 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.server.web;

import org.h2.util.StringUtils;

The connection info object is a wrapper for database connection information such as the database URL, user name and password. This class is used by the H2 Console.
/** * The connection info object is a wrapper for database connection information * such as the database URL, user name and password. * This class is used by the H2 Console. */
public class ConnectionInfo implements Comparable<ConnectionInfo> {
The driver class name.
/** * The driver class name. */
public String driver;
The database URL.
/** * The database URL. */
public String url;
The user name.
/** * The user name. */
public String user;
The connection display name.
/** * The connection display name. */
String name;
The last time this connection was used.
/** * The last time this connection was used. */
int lastAccess; ConnectionInfo() { // nothing to do } public ConnectionInfo(String data) { String[] array = StringUtils.arraySplit(data, '|', false); name = get(array, 0); driver = get(array, 1); url = get(array, 2); user = get(array, 3); } private static String get(String[] array, int i) { return array != null && array.length > i ? array[i] : ""; } String getString() { return StringUtils.arrayCombine(new String[] { name, driver, url, user }, '|'); } @Override public int compareTo(ConnectionInfo o) { return -Integer.compare(lastAccess, o.lastAccess); } }