 * FindBugs - Find Bugs in Java programs
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 University of Maryland
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package edu.umd.cs.findbugs;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.AnalysisContext;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.charsets.UTF8;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.Global;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.util.Util;

Bug rankers are used to compute a bug rank for each bug instance. Bug ranks 1-20 are for bugs that are visible to users. Bug rank 1 is more the most relevant/scary bugs. A bug rank greater than 20 is for issues that should not be shown to users. The following bug rankers may exist:
  • core bug ranker (loaded from etc/bugrank.txt)
  • a bug ranker for each plugin (loaded from /etc/bugrank.txt)
  • A global adjustment ranker (loaded from plugins/adjustBugrank.txt)
A bug ranker is comprised of a list of bug patterns, bug kinds and bug categories. For each, either an absolute or relative bug rank is provided. A relative rank is one preceeded by a + or -. For core bug detectors, the bug ranker search order is:
  • global adjustment bug ranker
  • core bug ranker
For third party plugins, the bug ranker search order is:
  • global adjustment bug ranker
  • plugin adjustment bug ranker
  • core bug ranker
The overall search order is
  • Bug patterns, in search order across bug rankers
  • Bug kinds, in search order across bug rankers
  • Bug categories, in search order across bug rankers
Search stops at the first absolute bug rank found, and the result is the sum of all of relative bug ranks plus the final absolute bug rank. Since all bug categories are defined by the core bug ranker, we should always find an absolute bug rank.
Author:Bill Pugh
See Also:
/** * Bug rankers are used to compute a bug rank for each bug instance. Bug ranks * 1-20 are for bugs that are visible to users. Bug rank 1 is more the most * relevant/scary bugs. A bug rank greater than 20 is for issues that should not * be shown to users. * * * The following bug rankers may exist: * <ul> * <li>core bug ranker (loaded from etc/bugrank.txt) * <li>a bug ranker for each plugin (loaded from <plugin>/etc/bugrank.txt) * <li>A global adjustment ranker (loaded from plugins/adjustBugrank.txt) * </ul> * * A bug ranker is comprised of a list of bug patterns, bug kinds and bug * categories. For each, either an absolute or relative bug rank is provided. A * relative rank is one preceeded by a + or -. * * For core bug detectors, the bug ranker search order is: * <ul> * <li>global adjustment bug ranker * <li>core bug ranker * </ul> * * For third party plugins, the bug ranker search order is: * <ul> * <li>global adjustment bug ranker * <li>plugin adjustment bug ranker * <li>core bug ranker * </ul> * * The overall search order is * <ul> * <li>Bug patterns, in search order across bug rankers * <li>Bug kinds, in search order across bug rankers * <li>Bug categories, in search order across bug rankers * </ul> * * Search stops at the first absolute bug rank found, and the result is the sum * of all of relative bug ranks plus the final absolute bug rank. Since all bug * categories are defined by the core bug ranker, we should always find an * absolute bug rank. * * @see BugRankCategory * @see Priorities * @see edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Confidence * * @author Bill Pugh */
public class BugRanker {
Maximum value for user visible ranks (least relevant)
/** Maximum value for user visible ranks (least relevant) */
public static final int VISIBLE_RANK_MAX = 20;
Minimum value for user visible ranks (most relevant)
/** Minimum value for user visible ranks (most relevant) */
public static final int VISIBLE_RANK_MIN = 1; static final boolean PLUGIN_DEBUG = Boolean.getBoolean("bugranker.plugin.debug"); static class Scorer { private final HashMap<String, Integer> adjustment = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private final HashSet<String> isRelative = new HashSet<String>(); int get(String key) { Integer v = adjustment.get(key); if (v == null) { return 0; } return v; } boolean isRelative(String key) { return !adjustment.containsKey(key) || isRelative.contains(key); } void storeAdjustment(String key, String value) { for (String k : key.split(",")) { char firstChar = value.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '+') { value = value.substring(1); } int v = Integer.parseInt(value); adjustment.put(k, v); if (firstChar == '+' || firstChar == '-') { isRelative.add(k); } } } }
  • u – may be null. In this case, a default value will be used for all bugs
/** * @param u * may be null. In this case, a default value will be used for * all bugs * @throws IOException */
