED_END_OBJECT = "Expected the end of a JSON Object."; public static final String EXPECTED_START_ARRAY = "Expected the start of a JSON Array."; public static final String EXPECTED_START_ELEMENT_TO_EQUAL_ERROR = "Expected START_ELEMENT to equal error."; public static final String EXPECTED_START_OBJECT = "Expected the start of a JSON Object."; public static final String FAILED_TO_PARSE_PROPERTY = "Failed to parse property '%s' with value '%s' as type '%s'"; public static final String FILE = "file"; public static final String FILE_ENDPOINT_NOT_CONFIGURED = "No file endpoint configured."; public static final String FILE_HASH_MISMATCH = "File hash mismatch (integrity check failed), Expected value is %s, retrieved %s."; public static final String FILE_MD5_NOT_POSSIBLE = "MD5 cannot be calculated for an existing file because it would require reading the existing data. Please disable StoreFileContentMD5."; public static final String FILE_PERMISSION_FILE_PERMISSION_KEY_INVALID = "File permission and file permission key cannot both be set"; public static final String INCORRECT_STREAM_LENGTH = "An incorrect stream length was specified, resulting in an authentication failure. Please specify correct length, or -1."; public static final String INPUT_STREAM_SHOULD_BE_MARKABLE = "Input stream must be markable."; public static final String INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME = "Invalid account name."; public static final String INVALID_ACL_ACCESS_TYPE = "Invalid acl public access type returned '%s'. Expected blob or container."; public static final String INVALID_BLOB_TYPE = "Incorrect Blob type, please use the correct Blob type to access a blob on the server. Expected %s, actual %s."; public static final String INVALID_BLOCK_ID = "Invalid blockID, blockID must be a valid Base64 String."; public static final String INVALID_BLOCK_SIZE = "Append block data should not exceed the maximum blob size condition value."; public static final String INVALID_CONDITIONAL_HEADERS = "The conditionals specified for this operation did not match server."; public static final String INVALID_CONNECTION_STRING = "Invalid connection string."; public static final String INVALID_CONNECTION_STRING_DEV_STORE_NOT_TRUE = "Invalid connection string, the UseDevelopmentStorage key must always be paired with 'true'. Remove the flag entirely otherwise."; public static final String INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = "ContentLength must be set to -1 or positive Long value."; public static final String INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE = "An incorrect Content-Type was returned from the server."; public static final String INVALID_COPY_MD5_OPERATION = "MD5 can only be specified with a synchronous copy operation."; public static final String INVALID_CORS_RULE = "A CORS rule must contain at least one allowed origin and allowed method, and MaxAgeInSeconds cannot have a value less than zero."; public static final String INVALID_DATE_STRING = "Invalid Date String: %s."; public static final String INVALID_EDMTYPE_VALUE = "Invalid value '%s' for EdmType."; public static final String INVALID_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "Invalid Encryption Algorithm found on the resource. This version of the client library does not support the specified encryption algorithm."; public static final String INVALID_FILE_LENGTH = "File length must be greater than or equal to 0 bytes."; public static final String INVALID_GEO_REPLICATION_STATUS = "Null or Invalid geo-replication status in response: %s."; public static final String INVALID_IP_ADDRESS = "Error when parsing IPv4 address: IP address '%s' is invalid."; public static final String INVALID_KEY = "Storage Key is not a valid base64 encoded string."; public static final String INVALID_LISTING_DETAILS = "Invalid blob listing details specified."; public static final String INVALID_LOGGING_LEVEL = "Invalid logging operations specified."; public static final String INVALID_MAX_WRITE_SIZE = "Max write size is 4MB. Please specify a smaller range."; public static final String INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH = "The message size cannot be larger than %s bytes."; public static final String INVALID_MIME_RESPONSE = "Invalid MIME response received."; public static final String INVALID_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_THE_BUFFER = "Page data must be a multiple of 512 bytes. Buffer currently contains %d bytes."; public static final String INVALID_OPERATION_FOR_A_SNAPSHOT = "Cannot perform this operation on a blob representing a snapshot."; public static final String INVALID_OPERATION_FOR_A_SHARE_SNAPSHOT = "Cannot perform this operation on a share representing a snapshot."; public static final String INVALID_PAGE_BLOB_LENGTH = "Page blob length must be multiple of 512."; public static final String INVALID_PAGE_BLOB_SOURCE_LENGTH = "The length of the page blob source does not match the destination length"; public static final String INVALID_PAGE_START_OFFSET = "Page start offset must be multiple of 512."; public static final String INVALID_RANGE_CONTENT_MD5_HEADER = "Cannot specify x-ms-range-get-content-md5 header on ranges larger than 4 MB. Either use a BlobReadStream via openRead, or disable TransactionalMD5 via the