Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. */
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import okhttp3.ResponseBody; import retrofit2.http.Body; import retrofit2.http.GET; import retrofit2.http.Header; import retrofit2.http.Headers; import retrofit2.http.Path; import retrofit2.http.POST; import retrofit2.http.PUT; import retrofit2.http.Query; import retrofit2.http.Url; import retrofit2.Response; import rx.functions.Func1; import rx.Observable;
Initializes a new instance of the WebSiteManagementClientImpl class.
/** * Initializes a new instance of the WebSiteManagementClientImpl class. */
public class WebSiteManagementClientImpl extends AzureServiceClient {
The Retrofit service to perform REST calls.
/** The Retrofit service to perform REST calls. */
private WebSiteManagementClientService service;
the AzureClient used for long running operations.
/** the {@link AzureClient} used for long running operations. */
private AzureClient azureClient;
Gets the AzureClient used for long running operations.
Returns:the azure client;
/** * Gets the {@link AzureClient} used for long running operations. * @return the azure client; */
public AzureClient getAzureClient() { return this.azureClient; }
Your Azure subscription ID. This is a GUID-formatted string (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
/** Your Azure subscription ID. This is a GUID-formatted string (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000). */
private String subscriptionId;
Gets Your Azure subscription ID. This is a GUID-formatted string (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
Returns:the subscriptionId value.
/** * Gets Your Azure subscription ID. This is a GUID-formatted string (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000). * * @return the subscriptionId value. */
public String subscriptionId() { return this.subscriptionId; }
Sets Your Azure subscription ID. This is a GUID-formatted string (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  • subscriptionId – the subscriptionId value.
Returns:the service client itself
/** * Sets Your Azure subscription ID. This is a GUID-formatted string (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000). * * @param subscriptionId the subscriptionId value. * @return the service client itself */
public WebSiteManagementClientImpl withSubscriptionId(String subscriptionId) { this.subscriptionId = subscriptionId; return this; }
API Version.
/** API Version. */
private String apiVersion;
Gets API Version.
Returns:the apiVersion value.
/** * Gets API Version. * * @return the apiVersion value. */
public String apiVersion() { return this.apiVersion; }
The preferred language for the response.
/** The preferred language for the response. */
private String acceptLanguage;
Gets The preferred language for the response.
Returns:the acceptLanguage value.
/** * Gets The preferred language for the response. * * @return the acceptLanguage value. */
public String acceptLanguage() { return this.acceptLanguage; }
Sets The preferred language for the response.
  • acceptLanguage – the acceptLanguage value.
Returns:the service client itself
/** * Sets The preferred language for the response. * * @param acceptLanguage the acceptLanguage value. * @return the service client itself */
public WebSiteManagementClientImpl withAcceptLanguage(String acceptLanguage) { this.acceptLanguage = acceptLanguage; return this; }
The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30.
/** The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30. */
private int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout;
Gets The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30.
Returns:the longRunningOperationRetryTimeout value.
/** * Gets The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30. * * @return the longRunningOperationRetryTimeout value. */
public int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout() { return this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout; }
Sets The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30.
  • longRunningOperationRetryTimeout – the longRunningOperationRetryTimeout value.
Returns:the service client itself
/** * Sets The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30. * * @param longRunningOperationRetryTimeout the longRunningOperationRetryTimeout value. * @return the service client itself */
public WebSiteManagementClientImpl withLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout(int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout) { this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout = longRunningOperationRetryTimeout; return this; }
Whether a unique x-ms-client-request-id should be generated. When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true.
/** Whether a unique x-ms-client-request-id should be generated. When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true. */
private boolean generateClientRequestId;
Gets Whether a unique x-ms-client-request-id should be generated. When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true.
Returns:the generateClientRequestId value.
/** * Gets Whether a unique x-ms-client-request-id should be generated. When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true. * * @return the generateClientRequestId value. */
public boolean generateClientRequestId() { return this.generateClientRequestId; }
Sets Whether a unique x-ms-client-request-id should be generated. When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true.
  • generateClientRequestId – the generateClientRequestId value.
Returns:the service client itself
/** * Sets Whether a unique x-ms-client-request-id should be generated. When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and included in each request. Default is true. * * @param generateClientRequestId the generateClientRequestId value. * @return the service client itself */
public WebSiteManagementClientImpl withGenerateClientRequestId(boolean generateClientRequestId) { this.generateClientRequestId = generateClientRequestId; return this; }
The AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner object to access its operations.
/** * The AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner object to access its operations. */
private AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner appServiceCertificateOrders;
Gets the AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner object.
/** * Gets the AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner object to access its operations. * @return the AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner object. */
public AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner appServiceCertificateOrders() { return this.appServiceCertificateOrders; }
The CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations.
/** * The CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations. */
private CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner certificateRegistrationProviders;
Gets the CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner object.
/** * Gets the CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations. * @return the CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner object. */
public CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner certificateRegistrationProviders() { return this.certificateRegistrationProviders; }
The DomainsInner object to access its operations.
/** * The DomainsInner object to access its operations. */
private DomainsInner domains;
Gets the DomainsInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the DomainsInner object.
/** * Gets the DomainsInner object to access its operations. * @return the DomainsInner object. */
public DomainsInner domains() { return; }
The TopLevelDomainsInner object to access its operations.
/** * The TopLevelDomainsInner object to access its operations. */
private TopLevelDomainsInner topLevelDomains;
Gets the TopLevelDomainsInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the TopLevelDomainsInner object.
