 * Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.google.inject.internal;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.inject.Binder;
import com.google.inject.Key;
import com.google.inject.Provides;
import com.google.inject.TypeLiteral;
import com.google.inject.multibindings.MapKey;
import com.google.inject.multibindings.ProvidesIntoMap;
import com.google.inject.multibindings.ProvidesIntoOptional;
import com.google.inject.multibindings.ProvidesIntoSet;
import com.google.inject.spi.InjectionPoint;
import com.google.inject.spi.ModuleAnnotatedMethodScanner;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Set;

A ModuleAnnotatedMethodScanner that handles the {@Provides}, ProvidesIntoSet, ProvidesIntoMap and ProvidesIntoOptional annotations.

This is the default scanner used by ProviderMethodsModule and handles all the built in annotations.

/** * A {@link ModuleAnnotatedMethodScanner} that handles the {@Provides}, {@link ProvidesIntoSet}, * {@link ProvidesIntoMap} and {@link ProvidesIntoOptional} annotations. * * <p>This is the default scanner used by ProviderMethodsModule and handles all the built in * annotations. */
final class ProvidesMethodScanner extends ModuleAnnotatedMethodScanner { static final ProvidesMethodScanner INSTANCE = new ProvidesMethodScanner(); private static final ImmutableSet<Class<? extends Annotation>> ANNOTATIONS = ImmutableSet.of( Provides.class, ProvidesIntoSet.class, ProvidesIntoMap.class, ProvidesIntoOptional.class); private ProvidesMethodScanner() {} @Override public Set<? extends Class<? extends Annotation>> annotationClasses() { return ANNOTATIONS; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) // mapKey doesn't know its key type @Override public <T> Key<T> prepareMethod( Binder binder, Annotation annotation, Key<T> key, InjectionPoint injectionPoint) { Method method = (Method) injectionPoint.getMember(); AnnotationOrError mapKey = findMapKeyAnnotation(binder, method); if (annotation instanceof Provides) { if (mapKey.annotation != null) { binder.addError("Found a MapKey annotation on non map binding at %s.", method); } // no key rewriting for plain old @Provides return key; } if (annotation instanceof ProvidesIntoSet) { if (mapKey.annotation != null) { binder.addError("Found a MapKey annotation on non map binding at %s.", method); } return RealMultibinder.newRealSetBinder(binder, key).getKeyForNewItem(); } else if (annotation instanceof ProvidesIntoMap) { if (mapKey.error) { // Already failed on the MapKey, don't bother doing more work. return key; } if (mapKey.annotation == null) { // If no MapKey, make an error and abort. binder.addError("No MapKey found for map binding at %s.", method); return key; } TypeAndValue typeAndValue = typeAndValueOfMapKey(mapKey.annotation); return RealMapBinder.newRealMapBinder(binder, typeAndValue.type, key) .getKeyForNewValue(typeAndValue.value); } else if (annotation instanceof ProvidesIntoOptional) { if (mapKey.annotation != null) { binder.addError("Found a MapKey annotation on non map binding at %s.", method); } switch (((ProvidesIntoOptional) annotation).value()) { case DEFAULT: return RealOptionalBinder.newRealOptionalBinder(binder, key).getKeyForDefaultBinding(); case ACTUAL: return RealOptionalBinder.newRealOptionalBinder(binder, key).getKeyForActualBinding(); } } throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid annotation: " + annotation); } private static class AnnotationOrError { final Annotation annotation; final boolean error; AnnotationOrError(Annotation annotation, boolean error) { this.annotation = annotation; this.error = error; } static AnnotationOrError forPossiblyNullAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { return new AnnotationOrError(annotation, false); } static AnnotationOrError forError() { return new AnnotationOrError(null, true); } } private static AnnotationOrError findMapKeyAnnotation(Binder binder, Method method) { Annotation foundAnnotation = null; for (Annotation annotation : method.getAnnotations()) { MapKey mapKey = annotation.annotationType().getAnnotation(MapKey.class); if (mapKey != null) { if (foundAnnotation != null) { binder.addError("Found more than one MapKey annotations on %s.", method); return AnnotationOrError.forError(); } if (mapKey.unwrapValue()) { try { // validate there's a declared method called "value" Method valueMethod = annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value"); if (valueMethod.getReturnType().isArray()) { binder.addError( "Array types are not allowed in a MapKey with unwrapValue=true: %s", annotation.annotationType()); return AnnotationOrError.forError(); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException invalid) { binder.addError( "No 'value' method in MapKey with unwrapValue=true: %s", annotation.annotationType()); return AnnotationOrError.forError(); } } foundAnnotation = annotation; } } return AnnotationOrError.forPossiblyNullAnnotation(foundAnnotation); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) static TypeAndValue<?> typeAndValueOfMapKey(Annotation mapKeyAnnotation) { if (!mapKeyAnnotation.annotationType().getAnnotation(MapKey.class).unwrapValue()) { return new TypeAndValue(TypeLiteral.get(mapKeyAnnotation.annotationType()), mapKeyAnnotation); } else { try { Method valueMethod = mapKeyAnnotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value"); valueMethod.setAccessible(true); TypeLiteral<?> returnType = TypeLiteral.get(mapKeyAnnotation.annotationType()).getReturnType(valueMethod); return new TypeAndValue(returnType, valueMethod.invoke(mapKeyAnnotation)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } } private static class TypeAndValue<T> { final TypeLiteral<T> type; final T value; TypeAndValue(TypeLiteral<T> type, T value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } } }