Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. */
package; import; import; import; import retrofit2.Retrofit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import okhttp3.ResponseBody; import retrofit2.http.Body; import retrofit2.http.GET; import retrofit2.http.Header; import retrofit2.http.Headers; import retrofit2.http.HTTP; import retrofit2.http.PATCH; import retrofit2.http.Path; import retrofit2.http.POST; import retrofit2.http.PUT; import retrofit2.http.Query; import retrofit2.http.Url; import retrofit2.Response; import rx.functions.Func1; import rx.Observable;
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ContainerGroups.
/** * An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined * in ContainerGroups. */
public class ContainerGroupsInner implements InnerSupportsGet<ContainerGroupInner>, InnerSupportsDelete<ContainerGroupInner>, InnerSupportsListing<ContainerGroupInner> {
The Retrofit service to perform REST calls.
/** The Retrofit service to perform REST calls. */
private ContainerGroupsService service;
The service client containing this operation class.
/** The service client containing this operation class. */
private ContainerInstanceManagementClientImpl client;
Initializes an instance of ContainerGroupsInner.
  • retrofit – the Retrofit instance built from a Retrofit Builder.
  • client – the instance of the service client containing this operation class.
/** * Initializes an instance of ContainerGroupsInner. * * @param retrofit the Retrofit instance built from a Retrofit Builder. * @param client the instance of the service client containing this operation class. */
public ContainerGroupsInner(Retrofit retrofit, ContainerInstanceManagementClientImpl client) { this.service = retrofit.create(ContainerGroupsService.class); this.client = client; }
The interface defining all the services for ContainerGroups to be used by Retrofit to perform actually REST calls.
/** * The interface defining all the services for ContainerGroups to be * used by Retrofit to perform actually REST calls. */
interface ContainerGroupsService { @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: list" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> list(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listByResourceGroup" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listByResourceGroup(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: getByResourceGroup" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> getByResourceGroup(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: createOrUpdate" }) @PUT("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> createOrUpdate(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Body ContainerGroupInner containerGroup, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: beginCreateOrUpdate" }) @PUT("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> beginCreateOrUpdate(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Body ContainerGroupInner containerGroup, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: update" }) @PATCH("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> update(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Body Resource resource, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: delete" }) @HTTP(path = "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}", method = "DELETE", hasBody = true) Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> delete(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: beginDelete" }) @HTTP(path = "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}", method = "DELETE", hasBody = true) Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> beginDelete(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: restart" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}/restart") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> restart(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: beginRestart" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}/restart") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> beginRestart(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: stop" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}/stop") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> stop(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: start" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}/start") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> start(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: beginStart" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}/start") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> beginStart(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("containerGroupName") String containerGroupName, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listNext" }) @GET Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listNext(@Url String nextUrl, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listByResourceGroupNext" }) @GET Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listByResourceGroupNext(@Url String nextUrl, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • CloudException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> list() { ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response = listSinglePageAsync().toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<ContainerGroupInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<ContainerGroupInner>> listAsync(final ListOperationCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listSinglePageAsync(), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> listAsync() { return listWithServiceResponseAsync() .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Page<ContainerGroupInner>>() { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listWithServiceResponseAsync() { return listSinglePageAsync() .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listSinglePageAsync() { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.list(this.client.subscriptionId(), this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> result = listDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> listDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> listByResourceGroup(final String resourceGroupName) { ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response = listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(resourceGroupName).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<ContainerGroupInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<ContainerGroupInner>> listByResourceGroupAsync(final String resourceGroupName, final ListOperationCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(resourceGroupName), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> listByResourceGroupAsync(final String resourceGroupName) { return listByResourceGroupWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Page<ContainerGroupInner>>() { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listByResourceGroupWithServiceResponseAsync(final String resourceGroupName) { return listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(resourceGroupName) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listByResourceGroupNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. ServiceResponse> * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group.
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(final String resourceGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.listByResourceGroup(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> result = listByResourceGroupDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> listByResourceGroupDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Get the properties of the specified container group. Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ContainerGroupInner object if successful.