/** * Gets the TopLevelDomainsInner object to access its operations. * @return the TopLevelDomainsInner object. */
public TopLevelDomainsInner topLevelDomains() { return this.topLevelDomains; }
The DomainRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations.
/** * The DomainRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations. */
private DomainRegistrationProvidersInner domainRegistrationProviders;
Gets the DomainRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the DomainRegistrationProvidersInner object.
/** * Gets the DomainRegistrationProvidersInner object to access its operations. * @return the DomainRegistrationProvidersInner object. */
public DomainRegistrationProvidersInner domainRegistrationProviders() { return this.domainRegistrationProviders; }
The CertificatesInner object to access its operations.
/** * The CertificatesInner object to access its operations. */
private CertificatesInner certificates;
Gets the CertificatesInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the CertificatesInner object.
/** * Gets the CertificatesInner object to access its operations. * @return the CertificatesInner object. */
public CertificatesInner certificates() { return this.certificates; }
The DeletedWebAppsInner object to access its operations.
/** * The DeletedWebAppsInner object to access its operations. */
private DeletedWebAppsInner deletedWebApps;
Gets the DeletedWebAppsInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the DeletedWebAppsInner object.
/** * Gets the DeletedWebAppsInner object to access its operations. * @return the DeletedWebAppsInner object. */
public DeletedWebAppsInner deletedWebApps() { return this.deletedWebApps; }
The DiagnosticsInner object to access its operations.
/** * The DiagnosticsInner object to access its operations. */
private DiagnosticsInner diagnostics;
Gets the DiagnosticsInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the DiagnosticsInner object.
/** * Gets the DiagnosticsInner object to access its operations. * @return the DiagnosticsInner object. */
public DiagnosticsInner diagnostics() { return this.diagnostics; }
The ProvidersInner object to access its operations.
/** * The ProvidersInner object to access its operations. */
private ProvidersInner providers;
Gets the ProvidersInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the ProvidersInner object.
/** * Gets the ProvidersInner object to access its operations. * @return the ProvidersInner object. */
public ProvidersInner providers() { return this.providers; }
The RecommendationsInner object to access its operations.
/** * The RecommendationsInner object to access its operations. */
private RecommendationsInner recommendations;
Gets the RecommendationsInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the RecommendationsInner object.
/** * Gets the RecommendationsInner object to access its operations. * @return the RecommendationsInner object. */
public RecommendationsInner recommendations() { return this.recommendations; }
The WebAppsInner object to access its operations.
/** * The WebAppsInner object to access its operations. */
private WebAppsInner webApps;
Gets the WebAppsInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the WebAppsInner object.
/** * Gets the WebAppsInner object to access its operations. * @return the WebAppsInner object. */
public WebAppsInner webApps() { return this.webApps; }
The AppServiceEnvironmentsInner object to access its operations.
/** * The AppServiceEnvironmentsInner object to access its operations. */
private AppServiceEnvironmentsInner appServiceEnvironments;
Gets the AppServiceEnvironmentsInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the AppServiceEnvironmentsInner object.
/** * Gets the AppServiceEnvironmentsInner object to access its operations. * @return the AppServiceEnvironmentsInner object. */
public AppServiceEnvironmentsInner appServiceEnvironments() { return this.appServiceEnvironments; }
The AppServicePlansInner object to access its operations.
/** * The AppServicePlansInner object to access its operations. */
private AppServicePlansInner appServicePlans;
Gets the AppServicePlansInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the AppServicePlansInner object.
/** * Gets the AppServicePlansInner object to access its operations. * @return the AppServicePlansInner object. */
public AppServicePlansInner appServicePlans() { return this.appServicePlans; }
The ResourceHealthMetadatasInner object to access its operations.
/** * The ResourceHealthMetadatasInner object to access its operations. */
private ResourceHealthMetadatasInner resourceHealthMetadatas;
Gets the ResourceHealthMetadatasInner object to access its operations.
Returns:the ResourceHealthMetadatasInner object.
/** * Gets the ResourceHealthMetadatasInner object to access its operations. * @return the ResourceHealthMetadatasInner object. */
public ResourceHealthMetadatasInner resourceHealthMetadatas() { return this.resourceHealthMetadatas; }
Initializes an instance of WebSiteManagementClient client.
  • credentials – the management credentials for Azure
/** * Initializes an instance of WebSiteManagementClient client. * * @param credentials the management credentials for Azure */
public WebSiteManagementClientImpl(ServiceClientCredentials credentials) { this("", credentials); }
Initializes an instance of WebSiteManagementClient client.
  • baseUrl – the base URL of the host
  • credentials – the management credentials for Azure
/** * Initializes an instance of WebSiteManagementClient client. * * @param baseUrl the base URL of the host * @param credentials the management credentials for Azure */
public WebSiteManagementClientImpl(String baseUrl, ServiceClientCredentials credentials) { super(baseUrl, credentials); initialize(); }
Initializes an instance of WebSiteManagementClient client.
  • restClient – the REST client to connect to Azure.
/** * Initializes an instance of WebSiteManagementClient client. * * @param restClient the REST client to connect to Azure. */
public WebSiteManagementClientImpl(RestClient restClient) { super(restClient); initialize(); } protected void initialize() { this.apiVersion = "2019-08-01"; this.acceptLanguage = "en-US"; this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 30; this.generateClientRequestId = true; this.appServiceCertificateOrders = new AppServiceCertificateOrdersInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.certificateRegistrationProviders = new CertificateRegistrationProvidersInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); = new DomainsInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.topLevelDomains = new TopLevelDomainsInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.domainRegistrationProviders = new DomainRegistrationProvidersInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.certificates = new CertificatesInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.deletedWebApps = new DeletedWebAppsInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.diagnostics = new DiagnosticsInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.providers = new ProvidersInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.recommendations = new RecommendationsInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.webApps = new WebAppsInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.appServiceEnvironments = new AppServiceEnvironmentsInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.appServicePlans = new AppServicePlansInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.resourceHealthMetadatas = new ResourceHealthMetadatasInner(restClient().retrofit(), this); this.azureClient = new AzureClient(this); initializeService(); }
Gets the User-Agent header for the client.
