Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. */
package; import java.util.List; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName;
The parameters for a docker quick build.
/** * The parameters for a docker quick build. */
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type") @JsonTypeName("DockerBuildRequest") public class DockerBuildRequest extends RunRequest {
The fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
/** * The fully qualified image names including the repository and tag. */
@JsonProperty(value = "imageNames") private List<String> imageNames;
The value of this property indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry or not.
/** * The value of this property indicates whether the image built should be * pushed to the registry or not. */
@JsonProperty(value = "isPushEnabled") private Boolean isPushEnabled;
The value of this property indicates whether the image cache is enabled or not.
/** * The value of this property indicates whether the image cache is enabled * or not. */
@JsonProperty(value = "noCache") private Boolean noCache;
The Docker file path relative to the source location.
/** * The Docker file path relative to the source location. */
@JsonProperty(value = "dockerFilePath", required = true) private String dockerFilePath;
The collection of override arguments to be used when executing the run.
/** * The collection of override arguments to be used when executing the run. */
@JsonProperty(value = "arguments") private List<Argument> arguments;
Run timeout in seconds.
/** * Run timeout in seconds. */
@JsonProperty(value = "timeout") private Integer timeout;
The platform properties against which the run has to happen.
/** * The platform properties against which the run has to happen. */
@JsonProperty(value = "platform", required = true) private PlatformProperties platform;
The machine configuration of the run agent.
/** * The machine configuration of the run agent. */
@JsonProperty(value = "agentConfiguration") private AgentProperties agentConfiguration;
The URL(absolute or relative) of the source context. It can be an URL to a tar or git repoistory. If it is relative URL, the relative path should be obtained from calling listBuildSourceUploadUrl API.
/** * The URL(absolute or relative) of the source context. It can be an URL to * a tar or git repoistory. * If it is relative URL, the relative path should be obtained from calling * listBuildSourceUploadUrl API. */
@JsonProperty(value = "sourceLocation") private String sourceLocation;
Get the fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
Returns:the imageNames value
/** * Get the fully qualified image names including the repository and tag. * * @return the imageNames value */
public List<String> imageNames() { return this.imageNames; }
Set the fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
  • imageNames – the imageNames value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the fully qualified image names including the repository and tag. * * @param imageNames the imageNames value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withImageNames(List<String> imageNames) { this.imageNames = imageNames; return this; }
Get the value of this property indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry or not.
Returns:the isPushEnabled value
/** * Get the value of this property indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry or not. * * @return the isPushEnabled value */
public Boolean isPushEnabled() { return this.isPushEnabled; }
Set the value of this property indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry or not.
  • isPushEnabled – the isPushEnabled value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the value of this property indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry or not. * * @param isPushEnabled the isPushEnabled value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withIsPushEnabled(Boolean isPushEnabled) { this.isPushEnabled = isPushEnabled; return this; }
Get the value of this property indicates whether the image cache is enabled or not.
Returns:the noCache value
/** * Get the value of this property indicates whether the image cache is enabled or not. * * @return the noCache value */
public Boolean noCache() { return this.noCache; }
Set the value of this property indicates whether the image cache is enabled or not.
  • noCache – the noCache value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the value of this property indicates whether the image cache is enabled or not. * * @param noCache the noCache value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withNoCache(Boolean noCache) { this.noCache = noCache; return this; }
Get the Docker file path relative to the source location.
Returns:the dockerFilePath value
/** * Get the Docker file path relative to the source location. * * @return the dockerFilePath value */
public String dockerFilePath() { return this.dockerFilePath; }
Set the Docker file path relative to the source location.
  • dockerFilePath – the dockerFilePath value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the Docker file path relative to the source location. * * @param dockerFilePath the dockerFilePath value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withDockerFilePath(String dockerFilePath) { this.dockerFilePath = dockerFilePath; return this; }
Get the collection of override arguments to be used when executing the run.
Returns:the arguments value
/** * Get the collection of override arguments to be used when executing the run. * * @return the arguments value */
public List<Argument> arguments() { return this.arguments; }
Set the collection of override arguments to be used when executing the run.
  • arguments – the arguments value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the collection of override arguments to be used when executing the run. * * @param arguments the arguments value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withArguments(List<Argument> arguments) { this.arguments = arguments; return this; }
Get run timeout in seconds.
Returns:the timeout value
/** * Get run timeout in seconds. * * @return the timeout value */
public Integer timeout() { return this.timeout; }
Set run timeout in seconds.
  • timeout – the timeout value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set run timeout in seconds. * * @param timeout the timeout value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withTimeout(Integer timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; return this; }
Get the platform properties against which the run has to happen.
Returns:the platform value
/** * Get the platform properties against which the run has to happen. * * @return the platform value */
public PlatformProperties platform() { return this.platform; }
Set the platform properties against which the run has to happen.
  • platform – the platform value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the platform properties against which the run has to happen. * * @param platform the platform value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withPlatform(PlatformProperties platform) { this.platform = platform; return this; }
Get the machine configuration of the run agent.
Returns:the agentConfiguration value
/** * Get the machine configuration of the run agent. * * @return the agentConfiguration value */
public AgentProperties agentConfiguration() { return this.agentConfiguration; }
Set the machine configuration of the run agent.
  • agentConfiguration – the agentConfiguration value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the machine configuration of the run agent. * * @param agentConfiguration the agentConfiguration value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withAgentConfiguration(AgentProperties agentConfiguration) { this.agentConfiguration = agentConfiguration; return this; }
Get the URL(absolute or relative) of the source context. It can be an URL to a tar or git repoistory. If it is relative URL, the relative path should be obtained from calling listBuildSourceUploadUrl API.
Returns:the sourceLocation value
/** * Get the URL(absolute or relative) of the source context. It can be an URL to a tar or git repoistory. If it is relative URL, the relative path should be obtained from calling listBuildSourceUploadUrl API. * * @return the sourceLocation value */
public String sourceLocation() { return this.sourceLocation; }
Set the URL(absolute or relative) of the source context. It can be an URL to a tar or git repoistory. If it is relative URL, the relative path should be obtained from calling listBuildSourceUploadUrl API.
  • sourceLocation – the sourceLocation value to set
Returns:the DockerBuildRequest object itself.
/** * Set the URL(absolute or relative) of the source context. It can be an URL to a tar or git repoistory. If it is relative URL, the relative path should be obtained from calling listBuildSourceUploadUrl API. * * @param sourceLocation the sourceLocation value to set * @return the DockerBuildRequest object itself. */
public DockerBuildRequest withSourceLocation(String sourceLocation) { this.sourceLocation = sourceLocation; return this; } }