/** * Get the properties of the specified container group. * Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ContainerGroupInner object if successful. */
public ContainerGroupInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return getByResourceGroupWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Get the properties of the specified container group. Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get the properties of the specified container group. * Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ContainerGroupInner> getByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(getByResourceGroupWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Get the properties of the specified container group. Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Get the properties of the specified container group. * Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ContainerGroupInner> getByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return getByResourceGroupWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>, ContainerGroupInner>() { @Override public ContainerGroupInner call(ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get the properties of the specified container group. Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Get the properties of the specified container group. * Gets the properties of the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation returns the properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> getByResourceGroupWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.getByResourceGroup(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> clientResponse = getByResourceGroupDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> getByResourceGroupDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<ContainerGroupInner, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<ContainerGroupInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
Returns:the ContainerGroupInner object if successful.
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ContainerGroupInner object if successful. */
public ContainerGroupInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup) { return createOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, containerGroup).toBlocking().last().body(); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ContainerGroupInner> createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup, final ServiceCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(createOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, containerGroup), serviceCallback); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<ContainerGroupInner> createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup) { return createOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, containerGroup).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>, ContainerGroupInner>() { @Override public ContainerGroupInner call(ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> createOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroup is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(containerGroup); Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> observable = service.createOrUpdate(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), containerGroup, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()); return client.getAzureClient().getPutOrPatchResultAsync(observable, new TypeToken<ContainerGroupInner>() { }.getType()); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
Returns:the ContainerGroupInner object if successful.
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ContainerGroupInner object if successful. */
public ContainerGroupInner beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup) { return beginCreateOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, containerGroup).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ContainerGroupInner> beginCreateOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup, final ServiceCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(beginCreateOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, containerGroup), serviceCallback); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ContainerGroupInner> beginCreateOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup) { return beginCreateOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, containerGroup).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>, ContainerGroupInner>() { @Override public ContainerGroupInner call(ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Create or update container groups. Create or update container groups with specified configurations.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • containerGroup – The properties of the container group to be created or updated.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Create or update container groups. * Create or update container groups with specified configurations. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param containerGroup The properties of the container group to be created or updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> beginCreateOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, ContainerGroupInner containerGroup) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroup is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(containerGroup); return service.beginCreateOrUpdate(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), containerGroup, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> clientResponse = beginCreateOrUpdateDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> beginCreateOrUpdateDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<ContainerGroupInner, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<ContainerGroupInner>() { }.getType()) .register(201, new TypeToken<ContainerGroupInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Update container groups. Updates container group tags with specified values.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • resource – The container group resource with just the tags to be updated.
Returns:the ContainerGroupInner object if successful.
/** * Update container groups. * Updates container group tags with specified values. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param resource The container group resource with just the tags to be updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ContainerGroupInner object if successful. */
public ContainerGroupInner update(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, Resource resource) { return updateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, resource).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Update container groups. Updates container group tags with specified values.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • resource – The container group resource with just the tags to be updated.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Update container groups. * Updates container group tags with specified values. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param resource The container group resource with just the tags to be updated. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ContainerGroupInner> updateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, Resource resource, final ServiceCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(updateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, resource), serviceCallback); }
Update container groups. Updates container group tags with specified values.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • resource – The container group resource with just the tags to be updated.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Update container groups. * Updates container group tags with specified values. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param resource The container group resource with just the tags to be updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ContainerGroupInner> updateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, Resource resource) { return updateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, resource).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>, ContainerGroupInner>() { @Override public ContainerGroupInner call(ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Update container groups. Updates container group tags with specified values.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • resource – The container group resource with just the tags to be updated.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Update container groups. * Updates container group tags with specified values. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param resource The container group resource with just the tags to be updated. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> updateWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, Resource resource) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resource == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resource is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(resource); return service.update(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), resource, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> clientResponse = updateDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> updateDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<ContainerGroupInner, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<ContainerGroupInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ContainerGroupInner object if successful.
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ContainerGroupInner object if successful. */
public ContainerGroupInner delete(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return deleteWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().last().body(); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ContainerGroupInner> deleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(deleteWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<ContainerGroupInner> deleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return deleteWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>, ContainerGroupInner>() { @Override public ContainerGroupInner call(ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> deleteWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> observable = service.delete(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()); return client.getAzureClient().getPostOrDeleteResultAsync(observable, new TypeToken<ContainerGroupInner>() { }.getType()); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ContainerGroupInner object if successful.