Returns:the user agent string.
/** * Gets the User-Agent header for the client. * * @return the user agent string. */
@Override public String userAgent() { return String.format("%s (%s, %s)", super.userAgent(), "WebSiteManagementClient", "2019-08-01"); } private void initializeService() { service = restClient().retrofit().create(WebSiteManagementClientService.class); }
The interface defining all the services for WebSiteManagementClient to be used by Retrofit to perform actually REST calls.
/** * The interface defining all the services for WebSiteManagementClient to be * used by Retrofit to perform actually REST calls. */
interface WebSiteManagementClientService { @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: getPublishingUser" }) @GET("providers/Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers/web") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> getPublishingUser(@Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: updatePublishingUser" }) @PUT("providers/Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers/web") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> updatePublishingUser(@Body UserInner userDetails, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listSourceControls" }) @GET("providers/Microsoft.Web/sourcecontrols") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listSourceControls(@Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: getSourceControl" }) @GET("providers/Microsoft.Web/sourcecontrols/{sourceControlType}") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> getSourceControl(@Path("sourceControlType") String sourceControlType, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: updateSourceControl" }) @PUT("providers/Microsoft.Web/sourcecontrols/{sourceControlType}") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> updateSourceControl(@Path("sourceControlType") String sourceControlType, @Body SourceControlInner requestMessage, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listBillingMeters" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/billingMeters") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listBillingMeters(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("billingLocation") String billingLocation, @Query("osType") String osType, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: checkNameAvailability" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/checknameavailability") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> checkNameAvailability(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Body ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: getSubscriptionDeploymentLocations" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/deploymentLocations") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocations(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listGeoRegions" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/geoRegions") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listGeoRegions(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("sku") SkuName sku, @Query("linuxWorkersEnabled") Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, @Query("xenonWorkersEnabled") Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, @Query("linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled") Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostName" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/listSitesAssignedToHostName") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostName(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Body NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listPremierAddOnOffers" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/premieraddonoffers") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listPremierAddOnOffers(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listSkus" }) @GET("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/skus") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listSkus(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet(@Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Body VnetParameters parameters, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: move" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/moveResources") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> move(@Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Body CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: validate" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/validate") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> validate(@Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Body ValidateRequest validateRequest, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: validateMove" }) @POST("subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/validateMoveResources") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> validateMove(@Path("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @Path("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId, @Body CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, @Query("api-version") String apiVersion, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listSourceControlsNext" }) @GET Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listSourceControlsNext(@Url String nextUrl, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listBillingMetersNext" }) @GET Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listBillingMetersNext(@Url String nextUrl, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listGeoRegionsNext" }) @GET Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listGeoRegionsNext(@Url String nextUrl, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNext" }) @GET Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNext(@Url String nextUrl, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: listPremierAddOnOffersNext" }) @GET Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> listPremierAddOnOffersNext(@Url String nextUrl, @Header("accept-language") String acceptLanguage, @Header("User-Agent") String userAgent); }
Gets publishing user. Description for Gets publishing user.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the UserInner object if successful.
/** * Gets publishing user. * Description for Gets publishing user. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the UserInner object if successful. */
public UserInner getPublishingUser() { return getPublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync().toBlocking().single().body(); }
Gets publishing user. Description for Gets publishing user.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets publishing user. * Description for Gets publishing user. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<UserInner> getPublishingUserAsync(final ServiceCallback<UserInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(getPublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync(), serviceCallback); }
Gets publishing user. Description for Gets publishing user.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the UserInner object
/** * Gets publishing user. * Description for Gets publishing user. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the UserInner object */
public Observable<UserInner> getPublishingUserAsync() { return getPublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync().map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<UserInner>, UserInner>() { @Override public UserInner call(ServiceResponse<UserInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets publishing user. Description for Gets publishing user.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the UserInner object
/** * Gets publishing user. * Description for Gets publishing user. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the UserInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<UserInner>> getPublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync() { if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.getPublishingUser(this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<UserInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<UserInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<UserInner> clientResponse = getPublishingUserDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<UserInner> getPublishingUserDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<UserInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<UserInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Updates publishing user. Description for Updates publishing user.
  • userDetails – Details of publishing user
Returns:the UserInner object if successful.
/** * Updates publishing user. * Description for Updates publishing user. * * @param userDetails Details of publishing user * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the UserInner object if successful. */
public UserInner updatePublishingUser(UserInner userDetails) { return updatePublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync(userDetails).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Updates publishing user. Description for Updates publishing user.
  • userDetails – Details of publishing user
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Updates publishing user. * Description for Updates publishing user. * * @param userDetails Details of publishing user * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<UserInner> updatePublishingUserAsync(UserInner userDetails, final ServiceCallback<UserInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(updatePublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync(userDetails), serviceCallback); }
Updates publishing user. Description for Updates publishing user.
