 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.google.common.collect;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import com.google.j2objc.annotations.Weak;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.DoubleConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

Spliterator utilities for common.collect internals.
/** Spliterator utilities for {@code common.collect} internals. */
@GwtCompatible final class CollectSpliterators { private CollectSpliterators() {} static <T> Spliterator<T> indexed(int size, int extraCharacteristics, IntFunction<T> function) { return indexed(size, extraCharacteristics, function, null); } static <T> Spliterator<T> indexed( int size, int extraCharacteristics, IntFunction<T> function, Comparator<? super T> comparator) { if (comparator != null) { checkArgument((extraCharacteristics & Spliterator.SORTED) != 0); } class WithCharacteristics implements Spliterator<T> { private final Spliterator.OfInt delegate; WithCharacteristics(Spliterator.OfInt delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) { return delegate.tryAdvance((IntConsumer) i -> action.accept(function.apply(i))); } @Override public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super T> action) { delegate.forEachRemaining((IntConsumer) i -> action.accept(function.apply(i))); } @Override public @Nullable Spliterator<T> trySplit() { Spliterator.OfInt split = delegate.trySplit(); return (split == null) ? null : new WithCharacteristics(split); } @Override public long estimateSize() { return delegate.estimateSize(); } @Override public int characteristics() { return Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.SUBSIZED | extraCharacteristics; } @Override public Comparator<? super T> getComparator() { if (hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SORTED)) { return comparator; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } return new WithCharacteristics(IntStream.range(0, size).spliterator()); }
Returns a Spliterator over the elements of fromSpliterator mapped by function.
/** * Returns a {@code Spliterator} over the elements of {@code fromSpliterator} mapped by {@code * function}. */
static <InElementT, OutElementT> Spliterator<OutElementT> map( Spliterator<InElementT> fromSpliterator, Function<? super InElementT, ? extends OutElementT> function) { checkNotNull(fromSpliterator); checkNotNull(function); return new Spliterator<OutElementT>() { @Override public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super OutElementT> action) { return fromSpliterator.tryAdvance( fromElement -> action.accept(function.apply(fromElement))); } @Override public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super OutElementT> action) { fromSpliterator.forEachRemaining(fromElement -> action.accept(function.apply(fromElement))); } @Override public Spliterator<OutElementT> trySplit() { Spliterator<InElementT> fromSplit = fromSpliterator.trySplit(); return (fromSplit != null) ? map(fromSplit, function) : null; } @Override public long estimateSize() { return fromSpliterator.estimateSize(); } @Override public int characteristics() { return fromSpliterator.characteristics() & ~(Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.SORTED); } }; }
Returns a Spliterator filtered by the specified predicate.
/** Returns a {@code Spliterator} filtered by the specified predicate. */
static <T> Spliterator<T> filter(Spliterator<T> fromSpliterator, Predicate<? super T> predicate) { checkNotNull(fromSpliterator); checkNotNull(predicate); class Splitr implements Spliterator<T>, Consumer<T> { T holder = null; @Override public void accept(T t) { this.holder = t; } @Override public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) { while (fromSpliterator.tryAdvance(this)) { try { if (predicate.test(holder)) { action.accept(holder); return true; } } finally { holder = null; } } return false; } @Override public Spliterator<T> trySplit() { Spliterator<T> fromSplit = fromSpliterator.trySplit(); return (fromSplit == null) ? null : filter(fromSplit, predicate); } @Override public long estimateSize() { return fromSpliterator.estimateSize() / 2; } @Override public Comparator<? super T> getComparator() { return fromSpliterator.getComparator(); } @Override public int characteristics() { return fromSpliterator.characteristics() & (Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.SORTED); } } return new Splitr(); }
Returns a Spliterator that iterates over the elements of the spliterators generated by applying function to the elements of fromSpliterator.
