Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import rx.Observable; import rx.functions.Action1; import rx.functions.Func1; import rx.functions.FuncN;
Implementation for Vault and its parent interfaces.
/** * Implementation for Vault and its parent interfaces. */
@LangDefinition class VaultImpl extends GroupableResourceImpl<Vault, VaultInner, VaultImpl, KeyVaultManager> implements Vault, Vault.Definition, Vault.Update { private GraphRbacManager graphRbacManager; private List<AccessPolicyImpl> accessPolicies; private KeyVaultClient client; private Keys keys; private Secrets secrets; VaultImpl(String key, VaultInner innerObject, KeyVaultManager manager, GraphRbacManager graphRbacManager) { super(key, innerObject, manager); this.graphRbacManager = graphRbacManager; this.accessPolicies = new ArrayList<>(); if (innerObject != null && != null && != null) { for (AccessPolicyEntry entry : { this.accessPolicies.add(new AccessPolicyImpl(entry, this)); } } this.client = new KeyVaultClient( manager.inner().restClient().newBuilder().withBaseUrl("https://{vaultBaseUrl}").build()); } @Override public KeyVaultClient client() { return client; } @Override public Keys keys() { if (keys == null) { keys = new KeysImpl(client, this); } return keys; } @Override public Secrets secrets() { if (secrets == null) { secrets = new SecretsImpl(client, this); } return secrets; } @Override public String vaultUri() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return null; } return inner().properties().vaultUri(); } @Override public String tenantId() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return null; } if (inner().properties().tenantId() == null) { return null; } return inner().properties().tenantId().toString(); } @Override public Sku sku() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return null; } return inner().properties().sku(); } @Override public List<AccessPolicy> accessPolicies() { AccessPolicy[] array = new AccessPolicy[accessPolicies.size()]; return Arrays.asList(accessPolicies.toArray(array)); } @Override public boolean enabledForDeployment() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return false; } return Utils.toPrimitiveBoolean(inner().properties().enabledForDeployment()); } @Override public boolean enabledForDiskEncryption() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return false; } return Utils.toPrimitiveBoolean(inner().properties().enabledForDiskEncryption()); } @Override public boolean enabledForTemplateDeployment() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return false; } return Utils.toPrimitiveBoolean(inner().properties().enabledForTemplateDeployment()); } @Override public boolean softDeleteEnabled() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return false; } return Utils.toPrimitiveBoolean(inner().properties().enableSoftDelete()); } @Override public boolean purgeProtectionEnabled() { if (inner().properties() == null) { return false; } return Utils.toPrimitiveBoolean(inner().properties().enablePurgeProtection()); } @Override public VaultImpl withEmptyAccessPolicy() { this.accessPolicies = new ArrayList<>(); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withoutAccessPolicy(String objectId) { for (AccessPolicyImpl entry : this.accessPolicies) { if (entry.objectId().equals(objectId)) { accessPolicies.remove(entry); break; } } return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withAccessPolicy(AccessPolicy accessPolicy) { accessPolicies.add((AccessPolicyImpl) accessPolicy); return this; } @Override public AccessPolicyImpl defineAccessPolicy() { return new AccessPolicyImpl(new AccessPolicyEntry(), this); } @Override public AccessPolicyImpl updateAccessPolicy(String objectId) { for (AccessPolicyImpl entry : this.accessPolicies) { if (entry.objectId().equals(objectId)) { return entry; } } throw new NoSuchElementException(String.format("Identity %s not found in the access policies.", objectId)); } @Override public VaultImpl withDeploymentEnabled() { inner().properties().withEnabledForDeployment(true); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withDiskEncryptionEnabled() { inner().properties().withEnabledForDiskEncryption(true); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withTemplateDeploymentEnabled() { inner().properties().withEnabledForTemplateDeployment(true); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withSoftDeleteEnabled() { inner().properties().withEnableSoftDelete(true); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withPurgeProtectionEnabled() { inner().properties().withEnablePurgeProtection(true); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withDeploymentDisabled() { inner().properties().withEnabledForDeployment(false); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withDiskEncryptionDisabled() { inner().properties().withEnabledForDiskEncryption(false); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withTemplateDeploymentDisabled() { inner().properties().withEnabledForTemplateDeployment(false); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withSku(SkuName skuName) { if (inner().properties() == null) { inner().withProperties(new VaultProperties()); } inner().properties().withSku(new Sku().withName(skuName)); return this; } private Observable<List<AccessPolicy>> populateAccessPolicies() { List<Observable<?