 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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 * the License.

package com.google.common.util.concurrent;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.FAILED;
import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.NEW;
import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.RUNNING;
import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.STARTING;
import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.STOPPING;
import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.TERMINATED;

import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtIncompatible;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Monitor.Guard;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State; // javadoc needs this
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.ForOverride;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import com.google.j2objc.annotations.WeakOuter;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

Base class for implementing services that can handle doStart and doStop requests, responding to them with notifyStarted() and notifyStopped() callbacks. Its subclasses must manage threads manually; consider AbstractExecutionThreadService if you need only a single execution thread.
Author:Jesse Wilson, Luke Sandberg
/** * Base class for implementing services that can handle {@link #doStart} and {@link #doStop} * requests, responding to them with {@link #notifyStarted()} and {@link #notifyStopped()} * callbacks. Its subclasses must manage threads manually; consider {@link * AbstractExecutionThreadService} if you need only a single execution thread. * * @author Jesse Wilson * @author Luke Sandberg * @since 1.0 */
@GwtIncompatible public abstract class AbstractService implements Service { private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> STARTING_EVENT = new ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener>() { @Override public void call(Listener listener) { listener.starting(); } @Override public String toString() { return "starting()"; } }; private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> RUNNING_EVENT = new ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener>() { @Override public void call(Listener listener) { listener.running(); } @Override public String toString() { return "running()"; } }; private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> STOPPING_FROM_STARTING_EVENT = stoppingEvent(STARTING); private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> STOPPING_FROM_RUNNING_EVENT = stoppingEvent(RUNNING); private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> TERMINATED_FROM_NEW_EVENT = terminatedEvent(NEW); private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> TERMINATED_FROM_STARTING_EVENT = terminatedEvent(STARTING); private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> TERMINATED_FROM_RUNNING_EVENT = terminatedEvent(RUNNING); private static final ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> TERMINATED_FROM_STOPPING_EVENT = terminatedEvent(STOPPING); private static ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> terminatedEvent(final State from) { return new ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener>() { @Override public void call(Listener listener) { listener.terminated(from); } @Override public String toString() { return "terminated({from = " + from + "})"; } }; } private static ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener> stoppingEvent(final State from) { return new ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener>() { @Override public void call(Listener listener) { listener.stopping(from); } @Override public String toString() { return "stopping({from = " + from + "})"; } }; } private final Monitor monitor = new Monitor(); private final Guard isStartable = new IsStartableGuard(); @WeakOuter private final class IsStartableGuard extends Guard { IsStartableGuard() { super(AbstractService.this.monitor); } @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { return state() == NEW; } } private final Guard isStoppable = new IsStoppableGuard(); @WeakOuter private final class IsStoppableGuard extends Guard { IsStoppableGuard() { super(AbstractService.this.monitor); } @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { return state().compareTo(RUNNING) <= 0; } } private final Guard hasReachedRunning = new HasReachedRunningGuard(); @WeakOuter private final class HasReachedRunningGuard extends Guard { HasReachedRunningGuard() { super(AbstractService.this.monitor); } @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { return state().compareTo(RUNNING) >= 0; } } private final Guard isStopped = new IsStoppedGuard(); @WeakOuter private final class IsStoppedGuard extends Guard { IsStoppedGuard() { super(AbstractService.this.monitor); } @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { return state().isTerminal(); } }
The listeners to notify during a state transition.
/** The listeners to notify during a state transition. */
private final ListenerCallQueue<Listener> listeners = new ListenerCallQueue<>();
The current state of the service. This should be written with the lock held but can be read without it because it is an immutable object in a volatile field. This is desirable so that methods like state, failureCause and notably toString can be run without grabbing the lock.

To update this field correctly the lock must be held to guarantee that the state is consistent.

/** * The current state of the service. This should be written with the lock held but can be read * without it because it is an immutable object in a volatile field. This is desirable so that * methods like {@link #state}, {@link #failureCause} and notably {@link #toString} can be run * without grabbing the lock. * * <p>To update this field correctly the lock must be held to guarantee that the state is * consistent. */
private volatile StateSnapshot snapshot = new StateSnapshot(NEW);
Constructor for use by subclasses.
/** Constructor for use by subclasses. */
protected AbstractService() {}
This method is called by startAsync to initiate service startup. The invocation of this method should cause a call to notifyStarted(), either during this method's run, or after it has returned. If startup fails, the invocation should cause a call to notifyFailed(Throwable) instead.

