Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import rx.Completable; import rx.Observable;
Entry point for key vaults management API.
/** * Entry point for key vaults management API. */
@Fluent(ContainerName = "/Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent.KeyVault") public interface Vaults extends SupportsCreating<Vault.DefinitionStages.Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsListingByResourceGroup<Vault>, SupportsGettingByResourceGroup<Vault>, SupportsGettingById<Vault>, SupportsDeletingByResourceGroup, HasManager<KeyVaultManager>, HasInner<VaultsInner> {
Gets information about the deleted vaults in a subscription.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • CloudException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the PagedList<DeletedVault> object if successful.
/** * Gets information about the deleted vaults in a subscription. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException * thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException * all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be * sent * @return the PagedList&lt;DeletedVault&gt; object if successful. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) PagedList<DeletedVault> listDeleted();
Gets information about the deleted vaults in a subscription.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<DeletedVault> object
/** * Gets information about the deleted vaults in a subscription. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;DeletedVault&gt; object */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) Observable<DeletedVault> listDeletedAsync();
Gets the deleted Azure key vault.
  • vaultName – The name of the vault.
  • location – The location of the deleted vault.
Returns:the DeletedVault object if successful.
/** * Gets the deleted Azure key vault. * * @param vaultName * The name of the vault. * @param location * The location of the deleted vault. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException * thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException * all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be * sent * @return the DeletedVault object if successful. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) DeletedVault getDeleted(String vaultName, String location);
Gets the deleted Azure key vault.
  • vaultName – The name of the vault.
  • location – The location of the deleted vault.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets the deleted Azure key vault. * * @param vaultName * The name of the vault. * @param location * The location of the deleted vault. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) Observable<DeletedVault> getDeletedAsync(String vaultName, String location);
Permanently deletes the specified vault. aka Purges the deleted Azure key vault.
  • vaultName – The name of the soft-deleted vault.
  • location – The location of the soft-deleted vault.
/** * Permanently deletes the specified vault. aka Purges the deleted Azure key * vault. * * @param vaultName * The name of the soft-deleted vault. * @param location * The location of the soft-deleted vault. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException * thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException * all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be * sent */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) void purgeDeleted(String vaultName, String location);
Permanently deletes the specified vault. aka Purges the deleted Azure key vault.
  • vaultName – The name of the soft-deleted vault.
  • location – The location of the soft-deleted vault.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Permanently deletes the specified vault. aka Purges the deleted Azure key * vault. * * @param vaultName * The name of the soft-deleted vault. * @param location * The location of the soft-deleted vault. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) Completable purgeDeletedAsync(String vaultName, String location);
Checks that the vault name is valid and is not already in use.
  • name – The vault name.
Returns:the CheckNameAvailabilityResult object if successful.
/** * Checks that the vault name is valid and is not already in use. * * @param name * The vault name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException * thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException * all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be * sent * @return the CheckNameAvailabilityResult object if successful. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) CheckNameAvailabilityResult checkNameAvailability(String name);
Checks that the vault name is valid and is not already in use.
  • name – The vault name.
Returns:the observable to the CheckNameAvailabilityResult object
/** * Checks that the vault name is valid and is not already in use. * * @param name * The vault name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the CheckNameAvailabilityResult object */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) Observable<CheckNameAvailabilityResult> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String name);
Recovers a soft deleted vault.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the Resource Group to which the server belongs.
  • vaultName – Name of the vault
  • location – The location of the deleted vault.
Returns:the recovered Vault object if successful
/** * Recovers a soft deleted vault. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the Resource Group to which the server belongs. * @param vaultName Name of the vault * @param location The location of the deleted vault. * @return the recovered Vault object if successful */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) Vault recoverSoftDeletedVault(String resourceGroupName, String vaultName, String location);
Recovers a soft deleted vault.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the Resource Group to which the server belongs.
  • vaultName – Name of the vault
  • location – The location of the deleted vault.
Returns:the recovered Vault object if successful
/** * Recovers a soft deleted vault. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the Resource Group to which the server belongs. * @param vaultName Name of the vault * @param location The location of the deleted vault. * @return the recovered Vault object if successful */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_11_0) Observable<Vault> recoverSoftDeletedVaultAsync(String resourceGroupName, String vaultName, String location); }