Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import; import; import; import; import;
Describes definition and update stages of unmanaged data disk of a scale set.
/** * Describes definition and update stages of unmanaged data disk of a scale set. */
@Fluent public interface VirtualMachineScaleSetUnmanagedDataDisk extends HasInner<VirtualMachineScaleSetDataDisk>, ChildResource<VirtualMachineScaleSet> {
Grouping of unmanaged data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine scale set creation.
/** * Grouping of unmanaged data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine scale set creation. */
interface DefinitionStages {
The first stage of a unmanaged data disk definition.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The first stage of a unmanaged data disk definition. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition */
interface Blank<ParentT> extends WithDiskSource<ParentT> { }
The stage of the unmanaged data disk definition allowing to choose the source.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The stage of the unmanaged data disk definition allowing to choose the source. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition */
interface WithDiskSource<ParentT> {
specifies that unmanaged disk needs to be created with a new VHD of given size.
  • sizeInGB – the initial disk size in GB
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * specifies that unmanaged disk needs to be created with a new VHD of given size. * * @param sizeInGB the initial disk size in GB * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> withNewVhd(int sizeInGB);
Specifies the image LUN identifier of the source disk image.
  • imageLun – the LUN
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Specifies the image LUN identifier of the source disk image. * * @param imageLun the LUN * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithFromImageDiskSettings<ParentT> fromImage(int imageLun); }
The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on new VHD.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on new VHD. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition */
interface WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> extends WithAttach<ParentT> {
Specifies the logical unit number for the unmanaged data disk.
  • lun – the logical unit number
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Specifies the logical unit number for the unmanaged data disk. * * @param lun the logical unit number * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> withLun(Integer lun);
Specifies the caching type for the unmanaged data disk.
  • cachingType – the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Specifies the caching type for the unmanaged data disk. * * @param cachingType the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite' * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> withCaching(CachingTypes cachingType); }
The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on an image.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on an image. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition */
interface WithFromImageDiskSettings<ParentT> extends WithAttach<ParentT> {
Specifies the size in GB the unmanaged disk needs to be resized.
  • sizeInGB – the disk size in GB
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Specifies the size in GB the unmanaged disk needs to be resized. * * @param sizeInGB the disk size in GB * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithFromImageDiskSettings<ParentT> withSizeInGB(Integer sizeInGB);
Specifies the caching type for the unmanaged data disk.
  • cachingType – the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Specifies the caching type for the unmanaged data disk. * * @param cachingType the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite' * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithFromImageDiskSettings<ParentT> withCaching(CachingTypes cachingType); }
The final stage of the unmanaged data disk definition.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The final stage of the unmanaged data disk definition. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition */
interface WithAttach<ParentT> extends Attachable.InDefinition<ParentT> { } }
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
/** The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition. * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition */
interface DefinitionWithNewVhd<ParentT> extends DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT>, DefinitionStages.WithDiskSource<ParentT>, DefinitionStages.WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT>, DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> { }
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
/** The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition. * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition */
interface DefinitionWithImage<ParentT> extends DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT>, DefinitionStages.WithDiskSource<ParentT>, DefinitionStages.WithFromImageDiskSettings<ParentT>, DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> { }
Grouping of unamanged data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine scale set update.
/** * Grouping of unamanged data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine scale set update. */
interface UpdateDefinitionStages {
The first stage of a unmanaged data disk definition.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The first stage of a unmanaged data disk definition. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition */
interface Blank<ParentT> extends WithDiskSource<ParentT> { }
The stage of the unmanaged data disk definition allowing to choose the source.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The stage of the unmanaged data disk definition allowing to choose the source. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition */
interface WithDiskSource<ParentT> {
specifies that unmanaged disk needs to be created with a new VHD of given size.
  • sizeInGB – the initial disk size in GB
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * specifies that unmanaged disk needs to be created with a new VHD of given size. * * @param sizeInGB the initial disk size in GB * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> withNewVhd(int sizeInGB); }
The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on new VHD.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on new VHD. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition */
interface WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> extends WithAttach<ParentT> {
Specifies the logical unit number for the unmanaged data disk.
  • lun – the logical unit number
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Specifies the logical unit number for the unmanaged data disk. * * @param lun the logical unit number * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> withLun(Integer lun);
Specifies the caching type for the unmanaged data disk.
  • cachingType – the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Specifies the caching type for the unmanaged data disk. * * @param cachingType the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite' * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk definition */
WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT> withCaching(CachingTypes cachingType); }
The final stage of the unmanaged data disk definition.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition
/** * The final stage of the unmanaged data disk definition. * * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition */
interface WithAttach<ParentT> extends Attachable.InUpdate<ParentT> { } }
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
Type parameters:
  • <ParentT> – the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition
/** The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition. * @param <ParentT> the stage of the parent update to return to after attaching this definition */
interface UpdateDefinition<ParentT> extends UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT>, UpdateDefinitionStages.WithDiskSource<ParentT>, UpdateDefinitionStages.WithNewVhdDiskSettings<ParentT>, UpdateDefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> { }
Grouping of unmanaged data disk update stages.
/** * Grouping of unmanaged data disk update stages. */
interface UpdateStages {
The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk size.
/** * The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk size. */
interface WithDiskSize {
Specifies the new size in GB for data disk.
  • sizeInGB – the disk size in GB
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk update
/** * Specifies the new size in GB for data disk. * * @param sizeInGB the disk size in GB * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk update */
Update withSizeInGB(Integer sizeInGB); }
The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk LUN.
/** * The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk LUN. */
interface WithDiskLun {
Specifies the new logical unit number for the unmanaged data disk.
  • lun – the logical unit number
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk update
/** * Specifies the new logical unit number for the unmanaged data disk. * * @param lun the logical unit number * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk update */
Update withLun(Integer lun); }
The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk caching type.
/** * The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk caching type. */
interface WithDiskCaching {
Specifies the new caching type for the unmanaged data disk.
  • cachingType – the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'
Returns:the next stage of unmanaged data disk update
/** * Specifies the new caching type for the unmanaged data disk. * * @param cachingType the disk caching type. Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite' * @return the next stage of unmanaged data disk update */
Update withCaching(CachingTypes cachingType); } }
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk update as part of a virtual machine scale set update.
/** * The entirety of a unmanaged data disk update as part of a virtual machine scale set update. */
interface Update extends UpdateStages.WithDiskSize, UpdateStages.WithDiskLun, UpdateStages.WithDiskCaching, Settable<VirtualMachineScaleSet.Update> { } }