This method should return promptly; prefer to do work on a different thread where it is convenient. It is invoked exactly once on service startup, even when startAsync is called multiple times.

/** * This method is called by {@link #startAsync} to initiate service startup. The invocation of * this method should cause a call to {@link #notifyStarted()}, either during this method's run, * or after it has returned. If startup fails, the invocation should cause a call to {@link * #notifyFailed(Throwable)} instead. * * <p>This method should return promptly; prefer to do work on a different thread where it is * convenient. It is invoked exactly once on service startup, even when {@link #startAsync} is * called multiple times. */
@ForOverride protected abstract void doStart();
This method should be used to initiate service shutdown. The invocation of this method should cause a call to notifyStopped(), either during this method's run, or after it has returned. If shutdown fails, the invocation should cause a call to notifyFailed(Throwable) instead.

This method should return promptly; prefer to do work on a different thread where it is convenient. It is invoked exactly once on service shutdown, even when stopAsync is called multiple times.

If stopAsync is called on a State.STARTING service, this method is not invoked immediately. Instead, it will be deferred until after the service is State.RUNNING. Services that need to cancel startup work can override doCancelStart.

/** * This method should be used to initiate service shutdown. The invocation of this method should * cause a call to {@link #notifyStopped()}, either during this method's run, or after it has * returned. If shutdown fails, the invocation should cause a call to {@link * #notifyFailed(Throwable)} instead. * * <p>This method should return promptly; prefer to do work on a different thread where it is * convenient. It is invoked exactly once on service shutdown, even when {@link #stopAsync} is * called multiple times. * * <p>If {@link #stopAsync} is called on a {@link State#STARTING} service, this method is not * invoked immediately. Instead, it will be deferred until after the service is {@link * State#RUNNING}. Services that need to cancel startup work can override {@link #doCancelStart}. */
@ForOverride protected abstract void doStop();
This method is called by stopAsync when the service is still starting (i.e. startAsync has been called but notifyStarted has not). Subclasses can override the method to cancel pending work and then call notifyStopped to stop the service.

This method should return promptly; prefer to do work on a different thread where it is convenient. It is invoked exactly once on service shutdown, even when stopAsync is called multiple times.

When this method is called state() will return State.STOPPING, which is the external state observable by the caller of stopAsync.

