 * FindBugs - Find bugs in Java programs
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Dave Brosius <dbrosius@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 University of Maryland
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package edu.umd.cs.findbugs;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.meta.TypeQualifier;

import org.apache.bcel.Repository;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Code;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.CodeException;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Constant;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantClass;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantDouble;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantFloat;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantInteger;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantLong;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantString;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantUtf8;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.LocalVariable;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.LocalVariableTable;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.BasicType;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.Type;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.OpcodeStack.Item.SpecialKind;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.StackMapAnalyzer.JumpInfoFromStackMap;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.AnalysisContext;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.AnalysisFeatures;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.ClassMember;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.FieldSummary;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.SignatureParser;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.XFactory;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.XField;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.XMethod;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.ch.Subtypes2;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.bcel.OpcodeStackDetector;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.CheckedAnalysisException;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.DescriptorFactory;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.Global;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisCache;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.MethodDescriptor;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.analysis.MethodInfo;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.internalAnnotations.SlashedClassName;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.internalAnnotations.StaticConstant;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.util.ClassName;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.util.Util;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.visitclass.Constants2;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.visitclass.DismantleBytecode;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.visitclass.LVTHelper;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.visitclass.PreorderVisitor;

tracks the types and numbers of objects that are currently on the operand stack throughout the execution of method. To use, a detector should instantiate one for each method, and call


at the bottom of their sawOpcode method. at any point you can then inspect the stack and see what the types of objects are on the stack, including constant values if they were pushed. The types described are of course, only the static types. There are some outstanding opcodes that have yet to be implemented, I couldn't find any code that actually generated these, so i didn't put them in because I couldn't test them:
  • dup2_x2
  • jsr_w
  • wide
/** * tracks the types and numbers of objects that are currently on the operand * stack throughout the execution of method. To use, a detector should * instantiate one for each method, and call * <p> * stack.sawOpcode(this,seen); * </p> * at the bottom of their sawOpcode method. at any point you can then inspect * the stack and see what the types of objects are on the stack, including * constant values if they were pushed. The types described are of course, only * the static types. There are some outstanding opcodes that have yet to be * implemented, I couldn't find any code that actually generated these, so i * didn't put them in because I couldn't test them: * <ul> * <li>dup2_x2</li> * <li>jsr_w</li> * <li>wide</li> * </ul> */
public class OpcodeStack implements Constants2 {
You can put this annotation on a OpcodeStack detector to indicate that it uses Item.userValue, and thus should not reuse generic OpcodeStack information from an iterative evaluation of the opcode stack. Such detectors will not use iterative opcode stack evaluation. This is primarily for detectors that need to be backwards compatible with versions of FindBugs that do not support WithCustomJumpInfo}
/** You can put this annotation on a OpcodeStack detector * to indicate that it uses {@link OpcodeStack.Item#userValue}, * and thus should not reuse generic OpcodeStack information * from an iterative evaluation of the opcode stack. Such detectors * will not use iterative opcode stack evaluation. * * This is primarily for detectors that need to be backwards compatible with * versions of FindBugs that do not support {@link edu.umd.cs.findbugs.bcel.OpcodeStackDetector.WithCustomJumpInfo }} */
@Documented @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.PACKAGE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface CustomUserValue { } private static final String JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYS_ARRAY_LIST = "Ljava/util/Arrays$ArrayList;"; private static final boolean DEBUG = SystemProperties.getBoolean("ocstack.debug"); private static final boolean DEBUG2 = DEBUG; @StaticConstant static final HashMap<String, String> boxedTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List<Item> stack; private List<Item> lvValues; private final List<Integer> lastUpdate; private boolean top; static class HttpParameterInjection { HttpParameterInjection(String parameterName, int pc) { this.parameterName = parameterName; this.pc = pc; } String parameterName; int pc; } private boolean seenTransferOfControl; private final boolean useIterativeAnalysis = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getBoolProperty( AnalysisFeatures.INTERATIVE_OPCODE_STACK_ANALYSIS); boolean encountedTop; boolean backwardsBranch; BitSet exceptionHandlers = new BitSet(); private boolean jumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch; private boolean jumpInfoChangedByNewTarget; private Map<Integer, List<Item>> jumpEntries = new HashMap<Integer, List<Item>>(); private Map<Integer, List<Item>> jumpStackEntries = new HashMap<Integer, List<Item>>(); private BitSet jumpEntryLocations = new BitSet(); int convertJumpToOneZeroState = 0; int convertJumpToZeroOneState = 0; int registerTestedFoundToBeNonnegative = -1; int zeroOneComing = -1; boolean oneMeansNull; boolean needToMerge = true; private boolean reachOnlyByBranch; public static class Item { @Documented @TypeQualifier(applicableTo = Integer.class) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface SpecialKind { } static @SpecialKind int asSpecialKind(int kind) { return kind; } public static final @SpecialKind int NOT_SPECIAL = 0; public static final @SpecialKind int SIGNED_BYTE = 1; public static final @SpecialKind int RANDOM_INT = 2; public static final @SpecialKind int LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR = 3; public static final @SpecialKind int HASHCODE_INT = 4; public static final @SpecialKind int INTEGER_SUM = 5; public static final @SpecialKind int AVERAGE_COMPUTED_USING_DIVISION = 6; public static final @SpecialKind int FLOAT_MATH = 7; public static final @SpecialKind int RANDOM_INT_REMAINDER = 8; public static final @SpecialKind int HASHCODE_INT_REMAINDER = 9; public static final @SpecialKind int FILE_SEPARATOR_STRING = 10; public static final @SpecialKind int MATH_ABS = 11; public static final @SpecialKind int MATH_ABS_OF_RANDOM = 12; public static final @SpecialKind int MATH_ABS_OF_HASHCODE = 13; public static final @SpecialKind int NON_NEGATIVE = 14; public static final @SpecialKind int NASTY_FLOAT_MATH = 15; public static final @SpecialKind int FILE_OPENED_IN_APPEND_MODE = 16; public static final @SpecialKind int SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED = 17; public static final @SpecialKind int NEWLY_ALLOCATED = 18; public static final @SpecialKind int ZERO_MEANS_NULL = 19; public static final @SpecialKind int NONZERO_MEANS_NULL = 20; public static final @SpecialKind int RESULT_OF_I2L = 21; public static final @SpecialKind int RESULT_OF_L2I = 22; public static final @SpecialKind int SERVLET_OUTPUT = 23; public static final @SpecialKind int TYPE_ONLY = 24; @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.internalAnnotations.StaticConstant public static final HashMap<Integer, String> specialKindNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); private static @SpecialKind int nextSpecialKind = asSpecialKind(TYPE_ONLY + 1); public static @SpecialKind int defineNewSpecialKind(String name) { specialKindNames.put(nextSpecialKind, name); @SpecialKind int result = asSpecialKind( nextSpecialKind+1); nextSpecialKind = result; return result; } private static final int IS_INITIAL_PARAMETER_FLAG = 1; private static final int COULD_BE_ZERO_FLAG = 2; private static final int IS_NULL_FLAG = 4; public static final Object UNKNOWN = null; private @SpecialKind int specialKind = NOT_SPECIAL; private String signature; private Object constValue = UNKNOWN; private @CheckForNull ClassMember source; private int pc = -1; private int flags; private int registerNumber = -1; @Nullable private Object userValue; private HttpParameterInjection injection; private int fieldLoadedFromRegister = -1; public void makeCrossMethod() { pc = -1; registerNumber = -1; fieldLoadedFromRegister = -1; } public int getSize() { if ("J".equals(signature) || "D".equals(signature)) { return 2; } return 1; } public int getPC() { return pc; } public void setPC(int pc) { this.pc = pc; } public boolean isWide() { return getSize() == 2; } @Override public int hashCode() { int r = 42 + specialKind; if (signature != null) { r += signature.hashCode(); } r *= 31; if (constValue != null) { r += constValue.hashCode(); } r *= 31; if (source != null) { r += source.hashCode(); } r *= 31; r += flags; r *= 31; r += registerNumber; return r; } public boolean usesTwoSlots() { return getSize() == 2; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Item)) { return false; } Item that = (Item) o; return Util.nullSafeEquals(this.signature, that.signature) && Util.nullSafeEquals(this.constValue, that.constValue) && Util.nullSafeEquals(this.source, that.source) && Util.nullSafeEquals(this.userValue, that.userValue) && Util.nullSafeEquals(this.injection, that.injection) && this.specialKind == that.specialKind && this.registerNumber == that.registerNumber && this.flags == that.flags && this.fieldLoadedFromRegister == that.fieldLoadedFromRegister; } public boolean sameValue(OpcodeStack.Item that) { return this.equals(that) && (this.registerNumber != -1 && this.registerNumber == that.registerNumber || this.fieldLoadedFromRegister != -1); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("< "); buf.append(signature); switch (specialKind) { case SIGNED_BYTE: buf.append(", signed_byte"); break; case RANDOM_INT: buf.append(", random_int"); break; case LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR: buf.append(", low8clear"); break; case HASHCODE_INT: buf.append(", hashcode_int"); break; case INTEGER_SUM: buf.append(", int_sum"); break; case AVERAGE_COMPUTED_USING_DIVISION: buf.append(", averageComputingUsingDivision"); break; case FLOAT_MATH: buf.append(", floatMath"); break; case NASTY_FLOAT_MATH: buf.append(", nastyFloatMath"); break; case HASHCODE_INT_REMAINDER: buf.append(", hashcode_int_rem"); break; case RANDOM_INT_REMAINDER: buf.append(", random_int_rem"); break; case MATH_ABS_OF_RANDOM: buf.append(", abs_of_random"); break; case MATH_ABS_OF_HASHCODE: buf.append(", abs_of_hashcode"); break; case FILE_SEPARATOR_STRING: buf.append(", file_separator_string"); break; case MATH_ABS: buf.append(", Math.abs"); break; case NON_NEGATIVE: buf.append(", non_negative"); break; case FILE_OPENED_IN_APPEND_MODE: buf.append(", file opened in append mode"); break; case SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED: buf.append(", servlet request tainted"); break; case NEWLY_ALLOCATED: buf.append(", new"); break; case ZERO_MEANS_NULL: buf.append(", zero means null"); break; case NONZERO_MEANS_NULL: buf.append(", nonzero means null"); break; case SERVLET_OUTPUT: buf.append(", servlet_output"); break; case TYPE_ONLY: buf.append(", type_only"); break; case NOT_SPECIAL: break; default: buf.append(", #" + specialKind); buf.append("(" + specialKindNames.get(specialKind) + ")"); break; } if (constValue != UNKNOWN) { if (constValue instanceof String) { buf.append(", \""); buf.append(constValue); buf.append("\""); } else { buf.append(", "); buf.append(constValue); } } if (source instanceof XField) { buf.append(", "); if (fieldLoadedFromRegister != -1 && fieldLoadedFromRegister != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { buf.append(fieldLoadedFromRegister).append(':'); } buf.append(source); } if (source instanceof XMethod) { buf.append(", return value from "); buf.append(source); } if (isInitialParameter()) { buf.append(", IP"); } if (isNull()) { buf.append(", isNull"); } if (registerNumber != -1) { buf.append(", r"); buf.append(registerNumber); } if (isCouldBeZero() && !isZero()) { buf.append(", cbz"); } if (userValue != null) { buf.append(", uv: "); buf.append(userValue.toString()); } buf.append(" >"); return buf.toString(); } public static Item merge(Item i1, Item i2) { if (i1 == null) { return i2; } if (i2 == null) { return i1; } if (i1.equals(i2)) { return i1; } Item m = new Item(); if (i1.getSpecialKind() == TYPE_ONLY && i2.getSpecialKind() != TYPE_ONLY) { return i2; } else if (i2.getSpecialKind() == TYPE_ONLY && i1.getSpecialKind() != TYPE_ONLY) { return i1; } m.flags = i1.flags & i2.flags; m.setCouldBeZero(i1.isCouldBeZero() || i2.isCouldBeZero()); if (i1.pc == i2.pc) { m.pc = i1.pc; } if (Util.nullSafeEquals(i1.signature, i2.signature)) { m.signature = i1.signature; } else if (i1.isNull()) { m.signature = i2.signature; } else if (i2.isNull()) { m.signature = i1.signature; } if (Util.nullSafeEquals(i1.constValue, i2.constValue)) { m.constValue = i1.constValue; } if (Util.nullSafeEquals(i1.source, i2.source)) { m.source = i1.source; } else if ("".equals(i1.constValue)) { m.source = i2.source; } else if ("".equals(i2.constValue)) { m.source = i1.source; } if (Util.nullSafeEquals(i1.userValue, i2.userValue)) { m.userValue = i1.userValue; } if (i1.registerNumber == i2.registerNumber) { m.registerNumber = i1.registerNumber; } if (i1.fieldLoadedFromRegister == i2.fieldLoadedFromRegister) { m.fieldLoadedFromRegister = i1.fieldLoadedFromRegister; } if (i1.specialKind == SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED) { m.specialKind = SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED; m.injection = i1.injection; } else if (i2.specialKind == SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED) { m.specialKind = SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED; m.injection = i2.injection; } else if (i1.specialKind == i2.specialKind) { m.specialKind = i1.specialKind; } else if (i1.specialKind == NASTY_FLOAT_MATH || i2.specialKind == NASTY_FLOAT_MATH) { m.specialKind = NASTY_FLOAT_MATH; } else if (i1.specialKind == FLOAT_MATH || i2.specialKind == FLOAT_MATH) { m.specialKind = FLOAT_MATH; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Merge " + i1 + " and " + i2 + " gives " + m); } return m; } public Item(String signature, int constValue) { this(signature, Integer.valueOf(constValue)); } public static Item initialArgument(String signature, int reg) { Item it = new Item(signature); it.setInitialParameter(true); it.registerNumber = reg; return it; } public Item(String signature) { this(signature, UNKNOWN); } public static Item typeOnly(String signature) { Item it = new Item(signature, UNKNOWN); it.setSpecialKind(TYPE_ONLY); return it; } public Item(Item it) { this.signature = it.signature; this.constValue = it.constValue; this.source = it.source; this.fieldLoadedFromRegister = it.fieldLoadedFromRegister; this.registerNumber = it.registerNumber; this.userValue = it.userValue; this.injection = it.injection; this.flags = it.flags; this.specialKind = it.specialKind; this.pc = it.pc; } public Item(Item it, String signature) { this(it); this.signature = DescriptorFactory.canonicalizeString(signature); if (constValue instanceof Number) { Number constantNumericValue = (Number) constValue; if ("B".equals(signature)) { this.constValue = constantNumericValue.byteValue(); } else if ("S".equals(signature)) { this.constValue = constantNumericValue.shortValue(); } else if ("C".equals(signature)) { this.constValue = (char) constantNumericValue.intValue(); } else if ("I".equals(signature)) { this.constValue = constantNumericValue.intValue(); } else if ("D".equals(signature)) { this.constValue = constantNumericValue.doubleValue(); } else if ("F".equals(signature)) { this.constValue = constantNumericValue.floatValue(); } } char s = signature.charAt(0); if (s != 'L' && s != '[') { this.source = null; } setSpecialKindFromSignature(); } public Item(Item it, int reg) { this(it); this.registerNumber = reg; } public Item(String signature, FieldAnnotation f) { this.signature = DescriptorFactory.canonicalizeString(signature); setSpecialKindFromSignature(); if (f != null) { source = XFactory.createXField(f); } fieldLoadedFromRegister = -1; } public Item(String signature, FieldAnnotation f, int fieldLoadedFromRegister) { this.signature = DescriptorFactory.canonicalizeString(signature); if (f != null) { source = XFactory.createXField(f); } this.fieldLoadedFromRegister = fieldLoadedFromRegister; }
If this value was loaded from an instance field, give the register number containing the object that the field was loaded from. If Integer.MAX value, the value was loaded from a static field If -1, we don't know or don't have the register containing the object that the field was loaded from.
/** * If this value was loaded from an instance field, * give the register number containing the object that the field was loaded from. * If Integer.MAX value, the value was loaded from a static field * If -1, we don't know or don't have the register containing the object that * the field was loaded from. */
public int getFieldLoadedFromRegister() { return fieldLoadedFromRegister; } public void setLoadedFromField(XField f, int fieldLoadedFromRegister) { source = f; this.fieldLoadedFromRegister = fieldLoadedFromRegister; this.registerNumber = -1; } public @CheckForNull String getHttpParameterName() { if (!isServletParameterTainted()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (injection == null) { return null; } return injection.parameterName; } public int getInjectionPC() { if (!isServletParameterTainted()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (injection == null) { return -1; } return injection.pc; } public Item(String signature, Object constantValue) { this.signature = DescriptorFactory.canonicalizeString(signature); setSpecialKindFromSignature(); constValue = constantValue; if (constantValue instanceof Integer) { int value = ((Integer) constantValue).intValue(); if (value != 0 && (value & 0xff) == 0) { specialKind = LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR; } if (value == 0) { setCouldBeZero(true); } } else if (constantValue instanceof Long) { long value = ((Long) constantValue).longValue(); if (value != 0 && (value & 0xff) == 0) { specialKind = LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR; } if (value == 0) { setCouldBeZero(true); } } } private void setSpecialKindFromSignature() { /* if (false && specialKind != NOT_SPECIAL) { return; } */ if ("B".equals(signature)) { specialKind = SIGNED_BYTE; } else if ("C".equals(signature)) { specialKind = NON_NEGATIVE; } } public void setCouldBeNegative() { if (specialKind == NON_NEGATIVE) { specialKind = NOT_SPECIAL; } } public Item() { signature = "Ljava/lang/Object;"; constValue = null; setNull(true); } public static Item nullItem(String signature) { Item item = new Item(signature); item.constValue = null; item.setNull(true); return item; }
Returns null for primitive and arrays
/** Returns null for primitive and arrays */
public @CheckForNull JavaClass getJavaClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { String baseSig; if (isPrimitive() || isArray()) { return null; } baseSig = signature; if (baseSig.length() == 0) { return null; } baseSig = baseSig.substring(1, baseSig.length() - 1); baseSig = baseSig.replace('/', '.'); return Repository.lookupClass(baseSig); } public boolean isArray() { return signature.startsWith("["); } @Deprecated public String getElementSignature() { if (!isArray()) { return signature; } else { int pos = 0; int len = signature.length(); while (pos < len) { if (signature.charAt(pos) != '[') { break; } pos++; } return signature.substring(pos); } } public boolean isNonNegative() { if (specialKind == NON_NEGATIVE) { return true; } if (constValue instanceof Number) { double value = ((Number) constValue).doubleValue(); return value >= 0; } return false; } public boolean isPrimitive() { return !signature.startsWith("L") && !signature.startsWith("["); } public int getRegisterNumber() { return registerNumber; } public String getSignature() { return signature; }
Returns a constant value for this Item, if known. NOTE: if the value is a constant Class object, the constant value returned is the name of the class. if the value is an array of known length, the constant value returned is its length (Integer)
/** * Returns a constant value for this Item, if known. NOTE: if the value * is a constant Class object, the constant value returned is the name * of the class. * if the value is an array of known length, the constant value returned is its length (Integer) */
public Object getConstant() { return constValue; }
Use getXField instead
/** Use getXField instead */
@Deprecated public FieldAnnotation getFieldAnnotation() { return FieldAnnotation.fromXField(getXField()); } public XField getXField() { if (source instanceof XField) { return (XField) source; } return null; }
  • specialKind – The specialKind to set.
/** * @param specialKind * The specialKind to set. */
public void setSpecialKind(@SpecialKind int specialKind) { this.specialKind = specialKind; } public Item cloneAndSetSpecialKind(@SpecialKind int specialKind) { Item that = new Item(this); that.specialKind = specialKind; return that; }
Returns:Returns the specialKind.
/** * @return Returns the specialKind. */
public @SpecialKind int getSpecialKind() { return specialKind; }
Returns:Returns the specialKind.
/** * @return Returns the specialKind. */
public boolean isBooleanNullnessValue() { return specialKind == ZERO_MEANS_NULL || specialKind == NONZERO_MEANS_NULL; }

attaches a detector specified value to this item

to use this method, detector should be annotated with CustomUserValue.

  • value – the custom value to set
See Also:
/** * <p>attaches a detector specified value to this item</p> * <p>to use this method, detector should be annotated with {@code CustomUserValue}.</p> * * @param value * the custom value to set * @see OpcodeStack.CustomUserValue */
public void setUserValue(@Nullable Object value) { userValue = value; }
Returns:if this value is the return value of a method, give the method invoked
/** * * @return if this value is the return value of a method, give the * method invoked */
public @CheckForNull XMethod getReturnValueOf() { if (source instanceof XMethod) { return (XMethod) source; } return null; } public boolean couldBeZero() { return isCouldBeZero(); } public boolean mustBeZero() { Object value = getConstant(); return value instanceof Number && ((Number) value).intValue() == 0; }
gets the detector specified value for this item
Returns:the custom value
/** * gets the detector specified value for this item * * @return the custom value */
@Nullable public Object getUserValue() { return userValue; } public boolean isServletParameterTainted() { return getSpecialKind() == Item.SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED; } public void setServletParameterTainted() { setSpecialKind(Item.SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED); } public void setIsServletWriter() { setSpecialKind(Item.SERVLET_OUTPUT); } public boolean isServletWriter() { if (getSpecialKind() == Item.SERVLET_OUTPUT) { return true; } if ("Ljavax/servlet/ServletOutputStream;".equals(getSignature())) { return true; } XMethod writingToSource = getReturnValueOf(); return writingToSource != null && "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse".equals(writingToSource.getClassName()) && ("getWriter".equals(writingToSource.getName()) || "getOutputStream".equals(writingToSource.getName())); } public boolean valueCouldBeNegative() { return !isNonNegative() && (getSpecialKind() == Item.RANDOM_INT || getSpecialKind() == Item.SIGNED_BYTE || getSpecialKind() == Item.HASHCODE_INT || getSpecialKind() == Item.RANDOM_INT_REMAINDER || getSpecialKind() == Item.HASHCODE_INT_REMAINDER || getSpecialKind() == Item.MATH_ABS_OF_RANDOM || getSpecialKind() == Item.MATH_ABS_OF_HASHCODE); } public @SpecialKind int getSpecialKindForAbs() { switch (getSpecialKind()) { case Item.HASHCODE_INT: return Item.MATH_ABS_OF_HASHCODE; case Item.RANDOM_INT: return Item.MATH_ABS_OF_RANDOM; default: return Item.MATH_ABS; } } public @SpecialKind int getSpecialKindForRemainder() { switch (getSpecialKind()) { case Item.HASHCODE_INT: return Item.HASHCODE_INT_REMAINDER; case Item.RANDOM_INT: return Item.RANDOM_INT_REMAINDER; default: return Item.NOT_SPECIAL; } }
Value could be Integer.MIN_VALUE
/** Value could be Integer.MIN_VALUE */
public boolean checkForIntegerMinValue() { return !isNonNegative() && (getSpecialKind() == Item.RANDOM_INT || getSpecialKind() == Item.HASHCODE_INT); }
The result of applying Math.abs to a checkForIntegerMinValue() value
/** The result of applying Math.abs to a checkForIntegerMinValue() value */
public boolean mightRarelyBeNegative() { return !isNonNegative() && (getSpecialKind() == Item.MATH_ABS_OF_RANDOM || getSpecialKind() == Item.MATH_ABS_OF_HASHCODE); }
  • isInitialParameter – The isInitialParameter to set.
/** * @param isInitialParameter * The isInitialParameter to set. */
private void setInitialParameter(boolean isInitialParameter) { setFlag(isInitialParameter, IS_INITIAL_PARAMETER_FLAG); }
Returns:Returns the isInitialParameter.
/** * @return Returns the isInitialParameter. */
public boolean isInitialParameter() { return (flags & IS_INITIAL_PARAMETER_FLAG) != 0; }
  • couldBeZero – The couldBeZero to set.
/** * @param couldBeZero * The couldBeZero to set. */
private void setCouldBeZero(boolean couldBeZero) { setFlag(couldBeZero, COULD_BE_ZERO_FLAG); }
Returns:Returns the couldBeZero.
/** * @return Returns the couldBeZero. */
private boolean isCouldBeZero() { return (flags & COULD_BE_ZERO_FLAG) != 0 || isZero(); } private boolean isZero() { return constValue != null && constValue.equals(0); }
  • isNull – The isNull to set.
/** * @param isNull * The isNull to set. */
private void setNull(boolean isNull) { setFlag(isNull, IS_NULL_FLAG); } private void setFlag(boolean value, int flagBit) { if (value) { flags |= flagBit; } else { flags &= ~flagBit; } }
Returns:Returns the isNull.
/** * @return Returns the isNull. */
public boolean isNull() { return (flags & IS_NULL_FLAG) != 0; } /** * */ public void clearNewlyAllocated() { if (specialKind == NEWLY_ALLOCATED) { if (signature.startsWith("Ljava/lang/StringB")) { constValue = null; } specialKind = NOT_SPECIAL; } } public boolean isNewlyAllocated() { return specialKind == NEWLY_ALLOCATED; } public boolean hasConstantValue(int value) { if (constValue instanceof Number) { return ((Number) constValue).intValue() == value; } return false; } public boolean hasConstantValue(long value) { if (constValue instanceof Number) { return ((Number) constValue).longValue() == value; } return false; } } @Override public String toString() { if (isTop()) { return "TOP"; } return stack.toString() + "::" + lvValues.toString(); } public OpcodeStack() { stack = new ArrayList<Item>(); lvValues = new ArrayList<Item>(); lastUpdate = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } public boolean hasIncomingBranches(int pc) { return jumpEntryLocations.get(pc) && jumpEntries.get(pc) != null; } public static String getExceptionSig(DismantleBytecode dbc, CodeException e) { if (e.getCatchType() == 0) { return "Ljava/lang/Throwable;"; } Constant c = dbc.getConstantPool().getConstant(e.getCatchType()); if (c instanceof ConstantClass) { return "L" + ((ConstantClass) c).getBytes(dbc.getConstantPool()) + ";"; } return "Ljava/lang/Throwable;"; } public void mergeJumps(DismantleBytecode dbc) { if (!needToMerge) { return; } needToMerge = false; if (dbc.getPC() == zeroOneComing) { pop(); top = false; OpcodeStack.Item item = new Item("I"); if (oneMeansNull) { item.setSpecialKind(Item.NONZERO_MEANS_NULL); } else { item.setSpecialKind(Item.ZERO_MEANS_NULL); } item.setPC(dbc.getPC() - 8); item.setCouldBeZero(true); push(item); zeroOneComing = -1; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Updated to " + this); } return; } boolean stackUpdated = false; if (!isTop() && (convertJumpToOneZeroState == 3 || convertJumpToZeroOneState == 3)) { pop(); Item topItem = new Item("I"); topItem.setCouldBeZero(true); push(topItem); convertJumpToOneZeroState = convertJumpToZeroOneState = 0; stackUpdated = true; } List<Item> jumpEntry = null; if (jumpEntryLocations.get(dbc.getPC())) { jumpEntry = jumpEntries.get(Integer.valueOf(dbc.getPC())); } boolean wasReachOnlyByBranch = isReachOnlyByBranch(); if (jumpEntry != null) { setReachOnlyByBranch(false); List<Item> jumpStackEntry = jumpStackEntries.get(Integer.valueOf(dbc.getPC())); if (DEBUG2) { if (wasReachOnlyByBranch) { System.out.println("Reached by branch at " + dbc.getPC() + " with " + jumpEntry); if (jumpStackEntry != null) { System.out.println(" and stack " + jumpStackEntry); } } else if (!jumpEntry.equals(lvValues) || jumpStackEntry != null && !jumpStackEntry.equals(stack)) { System.out.println("Merging at " + dbc.getPC() + " with " + jumpEntry); if (jumpStackEntry != null) { System.out.println(" and stack " + jumpStackEntry); } } } if (isTop()) { lvValues = new ArrayList<Item>(jumpEntry); if (jumpStackEntry != null) { stack = new ArrayList<Item>(jumpStackEntry); } else { stack.clear(); } setTop(false); return; } if (isReachOnlyByBranch()) { setTop(false); lvValues = new ArrayList<Item>(jumpEntry); if (!stackUpdated) { if (jumpStackEntry != null) { stack = new ArrayList<Item>(jumpStackEntry); } else { stack.clear(); } } } else { setTop(false); mergeLists(lvValues, jumpEntry, false); if (!stackUpdated && jumpStackEntry != null) { mergeLists(stack, jumpStackEntry, false); } } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(" merged lvValues " + lvValues); } } else if (isReachOnlyByBranch() && !stackUpdated) { stack.clear(); Item item = null; for (CodeException e : dbc.getCode().getExceptionTable()) { if (e.getHandlerPC() == dbc.getPC()) { Item newItem = new Item(getExceptionSig(dbc, e)); if (item == null) { item = newItem; } else { item = Item.merge(item, newItem); } } } if (item != null) { push(item); setReachOnlyByBranch(false); setTop(false); } else { setTop(true); } } } private void setLastUpdate(int reg, int pc) { while (lastUpdate.size() <= reg) { lastUpdate.add(Integer.valueOf(0)); } lastUpdate.set(reg, Integer.valueOf(pc)); } public int getLastUpdate(int reg) { if (lastUpdate.size() <= reg) { return 0; } return lastUpdate.get(reg).intValue(); } public int getNumLastUpdates() { return lastUpdate.size(); } public void sawOpcode(DismantleBytecode dbc, int seen) { int register; String signature; Item it, it2; Constant cons; // System.out.printf("%3d %12s%s%n", dbc.getPC(), OPCODE_NAMES[seen], // this); if (dbc.isRegisterStore()) { setLastUpdate(dbc.getRegisterOperand(), dbc.getPC()); } precomputation(dbc); needToMerge = true; try { if (isTop()) { encountedTop = true; return; } if (seen == GOTO) { int nextPC = dbc.getPC() + 3; if (nextPC <= dbc.getMaxPC()) { int prevOpcode1 = dbc.getPrevOpcode(1); int prevOpcode2 = dbc.getPrevOpcode(2); try { int nextOpcode = dbc.getCodeByte(dbc.getPC() + 3); if ((prevOpcode1 == ICONST_0 || prevOpcode1 == ICONST_1) && (prevOpcode2 == IFNULL || prevOpcode2 == IFNONNULL) && (nextOpcode == ICONST_0 || nextOpcode == ICONST_1) && prevOpcode1 != nextOpcode) { oneMeansNull = prevOpcode1 == ICONST_0; if (prevOpcode2 != IFNULL) { oneMeansNull = !oneMeansNull; } zeroOneComing = nextPC + 1; convertJumpToOneZeroState = convertJumpToZeroOneState = 0; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw e; // throw new // ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(nextPC + " " // + dbc.getMaxPC()); } } } switch (seen) { case ICONST_1: convertJumpToOneZeroState = 1; break; case GOTO: if (convertJumpToOneZeroState == 1 && dbc.getBranchOffset() == 4) { convertJumpToOneZeroState = 2; } else { convertJumpToOneZeroState = 0; } break; case ICONST_0: if (convertJumpToOneZeroState == 2) { convertJumpToOneZeroState = 3; } else { convertJumpToOneZeroState = 0; } break; default: convertJumpToOneZeroState = 0; } switch (seen) { case ICONST_0: convertJumpToZeroOneState = 1; break; case GOTO: if (convertJumpToZeroOneState == 1 && dbc.getBranchOffset() == 4) { convertJumpToZeroOneState = 2; } else { convertJumpToZeroOneState = 0; } break; case ICONST_1: if (convertJumpToZeroOneState == 2) { convertJumpToZeroOneState = 3; } else { convertJumpToZeroOneState = 0; } break; default: convertJumpToZeroOneState = 0; } switch (seen) { case ALOAD: pushByLocalObjectLoad(dbc, dbc.getRegisterOperand()); break; case ALOAD_0: case ALOAD_1: case ALOAD_2: case ALOAD_3: pushByLocalObjectLoad(dbc, seen - ALOAD_0); break; case DLOAD: pushByLocalLoad("D", dbc.getRegisterOperand()); break; case DLOAD_0: case DLOAD_1: case DLOAD_2: case DLOAD_3: pushByLocalLoad("D", seen - DLOAD_0); break; case FLOAD: pushByLocalLoad("F", dbc.getRegisterOperand()); break; case FLOAD_0: case FLOAD_1: case FLOAD_2: case FLOAD_3: pushByLocalLoad("F", seen - FLOAD_0); break; case ILOAD: pushByLocalLoad("I", dbc.getRegisterOperand()); break; case ILOAD_0: case ILOAD_1: case ILOAD_2: case ILOAD_3: pushByLocalLoad("I", seen - ILOAD_0); break; case LLOAD: pushByLocalLoad("J", dbc.getRegisterOperand()); break; case LLOAD_0: case LLOAD_1: case LLOAD_2: case LLOAD_3: pushByLocalLoad("J", seen - LLOAD_0); break; case GETSTATIC: { FieldSummary fieldSummary = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getFieldSummary(); XField fieldOperand = dbc.getXFieldOperand(); if (fieldOperand != null && fieldSummary.isComplete() && !fieldOperand.isPublic()) { OpcodeStack.Item item = fieldSummary.getSummary(fieldOperand); if (item != null) { Item itm = new Item(item); itm.setLoadedFromField(fieldOperand, Integer.MAX_VALUE); itm.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(itm); break; } } FieldAnnotation field = FieldAnnotation.fromReferencedField(dbc); Item i = new Item(dbc.getSigConstantOperand(), field, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if ("separator".equals(field.getFieldName()) && "java.io.File".equals(field.getClassName())) { i.setSpecialKind(Item.FILE_SEPARATOR_STRING); } i.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(i); break; } case LDC: case LDC_W: case LDC2_W: cons = dbc.getConstantRefOperand(); pushByConstant(dbc, cons); break; case INSTANCEOF: pop(); push(new Item("I")); break; case IFNONNULL: case IFNULL: // { // Item topItem = pop(); // if (seen == IFNONNULL && topItem.isNull()) // break; // seenTransferOfControl = true; // addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), dbc.getBranchTarget()); // // break; // } case IFEQ: case IFNE: case IFLT: case IFLE: case IFGT: case IFGE: seenTransferOfControl = true; { Item topItem = pop(); // System.out.printf("%4d %10s %s%n", // dbc.getPC(),OPCODE_NAMES[seen], topItem); if (seen == IFLT || seen == IFLE) { registerTestedFoundToBeNonnegative = topItem.registerNumber; } // if we see a test comparing a special negative value with // 0, // reset all other such values on the opcode stack if (topItem.valueCouldBeNegative() && (seen == IFLT || seen == IFLE || seen == IFGT || seen == IFGE)) { int specialKind = topItem.getSpecialKind(); for (Item item : stack) { if (item != null && item.getSpecialKind() == specialKind) { item.setSpecialKind(Item.NOT_SPECIAL); } } for (Item item : lvValues) { if (item != null && item.getSpecialKind() == specialKind) { item.setSpecialKind(Item.NOT_SPECIAL); } } } } addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), dbc.getBranchTarget()); break; case LOOKUPSWITCH: case TABLESWITCH: seenTransferOfControl = true; setReachOnlyByBranch(true); pop(); addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), dbc.getBranchTarget()); int pc = dbc.getBranchTarget() - dbc.getBranchOffset(); for (int offset : dbc.getSwitchOffsets()) { addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), offset + pc); } break; case ARETURN: case DRETURN: case FRETURN: case IRETURN: case LRETURN: seenTransferOfControl = true; setReachOnlyByBranch(true); pop(); break; case MONITORENTER: case MONITOREXIT: case POP: pop(); break; case PUTSTATIC: pop(); eraseKnowledgeOf(dbc.getXFieldOperand()); break; case PUTFIELD: pop(2); eraseKnowledgeOf(dbc.getXFieldOperand()); break; case IF_ACMPEQ: case IF_ACMPNE: case IF_ICMPEQ: case IF_ICMPNE: case IF_ICMPLT: case IF_ICMPLE: case IF_ICMPGT: case IF_ICMPGE: { seenTransferOfControl = true; Item right = pop(); Item left = pop(); Object lConstant = left.getConstant(); Object rConstant = right.getConstant(); boolean takeJump = false; boolean handled = false; if (seen == IF_ACMPNE || seen == IF_ACMPEQ) { if (lConstant != null && rConstant != null && !lConstant.equals(rConstant) || lConstant != null && right.isNull() || rConstant != null && left.isNull()) { handled = true; takeJump = seen == IF_ACMPNE; } } else if (lConstant instanceof Integer && rConstant instanceof Integer) { int lC = ((Integer) lConstant).intValue(); int rC = ((Integer) rConstant).intValue(); switch (seen) { case IF_ICMPEQ: takeJump = lC == rC; handled = true; break; case IF_ICMPNE: takeJump = lC != rC; handled = true; break; case IF_ICMPGE: takeJump = lC >= rC; handled = true; break; case IF_ICMPGT: takeJump = lC > rC; handled = true; break; case IF_ICMPLE: takeJump = lC <= rC; handled = true; break; case IF_ICMPLT: takeJump = lC < rC; handled = true; break; default: assert false; } } if (handled) { if (takeJump) { int branchTarget = dbc.getBranchTarget(); addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), branchTarget); setTop(true); break; } else { break; } } if (right.hasConstantValue(Integer.MIN_VALUE) && left.mightRarelyBeNegative() || left.hasConstantValue(Integer.MIN_VALUE) && right.mightRarelyBeNegative()) { for (Item i : stack) { if (i != null && i.mightRarelyBeNegative()) { i.setSpecialKind(Item.NOT_SPECIAL); } } for (Item i : lvValues) { if (i != null && i.mightRarelyBeNegative()) { i.setSpecialKind(Item.NOT_SPECIAL); } } } int branchTarget = dbc.getBranchTarget(); addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), branchTarget); break; } case POP2: it = pop(); if (it.getSize() == 1) { pop(); } break; case IALOAD: case SALOAD: pop(2); push(new Item("I")); break; case DUP: handleDup(); break; case DUP2: handleDup2(); break; case DUP_X1: handleDupX1(); break; case DUP_X2: handleDupX2(); break; case DUP2_X1: handleDup2X1(); break; case DUP2_X2: handleDup2X2(); break; case IINC: register = dbc.getRegisterOperand(); it = getLVValue(register); it2 = new Item("I", dbc.getIntConstant()); pushByIntMath(dbc, IADD, it2, it); pushByLocalStore(register); break; case ATHROW: pop(); seenTransferOfControl = true; setReachOnlyByBranch(true); setTop(true); break; case CHECKCAST: { String castTo = dbc.getClassConstantOperand(); if (castTo.charAt(0) != '[') { castTo = "L" + castTo + ";"; } it = pop(); if (!it.signature.equals(castTo)) { it = new Item(it, castTo); } push(it); break; } case NOP: break; case RET: case RETURN: seenTransferOfControl = true; setReachOnlyByBranch(true); break; case GOTO: case GOTO_W: seenTransferOfControl = true; setReachOnlyByBranch(true); addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), dbc.getBranchTarget()); stack.clear(); setTop(true); break; case SWAP: handleSwap(); break; case ICONST_M1: case ICONST_0: case ICONST_1: case ICONST_2: case ICONST_3: case ICONST_4: case ICONST_5: push(new Item("I", (seen - ICONST_0))); break; case LCONST_0: case LCONST_1: push(new Item("J", Long.valueOf(seen - LCONST_0))); break; case DCONST_0: case DCONST_1: push(new Item("D", Double.valueOf(seen - DCONST_0))); break; case FCONST_0: case FCONST_1: case FCONST_2: push(new Item("F", Float.valueOf(seen - FCONST_0))); break; case ACONST_NULL: push(new Item()); break; case ASTORE: case DSTORE: case FSTORE: case ISTORE: case LSTORE: pushByLocalStore(dbc.getRegisterOperand()); break; case ASTORE_0: case ASTORE_1: case ASTORE_2: case ASTORE_3: pushByLocalStore(seen - ASTORE_0); break; case DSTORE_0: case DSTORE_1: case DSTORE_2: case DSTORE_3: pushByLocalStore(seen - DSTORE_0); break; case FSTORE_0: case FSTORE_1: case FSTORE_2: case FSTORE_3: pushByLocalStore(seen - FSTORE_0); break; case ISTORE_0: case ISTORE_1: case ISTORE_2: case ISTORE_3: pushByLocalStore(seen - ISTORE_0); break; case LSTORE_0: case LSTORE_1: case LSTORE_2: case LSTORE_3: pushByLocalStore(seen - LSTORE_0); break; case GETFIELD: { FieldSummary fieldSummary = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getFieldSummary(); XField fieldOperand = dbc.getXFieldOperand(); if (fieldOperand != null && fieldSummary.isComplete() && !fieldOperand.isPublic()) { OpcodeStack.Item item = fieldSummary.getSummary(fieldOperand); if (item != null) { Item addr = pop(); Item itm = new Item(item); itm.setLoadedFromField(fieldOperand, addr.getRegisterNumber()); itm.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(itm); break; } } Item item = pop(); int reg = item.getRegisterNumber(); Item valueLoaded = new Item(dbc.getSigConstantOperand(), FieldAnnotation.fromReferencedField(dbc), reg); valueLoaded.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(valueLoaded); } break; case ARRAYLENGTH: { Item array = pop(); Item newItem = new Item("I", array.getConstant()); newItem.setSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE); push(newItem); } break; case BALOAD: { pop(2); Item newItem = new Item("I"); newItem.setSpecialKind(Item.SIGNED_BYTE); push(newItem); break; } case CALOAD: { pop(2); Item newItem = new Item("I"); newItem.setSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE); push(newItem); break; } case DALOAD: pop(2); push(new Item("D")); break; case FALOAD: pop(2); push(new Item("F")); break; case LALOAD: pop(2); push(new Item("J")); break; case AASTORE: case BASTORE: case CASTORE: case DASTORE: case FASTORE: case IASTORE: case LASTORE: case SASTORE: pop(3); break; case BIPUSH: case SIPUSH: push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(dbc.getIntConstant()))); break; case IADD: case ISUB: case IMUL: case IDIV: case IAND: case IOR: case IXOR: case ISHL: case ISHR: case IREM: case IUSHR: it = pop(); it2 = pop(); pushByIntMath(dbc, seen, it2, it); break; case INEG: it = pop(); if (it.getConstant() instanceof Integer) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(-constantToInt(it)))); } else { push(new Item("I")); } break; case LNEG: it = pop(); if (it.getConstant() instanceof Long) { push(new Item("J", Long.valueOf(-constantToLong(it)))); } else { push(new Item("J")); } break; case FNEG: it = pop(); if (it.getConstant() instanceof Float) { push(new Item("F", Float.valueOf(-constantToFloat(it)))); } else { push(new Item("F")); } break; case DNEG: it = pop(); if (it.getConstant() instanceof Double) { push(new Item("D", Double.valueOf(-constantToDouble(it)))); } else { push(new Item("D")); } break; case LADD: case LSUB: case LMUL: case LDIV: case LAND: case LOR: case LXOR: case LSHL: case LSHR: case LREM: case LUSHR: it = pop(); it2 = pop(); pushByLongMath(seen, it2, it); break; case LCMP: handleLcmp(); break; case FCMPG: case FCMPL: handleFcmp(seen); break; case DCMPG: case DCMPL: handleDcmp(seen); break; case FADD: case FSUB: case FMUL: case FDIV: case FREM: it = pop(); it2 = pop(); pushByFloatMath(seen, it, it2); break; case DADD: case DSUB: case DMUL: case DDIV: case DREM: it = pop(); it2 = pop(); pushByDoubleMath(seen, it, it2); break; case I2B: { it = pop(); Item newValue = new Item(it, "B"); newValue.setCouldBeNegative(); push(newValue); } break; case I2C: { it = pop(); Item newValue = new Item(it, "C"); push(newValue); } break; case I2L: case D2L: case F2L: { it = pop(); Item newValue = new Item(it, "J"); int specialKind = it.getSpecialKind(); if (specialKind != Item.SIGNED_BYTE && seen == I2L) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.RESULT_OF_I2L); } push(newValue); } break; case I2S: { Item item1 = pop(); Item newValue = new Item(item1, "S"); newValue.setCouldBeNegative(); push(newValue); } break; case L2I: case D2I: case F2I: it = pop(); int oldSpecialKind = it.getSpecialKind(); it = new Item(it, "I"); if (oldSpecialKind == Item.NOT_SPECIAL) { it.setSpecialKind(Item.RESULT_OF_L2I); } push(it); break; case L2F: case D2F: case I2F: it = pop(); if (it.getConstant() != null) { push(new Item("F", Float.valueOf(constantToFloat(it)))); } else { push(new Item("F")); } break; case F2D: case I2D: case L2D: it = pop(); if (it.getConstant() != null) { push(new Item("D", Double.valueOf(constantToDouble(it)))); } else { push(new Item("D")); } break; case NEW: { Item item = new Item("L" + dbc.getClassConstantOperand() + ";", (Object) null); item.setSpecialKind(Item.NEWLY_ALLOCATED); push(item); } break; case NEWARRAY: { Item length = pop(); signature = "[" + BasicType.getType((byte) dbc.getIntConstant()).getSignature(); Item item = new Item(signature, length.getConstant()); item.setPC(dbc.getPC()); item.setSpecialKind(Item.NEWLY_ALLOCATED); push(item); break; } // According to the VM Spec 4.4.1, anewarray and multianewarray // can refer to normal class/interface types (encoded in // "internal form"), or array classes (encoded as signatures // beginning with "["). case ANEWARRAY: { Item length = pop(); signature = dbc.getClassConstantOperand(); if (signature.charAt(0) == '[') { signature = "[" + signature; } else { signature = "[L" + signature + ";"; } Item item = new Item(signature, length.getConstant()); item.setPC(dbc.getPC()); item.setSpecialKind(Item.NEWLY_ALLOCATED); push(item); break; } case MULTIANEWARRAY: int dims = dbc.getIntConstant(); for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) { pop(); } signature = dbc.getClassConstantOperand(); pushBySignature(signature, dbc); getStackItem(0).setSpecialKind(Item.NEWLY_ALLOCATED); break; case AALOAD: { pop(); it = pop(); String arraySig = it.getSignature(); if (arraySig.charAt(0) == '[') { pushBySignature(arraySig.substring(1), dbc); } else { push(new Item()); } } break; case JSR: seenTransferOfControl = true; setReachOnlyByBranch(false); push(new Item("")); // push return address on stack addJumpValue(dbc.getPC(), dbc.getBranchTarget()); pop(); if (dbc.getBranchOffset() < 0) { // OK, backwards JSRs are weird; reset the stack. int stackSize = stack.size(); stack.