/** * Returns a {@code Spliterator} that iterates over the elements of the spliterators generated by * applying {@code function} to the elements of {@code fromSpliterator}. */
static <InElementT, OutElementT> Spliterator<OutElementT> flatMap( Spliterator<InElementT> fromSpliterator, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator<OutElementT>> function, int topCharacteristics, long topSize) { checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SUBSIZED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SUBSIZED characteristic"); checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SORTED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SORTED characteristic"); checkNotNull(fromSpliterator); checkNotNull(function); return new FlatMapSpliteratorOfObject<InElementT, OutElementT>( null, fromSpliterator, function, topCharacteristics, topSize); }
Returns a Spliterator.OfInt that iterates over the elements of the spliterators generated by applying function to the elements of fromSpliterator. (If function returns null for an input, it is replaced with an empty stream.)
/** * Returns a {@code Spliterator.OfInt} that iterates over the elements of the spliterators * generated by applying {@code function} to the elements of {@code fromSpliterator}. (If {@code * function} returns {@code null} for an input, it is replaced with an empty stream.) */
static <InElementT> Spliterator.OfInt flatMapToInt( Spliterator<InElementT> fromSpliterator, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator.OfInt> function, int topCharacteristics, long topSize) { checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SUBSIZED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SUBSIZED characteristic"); checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SORTED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SORTED characteristic"); checkNotNull(fromSpliterator); checkNotNull(function); return new FlatMapSpliteratorOfInt<InElementT>( null, fromSpliterator, function, topCharacteristics, topSize); }
Returns a Spliterator.OfLong that iterates over the elements of the spliterators generated by applying function to the elements of fromSpliterator. (If function returns null for an input, it is replaced with an empty stream.)
/** * Returns a {@code Spliterator.OfLong} that iterates over the elements of the spliterators * generated by applying {@code function} to the elements of {@code fromSpliterator}. (If {@code * function} returns {@code null} for an input, it is replaced with an empty stream.) */
static <InElementT> Spliterator.OfLong flatMapToLong( Spliterator<InElementT> fromSpliterator, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator.OfLong> function, int topCharacteristics, long topSize) { checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SUBSIZED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SUBSIZED characteristic"); checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SORTED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SORTED characteristic"); checkNotNull(fromSpliterator); checkNotNull(function); return new FlatMapSpliteratorOfLong<InElementT>( null, fromSpliterator, function, topCharacteristics, topSize); }
Returns a Spliterator.OfDouble that iterates over the elements of the spliterators generated by applying function to the elements of fromSpliterator. (If function returns null for an input, it is replaced with an empty stream.)
/** * Returns a {@code Spliterator.OfDouble} that iterates over the elements of the spliterators * generated by applying {@code function} to the elements of {@code fromSpliterator}. (If {@code * function} returns {@code null} for an input, it is replaced with an empty stream.) */
static <InElementT> Spliterator.OfDouble flatMapToDouble( Spliterator<InElementT> fromSpliterator, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator.OfDouble> function, int topCharacteristics, long topSize) { checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SUBSIZED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SUBSIZED characteristic"); checkArgument( (topCharacteristics & Spliterator.SORTED) == 0, "flatMap does not support SORTED characteristic"); checkNotNull(fromSpliterator); checkNotNull(function); return new FlatMapSpliteratorOfDouble<InElementT>( null, fromSpliterator, function, topCharacteristics, topSize); }
Implements the flatMap.flatMap operation on spliterators.
Type parameters:
/** * Implements the {@link Stream#flatMap} operation on spliterators. * * @param <InElementT> the element type of the input spliterator * @param <OutElementT> the element type of the output spliterators * @param <OutSpliteratorT> the type of the output spliterators */
abstract static class FlatMapSpliterator< InElementT, OutElementT, OutSpliteratorT extends Spliterator<OutElementT>> implements Spliterator<OutElementT> {
Factory for constructing FlatMapSpliterator instances.
