Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
The type representing node in a DAGraph.
Type parameters:
  • <DataT> – the type of the data stored in the node
  • <NodeT> – the type of the node
/** * The type representing node in a {@link DAGraph}. * * @param <DataT> the type of the data stored in the node * @param <NodeT> the type of the node */
public class DAGNode<DataT, NodeT extends DAGNode<DataT, NodeT>> extends Node<DataT, NodeT> {
keys of other nodes those dependents on this node.
/** * keys of other nodes those dependents on this node. */
private List<String> dependentKeys;
to track the dependency resolution count.
/** * to track the dependency resolution count. */
private int toBeResolved;
indicates this node is the preparer or not.
/** * indicates this node is the preparer or not. */
private boolean isPreparer;
lock used while performing concurrent safe operation on the node.
/** * lock used while performing concurrent safe operation on the node. */
private ReentrantLock lock;
Creates a DAG node.
  • key – unique id of the node
  • data – data to be stored in the node
/** * Creates a DAG node. * * @param key unique id of the node * @param data data to be stored in the node */
public DAGNode(final String key, final DataT data) { super(key, data); dependentKeys = new ArrayList<>(); lock = new ReentrantLock(); }
Returns:the lock to be used while performing thread safe operation on this node.
/** * @return the lock to be used while performing thread safe operation on this node. */
public ReentrantLock lock() { return this.lock; }
Returns:a list of keys of nodes in DAGraph those are dependents on this node
/** * @return a list of keys of nodes in {@link DAGraph} those are dependents on this node */
List<String> dependentKeys() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.dependentKeys); }
Mark the node identified by the given key as dependent of this node.
  • key – the id of the dependent node
/** * Mark the node identified by the given key as dependent of this node. * * @param key the id of the dependent node */
public void addDependent(String key) { this.dependentKeys.add(key); }
Returns:a list of keys of nodes in DAGraph that this node depends on
/** * @return a list of keys of nodes in {@link DAGraph} that this node depends on */
public List<String> dependencyKeys() { return this.children(); }
Mark the node identified by the given key as this node's dependency.
  • dependencyKey – the id of the dependency node
/** * Mark the node identified by the given key as this node's dependency. * * @param dependencyKey the id of the dependency node */
public void addDependency(String dependencyKey) { super.addChild(dependencyKey); }
Remove the dependency node identified by the given key from the dependencies.
  • dependencyKey – the id of the dependency node
/** * Remove the dependency node identified by the given key from the dependencies. * * @param dependencyKey the id of the dependency node */
public void removeDependency(String dependencyKey) { super.removeChild(dependencyKey); }
Returns:true if this node has any dependency
/** * @return true if this node has any dependency */
public boolean hasDependencies() { return this.hasChildren(); }
Mark or un-mark this node as preparer.
  • isPreparer – true if this node needs to be marked as preparer, false otherwise.
/** * Mark or un-mark this node as preparer. * * @param isPreparer true if this node needs to be marked as preparer, false otherwise. */
public void setPreparer(boolean isPreparer) { this.isPreparer = isPreparer; }
Returns:true if this node is marked as preparer
/** * @return true if this node is marked as preparer */
public boolean isPreparer() { return isPreparer; }
Initialize the node so that traversal can be performed on the parent DAG.
/** * Initialize the node so that traversal can be performed on the parent DAG. */
public void initialize() { this.toBeResolved = this.dependencyKeys().size(); this.dependentKeys.clear(); }
Returns:true if all dependencies of this node are resolved
/** * @return true if all dependencies of this node are resolved */
boolean hasAllResolved() { return toBeResolved == 0; }
Reports a dependency of this node has been successfully resolved.
  • dependencyKey – the id of the dependency node
/** * Reports a dependency of this node has been successfully resolved. * * @param dependencyKey the id of the dependency node */
protected void onSuccessfulResolution(String dependencyKey) { if (toBeResolved == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid state - " + this.key() + ": The dependency '" + dependencyKey + "' is already reported or there is no such dependencyKey"); } toBeResolved--; }
Reports a dependency of this node has been faulted.
  • dependencyKey – the id of the dependency node
  • throwable – the reason for unsuccessful resolution
/** * Reports a dependency of this node has been faulted. * * @param dependencyKey the id of the dependency node * @param throwable the reason for unsuccessful resolution */
protected void onFaultedResolution(String dependencyKey, Throwable throwable) { if (toBeResolved == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid state - " + this.key() + ": The dependency '" + dependencyKey + "' is already reported or there is no such dependencyKey"); } toBeResolved--; } }