Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. */
package; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import;
Represents a recommendation result generated by the recommendation engine.
/** * Represents a recommendation result generated by the recommendation engine. */
@JsonFlatten public class RecommendationInner extends ProxyOnlyResource {
Timestamp when this instance was created.
/** * Timestamp when this instance was created. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.creationTime") private DateTime creationTime;
A GUID value that each recommendation object is associated with.
/** * A GUID value that each recommendation object is associated with. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.recommendationId") private UUID recommendationId;
Full ARM resource ID string that this recommendation object is associated with.
/** * Full ARM resource ID string that this recommendation object is * associated with. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.resourceId") private String resourceId;
Name of a resource type this recommendation applies, e.g. Subscription, ServerFarm, Site. Possible values include: 'ServerFarm', 'Subscription', 'WebSite'.
/** * Name of a resource type this recommendation applies, e.g. Subscription, * ServerFarm, Site. Possible values include: 'ServerFarm', 'Subscription', * 'WebSite'. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.resourceScope") private ResourceScopeType resourceScope;
Unique name of the rule.
/** * Unique name of the rule. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.ruleName") private String ruleName;
UI friendly name of the rule (may not be unique).
/** * UI friendly name of the rule (may not be unique). */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.displayName") private String displayName;
Recommendation text.
/** * Recommendation text. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.message") private String message;
Level indicating how critical this recommendation can impact. Possible values include: 'Critical', 'Warning', 'Information', 'NonUrgentSuggestion'.
/** * Level indicating how critical this recommendation can impact. Possible * values include: 'Critical', 'Warning', 'Information', * 'NonUrgentSuggestion'. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.level") private NotificationLevel level;
List of channels that this recommendation can apply. Possible values include: 'Notification', 'Api', 'Email', 'Webhook', 'All'.
/** * List of channels that this recommendation can apply. Possible values * include: 'Notification', 'Api', 'Email', 'Webhook', 'All'. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.channels") private Channels channels;
The list of category tags that this recommendation belongs to.
/** * The list of category tags that this recommendation belongs to. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.categoryTags", access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY) private List<String> categoryTags;
Name of action recommended by this object.
/** * Name of action recommended by this object. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.actionName") private String actionName;
True if this recommendation is still valid (i.e. "actionable"). False if it is invalid.
/** * True if this recommendation is still valid (i.e. "actionable"). False if * it is invalid. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.enabled") private Integer enabled;
The list of states of this recommendation. If it's null then it should be considered "Active".
/** * The list of states of this recommendation. If it's null then it should * be considered "Active". */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.states") private List<String> states;
The beginning time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to.
/** * The beginning time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.startTime") private DateTime startTime;
The end time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to.
/** * The end time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.endTime") private DateTime endTime;
When to notify this recommendation next in UTC. Null means that this will never be notified anymore.
/** * When to notify this recommendation next in UTC. Null means that this * will never be notified anymore. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.nextNotificationTime") private DateTime nextNotificationTime;
Date and time in UTC when this notification expires.
/** * Date and time in UTC when this notification expires. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.notificationExpirationTime") private DateTime notificationExpirationTime;
Last timestamp in UTC this instance was actually notified. Null means that this recommendation hasn't been notified yet.
/** * Last timestamp in UTC this instance was actually notified. Null means * that this recommendation hasn't been notified yet. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.notifiedTime") private DateTime notifiedTime;
A metric value measured by the rule.
/** * A metric value measured by the rule. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.score") private Double score;
True if this is associated with a dynamically added rule.
/** * True if this is associated with a dynamically added rule. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.isDynamic") private Boolean isDynamic;
Extension name of the portal if exists.
/** * Extension name of the portal if exists. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.extensionName") private String extensionName;
Deep link to a blade on the portal.
/** * Deep link to a blade on the portal. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.bladeName") private String bladeName;
Forward link to an external document associated with the rule.
/** * Forward link to an external document associated with the rule. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.forwardLink") private String forwardLink;
Get timestamp when this instance was created.
Returns:the creationTime value
/** * Get timestamp when this instance was created. * * @return the creationTime value */
public DateTime creationTime() { return this.creationTime; }
Set timestamp when this instance was created.
  • creationTime – the creationTime value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set timestamp when this instance was created. * * @param creationTime the creationTime value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withCreationTime(DateTime creationTime) { this.creationTime = creationTime; return this; }
Get a GUID value that each recommendation object is associated with.
Returns:the recommendationId value
/** * Get a GUID value that each recommendation object is associated with. * * @return the recommendationId value */
public UUID recommendationId() { return this.recommendationId; }
Set a GUID value that each recommendation object is associated with.
  • recommendationId – the recommendationId value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set a GUID value that each recommendation object is associated with. * * @param recommendationId the recommendationId value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withRecommendationId(UUID recommendationId) { this.recommendationId = recommendationId; return this; }
Get full ARM resource ID string that this recommendation object is associated with.
Returns:the resourceId value
/** * Get full ARM resource ID string that this recommendation object is associated with. * * @return the resourceId value */
public String resourceId() { return this.resourceId; }
Set full ARM resource ID string that this recommendation object is associated with.