/** Factory for constructing {@link FlatMapSpliterator} instances. */
@FunctionalInterface interface Factory<InElementT, OutSpliteratorT extends Spliterator<?>> { OutSpliteratorT newFlatMapSpliterator( OutSpliteratorT prefix, Spliterator<InElementT> fromSplit, Function<? super InElementT, OutSpliteratorT> function, int splitCharacteristics, long estSplitSize); } @Nullable @Weak OutSpliteratorT prefix; final Spliterator<InElementT> from; final Function<? super InElementT, OutSpliteratorT> function; final Factory<InElementT, OutSpliteratorT> factory; int characteristics; long estimatedSize; FlatMapSpliterator( OutSpliteratorT prefix, Spliterator<InElementT> from, Function<? super InElementT, OutSpliteratorT> function, Factory<InElementT, OutSpliteratorT> factory, int characteristics, long estimatedSize) { this.prefix = prefix; this.from = from; this.function = function; this.factory = factory; this.characteristics = characteristics; this.estimatedSize = estimatedSize; } /* * The tryAdvance and forEachRemaining in FlatMapSpliteratorOfPrimitive are overloads of these * methods, not overrides. They are annotated @Override because they implement methods from * Spliterator.OfPrimitive (and override default implementations from Spliterator.OfPrimitive or * a subtype like Spliterator.OfInt). */ @Override public final boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super OutElementT> action) { while (true) { if (prefix != null && prefix.tryAdvance(action)) { if (estimatedSize != Long.MAX_VALUE) { estimatedSize--; } return true; } else { prefix = null; } if (!from.tryAdvance(fromElement -> prefix = function.apply(fromElement))) { return false; } } } @Override public final void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super OutElementT> action) { if (prefix != null) { prefix.forEachRemaining(action); prefix = null; } from.forEachRemaining( fromElement -> { Spliterator<OutElementT> elements = function.apply(fromElement); if (elements != null) { elements.forEachRemaining(action); } }); estimatedSize = 0; } @Override public final OutSpliteratorT trySplit() { Spliterator<InElementT> fromSplit = from.trySplit(); if (fromSplit != null) { int splitCharacteristics = characteristics & ~Spliterator.SIZED; long estSplitSize = estimateSize(); if (estSplitSize < Long.MAX_VALUE) { estSplitSize /= 2; this.estimatedSize -= estSplitSize; this.characteristics = splitCharacteristics; } OutSpliteratorT result = factory.newFlatMapSpliterator( this.prefix, fromSplit, function, splitCharacteristics, estSplitSize); this.prefix = null; return result; } else if (prefix != null) { OutSpliteratorT result = prefix; this.prefix = null; return result; } else { return null; } } @Override public final long estimateSize() { if (prefix != null) { estimatedSize = Math.max(estimatedSize, prefix.estimateSize()); } return Math.max(estimatedSize, 0); } @Override public final int characteristics() { return characteristics; } }
Implementation of flatMap.flatMap with an object spliterator output type.

To avoid having this type, we could use FlatMapSpliterator directly. The main advantages to having the type are the ability to use its constructor reference below and the parallelism with the primitive version. In short, it makes its caller (flatMap) simpler.

Type parameters:
  • <InElementT> – the element type of the input spliterator
  • <OutElementT> – the element type of the output spliterators
/** * Implementation of {@link Stream#flatMap} with an object spliterator output type. * * <p>To avoid having this type, we could use {@code FlatMapSpliterator} directly. The main * advantages to having the type are the ability to use its constructor reference below and the * parallelism with the primitive version. In short, it makes its caller ({@code flatMap}) * simpler. * * @param <InElementT> the element type of the input spliterator * @param <OutElementT> the element type of the output spliterators */
static final class FlatMapSpliteratorOfObject<InElementT, OutElementT> extends FlatMapSpliterator<InElementT, OutElementT, Spliterator<OutElementT>> { FlatMapSpliteratorOfObject( Spliterator<OutElementT> prefix, Spliterator<InElementT> from, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator<OutElementT>> function, int characteristics, long estimatedSize) { super( prefix, from, function, FlatMapSpliteratorOfObject::new, characteristics, estimatedSize); } }
Implementation of flatMap.flatMap with a primitive spliterator output type.