/** * This method is called by {@link #stopAsync} when the service is still starting (i.e. {@link * #startAsync} has been called but {@link #notifyStarted} has not). Subclasses can override the * method to cancel pending work and then call {@link #notifyStopped} to stop the service. * * <p>This method should return promptly; prefer to do work on a different thread where it is * convenient. It is invoked exactly once on service shutdown, even when {@link #stopAsync} is * called multiple times. * * <p>When this method is called {@link #state()} will return {@link State#STOPPING}, which is the * external state observable by the caller of {@link #stopAsync}. * * @since 27.0 */
@Beta @ForOverride protected void doCancelStart() {} @CanIgnoreReturnValue @Override public final Service startAsync() { if (monitor.enterIf(isStartable)) { try { snapshot = new StateSnapshot(STARTING); enqueueStartingEvent(); doStart(); } catch (Throwable startupFailure) { notifyFailed(startupFailure); } finally { monitor.leave(); dispatchListenerEvents(); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Service " + this + " has already been started"); } return this; } @CanIgnoreReturnValue @Override public final Service stopAsync() { if (monitor.enterIf(isStoppable)) { try { State previous = state(); switch (previous) { case NEW: snapshot = new StateSnapshot(TERMINATED); enqueueTerminatedEvent(NEW); break; case STARTING: snapshot = new StateSnapshot(STARTING, true, null); enqueueStoppingEvent(STARTING); doCancelStart(); break; case RUNNING: snapshot = new StateSnapshot(STOPPING); enqueueStoppingEvent(RUNNING); doStop(); break; case STOPPING: case TERMINATED: case FAILED: // These cases are impossible due to the if statement above. throw new AssertionError("isStoppable is incorrectly implemented, saw: " + previous); } } catch (Throwable shutdownFailure) { notifyFailed(shutdownFailure); } finally { monitor.leave(); dispatchListenerEvents(); } } return this; } @Override public final void awaitRunning() { monitor.enterWhenUninterruptibly(hasReachedRunning); try { checkCurrentState(RUNNING); } finally { monitor.leave(); } }
/** @since 28.0 */
@Override public final void awaitRunning(Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException { Service.super.awaitRunning(timeout); } @Override public final void awaitRunning(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException { if (monitor.enterWhenUninterruptibly(hasReachedRunning, timeout, unit)) { try { checkCurrentState(RUNNING); } finally { monitor.leave(); } } else { // It is possible due to races the we are currently in the expected state even though we // timed out. e.g. if we weren't event able to grab the lock within the timeout we would never // even check the guard. I don't think we care too much about this use case but it could lead // to a confusing error message. throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for " + this + " to reach the RUNNING state."); } } @Override public final void awaitTerminated() { monitor.enterWhenUninterruptibly(isStopped); try { checkCurrentState(TERMINATED); } finally { monitor.leave(); } }
/** @since 28.0 */
@Override public final void awaitTerminated(Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException { Service.super.awaitTerminated(timeout); } @Override public final void awaitTerminated(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException { if (monitor.enterWhenUninterruptibly(isStopped, timeout, unit)) { try { checkCurrentState(TERMINATED); } finally { monitor.leave(); } } else { // It is possible due to races the we are currently in the expected state even though we // timed out. e.g. if we weren't event able to grab the lock within the timeout we would never // even check the guard. I don't think we care too much about this use case but it could lead // to a confusing error message. throw new TimeoutException( "Timed out waiting for " + this + " to reach a terminal state. " + "Current state: " + state()); } }
Checks that the current state is equal to the expected state.
/** Checks that the current state is equal to the expected state. */
@GuardedBy("monitor") private void checkCurrentState(State expected) { State actual = state(); if (actual != expected) { if (actual == FAILED) { // Handle this specially so that we can include the failureCause, if there is one. throw new IllegalStateException( "Expected the service " + this + " to be " + expected + ", but the service has FAILED", failureCause()); } throw new IllegalStateException( "Expected the service " + this + " to be " + expected + ", but was " + actual); } }
Implementing classes should invoke this method once their service has started. It will cause the service to transition from State.STARTING to State.RUNNING.
/** * Implementing classes should invoke this method once their service has started. It will cause * the service to transition from {@link State#STARTING} to {@link State#RUNNING}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the service is not {@link State#STARTING}. */
protected final void notifyStarted() { monitor.enter(); try { // We have to examine the internal state of the snapshot here to properly handle the stop // while starting case. if (snapshot.state != STARTING) { IllegalStateException failure = new IllegalStateException( "Cannot notifyStarted() when the service is " + snapshot.state); notifyFailed(failure); throw failure; } if (snapshot.shutdownWhenStartupFinishes) { snapshot = new StateSnapshot(STOPPING); // We don't call listeners here because we already did that when we set the // shutdownWhenStartupFinishes flag. doStop(); } else { snapshot = new StateSnapshot(RUNNING); enqueueRunningEvent(); } } finally { monitor.leave(); dispatchListenerEvents(); } }
Implementing classes should invoke this method once their service has stopped. It will cause the service to transition from State.STARTING or State.STOPPING to State.TERMINATED.