  • userDetails – Details of publishing user
Returns:the observable to the UserInner object
/** * Updates publishing user. * Description for Updates publishing user. * * @param userDetails Details of publishing user * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the UserInner object */
public Observable<UserInner> updatePublishingUserAsync(UserInner userDetails) { return updatePublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync(userDetails).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<UserInner>, UserInner>() { @Override public UserInner call(ServiceResponse<UserInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Updates publishing user. Description for Updates publishing user.
  • userDetails – Details of publishing user
Returns:the observable to the UserInner object
/** * Updates publishing user. * Description for Updates publishing user. * * @param userDetails Details of publishing user * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the UserInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<UserInner>> updatePublishingUserWithServiceResponseAsync(UserInner userDetails) { if (userDetails == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter userDetails is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(userDetails); return service.updatePublishingUser(userDetails, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<UserInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<UserInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<UserInner> clientResponse = updatePublishingUserDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<UserInner> updatePublishingUserDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<UserInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<UserInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object if successful.
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<SourceControlInner> listSourceControls() { ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>> response = listSourceControlsSinglePageAsync().toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<SourceControlInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<SourceControlInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<SourceControlInner>> listSourceControlsAsync(final ListOperationCallback<SourceControlInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listSourceControlsSinglePageAsync(), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<SourceControlInner>> listSourceControlsAsync() { return listSourceControlsWithServiceResponseAsync() .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>, Page<SourceControlInner>>() { @Override public Page<SourceControlInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> listSourceControlsWithServiceResponseAsync() { return listSourceControlsSinglePageAsync() .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listSourceControlsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> listSourceControlsSinglePageAsync() { if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.listSourceControls(this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>> result = listSourceControlsDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>> listSourceControlsDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Gets source control token. Description for Gets source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
Returns:the SourceControlInner object if successful.
/** * Gets source control token. * Description for Gets source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the SourceControlInner object if successful. */
public SourceControlInner getSourceControl(String sourceControlType) { return getSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(sourceControlType).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Gets source control token. Description for Gets source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets source control token. * Description for Gets source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<SourceControlInner> getSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType, final ServiceCallback<SourceControlInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(getSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(sourceControlType), serviceCallback); }
Gets source control token. Description for Gets source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
Returns:the observable to the SourceControlInner object
/** * Gets source control token. * Description for Gets source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the SourceControlInner object */
public Observable<SourceControlInner> getSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType) { return getSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(sourceControlType).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>, SourceControlInner>() { @Override public SourceControlInner call(ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets source control token. Description for Gets source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
Returns:the observable to the SourceControlInner object
/** * Gets source control token. * Description for Gets source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the SourceControlInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>> getSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(String sourceControlType) { if (sourceControlType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter sourceControlType is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.getSourceControl(sourceControlType, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner> clientResponse = getSourceControlDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner> getSourceControlDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<SourceControlInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<SourceControlInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Updates source control token. Description for Updates source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
  • requestMessage – Source control token information
Returns:the SourceControlInner object if successful.
/** * Updates source control token. * Description for Updates source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @param requestMessage Source control token information * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the SourceControlInner object if successful. */
public SourceControlInner updateSourceControl(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage) { return updateSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(sourceControlType, requestMessage).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Updates source control token. Description for Updates source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
  • requestMessage – Source control token information
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Updates source control token. * Description for Updates source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @param requestMessage Source control token information * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<SourceControlInner> updateSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage, final ServiceCallback<SourceControlInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(updateSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(sourceControlType, requestMessage), serviceCallback); }
Updates source control token. Description for Updates source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
  • requestMessage – Source control token information
Returns:the observable to the SourceControlInner object
/** * Updates source control token. * Description for Updates source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @param requestMessage Source control token information * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the SourceControlInner object */
public Observable<SourceControlInner> updateSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage) { return updateSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(sourceControlType, requestMessage).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>, SourceControlInner>() { @Override public SourceControlInner call(ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Updates source control token. Description for Updates source control token.
  • sourceControlType – Type of source control
  • requestMessage – Source control token information
Returns:the observable to the SourceControlInner object
/** * Updates source control token. * Description for Updates source control token. * * @param sourceControlType Type of source control * @param requestMessage Source control token information * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the SourceControlInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>> updateSourceControlWithServiceResponseAsync(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage) { if (sourceControlType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter sourceControlType is required and cannot be null."); } if (requestMessage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter requestMessage is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(requestMessage); return service.updateSourceControl(sourceControlType, requestMessage, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner> clientResponse = updateSourceControlDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<SourceControlInner> updateSourceControlDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<SourceControlInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<SourceControlInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object if successful.
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<BillingMeterInner> listBillingMeters() { ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> response = listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync().toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<BillingMeterInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<BillingMeterInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersAsync(final ListOperationCallback<BillingMeterInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync(), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersAsync() { return listBillingMetersWithServiceResponseAsync() .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>, Page<BillingMeterInner>>() { @Override public Page<BillingMeterInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> listBillingMetersWithServiceResponseAsync() { return listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync() .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listBillingMetersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync() { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } final String billingLocation = null; final String osType = null; return service.listBillingMeters(this.subscriptionId(), billingLocation, osType, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> result = listBillingMetersDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • billingLocation – Azure Location of billable resource
  • osType – App Service OS type meters used for
Returns:the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object if successful.
