Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. */
package; import; import java.util.List; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import;
Description of a backup which will be performed.
/** * Description of a backup which will be performed. */
@JsonFlatten public class BackupRequestInner extends ProxyOnlyResource {
Name of the backup.
/** * Name of the backup. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.backupName") private String backupName;
True if the backup schedule is enabled (must be included in that case), false if the backup schedule should be disabled.
/** * True if the backup schedule is enabled (must be included in that case), * false if the backup schedule should be disabled. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.enabled") private Boolean enabled;
SAS URL to the container.
/** * SAS URL to the container. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.storageAccountUrl", required = true) private String storageAccountUrl;
Schedule for the backup if it is executed periodically.
/** * Schedule for the backup if it is executed periodically. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.backupSchedule") private BackupSchedule backupSchedule;
Databases included in the backup.
/** * Databases included in the backup. */
@JsonProperty(value = "properties.databases") private List<DatabaseBackupSetting> databases;
Get name of the backup.
Returns:the backupName value
/** * Get name of the backup. * * @return the backupName value */
public String backupName() { return this.backupName; }
Set name of the backup.
  • backupName – the backupName value to set
Returns:the BackupRequestInner object itself.
/** * Set name of the backup. * * @param backupName the backupName value to set * @return the BackupRequestInner object itself. */
public BackupRequestInner withBackupName(String backupName) { this.backupName = backupName; return this; }
Get true if the backup schedule is enabled (must be included in that case), false if the backup schedule should be disabled.
Returns:the enabled value
/** * Get true if the backup schedule is enabled (must be included in that case), false if the backup schedule should be disabled. * * @return the enabled value */
public Boolean enabled() { return this.enabled; }
Set true if the backup schedule is enabled (must be included in that case), false if the backup schedule should be disabled.
  • enabled – the enabled value to set
Returns:the BackupRequestInner object itself.
/** * Set true if the backup schedule is enabled (must be included in that case), false if the backup schedule should be disabled. * * @param enabled the enabled value to set * @return the BackupRequestInner object itself. */
public BackupRequestInner withEnabled(Boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; return this; }
Get sAS URL to the container.
Returns:the storageAccountUrl value
/** * Get sAS URL to the container. * * @return the storageAccountUrl value */
public String storageAccountUrl() { return this.storageAccountUrl; }
Set sAS URL to the container.
  • storageAccountUrl – the storageAccountUrl value to set
Returns:the BackupRequestInner object itself.
/** * Set sAS URL to the container. * * @param storageAccountUrl the storageAccountUrl value to set * @return the BackupRequestInner object itself. */
public BackupRequestInner withStorageAccountUrl(String storageAccountUrl) { this.storageAccountUrl = storageAccountUrl; return this; }
Get schedule for the backup if it is executed periodically.
Returns:the backupSchedule value
/** * Get schedule for the backup if it is executed periodically. * * @return the backupSchedule value */
public BackupSchedule backupSchedule() { return this.backupSchedule; }
Set schedule for the backup if it is executed periodically.
  • backupSchedule – the backupSchedule value to set
Returns:the BackupRequestInner object itself.
/** * Set schedule for the backup if it is executed periodically. * * @param backupSchedule the backupSchedule value to set * @return the BackupRequestInner object itself. */
public BackupRequestInner withBackupSchedule(BackupSchedule backupSchedule) { this.backupSchedule = backupSchedule; return this; }
Get databases included in the backup.
Returns:the databases value
/** * Get databases included in the backup. * * @return the databases value */
public List<DatabaseBackupSetting> databases() { return this.databases; }
Set databases included in the backup.
  • databases – the databases value to set
Returns:the BackupRequestInner object itself.
/** * Set databases included in the backup. * * @param databases the databases value to set * @return the BackupRequestInner object itself. */
public BackupRequestInner withDatabases(List<DatabaseBackupSetting> databases) { this.databases = databases; return this; } }