>> observables = new ArrayList<>(); for (final AccessPolicyImpl accessPolicy : accessPolicies) { if (accessPolicy.objectId() == null) { if (accessPolicy.userPrincipalName() != null) { observables.add(graphRbacManager.users().getByNameAsync(accessPolicy.userPrincipalName()) .subscribeOn(SdkContext.getRxScheduler()).doOnNext(new Action1<ActiveDirectoryUser>() { @Override public void call(ActiveDirectoryUser user) { if (user == null) { throw new CloudException( String.format("User principal name %s is not found in tenant %s", accessPolicy.userPrincipalName(), graphRbacManager.tenantId()), null); } accessPolicy.forObjectId(; } })); } else if (accessPolicy.servicePrincipalName() != null) { observables.add( graphRbacManager.servicePrincipals().getByNameAsync(accessPolicy.servicePrincipalName()) .subscribeOn(SdkContext.getRxScheduler()).doOnNext(new Action1<ServicePrincipal>() { @Override public void call(ServicePrincipal sp) { if (sp == null) { throw new CloudException(String.format( "Service principal name %s is not found in tenant %s", accessPolicy.servicePrincipalName(), graphRbacManager.tenantId()), null); } accessPolicy.forObjectId(; } })); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Access policy must specify object ID."); } } } if (observables.isEmpty()) { return Observable.just(accessPolicies()); } else { return, new FuncN<List<AccessPolicy>>() { @Override public List<AccessPolicy> call(Object... args) { return accessPolicies(); } }); } } @Override public Observable<Vault> createResourceAsync() { final VaultsInner client = this.manager().inner().vaults(); return populateAccessPolicies().flatMap(new Func1<Object, Observable<VaultInner>>() { @Override public Observable<VaultInner> call(Object o) { VaultCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters = new VaultCreateOrUpdateParameters(); parameters.withLocation(regionName()); parameters.withProperties(inner().properties()); parameters.withTags(inner().getTags()); ArrayList<AccessPolicyEntry>()); for (AccessPolicy accessPolicy : accessPolicies) {; } return client.createOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName(), name(), parameters); } }).map(innerToFluentMap(this)); } @Override protected Observable<VaultInner> getInnerAsync() { return this.manager().inner().vaults().getByResourceGroupAsync(resourceGroupName(), name()); } @Override public CreateMode createMode() { return inner().properties().createMode(); } @Override public NetworkRuleSet networkRuleSet() { return inner().properties().networkAcls(); } @Override public VaultImpl withAccessFromAllNetworks() { if (inner().properties().networkAcls() == null) { inner().properties().withNetworkAcls(new NetworkRuleSet()); } inner().properties().networkAcls().withDefaultAction(NetworkRuleAction.ALLOW); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withAccessFromSelectedNetworks() { if (inner().properties().networkAcls() == null) { inner().properties().withNetworkAcls(new NetworkRuleSet()); } inner().properties().networkAcls().withDefaultAction(NetworkRuleAction.DENY); return this; }
Specifies that access to the storage account should be allowed from the given ip address or ip address range.
  • ipAddressOrRange – the ip address or ip address range in cidr format
/** * Specifies that access to the storage account should be allowed from the given ip address or ip address range. * * @param ipAddressOrRange the ip address or ip address range in cidr format * @return VaultImpl */
private VaultImpl withAccessAllowedFromIpAddressOrRange(String ipAddressOrRange) { NetworkRuleSet networkRuleSet = inner().properties().networkAcls(); if (networkRuleSet.ipRules() == null) { networkRuleSet.withIpRules(new ArrayList<IPRule>()); } boolean found = false; for (IPRule rule: networkRuleSet.ipRules()) { if (rule.value().equalsIgnoreCase(ipAddressOrRange)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { networkRuleSet.ipRules().add(new IPRule() .withValue(ipAddressOrRange)); } return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withAccessFromIpAddress(String ipAddress) { return withAccessAllowedFromIpAddressOrRange(ipAddress); } @Override public VaultImpl withAccessFromIpAddressRange(String ipAddressCidr) { return withAccessAllowedFromIpAddressOrRange(ipAddressCidr); } @Override public VaultImpl withAccessFromAzureServices() { if (inner().properties().networkAcls() == null) { inner().properties().withNetworkAcls(new NetworkRuleSet()); } inner().properties().networkAcls().withBypass(NetworkRuleBypassOptions.AZURE_SERVICES); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withBypass(NetworkRuleBypassOptions bypass) { if (inner().properties().networkAcls() == null) { inner().properties().withNetworkAcls(new NetworkRuleSet()); } inner().properties().networkAcls().withBypass(bypass); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withDefaultAction(NetworkRuleAction defaultAction) { if (inner().properties().networkAcls() == null) { inner().properties().withNetworkAcls(new NetworkRuleSet()); } inner().properties().networkAcls().withDefaultAction(defaultAction); return this; } @Override public VaultImpl withVirtualNetworkRules(List<VirtualNetworkRule> virtualNetworkRules) { if (inner().properties().networkAcls() == null) { inner().properties().withNetworkAcls(new NetworkRuleSet()); } inner().properties().networkAcls().withVirtualNetworkRules(virtualNetworkRules); return this; } }