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < stackSize; i++) { stack.add(new Item()); } } setTop(false); break; case INVOKEINTERFACE: case INVOKESPECIAL: case INVOKESTATIC: case INVOKEVIRTUAL: processMethodCall(dbc, seen); break; case INVOKEDYNAMIC: processInvokeDynamic(dbc); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OpCode " + seen + ":" + OPCODE_NAMES[seen] + " not supported "); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // If an error occurs, we clear the stack and locals. one of two // things will occur. // Either the client will expect more stack items than really exist, // and so they're condition check will fail, // or the stack will resync with the code. But hopefully not false // positives String msg = "Error processing opcode " + OPCODE_NAMES[seen] + " @ " + dbc.getPC() + " in " + dbc.getFullyQualifiedMethodName(); AnalysisContext.logError(msg, e); if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } clear(); setTop(true); } finally { if (DEBUG) { System.out.printf("%4d: %14s %s%n", dbc.getPC(), OPCODE_NAMES[seen] , this); } } } private void eraseKnowledgeOf(XField fieldOperand) { if (fieldOperand == null) { return; } for (Item item : stack) { if (item != null && fieldOperand.equals(item.getXField())) { item.setLoadedFromField(null, -1); } } for (Item item : lvValues) { if (item != null && fieldOperand.equals(item.getXField())) { item.setLoadedFromField(null, -1); } } } public void precomputation(DismantleBytecode dbc) { if (registerTestedFoundToBeNonnegative >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) { Item item = stack.get(i); if (item != null && item.registerNumber == registerTestedFoundToBeNonnegative) { stack.set(i, item.cloneAndSetSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE)); } } for (int i = 0; i < lvValues.size(); i++) { Item item = lvValues.get(i); if (item != null && item.registerNumber == registerTestedFoundToBeNonnegative) { lvValues.set(i, item.cloneAndSetSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE)); } } } registerTestedFoundToBeNonnegative = -1; mergeJumps(dbc); } private int constantToInt(Item it) { Object constant = it.getConstant(); if (constant instanceof Number) { return ((Number) constant).intValue(); } if (constant instanceof Character) { return ((Character) constant).charValue(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(constant)); } private float constantToFloat(Item it) { return ((Number) it.getConstant()).floatValue(); } private double constantToDouble(Item it) { return ((Number) it.getConstant()).doubleValue(); } private long constantToLong(Item it) { return ((Number) it.getConstant()).longValue(); } private void handleDcmp(int opcode) { Item it = pop(); Item it2 = pop(); if ((it.getConstant() != null) && it2.getConstant() != null) { double d = constantToDouble(it); double d2 = constantToDouble(it2); if (Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isNaN(d2)) { if (opcode == DCMPG) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(1))); } else { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(-1))); } } if (d2 < d) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(-1))); } else if (d2 > d) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(1))); } else { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(0))); } } else { push(new Item("I")); } } private void handleFcmp(int opcode) { Item it = pop(); Item it2 = pop(); if ((it.getConstant() != null) && it2.getConstant() != null) { float f = constantToFloat(it); float f2 = constantToFloat(it2); if (Float.isNaN(f) || Float.isNaN(f2)) { if (opcode == FCMPG) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(1))); } else { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(-1))); } } if (f2 < f) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(-1))); } else if (f2 > f) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(1))); } else { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(0))); } } else { push(new Item("I")); } } private void handleLcmp() { Item it = pop(); Item it2 = pop(); if ((it.getConstant() != null) && it2.getConstant() != null) { long l = constantToLong(it); long l2 = constantToLong(it2); if (l2 < l) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(-1))); } else if (l2 > l) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(1))); } else { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(0))); } } else { push(new Item("I")); } } private void handleSwap() { Item i1 = pop(); Item i2 = pop(); push(i1); push(i2); } private void handleDup() { Item it; it = pop(); push(it); push(it); } private void handleDupX1() { Item it; Item it2; it = pop(); it2 = pop(); push(it); push(it2); push(it); } private void handleDup2() { Item it, it2; it = pop(); if (it.getSize() == 2) { push(it); push(it); } else { it2 = pop(); push(it2); push(it); push(it2); push(it); } } private void handleDup2X1() { String signature; Item it; Item it2; Item it3; it = pop(); it2 = pop(); signature = it.getSignature(); if ("J".equals(signature) || "D".equals(signature)) { push(it); push(it2); push(it); } else { it3 = pop(); push(it2); push(it); push(it3); push(it2); push(it); } } private void handleDup2X2() { Item it = pop(); Item it2 = pop(); if (it.isWide()) { if (it2.isWide()) { push(it); push(it2); push(it); } else { Item it3 = pop(); push(it); push(it3); push(it2); push(it); } } else { Item it3 = pop(); if (it3.isWide()) { push(it2); push(it); push(it3); push(it2); push(it); } else { Item it4 = pop(); push(it2); push(it); push(it4); push(it3); push(it2); push(it); } } } private void handleDupX2() { String signature; Item it; Item it2; Item it3; it = pop(); it2 = pop(); signature = it2.getSignature(); if ("J".equals(signature) || "D".equals(signature)) { push(it); push(it2); push(it); } else { it3 = pop(); push(it); push(it3); push(it2); push(it); } } static private void addBoxedType(Class<?>... clss) { for (Class<?> c : clss) { Class<?> primitiveType; try { primitiveType = (Class<?>) c.getField("TYPE").get(null); boxedTypes.put(ClassName.toSlashedClassName(c.getName()), primitiveType.getName()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } } static { addBoxedType(Integer.class, Long.class, Double.class, Short.class, Float.class, Boolean.class, Character.class, Byte.class); } private void markConstantValueUnknown(Item item) { item.constValue = null; if (item.registerNumber >= 0) { OpcodeStack.Item sbItem = getLVValue(item.registerNumber); if (sbItem.getSignature().equals(item.getSignature())) { sbItem.constValue = null; } } } private void processMethodCall(DismantleBytecode dbc, int seen) { @SlashedClassName String clsName = dbc.getClassConstantOperand(); String methodName = dbc.getNameConstantOperand(); String signature = dbc.getSigConstantOperand(); String appenderValue = null; boolean servletRequestParameterTainted = false; boolean sawUnknownAppend = false; Item sbItem = null; Item topItem = null; if (getStackDepth() > 0) { topItem = getStackItem(0); } int numberArguments = PreorderVisitor.getNumberArguments(signature); if (boxedTypes.containsKey(clsName) && topItem != null && ("valueOf".equals(methodName) && !signature.contains("String") || methodName.equals(boxedTypes.get(clsName) + "Value"))) { // boxing/unboxing conversion Item value = pop(); String newSignature = new SignatureParser(signature).getReturnTypeSignature(); Item newValue = new Item(value, newSignature); if (newValue.source == null) { newValue.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); } if (newValue.specialKind == Item.NOT_SPECIAL) { if ("B".equals(newSignature) || "Ljava/lang/Boolean;".equals(newSignature)) { newValue.specialKind = Item.SIGNED_BYTE; } else if ("C".equals(newSignature) || "Ljava/lang/Character;".equals(newSignature)) { newValue.specialKind = Item.NON_NEGATIVE; } } push(newValue); return; } int firstArgument = seen == INVOKESTATIC ? 0 : 1; for (int i = firstArgument; i < firstArgument + numberArguments; i++) { if (i >= getStackDepth()) { break; } Item item = getStackItem(i); String itemSignature = item.getSignature(); if ("Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;".equals(itemSignature) || "Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;".equals(itemSignature)) { markConstantValueUnknown(item); } } boolean initializingServletWriter = false; if (seen == INVOKESPECIAL && "<init>".equals(methodName) && clsName.startsWith("java/io") && clsName.endsWith("Writer") && numberArguments > 0) { Item firstArg = getStackItem(numberArguments-1); if (firstArg.isServletWriter()) { initializingServletWriter = true; } } boolean topIsTainted = topItem != null && topItem.isServletParameterTainted(); HttpParameterInjection injection = null; if (topIsTainted) { injection = topItem.injection; } // TODO: stack merging for trinaries kills the constant.. would be nice // to maintain. if ("java/lang/StringBuffer".equals(clsName) || "java/lang/StringBuilder".equals(clsName)) { if ("<init>".equals(methodName)) { if ("(Ljava/lang/String;)V".equals(signature)) { Item i = getStackItem(0); appenderValue = (String) i.getConstant(); if (i.isServletParameterTainted()) { servletRequestParameterTainted = true; } } else if ("()V".equals(signature)) { appenderValue = ""; } } else if ("toString".equals(methodName) && getStackDepth() >= 1) { Item i = getStackItem(0); appenderValue = (String) i.getConstant(); if (i.isServletParameterTainted()) { servletRequestParameterTainted = true; } } else if ("append".equals(methodName)) { if (signature.indexOf("II)") == -1 && getStackDepth() >= 2) { sbItem = getStackItem(1); Item i = getStackItem(0); if (i.isServletParameterTainted() || sbItem.isServletParameterTainted()) { servletRequestParameterTainted = true; } Object sbVal = sbItem.getConstant(); Object sVal = i.getConstant(); if ((sbVal != null) && (sVal != null)) { appenderValue = sbVal + sVal.toString(); } else { markConstantValueUnknown(sbItem); } } else if (signature.startsWith("([CII)")) { sawUnknownAppend = true; sbItem = getStackItem(3); markConstantValueUnknown(sbItem); } else { sawUnknownAppend = true; } } } else if (seen == INVOKESPECIAL && "java/io/FileOutputStream".equals(clsName) && "<init>".equals(methodName) && ("(Ljava/io/File;Z)V".equals(signature) || "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V".equals(signature)) && stack.size() > 3) { OpcodeStack.Item item = getStackItem(0); Object value = item.getConstant(); if (value instanceof Integer && ((Integer) value).intValue() == 1) { pop(3); Item newTop = getStackItem(0); if ("Ljava/io/FileOutputStream;".equals(newTop.signature)) { newTop.setSpecialKind(Item.FILE_OPENED_IN_APPEND_MODE); newTop.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); newTop.setPC(dbc.getPC()); } return; } } else if (seen == INVOKESPECIAL && "java/io/BufferedOutputStream".equals(clsName) && "<init>".equals(methodName) && "(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V".equals(signature)) { if (getStackItem(0).getSpecialKind() == Item.FILE_OPENED_IN_APPEND_MODE && "Ljava/io/BufferedOutputStream;".equals(getStackItem(2).signature)) { pop(2); Item newTop = getStackItem(0); newTop.setSpecialKind(Item.FILE_OPENED_IN_APPEND_MODE); newTop.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); newTop.setPC(dbc.getPC()); return; } } else if (seen == INVOKEINTERFACE && "getParameter".equals(methodName) && "javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest".equals(clsName) || "javax/servlet/http/ServletRequest".equals(clsName)) { Item requestParameter = pop(); pop(); Item result = new Item("Ljava/lang/String;"); result.setServletParameterTainted(); result.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); String parameterName = null; if (requestParameter.getConstant() instanceof String) { parameterName = (String) requestParameter.getConstant(); } result.injection = new HttpParameterInjection(parameterName, dbc.getPC()); result.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(result); return; } else if (seen == INVOKEINTERFACE && "getQueryString".equals(methodName) && "javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest".equals(clsName) || "javax/servlet/http/ServletRequest".equals(clsName)) { pop(); Item result = new Item("Ljava/lang/String;"); result.setServletParameterTainted(); result.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); result.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(result); return; } else if (seen == INVOKEINTERFACE && "getHeader".equals(methodName) && "javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest".equals(clsName) || "javax/servlet/http/ServletRequest".equals(clsName)) { /* Item requestParameter = */pop(); pop(); Item result = new Item("Ljava/lang/String;"); result.setServletParameterTainted(); result.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); result.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(result); return; } else if (seen == INVOKESTATIC && "asList".equals(methodName) && "java/util/Arrays".equals(clsName)) { /* Item requestParameter = */pop(); Item result = new Item(JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYS_ARRAY_LIST); push(result); return; } else if (seen == INVOKESTATIC && "(Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/util/List;".equals(signature) && "java/util/Collections".equals(clsName)) { Item requestParameter = pop(); if (JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYS_ARRAY_LIST.equals(requestParameter.getSignature())) { Item result = new Item(JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYS_ARRAY_LIST); push(result); return; } push(requestParameter); // fall back to standard logic } pushByInvoke(dbc, seen != INVOKESTATIC); if (sbItem != null && sbItem.isNewlyAllocated()) { this.getStackItem(0).setSpecialKind(Item.NEWLY_ALLOCATED); } if (initializingServletWriter) { this.getStackItem(0).setIsServletWriter(); } if ((sawUnknownAppend || appenderValue != null || servletRequestParameterTainted) && getStackDepth() > 0) { Item i = this.getStackItem(0); i.constValue = appenderValue; if (!sawUnknownAppend && servletRequestParameterTainted) { i.injection = topItem.injection; i.setServletParameterTainted(); } if (sbItem != null) { i.registerNumber = sbItem.registerNumber; i.source = sbItem.source; if (i.injection == null) { i.injection = sbItem.injection; } if (sbItem.registerNumber >= 0) { setLVValue(sbItem.registerNumber, i); } } return; } if (("java/util/Random".equals(clsName) || "java/security/SecureRandom".equals(clsName)) && ("nextInt".equals(methodName) && "()I".equals(signature) || "nextLong".equals(methodName) && "()J".equals(signature)) ) { Item i = new Item(pop()); i.setSpecialKind(Item.RANDOM_INT); push(i); } else if ("size".equals(methodName) && "()I".equals(signature) && Subtypes2.instanceOf(ClassName.toDottedClassName(clsName), "java.util.Collection")) { Item i = new Item(pop()); if (i.getSpecialKind() == Item.NOT_SPECIAL) { i.setSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE); } push(i); } else if("java/lang/String".equals(clsName) && numberArguments == 0 && topItem.getConstant() instanceof String) { String input = (String) topItem.getConstant(); Object result; switch(methodName) { case "length": result = input.length(); break; case "trim": result = input.trim(); break; case "toString": case "intern": result = input; break; default: result = null; } if(result != null) { Item i = new Item(pop()); i.constValue = result; push(i); } } else if (ClassName.isMathClass(clsName) && "abs".equals(methodName)) { Item i = new Item(pop()); if (i.getSpecialKind() == Item.HASHCODE_INT) { i.setSpecialKind(Item.MATH_ABS_OF_HASHCODE); } else if (i.getSpecialKind() == Item.RANDOM_INT) { i.setSpecialKind(Item.MATH_ABS_OF_RANDOM); } else { i.setSpecialKind(Item.MATH_ABS); } push(i); } else if (seen == INVOKEVIRTUAL && "hashCode".equals(methodName) && "()I".equals(signature) || seen == INVOKESTATIC && "java/lang/System".equals(clsName) && "identityHashCode".equals(methodName) && "(Ljava/lang/Object;)I".equals(signature)) { Item i = new Item(pop()); i.setSpecialKind(Item.HASHCODE_INT); push(i); } else if (topIsTainted && (methodName.startsWith("encode") && "javax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse".equals(clsName) || "trim".equals(methodName) && "java/lang/String".equals(clsName))) { Item i = new Item(pop()); i.setSpecialKind(Item.SERVLET_REQUEST_TAINTED); i.injection = injection; push(i); } if (!signature.endsWith(")V")) { Item i = new Item(pop()); i.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); push(i); } } private void processInvokeDynamic(DismantleBytecode dbc) { String signature = dbc.getSigConstantOperand(); int numberArguments = PreorderVisitor.getNumberArguments(signature); pop(numberArguments); pushBySignature(new SignatureParser(signature).getReturnTypeSignature(), dbc); } private boolean mergeLists(List<Item> mergeInto, List<Item> mergeFrom, boolean errorIfSizesDoNotMatch) { // merge stacks int intoSize = mergeInto.size(); int fromSize = mergeFrom.size(); boolean changed = false; if (errorIfSizesDoNotMatch && intoSize != fromSize) { if (DEBUG2) { System.out.println("Bad merging items"); System.out.println("current items: " + mergeInto); System.out.println("jump items: " + mergeFrom); } } else { if (DEBUG2) { if (intoSize != fromSize) { System.out.printf("Bad merging %d items from %d items%n", intoSize, fromSize); System.out.println("current items: " + mergeInto); System.out.println("jump items: " + mergeFrom); } } List<Item> mergeIntoCopy = null; if (DEBUG2) { mergeIntoCopy = new ArrayList<Item>(mergeInto); } int common = Math.min(intoSize, fromSize); for (int i = 0; i < common; i++) { Item oldValue = mergeInto.get(i); Item newValue = mergeFrom.get(i); Item merged = Item.merge(oldValue, newValue); if (merged != null && !merged.equals(oldValue)) { mergeInto.set(i, merged); changed = true; } } /* if (false) for (int i = common; i < fromSize; i++) { Item newValue = mergeFrom.get(i); mergeInto.add(newValue); changed = true; } */ if (DEBUG2 && changed) { System.out.println("Merge results:"); System.out.println("updating: " + mergeIntoCopy); System.out.println(" with: " + mergeFrom); System.out.println(" gives: " + mergeInto); } } return changed; } public void clear() { stack.clear(); lvValues.clear(); } public void printJumpEntries() { for(int i=jumpEntryLocations.nextSetBit(0); i>=0; i=jumpEntryLocations.nextSetBit(i+1)) { List<Item> stack = jumpStackEntries.get(i); List<Item> locals = jumpEntries.get(i); if (stack != null) { System.out.printf("%4d: %s::%s%n", i, stack, locals); } else { System.out.printf("%4d: ::%s%n", i, locals); } } } public static class JumpInfo { final Map<Integer, List<Item>> jumpEntries; final Map<Integer, List<Item>> jumpStackEntries; final BitSet jumpEntryLocations; JumpInfo(Map<Integer, List<Item>> jumpEntries, Map<Integer, List<Item>> jumpStackEntries, BitSet jumpEntryLocations) { this.jumpEntries = jumpEntries; this.jumpStackEntries = jumpStackEntries; this.jumpEntryLocations = jumpEntryLocations; } public int getNextJump(int pc) { return jumpEntryLocations.nextSetBit(pc); } } public static class JumpInfoFactory extends edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.engine.bcel.AnalysisFactory<JumpInfo> { public JumpInfoFactory() { super("Jump info for opcode stack", JumpInfo.class); } @Override public @CheckForNull JumpInfo analyze(IAnalysisCache analysisCache, MethodDescriptor descriptor) throws CheckedAnalysisException { Method method = analysisCache.getMethodAnalysis(Method.class, descriptor); JavaClass jclass = getJavaClass(analysisCache, descriptor.getClassDescriptor()); Code code = method.getCode(); if (code == null) { return null; } JumpStackComputation branchAnalysis = new JumpStackComputation(descriptor); return computeJumpInfo(jclass, method, branchAnalysis); } static class JumpStackComputation extends BytecodeScanningDetector { static final boolean DEBUG1 = false; final MethodDescriptor descriptor; private JumpStackComputation(MethodDescriptor descriptor) { this.descriptor = descriptor; } protected OpcodeStack stack = new OpcodeStack(); public OpcodeStack getStack() { return stack; } @Override public final void visitCode(Code obj) { if (!getMethodDescriptor().equals(descriptor)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (DEBUG1) { System.out.println(descriptor); } stack.resetForMethodEntry0(this); super.visitCode(obj); if (DEBUG1) { System.out.println(); } } @Override public void sawOpcode(int seen) { stack.precomputation(this); if (DEBUG1) { System.out.printf("%4d %-15s %s%n", getPC(), OPCODE_NAMES[seen], stack); } try { stack.sawOpcode(this, seen); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } } } public static @CheckForNull JumpInfo computeJumpInfo(JavaClass jclass, Method method, JumpStackComputation branchAnalysis) { branchAnalysis.setupVisitorForClass(jclass); XMethod createXMethod = XFactory.createXMethod(jclass, method); if (!