 * Copyright 2011 LMAX Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.lmax.disruptor.dsl;

import com.lmax.disruptor.*;

import java.util.*;

Provides a repository mechanism to associate EventHandlers with EventProcessors
Type parameters:
/** * Provides a repository mechanism to associate {@link EventHandler}s with {@link EventProcessor}s * * @param <T> the type of the {@link EventHandler} */
class ConsumerRepository<T> implements Iterable<ConsumerInfo> { private final Map<EventHandler<?>, EventProcessorInfo<T>> eventProcessorInfoByEventHandler = new IdentityHashMap<>(); private final Map<Sequence, ConsumerInfo> eventProcessorInfoBySequence = new IdentityHashMap<>(); private final Collection<ConsumerInfo> consumerInfos = new ArrayList<>(); public void add( final EventProcessor eventprocessor, final EventHandler<? super T> handler, final SequenceBarrier barrier) { final EventProcessorInfo<T> consumerInfo = new EventProcessorInfo<>(eventprocessor, handler, barrier); eventProcessorInfoByEventHandler.put(handler, consumerInfo); eventProcessorInfoBySequence.put(eventprocessor.getSequence(), consumerInfo); consumerInfos.add(consumerInfo); } public void add(final EventProcessor processor) { final EventProcessorInfo<T> consumerInfo = new EventProcessorInfo<>(processor, null, null); eventProcessorInfoBySequence.put(processor.getSequence(), consumerInfo); consumerInfos.add(consumerInfo); } public void add(final WorkerPool<T> workerPool, final SequenceBarrier sequenceBarrier) { final WorkerPoolInfo<T> workerPoolInfo = new WorkerPoolInfo<>(workerPool, sequenceBarrier); consumerInfos.add(workerPoolInfo); for (Sequence sequence : workerPool.getWorkerSequences()) { eventProcessorInfoBySequence.put(sequence, workerPoolInfo); } } public Sequence[] getLastSequenceInChain(boolean includeStopped) { List<Sequence> lastSequence = new ArrayList<>(); for (ConsumerInfo consumerInfo : consumerInfos) { if ((includeStopped || consumerInfo.isRunning()) && consumerInfo.isEndOfChain()) { final Sequence[] sequences = consumerInfo.getSequences(); Collections.addAll(lastSequence, sequences); } } return lastSequence.toArray(new Sequence[lastSequence.size()]); } public EventProcessor getEventProcessorFor(final EventHandler<T> handler) { final EventProcessorInfo<T> eventprocessorInfo = getEventProcessorInfo(handler); if (eventprocessorInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The event handler " + handler + " is not processing events."); } return eventprocessorInfo.getEventProcessor(); } public Sequence getSequenceFor(final EventHandler<T> handler) { return getEventProcessorFor(handler).getSequence(); } public void unMarkEventProcessorsAsEndOfChain(final Sequence... barrierEventProcessors) { for (Sequence barrierEventProcessor : barrierEventProcessors) { getEventProcessorInfo(barrierEventProcessor).markAsUsedInBarrier(); } } @Override public Iterator<ConsumerInfo> iterator() { return consumerInfos.iterator(); } public SequenceBarrier getBarrierFor(final EventHandler<T> handler) { final ConsumerInfo consumerInfo = getEventProcessorInfo(handler); return consumerInfo != null ? consumerInfo.getBarrier() : null; } private EventProcessorInfo<T> getEventProcessorInfo(final EventHandler<T> handler) { return eventProcessorInfoByEventHandler.get(handler); } private ConsumerInfo getEventProcessorInfo(final Sequence barrierEventProcessor) { return eventProcessorInfoBySequence.get(barrierEventProcessor); } }