/** * Implementing classes should invoke this method once their service has stopped. It will cause * the service to transition from {@link State#STARTING} or {@link State#STOPPING} to {@link * State#TERMINATED}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the service is not one of {@link State#STOPPING}, {@link * State#STARTING}, or {@link State#RUNNING}. */
protected final void notifyStopped() { monitor.enter(); try { State previous = state(); switch (previous) { case NEW: case TERMINATED: case FAILED: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot notifyStopped() when the service is " + previous); case RUNNING: case STARTING: case STOPPING: snapshot = new StateSnapshot(TERMINATED); enqueueTerminatedEvent(previous); break; } } finally { monitor.leave(); dispatchListenerEvents(); } }
Invoke this method to transition the service to the State.FAILED. The service will not be stopped if it is running. Invoke this method when a service has failed critically or otherwise cannot be started nor stopped.
/** * Invoke this method to transition the service to the {@link State#FAILED}. The service will * <b>not be stopped</b> if it is running. Invoke this method when a service has failed critically * or otherwise cannot be started nor stopped. */
protected final void notifyFailed(Throwable cause) { checkNotNull(cause); monitor.enter(); try { State previous = state(); switch (previous) { case NEW: case TERMINATED: throw new IllegalStateException("Failed while in state:" + previous, cause); case RUNNING: case STARTING: case STOPPING: snapshot = new StateSnapshot(FAILED, false, cause); enqueueFailedEvent(previous, cause); break; case FAILED: // Do nothing break; } } finally { monitor.leave(); dispatchListenerEvents(); } } @Override public final boolean isRunning() { return state() == RUNNING; } @Override public final State state() { return snapshot.externalState(); }
/** @since 14.0 */
@Override public final Throwable failureCause() { return snapshot.failureCause(); }
/** @since 13.0 */
@Override public final void addListener(Listener listener, Executor executor) { listeners.addListener(listener, executor); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + " [" + state() + "]"; }
Attempts to execute all the listeners in listeners while not holding the monitor.
/** * Attempts to execute all the listeners in {@link #listeners} while not holding the {@link * #monitor}. */
private void dispatchListenerEvents() { if (!monitor.isOccupiedByCurrentThread()) { listeners.dispatch(); } } private void enqueueStartingEvent() { listeners.enqueue(STARTING_EVENT); } private void enqueueRunningEvent() { listeners.enqueue(RUNNING_EVENT); } private void enqueueStoppingEvent(final State from) { if (from == State.STARTING) { listeners.enqueue(STOPPING_FROM_STARTING_EVENT); } else if (from == State.RUNNING) { listeners.enqueue(STOPPING_FROM_RUNNING_EVENT); } else { throw new AssertionError(); } } private void enqueueTerminatedEvent(final State from) { switch (from) { case NEW: listeners.enqueue(TERMINATED_FROM_NEW_EVENT); break; case STARTING: listeners.enqueue(TERMINATED_FROM_STARTING_EVENT); break; case RUNNING: listeners.enqueue(TERMINATED_FROM_RUNNING_EVENT); break; case STOPPING: listeners.enqueue(TERMINATED_FROM_STOPPING_EVENT); break; case TERMINATED: case FAILED: throw new AssertionError(); } } private void enqueueFailedEvent(final State from, final Throwable cause) { // can't memoize this one due to the exception listeners.enqueue( new ListenerCallQueue.Event<Listener>() { @Override public void call(Listener listener) { listener.failed(from, cause); } @Override public String toString() { return "failed({from = " + from + ", cause = " + cause + "})"; } }); }
An immutable snapshot of the current state of the service. This class represents a consistent snapshot of the state and therefore it can be used to answer simple queries without needing to grab a lock.
/** * An immutable snapshot of the current state of the service. This class represents a consistent * snapshot of the state and therefore it can be used to answer simple queries without needing to * grab a lock. */
// @Immutable except that Throwable is mutable (initCause(), setStackTrace(), mutable subclasses). private static final class StateSnapshot {
The internal state, which equals external state unless shutdownWhenStartupFinishes is true.
/** * The internal state, which equals external state unless shutdownWhenStartupFinishes is true. */
final State state;
If true, the user requested a shutdown while the service was still starting up.
/** If true, the user requested a shutdown while the service was still starting up. */
final boolean shutdownWhenStartupFinishes;
The exception that caused this service to fail. This will be null unless the service has failed.
/** * The exception that caused this service to fail. This will be {@code null} unless the service * has failed. */
final @Nullable Throwable failure; StateSnapshot(State internalState) { this(internalState, false, null); } StateSnapshot( State internalState, boolean shutdownWhenStartupFinishes, @Nullable Throwable failure) { checkArgument( !shutdownWhenStartupFinishes || internalState == STARTING, "shutdownWhenStartupFinishes can only be set if state is STARTING. Got %s instead.", internalState); checkArgument( !(failure != null ^ internalState == FAILED), "A failure cause should be set if and only if the state is failed. Got %s and %s " + "instead.", internalState, failure); this.state = internalState; this.shutdownWhenStartupFinishes = shutdownWhenStartupFinishes; this.failure = failure; }
See Also:
/** @see Service#state() */
State externalState() { if (shutdownWhenStartupFinishes && state == STARTING) { return STOPPING; } else { return state; } }
See Also:
/** @see Service#failureCause() */
Throwable failureCause() { checkState( state == FAILED, "failureCause() is only valid if the service has failed, service is %s", state); return failure; } } }