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param billingLocation Azure Location of billable resource * @param osType App Service OS type meters used for * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<BillingMeterInner> listBillingMeters(final String billingLocation, final String osType) { ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> response = listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync(billingLocation, osType).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<BillingMeterInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<BillingMeterInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • billingLocation – Azure Location of billable resource
  • osType – App Service OS type meters used for
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param billingLocation Azure Location of billable resource * @param osType App Service OS type meters used for * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersAsync(final String billingLocation, final String osType, final ListOperationCallback<BillingMeterInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync(billingLocation, osType), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • billingLocation – Azure Location of billable resource
  • osType – App Service OS type meters used for
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param billingLocation Azure Location of billable resource * @param osType App Service OS type meters used for * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersAsync(final String billingLocation, final String osType) { return listBillingMetersWithServiceResponseAsync(billingLocation, osType) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>, Page<BillingMeterInner>>() { @Override public Page<BillingMeterInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • billingLocation – Azure Location of billable resource
  • osType – App Service OS type meters used for
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param billingLocation Azure Location of billable resource * @param osType App Service OS type meters used for * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> listBillingMetersWithServiceResponseAsync(final String billingLocation, final String osType) { return listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync(billingLocation, osType) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listBillingMetersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. ServiceResponse> * @param billingLocation Azure Location of billable resource ServiceResponse> * @param osType App Service OS type meters used for
Returns:the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> * @param billingLocation Azure Location of billable resource ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> * @param osType App Service OS type meters used for * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> listBillingMetersSinglePageAsync(final String billingLocation, final String osType) { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.listBillingMeters(this.subscriptionId(), billingLocation, osType, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> result = listBillingMetersDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
Returns:the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object if successful.
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object if successful. */
public ResourceNameAvailabilityInner checkNameAvailability(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type) { return checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(name, type).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type, final ServiceCallback<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(name, type), serviceCallback); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
Returns:the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object */
public Observable<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type) { return checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(name, type).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>, ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>() { @Override public ResourceNameAvailabilityInner call(ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
Returns:the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>> checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type) { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter name is required and cannot be null."); } if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter type is required and cannot be null."); } final Boolean isFqdn = null; ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request = new ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest(); request.withName(name); request.withType(type); request.withIsFqdn(null); return service.checkNameAvailability(this.subscriptionId(), this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), request, this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> clientResponse = checkNameAvailabilityDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
  • isFqdn – Is fully qualified domain name.
Returns:the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object if successful.
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @param isFqdn Is fully qualified domain name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object if successful. */
public ResourceNameAvailabilityInner checkNameAvailability(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type, Boolean isFqdn) { return checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(name, type, isFqdn).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
  • isFqdn – Is fully qualified domain name.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @param isFqdn Is fully qualified domain name. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type, Boolean isFqdn, final ServiceCallback<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(name, type, isFqdn), serviceCallback); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
  • isFqdn – Is fully qualified domain name.
Returns:the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @param isFqdn Is fully qualified domain name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object */
public Observable<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type, Boolean isFqdn) { return checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(name, type, isFqdn).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>, ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>() { @Override public ResourceNameAvailabilityInner call(ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.
  • name – Resource name to verify.
  • type – Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers'
  • isFqdn – Is fully qualified domain name.
Returns:the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object
/** * Check if a resource name is available. * Description for Check if a resource name is available. * * @param name Resource name to verify. * @param type Resource type used for verification. Possible values include: 'Site', 'Slot', 'HostingEnvironment', 'PublishingUser', 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments', 'Microsoft.Web/publishingUsers' * @param isFqdn Is fully qualified domain name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ResourceNameAvailabilityInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>> checkNameAvailabilityWithServiceResponseAsync(String name, CheckNameResourceTypes type, Boolean isFqdn) { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter name is required and cannot be null."); } if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter type is required and cannot be null."); } ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request = new ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest(); request.withName(name); request.withType(type); request.withIsFqdn(isFqdn); return service.checkNameAvailability(this.subscriptionId(), this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), request, this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> clientResponse = checkNameAvailabilityDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> checkNameAvailabilityDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the DeploymentLocationsInner object if successful.
/** * Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the DeploymentLocationsInner object if successful. */
public DeploymentLocationsInner getSubscriptionDeploymentLocations() { return getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithServiceResponseAsync().toBlocking().single().body(); }
Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<DeploymentLocationsInner> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsAsync(final ServiceCallback<DeploymentLocationsInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithServiceResponseAsync(), serviceCallback); }
Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the DeploymentLocationsInner object
/** * Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the DeploymentLocationsInner object */
public Observable<DeploymentLocationsInner> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsAsync() { return getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithServiceResponseAsync().map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<DeploymentLocationsInner>, DeploymentLocationsInner>() { @Override public DeploymentLocationsInner call(ServiceResponse<DeploymentLocationsInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the DeploymentLocationsInner object
/** * Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the DeploymentLocationsInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<DeploymentLocationsInner>> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithServiceResponseAsync() { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.getSubscriptionDeploymentLocations(this.subscriptionId(), this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<DeploymentLocationsInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<DeploymentLocationsInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<DeploymentLocationsInner> clientResponse = getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<DeploymentLocationsInner> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<DeploymentLocationsInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<DeploymentLocationsInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object if successful.
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<GeoRegionInner> listGeoRegions() { ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> response = listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync().toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<GeoRegionInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<GeoRegionInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsAsync(final ListOperationCallback<GeoRegionInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync(), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsAsync() { return listGeoRegionsWithServiceResponseAsync() .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>, Page<GeoRegionInner>>() { @Override public Page<GeoRegionInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> listGeoRegionsWithServiceResponseAsync() { return listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync() .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listGeoRegionsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync() { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } final SkuName sku = null; final Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled = null; final Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled = null; final Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled = null; return service.listGeoRegions(this.subscriptionId(), sku, linuxWorkersEnabled, xenonWorkersEnabled, linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> result = listGeoRegionsDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • sku – Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated'
  • linuxWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers.
  • xenonWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers.
  • linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers.
Returns:the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object if successful.
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param sku Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated' * @param linuxWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers. * @param xenonWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers. * @param linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<GeoRegionInner> listGeoRegions(final SkuName sku, final Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, final Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, final Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled) { ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> response = listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync(sku, linuxWorkersEnabled, xenonWorkersEnabled, linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<GeoRegionInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<GeoRegionInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • sku – Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated'
  • linuxWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers.
  • xenonWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers.
  • linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param sku Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated' * @param linuxWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers. * @param xenonWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers. * @param linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsAsync(final SkuName sku, final Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, final Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, final Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled, final ListOperationCallback<GeoRegionInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync(sku, linuxWorkersEnabled, xenonWorkersEnabled, linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • sku – Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated'
  • linuxWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers.
  • xenonWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers.
  • linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param sku Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated' * @param linuxWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers. * @param xenonWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers. * @param linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsAsync(final SkuName sku, final Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, final Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, final Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled) { return listGeoRegionsWithServiceResponseAsync(sku, linuxWorkersEnabled, xenonWorkersEnabled, linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>, Page<GeoRegionInner>>() { @Override public Page<GeoRegionInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • sku – Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated'
  • linuxWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers.
  • xenonWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers.
  • linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled – Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param sku Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated' * @param linuxWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers. * @param xenonWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers. * @param linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> listGeoRegionsWithServiceResponseAsync(final SkuName sku, final Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, final Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, final Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled) { return listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync(sku, linuxWorkersEnabled, xenonWorkersEnabled, linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listGeoRegionsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. ServiceResponse> * @param sku Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated' ServiceResponse> * @param linuxWorkersEnabled Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers. ServiceResponse> * @param xenonWorkersEnabled Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers. ServiceResponse> * @param linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers.
Returns:the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> * @param sku Name of SKU used to filter the regions. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Shared', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium', 'Dynamic', 'Isolated', 'PremiumV2', 'ElasticPremium', 'ElasticIsolated' ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> * @param linuxWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers. ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> * @param xenonWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers. ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> * @param linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled Specify &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt; if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> listGeoRegionsSinglePageAsync(final SkuName sku, final Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, final Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, final Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled) { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.listGeoRegions(this.subscriptionId(), sku, linuxWorkersEnabled, xenonWorkersEnabled, linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> result = listGeoRegionsDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object if successful.
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<IdentifierInner> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostName() { ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> response = listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync().toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<IdentifierInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<IdentifierInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameAsync(final ListOperationCallback<IdentifierInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync(), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameAsync() { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameWithServiceResponseAsync() .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>, Page<IdentifierInner>>() { @Override public Page<IdentifierInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameWithServiceResponseAsync() { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync() .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync() { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } final String name = null; NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier = new NameIdentifierInner(); nameIdentifier.withName(null); return service.listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostName(this.subscriptionId(), this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), nameIdentifier, this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>> result = listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • name – Name of the object.
Returns:the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object if successful.
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param name Name of the object. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<IdentifierInner> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostName(final String name) { ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> response = listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync(name).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<IdentifierInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<IdentifierInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • name – Name of the object.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param name Name of the object. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameAsync(final String name, final ListOperationCallback<IdentifierInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync(name), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • name – Name of the object.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param name Name of the object. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameAsync(final String name) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameWithServiceResponseAsync(name) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>, Page<IdentifierInner>>() { @Override public Page<IdentifierInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • name – Name of the object.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param name Name of the object. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameWithServiceResponseAsync(final String name) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync(name) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. ServiceResponse> * @param name Name of the object.
Returns:the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>> * @param name Name of the object. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameSinglePageAsync(final String name) { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier = new NameIdentifierInner(); nameIdentifier.withName(name); return service.listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostName(this.subscriptionId(), this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), nameIdentifier, this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>> result = listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object if successful.
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> listPremierAddOnOffers() { ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> response = listPremierAddOnOffersSinglePageAsync().toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> listPremierAddOnOffersAsync(final ListOperationCallback<PremierAddOnOfferInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listPremierAddOnOffersSinglePageAsync(), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> listPremierAddOnOffersAsync() { return listPremierAddOnOffersWithServiceResponseAsync() .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>, Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>() { @Override public Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> listPremierAddOnOffersWithServiceResponseAsync() { return listPremierAddOnOffersSinglePageAsync() .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listPremierAddOnOffersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> listPremierAddOnOffersSinglePageAsync() { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.listPremierAddOnOffers(this.subscriptionId(), this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> result = listPremierAddOnOffersDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> listPremierAddOnOffersDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
  • DefaultErrorResponseException – thrown if the request is rejected by server
  • RuntimeException – all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
Returns:the SkuInfosInner object if successful.
/** * List all SKUs. * Description for List all SKUs. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the SkuInfosInner object if successful. */
public SkuInfosInner listSkus() { return listSkusWithServiceResponseAsync().toBlocking().single().body(); }
List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * List all SKUs. * Description for List all SKUs. * * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<SkuInfosInner> listSkusAsync(final ServiceCallback<SkuInfosInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(listSkusWithServiceResponseAsync(), serviceCallback); }
List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the SkuInfosInner object
/** * List all SKUs. * Description for List all SKUs. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the SkuInfosInner object */
public Observable<SkuInfosInner> listSkusAsync() { return listSkusWithServiceResponseAsync().map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<SkuInfosInner>, SkuInfosInner>() { @Override public SkuInfosInner call(ServiceResponse<SkuInfosInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.