  • resourceId – the resourceId value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set full ARM resource ID string that this recommendation object is associated with. * * @param resourceId the resourceId value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withResourceId(String resourceId) { this.resourceId = resourceId; return this; }
Get name of a resource type this recommendation applies, e.g. Subscription, ServerFarm, Site. Possible values include: 'ServerFarm', 'Subscription', 'WebSite'.
Returns:the resourceScope value
/** * Get name of a resource type this recommendation applies, e.g. Subscription, ServerFarm, Site. Possible values include: 'ServerFarm', 'Subscription', 'WebSite'. * * @return the resourceScope value */
public ResourceScopeType resourceScope() { return this.resourceScope; }
Set name of a resource type this recommendation applies, e.g. Subscription, ServerFarm, Site. Possible values include: 'ServerFarm', 'Subscription', 'WebSite'.
  • resourceScope – the resourceScope value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set name of a resource type this recommendation applies, e.g. Subscription, ServerFarm, Site. Possible values include: 'ServerFarm', 'Subscription', 'WebSite'. * * @param resourceScope the resourceScope value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withResourceScope(ResourceScopeType resourceScope) { this.resourceScope = resourceScope; return this; }
Get unique name of the rule.
Returns:the ruleName value
/** * Get unique name of the rule. * * @return the ruleName value */
public String ruleName() { return this.ruleName; }
Set unique name of the rule.
  • ruleName – the ruleName value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set unique name of the rule. * * @param ruleName the ruleName value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withRuleName(String ruleName) { this.ruleName = ruleName; return this; }
Get uI friendly name of the rule (may not be unique).
Returns:the displayName value
/** * Get uI friendly name of the rule (may not be unique). * * @return the displayName value */
public String displayName() { return this.displayName; }
Set uI friendly name of the rule (may not be unique).
  • displayName – the displayName value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set uI friendly name of the rule (may not be unique). * * @param displayName the displayName value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; return this; }
Get recommendation text.
Returns:the message value
/** * Get recommendation text. * * @return the message value */
public String message() { return this.message; }
Set recommendation text.
  • message – the message value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set recommendation text. * * @param message the message value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withMessage(String message) { this.message = message; return this; }
Get level indicating how critical this recommendation can impact. Possible values include: 'Critical', 'Warning', 'Information', 'NonUrgentSuggestion'.
Returns:the level value
/** * Get level indicating how critical this recommendation can impact. Possible values include: 'Critical', 'Warning', 'Information', 'NonUrgentSuggestion'. * * @return the level value */
public NotificationLevel level() { return this.level; }
Set level indicating how critical this recommendation can impact. Possible values include: 'Critical', 'Warning', 'Information', 'NonUrgentSuggestion'.
  • level – the level value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set level indicating how critical this recommendation can impact. Possible values include: 'Critical', 'Warning', 'Information', 'NonUrgentSuggestion'. * * @param level the level value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withLevel(NotificationLevel level) { this.level = level; return this; }
Get list of channels that this recommendation can apply. Possible values include: 'Notification', 'Api', 'Email', 'Webhook', 'All'.
Returns:the channels value
/** * Get list of channels that this recommendation can apply. Possible values include: 'Notification', 'Api', 'Email', 'Webhook', 'All'. * * @return the channels value */
public Channels channels() { return this.channels; }
Set list of channels that this recommendation can apply. Possible values include: 'Notification', 'Api', 'Email', 'Webhook', 'All'.
  • channels – the channels value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set list of channels that this recommendation can apply. Possible values include: 'Notification', 'Api', 'Email', 'Webhook', 'All'. * * @param channels the channels value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withChannels(Channels channels) { this.channels = channels; return this; }
Get the list of category tags that this recommendation belongs to.
Returns:the categoryTags value
/** * Get the list of category tags that this recommendation belongs to. * * @return the categoryTags value */
public List<String> categoryTags() { return this.categoryTags; }
Get name of action recommended by this object.
Returns:the actionName value
/** * Get name of action recommended by this object. * * @return the actionName value */
public String actionName() { return this.actionName; }
Set name of action recommended by this object.
  • actionName – the actionName value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set name of action recommended by this object. * * @param actionName the actionName value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withActionName(String actionName) { this.actionName = actionName; return this; }
Get true if this recommendation is still valid (i.e. "actionable"). False if it is invalid.
Returns:the enabled value
/** * Get true if this recommendation is still valid (i.e. "actionable"). False if it is invalid. * * @return the enabled value */
public Integer enabled() { return this.enabled; }
Set true if this recommendation is still valid (i.e. "actionable"). False if it is invalid.
  • enabled – the enabled value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set true if this recommendation is still valid (i.e. "actionable"). False if it is invalid. * * @param enabled the enabled value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withEnabled(Integer enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; return this; }
Get the list of states of this recommendation. If it's null then it should be considered "Active".
Returns:the states value
/** * Get the list of states of this recommendation. If it's null then it should be considered "Active". * * @return the states value */
public List<String> states() { return this.states; }
Set the list of states of this recommendation. If it's null then it should be considered "Active".
