Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. */
package; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import;
Virtual Network route contract used to pass routing information for a Virtual Network.
/** * Virtual Network route contract used to pass routing information for a * Virtual Network. */
@JsonFlatten public class VnetRouteInner extends ProxyOnlyResource {
The starting address for this route. This may also include a CIDR notation, in which case the end address must not be specified.
/** * The starting address for this route. This may also include a CIDR * notation, in which case the end address must not be specified. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.startAddress") private String startAddress;
The ending address for this route. If the start address is specified in CIDR notation, this must be omitted.
/** * The ending address for this route. If the start address is specified in * CIDR notation, this must be omitted. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.endAddress") private String endAddress;
The type of route this is: DEFAULT - By default, every app has routes to the local address ranges specified by RFC1918 INHERITED - Routes inherited from the real Virtual Network routes STATIC - Static route set on the app only These values will be used for syncing an app's routes with those from a Virtual Network. Possible values include: 'DEFAULT', 'INHERITED', 'STATIC'.
/** * The type of route this is: * DEFAULT - By default, every app has routes to the local address ranges * specified by RFC1918 * INHERITED - Routes inherited from the real Virtual Network routes * STATIC - Static route set on the app only * * These values will be used for syncing an app's routes with those from a * Virtual Network. Possible values include: 'DEFAULT', 'INHERITED', * 'STATIC'. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.routeType") private RouteType routeType;
Get the starting address for this route. This may also include a CIDR notation, in which case the end address must not be specified.
Returns:the startAddress value
/** * Get the starting address for this route. This may also include a CIDR notation, in which case the end address must not be specified. * * @return the startAddress value */
public String startAddress() { return this.startAddress; }
Set the starting address for this route. This may also include a CIDR notation, in which case the end address must not be specified.
  • startAddress – the startAddress value to set
Returns:the VnetRouteInner object itself.
/** * Set the starting address for this route. This may also include a CIDR notation, in which case the end address must not be specified. * * @param startAddress the startAddress value to set * @return the VnetRouteInner object itself. */
public VnetRouteInner withStartAddress(String startAddress) { this.startAddress = startAddress; return this; }
Get the ending address for this route. If the start address is specified in CIDR notation, this must be omitted.
Returns:the endAddress value
/** * Get the ending address for this route. If the start address is specified in CIDR notation, this must be omitted. * * @return the endAddress value */
public String endAddress() { return this.endAddress; }
Set the ending address for this route. If the start address is specified in CIDR notation, this must be omitted.
  • endAddress – the endAddress value to set
Returns:the VnetRouteInner object itself.
/** * Set the ending address for this route. If the start address is specified in CIDR notation, this must be omitted. * * @param endAddress the endAddress value to set * @return the VnetRouteInner object itself. */
public VnetRouteInner withEndAddress(String endAddress) { this.endAddress = endAddress; return this; }
Get the type of route this is: DEFAULT - By default, every app has routes to the local address ranges specified by RFC1918 INHERITED - Routes inherited from the real Virtual Network routes STATIC - Static route set on the app only These values will be used for syncing an app's routes with those from a Virtual Network. Possible values include: 'DEFAULT', 'INHERITED', 'STATIC'.
Returns:the routeType value
/** * Get the type of route this is: DEFAULT - By default, every app has routes to the local address ranges specified by RFC1918 INHERITED - Routes inherited from the real Virtual Network routes STATIC - Static route set on the app only These values will be used for syncing an app's routes with those from a Virtual Network. Possible values include: 'DEFAULT', 'INHERITED', 'STATIC'. * * @return the routeType value */
public RouteType routeType() { return this.routeType; }
Set the type of route this is: DEFAULT - By default, every app has routes to the local address ranges specified by RFC1918 INHERITED - Routes inherited from the real Virtual Network routes STATIC - Static route set on the app only These values will be used for syncing an app's routes with those from a Virtual Network. Possible values include: 'DEFAULT', 'INHERITED', 'STATIC'.
  • routeType – the routeType value to set
Returns:the VnetRouteInner object itself.
/** * Set the type of route this is: DEFAULT - By default, every app has routes to the local address ranges specified by RFC1918 INHERITED - Routes inherited from the real Virtual Network routes STATIC - Static route set on the app only These values will be used for syncing an app's routes with those from a Virtual Network. Possible values include: 'DEFAULT', 'INHERITED', 'STATIC'. * * @param routeType the routeType value to set * @return the VnetRouteInner object itself. */
public VnetRouteInner withRouteType(RouteType routeType) { this.routeType = routeType; return this; } }