  • IllegalArgumentException – thrown if parameters fail the validation
Returns:the observable to the SkuInfosInner object
/** * List all SKUs. * Description for List all SKUs. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the SkuInfosInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<SkuInfosInner>> listSkusWithServiceResponseAsync() { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } return service.listSkus(this.subscriptionId(), this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<SkuInfosInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<SkuInfosInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<SkuInfosInner> clientResponse = listSkusDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<SkuInfosInner> listSkusDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<SkuInfosInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<SkuInfosInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.
  • parameters – VNET information
Returns:the VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner object if successful.
/** * Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * * @param parameters VNET information * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner object if successful. */
public VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet(VnetParameters parameters) { return verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithServiceResponseAsync(parameters).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.
  • parameters – VNET information
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * * @param parameters VNET information * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetAsync(VnetParameters parameters, final ServiceCallback<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithServiceResponseAsync(parameters), serviceCallback); }
Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.
  • parameters – VNET information
Returns:the observable to the VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner object
/** * Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * * @param parameters VNET information * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner object */
public Observable<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetAsync(VnetParameters parameters) { return verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithServiceResponseAsync(parameters).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner>, VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner>() { @Override public VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner call(ServiceResponse<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.
  • parameters – VNET information
Returns:the observable to the VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner object
/** * Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. * * @param parameters VNET information * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner>> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithServiceResponseAsync(VnetParameters parameters) { if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (parameters == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter parameters is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(parameters); return service.verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet(this.subscriptionId(), parameters, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> clientResponse = verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
/** * Move resources between resource groups. * Description for Move resources between resource groups. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent */
public void move(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope) { moveWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, moveResourceEnvelope).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Move resources between resource groups. * Description for Move resources between resource groups. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<Void> moveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(moveWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, moveResourceEnvelope), serviceCallback); }
Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Move resources between resource groups. * Description for Move resources between resource groups. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<Void> moveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope) { return moveWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, moveResourceEnvelope).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Move resources between resource groups. * Description for Move resources between resource groups. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> moveWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope) { if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (moveResourceEnvelope == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter moveResourceEnvelope is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(moveResourceEnvelope); return service.move(resourceGroupName, this.subscriptionId(), moveResourceEnvelope, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Void> clientResponse = moveDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<Void> moveDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<Void, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(204, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • validateRequest – Request with the resources to validate.
Returns:the ValidateResponseInner object if successful.
/** * Validate if a resource can be created. * Description for Validate if a resource can be created. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param validateRequest Request with the resources to validate. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the ValidateResponseInner object if successful. */
public ValidateResponseInner validate(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequest validateRequest) { return validateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, validateRequest).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • validateRequest – Request with the resources to validate.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Validate if a resource can be created. * Description for Validate if a resource can be created. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param validateRequest Request with the resources to validate. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<ValidateResponseInner> validateAsync(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequest validateRequest, final ServiceCallback<ValidateResponseInner> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(validateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, validateRequest), serviceCallback); }
Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • validateRequest – Request with the resources to validate.
Returns:the observable to the ValidateResponseInner object
/** * Validate if a resource can be created. * Description for Validate if a resource can be created. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param validateRequest Request with the resources to validate. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ValidateResponseInner object */
public Observable<ValidateResponseInner> validateAsync(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequest validateRequest) { return validateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, validateRequest).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<ValidateResponseInner>, ValidateResponseInner>() { @Override public ValidateResponseInner call(ServiceResponse<ValidateResponseInner> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • validateRequest – Request with the resources to validate.
Returns:the observable to the ValidateResponseInner object
/** * Validate if a resource can be created. * Description for Validate if a resource can be created. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param validateRequest Request with the resources to validate. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the ValidateResponseInner object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<ValidateResponseInner>> validateWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequest validateRequest) { if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (validateRequest == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter validateRequest is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(validateRequest); return service.validate(resourceGroupName, this.subscriptionId(), validateRequest, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<ValidateResponseInner>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<ValidateResponseInner>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<ValidateResponseInner> clientResponse = validateDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<ValidateResponseInner> validateDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<ValidateResponseInner, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<ValidateResponseInner>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
/** * Validate whether a resource can be moved. * Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent */
public void validateMove(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope) { validateMoveWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, moveResourceEnvelope).toBlocking().single().body(); }
Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Validate whether a resource can be moved. * Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<Void> validateMoveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) { return ServiceFuture.fromResponse(validateMoveWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, moveResourceEnvelope), serviceCallback); }
Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Validate whether a resource can be moved. * Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<Void> validateMoveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope) { return validateMoveWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, moveResourceEnvelope).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.
  • resourceGroupName – Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
  • moveResourceEnvelope – Object that represents the resource to move.
Returns:the ServiceResponse object if successful.
/** * Validate whether a resource can be moved. * Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved. * * @param resourceGroupName Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. * @param moveResourceEnvelope Object that represents the resource to move. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> validateMoveWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope) { if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.subscriptionId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.subscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."); } if (moveResourceEnvelope == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter moveResourceEnvelope is required and cannot be null."); } if (this.apiVersion() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(moveResourceEnvelope); return service.validateMove(resourceGroupName, this.subscriptionId(), moveResourceEnvelope, this.apiVersion(), this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Void> clientResponse = validateMoveDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<Void> validateMoveDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<Void, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(204, new TypeToken<Void>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object if successful.
