Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. */
package; import java.util.List; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import;
Describes a Virtual Machine run command.
/** * Describes a Virtual Machine run command. */
@JsonFlatten public class VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate extends UpdateResource {
The source of the run command script.
/** * The source of the run command script. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.source") private VirtualMachineRunCommandScriptSource source;
The parameters used by the script.
/** * The parameters used by the script. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.parameters") private List<RunCommandInputParameter> parameters;
The parameters used by the script.
/** * The parameters used by the script. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.protectedParameters") private List<RunCommandInputParameter> protectedParameters;
Optional. If set to true, provisioning will complete as soon as the script starts and will not wait for script to complete.
/** * Optional. If set to true, provisioning will complete as soon as the * script starts and will not wait for script to complete. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.asyncExecution") private Boolean asyncExecution;
Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the run command.
/** * Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the run command. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.runAsUser") private String runAsUser;
Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the run command.
/** * Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the run * command. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.runAsPassword") private String runAsPassword;
The timeout in seconds to execute the run command.
/** * The timeout in seconds to execute the run command. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.timeoutInSeconds") private Integer timeoutInSeconds;
Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded.
/** * Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be * uploaded. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.outputBlobUri") private String outputBlobUri;
Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
/** * Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be * uploaded. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.errorBlobUri") private String errorBlobUri;
The provisioning state, which only appears in the response.
/** * The provisioning state, which only appears in the response. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.provisioningState", access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY) private String provisioningState;
The virtual machine run command instance view.
/** * The virtual machine run command instance view. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.instanceView", access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY) private VirtualMachineRunCommandInstanceView instanceView;
Get the source of the run command script.
Returns:the source value
/** * Get the source of the run command script. * * @return the source value */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandScriptSource source() { return this.source; }
Set the source of the run command script.
  • source – the source value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set the source of the run command script. * * @param source the source value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withSource(VirtualMachineRunCommandScriptSource source) { this.source = source; return this; }
Get the parameters used by the script.
Returns:the parameters value
/** * Get the parameters used by the script. * * @return the parameters value */
public List<RunCommandInputParameter> parameters() { return this.parameters; }
Set the parameters used by the script.
  • parameters – the parameters value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set the parameters used by the script. * * @param parameters the parameters value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withParameters(List<RunCommandInputParameter> parameters) { this.parameters = parameters; return this; }
Get the parameters used by the script.
Returns:the protectedParameters value
/** * Get the parameters used by the script. * * @return the protectedParameters value */
public List<RunCommandInputParameter> protectedParameters() { return this.protectedParameters; }
Set the parameters used by the script.
  • protectedParameters – the protectedParameters value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set the parameters used by the script. * * @param protectedParameters the protectedParameters value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withProtectedParameters(List<RunCommandInputParameter> protectedParameters) { this.protectedParameters = protectedParameters; return this; }
Get optional. If set to true, provisioning will complete as soon as the script starts and will not wait for script to complete.
Returns:the asyncExecution value
/** * Get optional. If set to true, provisioning will complete as soon as the script starts and will not wait for script to complete. * * @return the asyncExecution value */
public Boolean asyncExecution() { return this.asyncExecution; }
Set optional. If set to true, provisioning will complete as soon as the script starts and will not wait for script to complete.
  • asyncExecution – the asyncExecution value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set optional. If set to true, provisioning will complete as soon as the script starts and will not wait for script to complete. * * @param asyncExecution the asyncExecution value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withAsyncExecution(Boolean asyncExecution) { this.asyncExecution = asyncExecution; return this; }
Get specifies the user account on the VM when executing the run command.
Returns:the runAsUser value
/** * Get specifies the user account on the VM when executing the run command. * * @return the runAsUser value */
public String runAsUser() { return this.runAsUser; }
Set specifies the user account on the VM when executing the run command.
  • runAsUser – the runAsUser value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set specifies the user account on the VM when executing the run command. * * @param runAsUser the runAsUser value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withRunAsUser(String runAsUser) { this.runAsUser = runAsUser; return this; }
Get specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the run command.
Returns:the runAsPassword value
/** * Get specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the run command. * * @return the runAsPassword value */
public String runAsPassword() { return this.runAsPassword; }
Set specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the run command.
  • runAsPassword – the runAsPassword value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the run command. * * @param runAsPassword the runAsPassword value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withRunAsPassword(String runAsPassword) { this.runAsPassword = runAsPassword; return this; }
Get the timeout in seconds to execute the run command.
Returns:the timeoutInSeconds value
/** * Get the timeout in seconds to execute the run command. * * @return the timeoutInSeconds value */
public Integer timeoutInSeconds() { return this.timeoutInSeconds; }
Set the timeout in seconds to execute the run command.
  • timeoutInSeconds – the timeoutInSeconds value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set the timeout in seconds to execute the run command. * * @param timeoutInSeconds the timeoutInSeconds value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withTimeoutInSeconds(Integer timeoutInSeconds) { this.timeoutInSeconds = timeoutInSeconds; return this; }
Get specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded.
Returns:the outputBlobUri value
/** * Get specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. * * @return the outputBlobUri value */
public String outputBlobUri() { return this.outputBlobUri; }
Set specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded.
  • outputBlobUri – the outputBlobUri value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. * * @param outputBlobUri the outputBlobUri value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withOutputBlobUri(String outputBlobUri) { this.outputBlobUri = outputBlobUri; return this; }
Get specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
Returns:the errorBlobUri value
/** * Get specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded. * * @return the errorBlobUri value */
public String errorBlobUri() { return this.errorBlobUri; }
Set specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
  • errorBlobUri – the errorBlobUri value to set
Returns:the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself.
/** * Set specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded. * * @param errorBlobUri the errorBlobUri value to set * @return the VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate object itself. */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandUpdate withErrorBlobUri(String errorBlobUri) { this.errorBlobUri = errorBlobUri; return this; }
Get the provisioning state, which only appears in the response.
Returns:the provisioningState value
/** * Get the provisioning state, which only appears in the response. * * @return the provisioningState value */
public String provisioningState() { return this.provisioningState; }
Get the virtual machine run command instance view.
Returns:the instanceView value
/** * Get the virtual machine run command instance view. * * @return the instanceView value */
public VirtualMachineRunCommandInstanceView instanceView() { return this.instanceView; } }