BlobRequestOptions."; public static final String INVALID_RESOURCE_NAME = "Invalid %s name. Check MSDN for more information about valid naming."; public static final String INVALID_RESOURCE_NAME_LENGTH = "Invalid %s name length. The name must be between %s and %s characters long."; public static final String INVALID_RESOURCE_RESERVED_NAME = "Invalid %s name. This name is reserved."; public static final String INVALID_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = "The response received is invalid or improperly formatted."; public static final String INVALID_STORAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "Storage protocol version prior to 2009-09-19 do not support shared key authentication."; public static final String INVALID_STORAGE_SERVICE = "Invalid storage service specified."; public static final String INVALID_STREAM_LENGTH = "Invalid stream length; stream must be between 0 and %s MB in length."; public static final String ITERATOR_EMPTY = "There are no more elements in this enumeration."; public static final String KEY_AND_RESOLVER_MISSING = "Key and Resolver are not initialized. Decryption requires either of them to be initialized."; public static final String KEY_MISMATCH = "Key mismatch. The key id stored on the service does not match the specified key."; public static final String KEY_MISSING = "Key is not initialized. Encryption requires it to be initialized."; public static final String LEASE_CONDITION_ON_SOURCE = "A lease condition cannot be specified on the source of a copy."; public static final String LOG_STREAM_END_ERROR = "Error parsing log record: unexpected end of stream."; public static final String LOG_STREAM_DELIMITER_ERROR = "Error parsing log record: unexpected delimiter encountered."; public static final String LOG_STREAM_QUOTE_ERROR = "Error parsing log record: unexpected quote character encountered."; public static final String LOG_VERSION_UNSUPPORTED = "A storage log version of %s is unsupported."; public static final String MARK_EXPIRED = "Stream mark expired."; public static final String MAXIMUM_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION = "The client could not finish the operation within specified maximum execution timeout."; public static final String METADATA_KEY_INVALID = "The key for one of the metadata key-value pairs is null, empty, or whitespace."; public static final String METADATA_VALUE_INVALID = "The value for one of the metadata key-value pairs is null, empty, or whitespace."; public static final String MISSING_CREDENTIALS = "No credentials provided."; public static final String MISSING_MANDATORY_DATE_HEADER = "Canonicalization did not find a non-empty x-ms-date header in the request. Please use a request with a valid x-ms-date header in RFC 123 format."; public static final String MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMETER_FOR_SAS = "Missing mandatory parameters for valid Shared Access Signature."; public static final String MISSING_MD5 = "ContentMD5 header is missing in the response."; public static final String MISSING_NULLARY_CONSTRUCTOR = "Class type must contain contain a nullary constructor."; public static final String MULTIPLE_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDED = "Cannot provide credentials as part of the address and as constructor parameter. Either pass in the address or use a different constructor."; public static final String OPS_IN_BATCH_MUST_HAVE_SAME_PARTITION_KEY = "All entities in a given batch must have the same partition key."; public static final String PARAMETER_NOT_IN_RANGE = "The value of the parameter '%s' should be between %s and %s."; public static final String PARAMETER_SHOULD_BE_GREATER = "The value of the parameter '%s' should be greater than %s."; public static final String PARAMETER_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL = "The value of the parameter '%s' should be greater than or equal to %s."; public static final String PARTITIONKEY_MISSING_FOR_DELETE = "Delete requires a partition key."; public static final String PARTITIONKEY_MISSING_FOR_MERGE = "Merge requires a partition key."; public static final String PARTITIONKEY_MISSING_FOR_UPDATE = "Replace requires a partition key."; public static final String PARTITIONKEY_MISSING_FOR_INSERT = "Insert requires a partition key."; public static final String PATH_STYLE_URI_MISSING_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION = "Missing account name information inside path style URI. Path style URIs should be of the form http://<IPAddress:Port>/<accountName>"; public static final String PRIMARY_ONLY_COMMAND = "This operation can only be executed against the primary storage location."; public static final String PROPERTY_CANNOT_BE_SERIALIZED_AS_GIVEN_EDMTYPE = "Property %s with Edm Type %s cannot be de-serialized."; public static final String PRECONDITION_FAILURE_IGNORED = "Pre-condition failure on a retry is being ignored since the request should have succeeded in the first attempt."; public static final String QUERY_PARAMETER_NULL_OR_EMPTY = "Cannot encode a query parameter with a null or empty key."; public static final String QUERY_REQUIRES_VALID_CLASSTYPE_OR_RESOLVER = "Query requires a valid class type or resolver."; public static final String QUEUE = "queue"; public static final String QUEUE_ENDPOINT_NOT_CONFIGURED = "No queue endpoint configured."; public static final String RELATIVE_ADDRESS_NOT_PERMITTED = "Address %s is a relative address. Only absolute addresses are permitted."; public static final String RESOURCE_NAME_EMPTY = "Invalid %s name. The name may not be null, empty, or whitespace only."; public static final String RESPONSE_RECEIVED_IS_INVALID = "The response received is invalid or improperly formatted."; public static final String RETRIEVE_MUST_BE_ONLY_OPERATION_IN_BATCH = "A batch transaction with a retrieve operation cannot contain any other operations."; public static final String ROWKEY_MISSING_FOR_DELETE = "Delete requires a row key."; public static final String ROWKEY_MISSING_FOR_MERGE = "Merge requires a row key."; public static final String ROWKEY_MISSING_FOR_UPDATE = "Replace requires a row key."; public static final String ROWKEY_MISSING_FOR_INSERT = "Insert requires a row key."; public static final String SCHEME_NULL_OR_EMPTY = "The protocol to use is null. Please specify whether to use http or https."; public static final String SECONDARY_ONLY_COMMAND = "This operation can only be executed against the secondary storage location."; public static final String SHARE = "share"; public static final String SNAPSHOT_LISTING_ERROR = "Listing snapshots is only supported in flat mode (no delimiter). Consider setting useFlatBlobListing to true."; public static final String SNAPSHOT_QUERY_OPTION_ALREADY_DEFINED = "Snapshot query parameter is already defined in the blob URI. Either pass in a snapshotTime parameter or use a full URL with a snapshot query parameter."; public static final String STORAGE_CREDENTIALS_NULL_OR_ANONYMOUS = "StorageCredentials cannot be null or anonymous for this service."; public static final String STORAGE_CLIENT_OR_SAS_REQUIRED = "Either a SAS token or a service client must be specified."; public static final String STORAGE_URI_MISSING_LOCATION = "The URI for the target storage location is not specified. Please consider changing the request's location mode."; public static final String STORAGE_URI_MUST_MATCH = "Primary and secondary location URIs in a StorageUri must point to the same resource."; public static final String STORAGE_URI_NOT_NULL = "Primary and secondary location URIs in a StorageUri must not both be null."; public static final String STOREAS_DIFFERENT_FOR_GETTER_AND_SETTER = "StoreAs Annotation found for both getter and setter for property %s with unequal values."; public static final String STOREAS_USED_ON_EMPTY_PROPERTY = "StoreAs Annotation found for property %s with empty value."; public static final String STREAM_CLOSED = "Stream is already closed."; public static final String STREAM_SKIP_FAILED = "The supplied stream has failed to skip to the correct position after successive attempts. Please ensure there are bytes available and try your upload again."; public static final String STREAM_LENGTH_GREATER_THAN_4MB = "Invalid stream length, length must be less than or equal to 4 MB in size."; public static final String STREAM_LENGTH_GREATER_THAN_100MB = "Invalid stream length, length must be less than or equal to 100 MB in size."; public static final String STREAM_LENGTH_NEGATIVE = "Invalid stream length, specify -1 for unknown length stream, or a positive number of bytes."; public static final String STRING_NOT_VALID = "The String is not a valid Base64-encoded string."; public static final String TABLE = "table"; public static final String TABLE_ENDPOINT_NOT_CONFIGURED = "No table endpoint configured."; public static final String TABLE_OBJECT_RELATIVE_URIS_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Table Object relative URIs not supported."; public static final String TAKE_COUNT_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE = "Take count must be positive and greater than 0."; public static final String TOO_MANY_PATH_SEGMENTS = "The count of URL path segments (strings between '/' characters) as part of the blob name cannot exceed 254."; public static final String TOO_MANY_SHARED_ACCESS_POLICY_IDENTIFIERS = "Too many %d shared access policy identifiers provided. Server does not support setting more than %d on a single container, queue, or table."; public static final String TOO_MANY_SHARED_ACCESS_POLICY_IDS = "Too many %d shared access policy identifiers provided. Server does not support setting more than %d on a single container."; public static final String TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Type %s is not supported."; public static final String UNEXPECTED_CONTINUATION_TYPE = "The continuation type passed in is unexpected. Please verify that the correct continuation type is passed in. Expected {%s}, found {%s}."; public static final String UNEXPECTED_FIELD_NAME = "Unexpected field name. Expected: '%s'. Actual: '%s'."; public static final String UNEXPECTED_STATUS_CODE_RECEIVED = "Unexpected http status code received."; public static final String UNEXPECTED_STREAM_READ_ERROR = "Unexpected error. Stream returned unexpected number of bytes."; public static final String UNKNOWN_TABLE_OPERATION = "Unknown table operation."; public static final String UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY_TYPE_FOR_ENCRYPTION = "Unsupported type : %s encountered during encryption. Only string properties can be encrypted on the client side."; }