 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package com.google.thirdparty.publicsuffix;

import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;

Do not use this class directly. For access to public-suffix information, use InternetDomainName.

Specifies the type of a top-level domain definition.

/** * <b>Do not use this class directly. For access to public-suffix information, use {@link * com.google.common.net.InternetDomainName}.</b> * * <p>Specifies the type of a top-level domain definition. * * @since 23.3 */
@Beta @GwtCompatible public enum PublicSuffixType {
Public suffix that is provided by a private company, e.g. "blogspot.com"
/** Public suffix that is provided by a private company, e.g. "blogspot.com" */
PRIVATE(':', ','),
Public suffix that is backed by an ICANN-style domain name registry
/** Public suffix that is backed by an ICANN-style domain name registry */
REGISTRY('!', '?');
The character used for an inner node in the trie encoding
/** The character used for an inner node in the trie encoding */
private final char innerNodeCode;
The character used for a leaf node in the trie encoding
/** The character used for a leaf node in the trie encoding */
private final char leafNodeCode; PublicSuffixType(char innerNodeCode, char leafNodeCode) { this.innerNodeCode = innerNodeCode; this.leafNodeCode = leafNodeCode; } char getLeafNodeCode() { return leafNodeCode; } char getInnerNodeCode() { return innerNodeCode; }
Returns a PublicSuffixType of the right type according to the given code
/** Returns a PublicSuffixType of the right type according to the given code */
static PublicSuffixType fromCode(char code) { for (PublicSuffixType value : values()) { if (value.getInnerNodeCode() == code || value.getLeafNodeCode() == code) { return value; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No enum corresponding to given code: " + code); } static PublicSuffixType fromIsPrivate(boolean isPrivate) { return isPrivate ? PRIVATE : REGISTRY; } }