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<SourceControlInner> listSourceControlsNext(final String nextPageLink) { ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>> response = listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<SourceControlInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<SourceControlInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
  • serviceFuture – the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @param serviceFuture the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<SourceControlInner>> listSourceControlsNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<SourceControlInner>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<SourceControlInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<SourceControlInner>> listSourceControlsNextAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listSourceControlsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>, Page<SourceControlInner>>() { @Override public Page<SourceControlInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> listSourceControlsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listSourceControlsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. ServiceResponse> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<SourceControlInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;SourceControlInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> listSourceControlsNextSinglePageAsync(final String nextPageLink) { if (nextPageLink == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."); } String nextUrl = String.format("%s", nextPageLink); return service.listSourceControlsNext(nextUrl, this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>> result = listSourceControlsNextDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<SourceControlInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>> listSourceControlsNextDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<SourceControlInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object if successful.
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<BillingMeterInner> listBillingMetersNext(final String nextPageLink) { ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> response = listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<BillingMeterInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<BillingMeterInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
  • serviceFuture – the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @param serviceFuture the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<BillingMeterInner>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<BillingMeterInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersNextAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>, Page<BillingMeterInner>>() { @Override public Page<BillingMeterInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> listBillingMetersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listBillingMetersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. ServiceResponse> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<BillingMeterInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Gets a list of meters for a given location. * Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;BillingMeterInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> listBillingMetersNextSinglePageAsync(final String nextPageLink) { if (nextPageLink == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."); } String nextUrl = String.format("%s", nextPageLink); return service.listBillingMetersNext(nextUrl, this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> result = listBillingMetersNextDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<BillingMeterInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>> listBillingMetersNextDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<BillingMeterInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object if successful.
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<GeoRegionInner> listGeoRegionsNext(final String nextPageLink) { ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> response = listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<GeoRegionInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<GeoRegionInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
  • serviceFuture – the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @param serviceFuture the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<GeoRegionInner>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<GeoRegionInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsNextAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>, Page<GeoRegionInner>>() { @Override public Page<GeoRegionInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> listGeoRegionsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listGeoRegionsNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. ServiceResponse> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<GeoRegionInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * Get a list of available geographical regions. * Description for Get a list of available geographical regions. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;GeoRegionInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> listGeoRegionsNextSinglePageAsync(final String nextPageLink) { if (nextPageLink == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."); } String nextUrl = String.format("%s", nextPageLink); return service.listGeoRegionsNext(nextUrl, this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> result = listGeoRegionsNextDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<GeoRegionInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>> listGeoRegionsNextDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<GeoRegionInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object if successful.
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<IdentifierInner> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNext(final String nextPageLink) { ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> response = listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<IdentifierInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<IdentifierInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
  • serviceFuture – the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @param serviceFuture the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<IdentifierInner>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<IdentifierInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>, Page<IdentifierInner>>() { @Override public Page<IdentifierInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. ServiceResponse> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<IdentifierInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;IdentifierInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextSinglePageAsync(final String nextPageLink) { if (nextPageLink == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."); } String nextUrl = String.format("%s", nextPageLink); return service.listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNext(nextUrl, this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>> result = listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<IdentifierInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostNameNextDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<IdentifierInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object if successful.
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @throws DefaultErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent * @return the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object if successful. */
public PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> listPremierAddOnOffersNext(final String nextPageLink) { ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> response = listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single(); return new PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner>(response.body()) { @Override public Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner> nextPage(String nextPageLink) { return listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink).toBlocking().single().body(); } }; }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
  • serviceFuture – the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
  • serviceCallback – the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
Returns:the ServiceFuture object
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @param serviceFuture the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceFuture} object */
public ServiceFuture<List<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> listPremierAddOnOffersNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<PremierAddOnOfferInner> serviceCallback) { return AzureServiceFuture.fromPageResponse( listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink), new Func1<String, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> call(String nextPageLink) { return listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink); } }, serviceCallback); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object */
public Observable<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> listPremierAddOnOffersNextAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listPremierAddOnOffersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink) .map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>, Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>() { @Override public Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner> call(ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.
  • nextPageLink – The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the observable to the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> listPremierAddOnOffersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink) { return listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(nextPageLink) .concatMap(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> call(ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> page) { String nextPageLink = page.body().nextPageLink(); if (nextPageLink == null) { return Observable.just(page); } return Observable.just(page).concatWith(listPremierAddOnOffersNextWithServiceResponseAsync(nextPageLink)); } }); }
List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers. ServiceResponse> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
Returns:the PagedList<PremierAddOnOfferInner> object wrapped in ServiceResponse if successful.
/** * List all premier add-on offers. * Description for List all premier add-on offers. * ServiceResponse<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> * @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the PagedList&lt;PremierAddOnOfferInner&gt; object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful. */
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> listPremierAddOnOffersNextSinglePageAsync(final String nextPageLink) { if (nextPageLink == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."); } String nextUrl = String.format("%s", nextPageLink); return service.listPremierAddOnOffersNext(nextUrl, this.acceptLanguage(), this.userAgent()) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> result = listPremierAddOnOffersNextDelegate(response); return Observable.just(new ServiceResponse<Page<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>(result.body(), result.response())); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); } private ServiceResponse<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>> listPremierAddOnOffersNextDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws DefaultErrorResponseException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>, DefaultErrorResponseException>newInstance(this.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<PageImpl<PremierAddOnOfferInner>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(DefaultErrorResponseException.class) .build(response); } }