(createXMethod instanceof MethodInfo)) { return null; } MethodInfo xMethod = (MethodInfo) createXMethod; int iteration = 1; OpcodeStack myStack = branchAnalysis.stack; /* if (false) { myStack.learnFrom(myStack.getJumpInfoFromStackMap()); } */ do { if (DEBUG && iteration > 1 ) { System.out.println("Iterative jump info for " + xMethod +", iteration " + iteration); myStack.printJumpEntries(); System.out.println(); } // myStack.resetForMethodEntry0(ClassName.toSlashedClassName(jclass.getClassName()), method); branchAnalysis.doVisitMethod(method); if (xMethod.hasBackBranch() != myStack.backwardsBranch && !myStack.encountedTop) { AnalysisContext.logError( String.format("For %s, mismatch on existence of backedge: %s for precomputation, %s for bytecode analysis", xMethod, xMethod.hasBackBranch(), myStack.backwardsBranch)); } if (myStack.isJumpInfoChangedByNewTarget()) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("new target found, resetting iteration count"); } iteration = 1; } if (iteration++ > 40) { AnalysisContext.logError("Iterative jump info didn't converge after " + iteration + " iterations in " + xMethod + ", size " + method.getCode().getLength()); break; } } while (myStack.isJumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch() && myStack.backwardsBranch); if (iteration > 20&& iteration <= 40) { AnalysisContext.logError("Iterative jump info converged after " + iteration + " iterations in " + xMethod + ", size " + method.getCode().getLength()); } return new JumpInfo(myStack.jumpEntries, myStack.jumpStackEntries, myStack.jumpEntryLocations); } } public boolean isJumpTarget(int pc) { return jumpEntryLocations.get(pc); } private void addJumpValue(int from, int target) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Set jump entry at " + methodName + ":" + target + " pc to " + stack + " : " + lvValues); } if (from >= target) { backwardsBranch = true; } List<Item> atTarget = jumpEntries.get(Integer.valueOf(target)); if (atTarget == null) { setJumpInfoChangedByBackwardBranch("new target", from, target); setJumpInfoChangedByNewTarget(); jumpEntries.put(Integer.valueOf(target), new ArrayList<Item>(lvValues)); jumpEntryLocations.set(target); if (stack.size() > 0) { jumpStackEntries.put(Integer.valueOf(target), new ArrayList<Item>(stack)); } } else { if (mergeLists(atTarget, lvValues, false)) { setJumpInfoChangedByBackwardBranch("locals", from, target); } List<Item> stackAtTarget = jumpStackEntries.get(Integer.valueOf(target)); if (stack.size() > 0 && stackAtTarget != null) { if (mergeLists(stackAtTarget, stack, false)) { setJumpInfoChangedByBackwardBranch("stack", from, target); } } } } private String methodName; DismantleBytecode v; public void learnFrom(JumpInfo info) { if (info == null) { return; } jumpEntries = new HashMap<Integer, List<Item>>(info.jumpEntries); jumpStackEntries = new HashMap<Integer, List<Item>>(info.jumpStackEntries); jumpEntryLocations = (BitSet) info.jumpEntryLocations.clone(); } public void initialize() { setTop(false); jumpEntries.clear(); jumpStackEntries.clear(); jumpEntryLocations.clear(); encountedTop = false; backwardsBranch = false; lastUpdate.clear(); convertJumpToOneZeroState = convertJumpToZeroOneState = 0; zeroOneComing = -1; registerTestedFoundToBeNonnegative = -1; setReachOnlyByBranch(false); } public int resetForMethodEntry(final DismantleBytecode visitor) { this.v = visitor; initialize(); int result = resetForMethodEntry0(v); Code code = v.getMethod().getCode(); if (code == null) { return result; } JumpInfo jump = null; if (useIterativeAnalysis) { if (visitor instanceof OpcodeStackDetector.WithCustomJumpInfo) { jump = ((OpcodeStackDetector.WithCustomJumpInfo) visitor).customJumpInfo(); } else if ((visitor instanceof OpcodeStackDetector) && !((OpcodeStackDetector)visitor).isUsingCustomUserValue()) { jump = getJumpInfo(); } else { jump = getJumpInfoFromStackMap(); } } else { jump = getJumpInfoFromStackMap(); } learnFrom(jump); return result; } int nullSafeSize(@CheckForNull Collection<?> c) { if (c == null) { return 0; } return c.size(); } private JumpInfo getJumpInfo() { IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); XMethod xMethod = XFactory.createXMethod(v.getThisClass(), v.getMethod()); if (xMethod instanceof MethodInfo) { MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo) xMethod; if (!mi.hasBackBranch()) { return null; } } try { return analysisCache.getMethodAnalysis(JumpInfo.class, xMethod.getMethodDescriptor()); } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Error getting jump information", e); return null; } } private JumpInfoFromStackMap getJumpInfoFromStackMap() { IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); XMethod xMethod = XFactory.createXMethod(v.getThisClass(), v.getMethod()); if (xMethod instanceof MethodInfo) { MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo) xMethod; if (!mi.hasBackBranch()) { return null; } } try { return analysisCache.getMethodAnalysis(JumpInfoFromStackMap.class, xMethod.getMethodDescriptor()); } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Error getting jump information from StackMap", e); return null; } } public void setJumpInfoChangedByBackwardBranch(String kind, int from, int to) { if (from < to) { return ; } if (DEBUG && !this.isJumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch()) { System.out.printf("%s jump info at %d changed by jump from %d%n", kind, to, from); } this.setJumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch(from,to); return ; } private int resetForMethodEntry0(PreorderVisitor visitor) { return resetForMethodEntry0(visitor.getClassName(), visitor.getMethod()); } int resetForMethodEntry0(@SlashedClassName String className, Method m) { methodName = m.getName(); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(" --- "); } String signature = m.getSignature(); stack.clear(); lvValues.clear(); top = false; encountedTop = false; backwardsBranch = false; clearJumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch(); clearJumpInfoChangedByNewTarget(); setReachOnlyByBranch(false); seenTransferOfControl = false; exceptionHandlers.clear(); Code code = m.getCode(); if (code != null) { CodeException[] exceptionTable = code.getExceptionTable(); if (exceptionTable != null) { for (CodeException ex : exceptionTable) { exceptionHandlers.set(ex.getHandlerPC()); } } } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(" --- " + className + " " + m.getName() + " " + signature); } Type[] argTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(signature); int reg = 0; if (!m.isStatic()) { Item it = Item.initialArgument("L" + className + ";", reg); setLVValue(reg, it); reg += it.getSize(); } for (Type argType : argTypes) { Item it = Item.initialArgument(argType.getSignature(), reg); setLVValue(reg, it); reg += it.getSize(); } return reg; } public int getStackDepth() { return stack.size(); } public Item getStackItem(int stackOffset) { if (stackOffset < 0 || stackOffset >= stack.size()) { AnalysisContext.logError("Can't get stack offset " + stackOffset + " from " + stack.toString() + " @ " + v.getPC() + " in " + v.getFullyQualifiedMethodName(), new IllegalArgumentException(stackOffset + " is not a value stack offset")); return new Item("Lfindbugs/OpcodeStackError;"); } int tos = stack.size() - 1; int pos = tos - stackOffset; try { return stack.get(pos); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Requested item at offset " + stackOffset + " in a stack of size " + stack.size() + ", made request for position " + pos); } } private Item pop() { return stack.remove(stack.size() - 1); } public void replace(int stackOffset, Item value) { if (stackOffset < 0 || stackOffset >= stack.size()) { AnalysisContext.logError("Can't get replace stack offset " + stackOffset + " from " + stack.toString() + " @ " + v.getPC() + " in " + v.getFullyQualifiedMethodName(), new IllegalArgumentException(stackOffset + " is not a value stack offset")); } int tos = stack.size() - 1; int pos = tos - stackOffset; stack.set(pos, value); } public void replaceTop(Item newTop) { pop(); push(newTop); } private void pop(int count) { while ((count--) > 0) { pop(); } } private void push(Item i) { stack.add(i); } private void pushByConstant(DismantleBytecode dbc, Constant c) { if (c instanceof ConstantClass) { push(new Item("Ljava/lang/Class;", ((ConstantClass) c).getConstantValue(dbc.getConstantPool()))); } else if (c instanceof ConstantInteger) { push(new Item("I", Integer.valueOf(((ConstantInteger) c).getBytes()))); } else if (c instanceof ConstantString) { int s = ((ConstantString) c).getStringIndex(); push(new Item("Ljava/lang/String;", getStringFromIndex(dbc, s))); } else if (c instanceof ConstantFloat) { push(new Item("F", Float.valueOf(((ConstantFloat) c).getBytes()))); } else if (c instanceof ConstantDouble) { push(new Item("D", Double.valueOf(((ConstantDouble) c).getBytes()))); } else if (c instanceof ConstantLong) { push(new Item("J", Long.valueOf(((ConstantLong) c).getBytes()))); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("StaticConstant type not expected"); } } private void pushByLocalObjectLoad(DismantleBytecode dbc, int register) { Method m = dbc.getMethod(); LocalVariableTable lvt = m.getLocalVariableTable(); if (lvt != null) { LocalVariable lv = LVTHelper.getLocalVariableAtPC(lvt, register, dbc.getPC()); if (lv != null) { String signature = lv.getSignature(); pushByLocalLoad(signature, register); return; } } pushByLocalLoad("Ljava/lang/Object;", register); } private void pushByIntMath(DismantleBytecode dbc, int seen, Item lhs, Item rhs) { Item newValue = new Item("I"); if (lhs == null || rhs == null) { push(newValue); return; } try { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("pushByIntMath " + dbc.getFullyQualifiedMethodName() + " @ " + dbc.getPC() + " : " + lhs + OPCODE_NAMES[seen] + rhs); } if (rhs.getConstant() != null && lhs.getConstant() != null) { int lhsValue = constantToInt(lhs); int rhsValue = constantToInt(rhs); if ((seen == IDIV || seen == IREM) && rhsValue == 0) { push(newValue); return; } switch (seen) { case IADD: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue + rhsValue); break; case ISUB: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue - rhsValue); break; case IMUL: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue * rhsValue); break; case IDIV: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue / rhsValue); break; case IREM: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue % rhsValue); break; case IAND: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue & rhsValue); if ((rhsValue & 0xff) == 0 && rhsValue != 0 || (lhsValue & 0xff) == 0 && lhsValue != 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } break; case IOR: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue | rhsValue); break; case IXOR: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue ^ rhsValue); break; case ISHL: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue << rhsValue); if (rhsValue >= 8) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } break; case ISHR: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue >> rhsValue); break; case IUSHR: newValue = new Item("I", lhsValue >>> rhsValue); } } else if ((seen == ISHL || seen == ISHR || seen == IUSHR)) { if (rhs.getConstant() != null) { int constant = constantToInt(rhs); if ((constant & 0x1f) == 0) { newValue = new Item(lhs); } else if (seen == ISHL && (constant & 0x1f) >= 8) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } } else if (lhs.getConstant() != null) { int constant = constantToInt(lhs); if (constant == 0) { newValue = new Item("I", 0); } } } else if (lhs.getConstant() != null && seen == IAND) { int value = constantToInt(lhs); if (value == 0) { newValue = new Item("I", 0); } else if ((value & 0xff) == 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } else if (value >= 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE); } } else if (rhs.getConstant() != null && seen == IAND) { int value = constantToInt(rhs); if (value == 0) { newValue = new Item("I", 0); } else if ((value & 0xff) == 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } else if (value >= 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE); } } else if (seen == IAND && lhs.getSpecialKind() == Item.ZERO_MEANS_NULL) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.ZERO_MEANS_NULL); newValue.setPC(lhs.getPC()); } else if (seen == IAND && rhs.getSpecialKind() == Item.ZERO_MEANS_NULL) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.ZERO_MEANS_NULL); newValue.setPC(rhs.getPC()); } else if (seen == IOR && lhs.getSpecialKind() == Item.NONZERO_MEANS_NULL) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.NONZERO_MEANS_NULL); newValue.setPC(lhs.getPC()); } else if (seen == IOR && rhs.getSpecialKind() == Item.NONZERO_MEANS_NULL) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.NONZERO_MEANS_NULL); newValue.setPC(rhs.getPC()); } } catch (ArithmeticException e) { assert true; // ignore it } catch (RuntimeException e) { String msg = "Error processing2 " + lhs + OPCODE_NAMES[seen] + rhs + " @ " + dbc.getPC() + " in " + dbc.getFullyQualifiedMethodName(); AnalysisContext.logError(msg, e); } if (lhs.getSpecialKind() == Item.INTEGER_SUM && rhs.getConstant() != null) { int rhsValue = constantToInt(rhs); if (seen == IDIV && rhsValue == 2 || seen == ISHR && rhsValue == 1) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.AVERAGE_COMPUTED_USING_DIVISION); } } if (seen == IADD && newValue.getSpecialKind() == Item.NOT_SPECIAL && lhs.getConstant() == null && rhs.getConstant() == null) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.INTEGER_SUM); } if (seen == IREM && lhs.getSpecialKind() == Item.HASHCODE_INT) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.HASHCODE_INT_REMAINDER); } if (seen == IREM && lhs.getSpecialKind() == Item.RANDOM_INT) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.RANDOM_INT_REMAINDER); } if (seen == IREM && lhs.checkForIntegerMinValue()) { if (rhs.getConstant() != null) { int rhsValue = constantToInt(rhs); if (!Util.isPowerOfTwo(rhsValue)) { newValue.setSpecialKind(lhs.getSpecialKindForRemainder()); } } else { newValue.setSpecialKind(lhs.getSpecialKindForRemainder()); } } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("push: " + newValue); } newValue.setPC(dbc.getPC()); push(newValue); } private void pushByLongMath(int seen, Item lhs, Item rhs) { Item newValue = new Item("J"); try { if ((rhs.getConstant() != null) && lhs.getConstant() != null) { long lhsValue = constantToLong(lhs); if (seen == LSHL) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue << constantToInt(rhs))); if (constantToInt(rhs) >= 8) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } } else if (seen == LSHR) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue >> constantToInt(rhs))); } else if (seen == LUSHR) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue >>> constantToInt(rhs))); } else { long rhsValue = constantToLong(rhs); if (seen == LADD) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue + rhsValue)); } else if (seen == LSUB) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue - rhsValue)); } else if (seen == LMUL) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue * rhsValue)); } else if (seen == LDIV) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue / rhsValue)); } else if (seen == LAND) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue & rhsValue)); if ((rhsValue & 0xff) == 0 && rhsValue != 0 || (lhsValue & 0xff) == 0 && lhsValue != 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } } else if (seen == LOR) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue | rhsValue)); } else if (seen == LXOR) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue ^ rhsValue)); } else if (seen == LREM) { newValue = new Item("J", Long.valueOf(lhsValue % rhsValue)); } } } else if (rhs.getConstant() != null && seen == LSHL && constantToInt(rhs) >= 8) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } else if (lhs.getConstant() != null && seen == LAND && (constantToLong(lhs) & 0xff) == 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } else if (rhs.getConstant() != null && seen == LAND && (constantToLong(rhs) & 0xff) == 0) { newValue.setSpecialKind(Item.LOW_8_BITS_CLEAR); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // ignore it } push(newValue); } private void pushByFloatMath(int seen, Item it, Item it2) { Item result; @SpecialKind int specialKind = Item.FLOAT_MATH; if ((it.getConstant() instanceof Float) && it2.getConstant() instanceof Float) { if (seen == FADD) { result = new Item("F", Float.valueOf(constantToFloat(it2) + constantToFloat(it))); } else if (seen == FSUB) { result = new Item("F", Float.valueOf(constantToFloat(it2) - constantToFloat(it))); } else if (seen == FMUL) { result = new Item("F", Float.valueOf(constantToFloat(it2) * constantToFloat(it))); } else if (seen == FDIV) { result = new Item("F", Float.valueOf(constantToFloat(it2) / constantToFloat(it))); } else if (seen == FREM) { result = new Item("F", Float.valueOf(constantToFloat(it2) % constantToFloat(it))); } else { result = new Item("F"); } } else { result = new Item("F"); if (seen == DDIV) { specialKind = Item.NASTY_FLOAT_MATH; } } result.setSpecialKind(specialKind); push(result); } private void pushByDoubleMath(int seen, Item it, Item it2) { Item result; @SpecialKind int specialKind = Item.FLOAT_MATH; if ((it.getConstant() instanceof Double) && it2.getConstant() instanceof Double) { if (seen == DADD) { result = new Item("D", Double.valueOf(constantToDouble(it2) + constantToDouble(it))); } else if (seen == DSUB) { result = new Item("D", Double.valueOf(constantToDouble(it2) - constantToDouble(it))); } else if (seen == DMUL) { result = new Item("D", Double.valueOf(constantToDouble(it2) * constantToDouble(it))); } else if (seen == DDIV) { result = new Item("D", Double.valueOf(constantToDouble(it2) / constantToDouble(it))); } else if (seen == DREM) { result = new Item("D", Double.valueOf(constantToDouble(it2) % constantToDouble(it))); } else { result = new Item("D"); // ? } } else { result = new Item("D"); if (seen == DDIV) { specialKind = Item.NASTY_FLOAT_MATH; } } result.setSpecialKind(specialKind); push(result); } private void pushByInvoke(DismantleBytecode dbc, boolean popThis) { String signature = dbc.getSigConstantOperand(); if ("<init>".equals(dbc.getNameConstantOperand()) && signature.endsWith(")V") && popThis) { pop(PreorderVisitor.getNumberArguments(signature)); Item constructed = pop(); if (getStackDepth() > 0) { Item next = getStackItem(0); if (constructed.equals(next)) { next = new Item(next); next.source = XFactory.createReferencedXMethod(dbc); next.pc = dbc.getPC(); replace(0, next); } } return; } pop(PreorderVisitor.getNumberArguments(signature) + (popThis ? 1 : 0)); pushBySignature(new SignatureParser(signature).getReturnTypeSignature(), dbc); } public Item getItemMethodInvokedOn(DismantleBytecode dbc) { int opcode = dbc.getOpcode(); switch (opcode) { case INVOKEVIRTUAL: case INVOKEINTERFACE: case INVOKESPECIAL: String signature = dbc.getSigConstantOperand(); int stackOffset = PreorderVisitor.getNumberArguments(signature); return getStackItem(stackOffset); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not visiting an instance method call"); } private String getStringFromIndex(DismantleBytecode dbc, int i) { ConstantUtf8 name = (ConstantUtf8) dbc.getConstantPool().getConstant(i); return name.getBytes(); } private void pushBySignature(String s, DismantleBytecode dbc) { if ("V".equals(s)) { return; } Item item = new Item(s, (Object) null); if (dbc != null) { item.setPC(dbc.getPC()); } if ("B".equals(s)) { item.setSpecialKind(Item.SIGNED_BYTE); } else if ("C".equals(s)) { item.setSpecialKind(Item.NON_NEGATIVE); } push(item); } private void pushByLocalStore(int register) { Item it = new Item(pop()); if (it.getRegisterNumber() != register) { clearRegisterLoad(lvValues, register); clearRegisterLoad(stack, register); } if (it.registerNumber == -1) { it.registerNumber = register; } setLVValue(register, it); } private static void clearRegisterLoad(List<Item> list, int register) { for (int pos=0; pos<list.size(); pos++) { Item i = list.get(pos); if(i != null && (i.registerNumber == register || i.fieldLoadedFromRegister == register)) { i = new Item(i); if (i.registerNumber == register) { i.registerNumber = -1; } if (i.fieldLoadedFromRegister == register) { i.fieldLoadedFromRegister = -1; } list.set(pos, i); } } } private void pushByLocalLoad(String signature, int register) { Item oldItem = new Item(getLVValue(register)); Item newItem = oldItem; if ("Ljava/lang/Object;".equals(newItem.signature) && !"Ljava/lang/Object;".equals(signature)) { newItem = new Item(oldItem); newItem.signature = signature; } if (newItem.getRegisterNumber() < 0) { if (newItem == oldItem) { newItem = new Item(oldItem); } newItem.registerNumber = register; } push(newItem); } private void setLVValue(int index, Item value) { int addCount = index - lvValues.size() + 1; while ((addCount--) > 0) { lvValues.add(null); } if (!useIterativeAnalysis && seenTransferOfControl) { value = Item.merge(value, lvValues.get(index)); } lvValues.set(index, value); } @Nonnull public Item getLVValue(int index) { if (index >= lvValues.size()) { return new Item(); } Item item = lvValues.get(index); if (item != null) { return item; } return new Item(); } public int getNumLocalValues() { return lvValues.size(); } private void setTop(boolean top) { if (top) { if (!this.top) { this.top = true; } } else if (this.top) { this.top = false; } } public boolean isTop() { if (top) { return true; } return false; } void setReachOnlyByBranch(boolean reachOnlyByBranch) { if (reachOnlyByBranch) { setTop(true); } this.reachOnlyByBranch = reachOnlyByBranch; } boolean isReachOnlyByBranch() { return reachOnlyByBranch; } boolean isJumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch() { return jumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch; } void clearJumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch() { this.jumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch = false; } void setJumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch(int from, int to) { this.jumpInfoChangedByBackwardsBranch = true; }
Returns:Returns the jumpInfoChangedByNewTarget.
/** * @return Returns the jumpInfoChangedByNewTarget. */
protected boolean isJumpInfoChangedByNewTarget() { return jumpInfoChangedByNewTarget; } void clearJumpInfoChangedByNewTarget() { this.jumpInfoChangedByNewTarget = false; } protected void setJumpInfoChangedByNewTarget() { this.jumpInfoChangedByNewTarget = true; } }