Type parameters:
  • <InElementT> – the element type of the input spliterator
  • <OutElementT> – the (boxed) element type of the output spliterators
  • <OutConsumerT> – the specialized consumer type for the primitive output type
  • <OutSpliteratorT> – the primitive spliterator type associated with OutElementT
/** * Implementation of {@link Stream#flatMap} with a primitive spliterator output type. * * @param <InElementT> the element type of the input spliterator * @param <OutElementT> the (boxed) element type of the output spliterators * @param <OutConsumerT> the specialized consumer type for the primitive output type * @param <OutSpliteratorT> the primitive spliterator type associated with {@code OutElementT} */
abstract static class FlatMapSpliteratorOfPrimitive< InElementT, OutElementT, OutConsumerT, OutSpliteratorT extends Spliterator.OfPrimitive<OutElementT, OutConsumerT, OutSpliteratorT>> extends FlatMapSpliterator<InElementT, OutElementT, OutSpliteratorT> implements Spliterator.OfPrimitive<OutElementT, OutConsumerT, OutSpliteratorT> { FlatMapSpliteratorOfPrimitive( OutSpliteratorT prefix, Spliterator<InElementT> from, Function<? super InElementT, OutSpliteratorT> function, Factory<InElementT, OutSpliteratorT> factory, int characteristics, long estimatedSize) { super(prefix, from, function, factory, characteristics, estimatedSize); } @Override public final boolean tryAdvance(OutConsumerT action) { while (true) { if (prefix != null && prefix.tryAdvance(action)) { if (estimatedSize != Long.MAX_VALUE) { estimatedSize--; } return true; } else { prefix = null; } if (!from.tryAdvance(fromElement -> prefix = function.apply(fromElement))) { return false; } } } @Override public final void forEachRemaining(OutConsumerT action) { if (prefix != null) { prefix.forEachRemaining(action); prefix = null; } from.forEachRemaining( fromElement -> { OutSpliteratorT elements = function.apply(fromElement); if (elements != null) { elements.forEachRemaining(action); } }); estimatedSize = 0; } }
Implementation of flatMapToInt.
/** Implementation of {@link #flatMapToInt}. */
static final class FlatMapSpliteratorOfInt<InElementT> extends FlatMapSpliteratorOfPrimitive<InElementT, Integer, IntConsumer, Spliterator.OfInt> implements Spliterator.OfInt { FlatMapSpliteratorOfInt( Spliterator.OfInt prefix, Spliterator<InElementT> from, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator.OfInt> function, int characteristics, long estimatedSize) { super(prefix, from, function, FlatMapSpliteratorOfInt::new, characteristics, estimatedSize); } }
Implementation of flatMapToLong.
/** Implementation of {@link #flatMapToLong}. */
static final class FlatMapSpliteratorOfLong<InElementT> extends FlatMapSpliteratorOfPrimitive<InElementT, Long, LongConsumer, Spliterator.OfLong> implements Spliterator.OfLong { FlatMapSpliteratorOfLong( Spliterator.OfLong prefix, Spliterator<InElementT> from, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator.OfLong> function, int characteristics, long estimatedSize) { super(prefix, from, function, FlatMapSpliteratorOfLong::new, characteristics, estimatedSize); } }
Implementation of flatMapToDouble.
/** Implementation of {@link #flatMapToDouble}. */
static final class FlatMapSpliteratorOfDouble<InElementT> extends FlatMapSpliteratorOfPrimitive< InElementT, Double, DoubleConsumer, Spliterator.OfDouble> implements Spliterator.OfDouble { FlatMapSpliteratorOfDouble( Spliterator.OfDouble prefix, Spliterator<InElementT> from, Function<? super InElementT, Spliterator.OfDouble> function, int characteristics, long estimatedSize) { super( prefix, from, function, FlatMapSpliteratorOfDouble::new, characteristics, estimatedSize); } } }