BugRanker(@CheckForNull URL u) throws IOException { if (u == null) { return; } BufferedReader in = UTF8.bufferedReader(u.openStream()); try { while (true) { String s = in.readLine(); if (s == null) { break; } s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) { continue; } String parts[] = s.split(" "); if (parts.length != 3) { AnalysisContext.logError("Can't parse bug rank line: '" + s + "'. " + "Valid line must contain 3 parts separated by spaces."); continue; } String rank = parts[0]; String kind = parts[1]; String what = parts[2]; if ("BugPattern".equals(kind)) { bugPatterns.storeAdjustment(what, rank); } else if ("BugKind".equals(kind)) { bugKinds.storeAdjustment(what, rank); } else if ("Category".equals(kind)) { bugCategories.storeAdjustment(what, rank); } else { AnalysisContext.logError("Can't parse rank kind from line: '" + s + "'. " + "Valid kind must be either 'BugPattern', 'BugKind' or 'Category'."); } } } finally { Util.closeSilently(in); } } private final Scorer bugPatterns = new Scorer(); private final Scorer bugKinds = new Scorer(); private final Scorer bugCategories = new Scorer(); /** * */ public static final String FILENAME = "bugrank.txt"; public static final String ADJUST_FILENAME = "adjustBugrank.txt"; private static int priorityAdjustment(int priority) { switch (priority) { case Priorities.HIGH_PRIORITY: return 0; case Priorities.NORMAL_PRIORITY: return 2; case Priorities.LOW_PRIORITY: return 5; default: return 10; } } private static int adjustRank(int patternRank, int priority) { int priorityAdjustment = priorityAdjustment(priority); if (patternRank > VISIBLE_RANK_MAX) { return patternRank + priorityAdjustment; } return Math.max(VISIBLE_RANK_MIN, Math.min(patternRank + priorityAdjustment, VISIBLE_RANK_MAX)); } private static int rankBugPattern(BugPattern bugPattern, BugRanker... rankers) { String type = bugPattern.getType(); int rank = 0; for (BugRanker b : rankers) { if (b != null) { rank += b.bugPatterns.get(type); if (!b.bugPatterns.isRelative(type)) { return rank; } } } String kind = bugPattern.getAbbrev(); for (BugRanker b : rankers) { if (b != null) { rank += b.bugKinds.get(kind); if (!b.bugKinds.isRelative(kind)) { return rank; } } } String category = bugPattern.getCategory(); for (BugRanker b : rankers) { if (b != null) { rank += b.bugCategories.get(category); if (!b.bugCategories.isRelative(category)) { return rank; } } } return rank; } private static BugRanker getCoreRanker() { Plugin corePlugin = PluginLoader.getCorePluginLoader().getPlugin(); return corePlugin.getBugRanker(); } public static int findRank(BugInstance bug) { int patternRank = findRank(bug.getBugPattern(), bug.getDetectorFactory()); return adjustRank(patternRank, bug.getPriority()); } public static int findRank(BugPattern bugPattern, int priority) { int patternRank = findRank(bugPattern, null); return adjustRank(patternRank, priority); } private static AnalysisLocal<HashMap<BugPattern, Integer>> rankForBugPattern = new AnalysisLocal<HashMap<BugPattern, Integer>>() { @Override protected HashMap<BugPattern, Integer> initialValue() { return new HashMap<BugPattern, Integer>(); } }; public static int findRank(BugPattern pattern, @CheckForNull DetectorFactory detectorFactory) { boolean haveCache = Global.getAnalysisCache() != null; if (haveCache) { Integer cachedResult = rankForBugPattern.get().get(pattern); if (cachedResult != null) { return cachedResult; } } int rank; if (detectorFactory == null) { rank = findRankUnknownPlugin(pattern); } else { Plugin plugin = detectorFactory.getPlugin(); BugRanker pluginRanker = plugin.getBugRanker(); BugRanker coreRanker = getCoreRanker(); if (pluginRanker == coreRanker) { rank = rankBugPattern(pattern, coreRanker); } else { rank = rankBugPattern(pattern, pluginRanker, coreRanker); } } if (haveCache) { rankForBugPattern.get().put(pattern, rank); } return rank; } private static int findRankUnknownPlugin(BugPattern pattern) { List<BugRanker> rankers = new ArrayList<BugRanker>(); pluginLoop: for (Plugin plugin : Plugin.getAllPlugins()) { if (plugin.isCorePlugin()) { continue; } if (false) { rankers.add(plugin.getBugRanker()); continue pluginLoop; } for (DetectorFactory df : plugin.getDetectorFactories()) { if (df.getReportedBugPatterns().contains(pattern)) { if (PLUGIN_DEBUG) { System.out.println("Bug rank match " + plugin + " " + df + " for " + pattern); } rankers.add(plugin.getBugRanker()); continue pluginLoop; } } if (PLUGIN_DEBUG) { System.out.println("plugin " + plugin + " doesn't match " + pattern); } } rankers.add(getCoreRanker()); return rankBugPattern(pattern, rankers.toArray(new BugRanker[rankers.size()])); } public static void trimToMaxRank(BugCollection origCollection, int maxRank) { for (Iterator<BugInstance> i = origCollection.getCollection().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BugInstance b = i.next(); if (BugRanker.findRank(b) > maxRank) { i.remove(); } } } }