  • states – the states value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set the list of states of this recommendation. If it's null then it should be considered "Active". * * @param states the states value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withStates(List<String> states) { this.states = states; return this; }
Get the beginning time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to.
Returns:the startTime value
/** * Get the beginning time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to. * * @return the startTime value */
public DateTime startTime() { return this.startTime; }
Set the beginning time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to.
  • startTime – the startTime value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set the beginning time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to. * * @param startTime the startTime value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withStartTime(DateTime startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; return this; }
Get the end time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to.
Returns:the endTime value
/** * Get the end time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to. * * @return the endTime value */
public DateTime endTime() { return this.endTime; }
Set the end time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to.
  • endTime – the endTime value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set the end time in UTC of a range that the recommendation refers to. * * @param endTime the endTime value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withEndTime(DateTime endTime) { this.endTime = endTime; return this; }
Get when to notify this recommendation next in UTC. Null means that this will never be notified anymore.
Returns:the nextNotificationTime value
/** * Get when to notify this recommendation next in UTC. Null means that this will never be notified anymore. * * @return the nextNotificationTime value */
public DateTime nextNotificationTime() { return this.nextNotificationTime; }
Set when to notify this recommendation next in UTC. Null means that this will never be notified anymore.
  • nextNotificationTime – the nextNotificationTime value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set when to notify this recommendation next in UTC. Null means that this will never be notified anymore. * * @param nextNotificationTime the nextNotificationTime value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withNextNotificationTime(DateTime nextNotificationTime) { this.nextNotificationTime = nextNotificationTime; return this; }
Get date and time in UTC when this notification expires.
Returns:the notificationExpirationTime value
/** * Get date and time in UTC when this notification expires. * * @return the notificationExpirationTime value */
public DateTime notificationExpirationTime() { return this.notificationExpirationTime; }
Set date and time in UTC when this notification expires.
  • notificationExpirationTime – the notificationExpirationTime value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set date and time in UTC when this notification expires. * * @param notificationExpirationTime the notificationExpirationTime value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withNotificationExpirationTime(DateTime notificationExpirationTime) { this.notificationExpirationTime = notificationExpirationTime; return this; }
Get last timestamp in UTC this instance was actually notified. Null means that this recommendation hasn't been notified yet.
Returns:the notifiedTime value
/** * Get last timestamp in UTC this instance was actually notified. Null means that this recommendation hasn't been notified yet. * * @return the notifiedTime value */
public DateTime notifiedTime() { return this.notifiedTime; }
Set last timestamp in UTC this instance was actually notified. Null means that this recommendation hasn't been notified yet.
  • notifiedTime – the notifiedTime value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set last timestamp in UTC this instance was actually notified. Null means that this recommendation hasn't been notified yet. * * @param notifiedTime the notifiedTime value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withNotifiedTime(DateTime notifiedTime) { this.notifiedTime = notifiedTime; return this; }
Get a metric value measured by the rule.
Returns:the score value
/** * Get a metric value measured by the rule. * * @return the score value */
public Double score() { return this.score; }
Set a metric value measured by the rule.
  • score – the score value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set a metric value measured by the rule. * * @param score the score value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withScore(Double score) { this.score = score; return this; }
Get true if this is associated with a dynamically added rule.
Returns:the isDynamic value
/** * Get true if this is associated with a dynamically added rule. * * @return the isDynamic value */
public Boolean isDynamic() { return this.isDynamic; }
Set true if this is associated with a dynamically added rule.
  • isDynamic – the isDynamic value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set true if this is associated with a dynamically added rule. * * @param isDynamic the isDynamic value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withIsDynamic(Boolean isDynamic) { this.isDynamic = isDynamic; return this; }
Get extension name of the portal if exists.
Returns:the extensionName value
/** * Get extension name of the portal if exists. * * @return the extensionName value */
public String extensionName() { return this.extensionName; }
Set extension name of the portal if exists.
  • extensionName – the extensionName value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set extension name of the portal if exists. * * @param extensionName the extensionName value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withExtensionName(String extensionName) { this.extensionName = extensionName; return this; }
Get deep link to a blade on the portal.
Returns:the bladeName value
/** * Get deep link to a blade on the portal. * * @return the bladeName value */
public String bladeName() { return this.bladeName; }
Set deep link to a blade on the portal.
  • bladeName – the bladeName value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set deep link to a blade on the portal. * * @param bladeName the bladeName value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withBladeName(String bladeName) { this.bladeName = bladeName; return this; }
Get forward link to an external document associated with the rule.
Returns:the forwardLink value
/** * Get forward link to an external document associated with the rule. * * @return the forwardLink value */
public String forwardLink() { return this.forwardLink; }
Set forward link to an external document associated with the rule.
  • forwardLink – the forwardLink value to set
Returns:the RecommendationInner object itself.
/** * Set forward link to an external document associated with the rule. * * @param forwardLink the forwardLink value to set * @return the RecommendationInner object itself. */
public RecommendationInner withForwardLink(String forwardLink) { this.forwardLink = forwardLink; return this; } }