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ContainerGroupInner object if successful. */
public ContainerGroupInner beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return beginDeleteWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ContainerGroupInner> beginDeleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(beginDeleteWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ContainerGroupInner> beginDeleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return beginDeleteWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>, ContainerGroupInner>() { @Override public ContainerGroupInner call(ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Delete the specified container group. Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object
/** * Delete the specified container group. * Delete the specified container group in the specified subscription and resource group. The operation does not delete other resources provided by the user, such as volumes. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ContainerGroupInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> beginDeleteWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.beginDelete(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> clientResponse = beginDeleteDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<ContainerGroupInner> beginDeleteDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<ContainerGroupInner, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<ContainerGroupInner>() { }.getType()) .register(202, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()) .register(204, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent */
public void restart(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { restartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().last().body(); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<Void> restartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(restartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<Void> restartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return restartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> restartWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> observable = service.restart(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()); return client.getAzureClient().getPostOrDeleteResultAsync(observable, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent */
public void beginRestart(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { beginRestartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<Void> beginRestartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(beginRestartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<Void> beginRestartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return beginRestartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Restarts all containers in a container group. Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Restarts all containers in a container group. * Restarts all containers in a container group in place. If container image has updates, new image will be downloaded. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> beginRestartWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.beginRestart(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Void> clientResponse = beginRestartDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<Void> beginRestartDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<Void, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(204, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Stops all containers in a container group. Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
/** * Stops all containers in a container group. * Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent */
public void stop(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { stopWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Stops all containers in a container group. Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Stops all containers in a container group. * Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<Void> stopAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(stopWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Stops all containers in a container group. Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Stops all containers in a container group. * Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<Void> stopAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return stopWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Stops all containers in a container group. Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Stops all containers in a container group. * Stops all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> stopWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.stop(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Void> clientResponse = stopDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<Void> stopDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<Void, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(204, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent */
public void start(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { startWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().last().body(); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<Void> startAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(startWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<Void> startAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return startWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the observable for the request
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable for the request */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> startWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> observable = service.start(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()); return client.getAzureClient().getPostOrDeleteResultAsync(observable, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent */
public void beginStart(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { beginStartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<Void> beginStartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(beginStartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName), serviceCallback); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<Void> beginStartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { return beginStartWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Starts all containers in a container group. Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start.
  • resourceGroupName – The name of the resource group.
  • containerGroupName – The name of the container group.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Starts all containers in a container group. * Starts all containers in a container group. Compute resources will be allocated and billing will start. * * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. * @param containerGroupName The name of the container group. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> beginStartWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String containerGroupName) { if (this.client.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (containerGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter containerGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.beginStart(this.client.subscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Void> clientResponse = beginStartDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<Void> beginStartDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<Void, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(202, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> listNext(final String nextPageLink) { ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response = listNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<ContainerGroupInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
  • serviceFuture – the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @param serviceFuture the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<ContainerGroupInner>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<ContainerGroupInner>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Page<ContainerGroupInner>>() { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. ServiceResponse> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listNextSinglePageAsync(final String nextPageLink) { if (nextPageLink == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."); } String nextUrl = String.format("%s", nextPageLink); return service.listNext(nextUrl, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> result = listNextDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> listNextDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws CloudException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> listByResourceGroupNext(final String nextPageLink) { ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response = listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<ContainerGroupInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
  • serviceFuture – the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @param serviceFuture the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<ContainerGroupInner>> listByResourceGroupNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<ContainerGroupInner>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<ContainerGroupInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> listByResourceGroupNextAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listByResourceGroupNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Page<ContainerGroupInner>>() { @Override public Page<ContainerGroupInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listByResourceGroupNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listByResourceGroupNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. ServiceResponse> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<ContainerGroupInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Get a list of container groups in the specified subscription and resource group. * Get a list of container groups in a specified subscription and resource group. This operation returns properties of each container group including containers, image registry credentials, restart policy, IP address type, OS type, state, and volumes. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;ContainerGroupInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(final String nextPageLink) { if (nextPageLink == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."); } String nextUrl = String.format("%s", nextPageLink); return service.listByResourceGroupNext(nextUrl, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> result = listByResourceGroupNextDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<ContainerGroupInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>> listByResourceGroupNextDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws CloudException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>, CloudException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<ContainerGroupInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(CloudException.class) .build(response); } }